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Strain X4 was isolated several years ago from an anaerobic mesophilic plant treating vegetable cannery waste waters. It was the first example of propionic fermentation from ethanol. Morphologic and physiologic characterizations of the strain are presented here. This strain is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium neopropionicum sp. nov. Whole cells of strain X4 ferment [1-13C]ethanol and CO2 to [2-13C]propionate, [1-13C]acetate and [2-13C]propanol, suggesting the absence of a randomizing pathway during the propionate formation. Enzymes involved in this fermentation were assayed in cell-free extracts of cells grown with ethanol as sole substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphate acetyl transferase, acetate kinase, pyruvate synthase, lactate dehydrogenases, and the enzymes of the acrylate pathway were detected at activities sufficient to be involved in ethanol fermentation. The same pathway may be used for the degradation of lactate or acrylate to acetate.  相似文献   
Abstract Pseudomonas sp. strain RW611 utilized the ammonium salt of 2-sulfobenzoate as sole source of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and energy. The xenobiotic sulfo substituent was dioxygenolytically eliminated as sulfite, which was then slowly oxidized to sulfate. 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoate, which resulted from desulfonation underwent meta -cleavage, mediated by 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase activity. This enzyme was inhibited by 3-chlorocatechol and 2,3,4-trihydroxybenzoate.  相似文献   
Many N2-fixing organisms can turn off nitrogenase activity in the presence of NH4 + and turn it on again when the NH4 + is exhausted. One of the most interesting systems for accomplishing this is by covalent modification of one subunit of dinitrogenase reductase by dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT). The system can be reactivated when NH4 + is exhausted, by dinitrogenase reductase activating glycohydrolase (DRAG) which removes the inactivating group. It is fascinating that some species of the genusAzospirillum possess the DRAT and DRAG systems (A. lipoferum andA. brasilense), whereasA. amazonense in the same genus lacks DRAT and DRAG.A. amazonense responds to NH4 + but does not exhibit modification of dinitrogenase reductase characteristic of the action of DRAT. However, it has been possible to clone DRAT and DRAG and to introduce them intoA. amazonense, whereupon they become functional in this organism. The DRAT and DRAG system does not appear to function inAcetobacter diazotrophicus, an organism isolated from sugar cane, that fixes N2 at a pH as low as 3.0.A. diazotrophicus does show a rather sluggish response to NH4 +. A level of about 10 M NH4 + is required to switch off the system. The response to NH4 + is influenced by the dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC) as has been reported forAzospirillum sp. A DOC in equilibrium with 0.1 to 0.2 kPa O2 seems optimal for the response inA. diazotrophicus.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences of the plastid 16S rDNA of the multicellular red alga Antithamnion sp. and the 16S rDNA/23S rDNA intergenic spacers of the plastid DNAs of the unicellular red alga Cyanidium caldarium and of Antithamnion sp. were determined. Sequence comparisons support the idea of a polyphyletic origin of the red algal and the higher-plant chloroplasts. Both spacer regions include the unsplit tRNAIle (GAU) and tRNAAla (UGC) genes and so the plastids of both algae form a homogeneous group with those of chromophytic algae and Cyanophora paradoxa characterized by small-sized rDNA spacers in contrast to green algae and higher plants. Nevertheless, remarkable sequence differences within the rRNA and the tRNA genes give the plastids of Cyanidium caldarium a rather isolated position.  相似文献   
Plasmid pSI30 was constructed to increase the sensitivity of detection of a genetically engineered micro-organism (GEM) and its recombinant DNA in environmental samples. This broad host-range, mobilizable plasmid contained chlorocatechol (clc) degradative genes, antibiotic resistance genes (ampicillin and kanamycin) and a fragment of eukaryotic DNA. The clc genes encode enzymes that convert 3-chlorocatechol to maleylacetic acid permitting the host, Pseudomonas putida RC-4, to grow on 3-chlorobenzoate. This catabolic phenotype was exploited using enrichment procedures to detect RC-4(pSI30) cells, free-living in the water column or when irreversibly bound to surfaces. The eukaryotic DNA sequence provided a unique target allowing positive identification by DNA:DNA hybridization. Using the eukaryotic DNA sequence as a probe, no transfer of the plasmid to indigenous bacteria was detected. Persistence of RC-4(pSI30) and its ability to multiply upon addition of 3-chlorobenzoate were demonstrated 78 days after its addition to natural freshwater. In flow-through microcosms RC-4(pSI30), undetectable as free-living cells, was found by enrichment as irreversibly bound sessile forms. These experiments revealed the stability of pSI30 and its utility in a 'combination' detection system for tracking the survival of a GEM and its DNA in environmental samples.  相似文献   
Abstract: Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was assayed in vegetative cells, heterocysts and akinetes of Anabaena cylindrica Lemm. The iron-containing isoenzyme (Fe-SOD) was in all cases predominant over the manganese-containing isoenzyme (Mn-SOD). Differentiated cells maintained the same relative content of the two enzymes as in vegetative cells. However, heterocysts and akinetes contained only 20 and 35%, respectively, of the total SOD activity present in vegetative cells.
Both Mn-SOD and Fe-SOD activities increased in all types of cells isolated from A. cylindrica grown at high light intensity. The increase of SOD in heterocysts paralleled that of nitrogenase, suggesting a role of SOD in the protection mechanism of nitrogenase.  相似文献   
Abstract A workshop organized by the Ibero-American Project of Biotechnology evaluated the diagnostic potential of several cloned Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens for Chagas' disease serodiagnosis. A set of recombinants, Antigen 2, Antigen 13, SAPA, H49, A13, JL5, JL7, JL8, JL9, and RA1 provided by three different South American laboratories were probed with a panel of 236 South American serum samples. Antigens JL7, H49, Antigen 2, and A13 scored as the best diagnostic recombinant reagents. The results suggested that the main advantage of using cloned peptides for chronic Chagas' disease diagnosis resided in their highly specific immunoreactive properties.  相似文献   
Tannin-rich extracts were painted on leaves of Q. emoryi (Fagaceae) that contained first instar larvae of a leaf miner, Cameraria sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Agrifoliella group), to test the role of tannins in increasing parasitism, while controlling for changes in protein content and physical damage. Miners from leaves that were treated with tannins had higher rates of parasitism by hymenopterans, but decreased mortality from other causes. The negative and positive effects of tannins balanced since overall larval survivorship was equivalent for leaf miners on tannin-enriched and control leaves. The tannin-rich extract also affected larval development because pupal weight was decreased for leaf miners in treated leaves. Tannins can have both adverse and beneficial effects on these phytophagous insects.
Résumé Des extraits riches en tanins ont été étalés sur des feuilles de Quercus emoryi contenant des chenilles de ler stade de Cameraria sp., pour contrôler l'influence du tanin dans l'accroissement du parasitisme sans modifier la teneur en protéines ni provoquer de dommages physiques. Les mineuses de feuilles traitées avaient des taux plus élevés de parasitisme par les hyménoptères, mais une diminution des autres causes de mortalité. Les effets négatifs et positifs des tanins se sont équilibrés, puisque la survie des mineuses était la même pour les feuilles traitées que pour les témoins. Les extraits riches en tanin ont agi sur le développement larvaire puisque le poids des chrysalides des mineuses de feuilles traitées était plus faible. Les tanins peuvent ainsi avoir des effets nuisibles et bénéfiques sur ces insectes phytophages.
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