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J. P. Hill  R. L. Malmberg 《Planta》1991,185(4):472-478
The growth of vegetative and reproductive shoots of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi is analyzed with the plastochron index to estimate the relationship between corolla growth and time. The plastochron of leaves 9 through 20 declines steadily at each successive node. The flower plastochron increases steadily during the growth of an individual cyme, with the most distal flower to open having the longest plastochron. Variation in the flower plastochron is the result of variation in the rate of flower initiation, not the growth rate of individual flowers. The corolla has an extended phase of approximately constant relative growth in length (between 0.2 · d–1 and 0.3 · d–1) until a peak of growth (0.5 · d–1) 2–3 d before anthesis. Corollas also have periodic peaks and troughs of growth that are low in amplitude (0.1 · d–1), but persist throughout most of corolla development. The pattern of corolla expansion contrasts strongly with earlier reports of the pattern of tobacco leaf growth.Abbreviations PI plastochron index - PR plastochron ratio - RGR relative growth rate in length The authors thank: Drs. T. Sage and E.G. Williams for the considerable time and space they invested; the members of Dr. R. Wyatt's laboratory for allowing us to use their computer facilities; A. Tull and M. Smith for their care taken in the green-house. This research was supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture grant GAM-89-01056 and by National Science Foundation grant DCB-87-15799.  相似文献   
Significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate has been reported in grain sorghum [Sorghum biocolor (L.) Moench]. The relationships between leaf photosynthetic rates and total biomass production and grain yield remain to be established and formed the purpose of this experiment. Twenty two grain sorghum parent lines were tested in the field during the 1988 growing season under well-watered and water-limited conditions. Net carbon assimilation rates were measured at mid-day during the 30 day period from panicle initiation to head exertion on upper-most fully expanded leaves using a portable photosynthesis system (LI-6200). Total biomass and grain production were determined at physiological maturity. The lines exhibited significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate, total biomass production and grain yield. Significant positive correlations existed between leaf photosynthesis and total biomass and grain production under both well-watered and water-limited conditions. The results suggest that leaf photosynthetic rate measured prior to flowering is a good indicator of productivity in grain sorghum.  相似文献   
The effect of low muscle temperature on the response to dynamic exercise was studied in six healthy men who performed 42 min of exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 70% of their maximal O2 uptake. Experiments were performed under control conditions, i.e. from rest at room temperature, and following 45 min standing with legs immersed in a water bath at 12 degrees C. The water bath reduced quadriceps muscle temperature (at 3 cm depth) from 36.4 (SD 0.5) degrees C to 30.5 (SD 1.7) degrees C. Following cooling, exercise heart rate was initially lower, the mean difference ranged from 13 (SD 4) beats.min-1 after 6 min of exercise, to 4 (SD 2) beats.min-1 after 24 min of exercise. Steady-state oxygen uptake was consistently higher (0.2 l.min-1). However, no difference could be discerned in the kinetics of oxygen uptake at the onset of exercise. During exercise after cooling a significantly higher peak value was found for the blood lactate concentration compared to that under control conditions. The peak values were both reached after approximately 9 min of exercise. After 42 min of exercise the blood lactate concentrations did not differ significantly, indicating a faster rate of removal during exercise after cooling. We interpreted these observations as reflecting a relatively higher level of muscle hypoxia at the onset of exercise as a consequence of a cold-induced vasoconstriction. The elevated steady-state oxygen uptake may in part have been accounted for by the energetic costs of removal of the extra lactate released into the blood consequent upon initial tissue hypoxia.  相似文献   
Abstract The process of colony formation by bacteria from grassland soil sampled in April, July and September was simulated by a colony-forming curve (CFC). The CFC was a super-imposition of several component curves (cCFC) given theoretically by the first order reaction (FOR) model [3,6]. The pattern of FOR model curves was not influenced by the time of sampling and four cCFCs were always recognized during an incubation period of 160 h. It was considered that the CFC describes an inherent property of the bacterial population of the field. Bacterial isolates were obtained from colonies produced in each of four cCFCs on agar plates. Isolates corresponding to one cCFC were classified as one group. The bacterial isolates were characterized by morphological and physiological tests and subsequently clustered. Few oligotrophic bacteria were obtained among bacteria which produced visible colonies within 63 h of incubation time. On the other hand, approx. 50% of bacteria which produced v colonies after 63 h were oligotrophic bacteria. The time required for the appearance of the first colony, t r of the FOR model, was very similar in the isolates belonging to one group. A close linear relationship was observed between t r value and doubling time of isolates.  相似文献   
Abstract Predation rates of flagellate and ciliate protozoa on the bacterioplankton of Butrón River (Spain) were determined from FLB (fluorescently labelled bacteria) uptake rates. Bacterial and ciliate protozoa counts were higher when higher water temperature was recorded. Flagellate counts did not show this pattern, which suggested predation of flagellates by other organisms, or some other different nutritional mode besides phagotrophy. Average individual ciliate predation rates were up to 40-times higher than those of flagellates. These results were compared with similar data obtained from other authors in several aquatic systems. However, the population predation rates of flagellate protozoa were on average 6-times higher than that of ciliate protozoa, due to the low population numbers of the latter. Thus, flagellate protozoa can be considered as more important bacterial consumers than ciliates in this aquatic system.  相似文献   
根田鼠静止代谢率特征的研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
通过实地测定分布于青海高原的根田鼠的RMR,发现其RMR水平明显高于与其体重相似的其它田鼠,而平均最小热传导值并不比后者低,说明可能是以保持高的RMR水平来适应高原寒冷气候的。同时发现,根田鼠以化学体温调节为主,以适应高原气温较大的波动。  相似文献   
The photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Ceratophyllum demersum L. were investigated under laboratory conditions which simulated those encountered in the plants' normal environment. The carbon fixation rate of C. demersum measured with 14C at light and carbon saturation at pH 8.0 was 4.48 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. It was lower at pH 6.5 than at pH 8.0. The light use efficiencies in quiescent plants and actively growing plants were 6.3 and 8.7 × 10−9 kg CO2 J−1, respectively, with corresponding maximum photosynthetic rates of 2.67 and 4.36 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. Photorespiration in actively growing plants consumed 24% of the carbon fixed. Incubation with DCMU demonstrated that about one-third was refixed. The optimum temperature for carbon fixation was 25°C. The C3-photosynthetic pathway was the main operational route as indicated by the early photosynthetic products (largely C3-acids) and the absence of Krantz anatomy and the chlorophyll a:b ratio (2.7). The maximum relative growth rates ranged from 0.025 to 0.041 g ash-free dry weight (g ash-free dry weight)−1 day−1 in the field (Lake Vechten, 1 to 3 m depth classes).  相似文献   
Analysis of total nitrogen, chlorophyll content, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and net photosynthesis rate was carried out on the leaves that support the developing pods in pigeon pea [ Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cv. Prabhat] at several stages during pod filling. A continuous loss in all the above-mentioned parameters was observed during the course of pod development. When no pods were allowed to develop by continuous flower removal treatment, there was a considerable delay in loss of all these metabolic parameters. Excision of pods after their mid-development resulted not only in no further loss, but also in a significant recovery both of total nitrogen and of other investigated characteristics.  相似文献   
The fecundity, reproductive rates, and adult survival of Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) parasitizing second and third instar nymphs of the sowthistle aphid, Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were measured at six different host densities under constant laboratory conditions. At host densities of less than 50 aphids per flowering shoot per female per day, oviposition constraints resulting from the lack of hosts reduced the number of eggs laid, enhanced the extent of superparasitization and, as a result, effectively lowered the fecundity and reproductive rates of the parasites. Above this host density the parasites laid on average 220–230 eggs, but the effective fecundity and reproductive rates continued to increase with the host density. By contrast, the survivorship of the parasites seemed unaffected by host density, with an average adult life span of 4–5 days at all densities. Analysis of the data showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of the parasite varied with the host density and could reach values higher than that of the host under identical conditions. The response of rm to changes in host density and parasite sex ratio is illustrated.Overall, A. sonchi showed a typical convex functional response, to host density. However, the response showed obvious changes through the parasite's adult life and, furthermore, the rates of changes were not consistent at all host densities. The frequency distributions of parasite eggs were generally indistinguishable from random, and the number of hosts parasitized were predicted satisfactorily by the random oviposition equation.
Résumé L'étude a porté sure l'influence de 6 densités différentes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), en conditions constantes de laboratoire, sur la fécondité, le taux de reproduction et la survie des adultes d'Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hym. Aphidiidae, parasite des larves de 2e et 3e stades. A des densités inférieures à 50 pucerons par tige fleurie de Sonchus oleraceus L, par femelle et par jour, la limitation de la ponte due à l'absence d'hôtes a réduit le nombre d'oeufs émis, élevé le taux de superparasitisme et, en conséquence, diminué la fécondité et le taux de reproduction des parasites. Aux densités d'hôtes supérieures, les parasites ont pondu, en moyenne, 220 à 230 oeufs, mais la fécondité réelle et les taux de reproduction ont continué à augmenter avec la densité des pucerons. Par contre, la longévité des parasites n'a pas été affectée par la densité des hôtes, avec une durée moyenne de vie de 4 à 6 jours. L'analyse des données a montré que le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque (rm) du parasite a changé avec la densité des hôtes, et pourrait atteindre des valeurs supérieures à celles de l'ôte sous des conditions identiques. Les réponses de rm aux changements de densité des hôtes et au taux sexuel du parasite sont expliquées.Globalement, A. sonchi a présenté une réponse fonctionnelle convexe typique à la densité des hôtes. Cependant, cette réponse a changé au cours de la vie des images et, de plus, les taux de changement ne sont pas logiques à toutes les densités d'hôtes La fréquence de distribution des oeufs n'est généralement pas séparable d'une distribution au hasard, et le nombre d'hôtes parasites peut être prédit d'une façon satisfaisante en utilisant une équation de ponte au hasard.
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