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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants have been wounded to induce the accumulation of proteinase-inhibitor proteins (PI proteins) at the local site of injury and systemically in unwounded tissues. To determine the range of genes affected in the wound-response, polysomal mRNA has been isolated from the damaged leaves and from systemically responding leaves over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after wounding. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicate that the events that occur at the local wound-site are different from those that occur systemically, both with respect to the number of genes that are regulated and the timing of their regulation. In order to compare the effects of wounding and an endogenous systemic signal generated at the wound-site with those of elicitor (proteinase-inhibitor-inducing factor, PIIF) treatment of excised plants, polysomal mRNA has also been isolated from leaves of plants over a time-course of 2, 4, 10 and 24 h after PIIF-treatment. Changes in the pattern of 35S-translation products indicates that the events induced by PIIF resemble those induced by mechanical injury, rather than those induced by the endogenous systemic signal.Abbreviations IFF isoelectric focussing - PI proteins proteinase inhibitor proteins - PIIF proteinase-inhibitor-inducing factor - ssRubisco small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   
Substrate specifity of the proton-driven hexose cotransport carrier in the plasmalemma of photoautotrophic suspension cells of Chenopodium rubrum L. has been studies through the short-term perturbation of 14C-labelled efflux of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose. Efflux, occurring exclusively via carrier-mediated exchange diffusion, is trans-stimulated by the substrate and trans-inhibited by the glucose-transport inhibitors phlorizin (K 1/2=7.9 mM) and its aglucon phloretin (K 1/2=84 μM); with both inhibitors, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose efflux may be blocked completely. Trans-stimulation of efflux (up to fourfold) by a variety of the d-enantiomers of neutral hexoses, including glucose (K 1/2=48 μM), 3-O-methyl-d-glucose (K 1/2=139 μM), and fructose (K 1/2=730 μM), but not by, for instance, d-allose, and l-sorbose, shows that carrier-substrate interaction critically involves the axial position at C-1 and C-3, respectively. We suggest that substrate binding by the Chenopodium hexose carrier involves both hydrophobic interaction with the pyran-ring and hydrogen-ion bonding at C-1 and C-3 of the d-glucose conformation.  相似文献   
When young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were deprived of an external sulphate supply (-S plants), the capacity of their roots to absorb sulphate, but not phosphate or potassium, increased rapidly (derepression) so that after 3–5 d it was more than tenfold that of sulphate-sufficient plants (+S plants). This increased capacity was lost rapidly (repression) over a 24-h period when the sulphate supply was restored. There was little effect on the uptake of L-methionine during de-repression of the sulphate-transport system, but S input from methionine during a 24-h pretreatment repressed sulphate influx in both+S and-S plants.Sulphate influx of both+S and-S plants was inhibited by pretreating roots for 1 h with 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS) at concentrations > 0.1 mol · m-3. This inhibition was substantially reversed by washing for 1 h in DIDS-free medium before measuring influx. Longer-term pretreatment of roots with 0.1 mol·m-3 DIDS delayed de-repression of the sulphatetransport system in-S plants but had no influence on+S plants in 3 d.The sulphydryl-binding reagent, n-ethylmaleimide, was a very potent inhibitor of sulphate influx in-S roots, but was much less inhibitory in +S roots. Its effects were essentially irreversible and were proportionately the same at all sulphate concentrations within the range of operation of the high-affinity sulphate-transport system. Inhibition of influx was 85–96% by 300 s pretreatment by 0.3 mol·m-3 n-ethylmaleimide. No protection of the transport system could be observed by including up to 50 mol·m-3 sulphate in the n-ethylmaleimide pre-treatment solution. A similar differential sensitivity of-S and+S plants was seen with p-chloromercuriphenyl sulphonic acid.The arginyl-binding reagent, phenylglyoxal, supplied to roots at 0.25 or 1 mol·m-3 strongly inhibited influx in-S wheat plants (by up to 95%) but reduced influx by only one-half in+S plants. The inhibition of sulphate influx in-S plants was much greater than that of phosphate influx and could not be prevented by relatively high (100 mol·m-3 sulphate concentrations accompanying phenylglyoxal treatment. Effects of phenylglyoxal pretreatment were unchanged for at least 30 min after its removal from the solution but thereafter the capacity for sulphate influx was restored. The amount of new carrier appearing in-S roots was far greater than in+S roots over a 24-h period.The results indicate that, in the de-repressed state, the sulphate transporter is more sensitive to reagents binding sulphydryl and arginyl residues. This suggests a number of strategies for identifying the proteins involved in sulphate transport.Abbreviations DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid - NEM n-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuriphenyl sulphonic acid  相似文献   
Summary Using cloned cDNA for human 2-macroglobulin (A2M) as a probe, mink-Chinese hamster hybrid cells were analysed. The results allowed us to assign a gene for A2M to mink chromosome 9. Breeding tests demonstrated that the Lpm-locus coding for other related -macroglobulin protein and the gene for peptidase B (PEPB) are linked 11±3 cm apart. The PEPB gene is located on mink chromosome 9, and hence, the Lpw-locus is on the same mink chromosome. The relationship of the genetic systems controlling the isotypically different -macroglobulins in mink serum are discussed.  相似文献   
The limited proteolysis of human recombinant TNF- by trypsin yields two stable products resulting from cleavage after Arg6 and Arg44. In solution these two products remain associated together in a trimer with a Stokes' radius slightly greater than the radius of intact TNF- and, therefore, could not be separated from each other under nondenaturing conditions. This limited digest retains at least 20% of the activity of the original TNF- sample, and has a tertiary structure that is similar to that of the native protein by circular dichroism. On the other hand, incorrectly folded, inactive TNF- undergoes extensive digestion following similar treatment with trypsin. These results indicate that the active form of TNF- has a tight core structure which is maintained afterN-terminal cleavage and removal.  相似文献   
Neurokinin A (NKA), substance P (SP) and the two peptides combined (SP + NKA) were injected intracutaneously on the forearm and into the temporal muscle of healthy volunteers. Pain intensity, cutaneous wheal and flare responses and tenderness of the temporal muscle were quantitated. SP but not NKA induced cutaneous pain. This relates the algesic effect of SP to the specific N-terminal amino acid sequence of the peptide, not shared by NKA. NKA, however, potentiated the algesic effect of SP as SP + NKA induced a significantly prolonged cutaneous pain sensation. Both peptides induced wheals, but only SP induced flare. These results confirm previous studies relating wheal formation to the identical C-terminal amino acid sequence of the two peptides and flare reaction to the N-terminal part of SP. Injections into the temporal muscle did not cause pain or tenderness.  相似文献   
Two biosynthetic pathways are known for the universal tetrapyrrole precursor, -aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In the ALA synthase pathway which was first described in animal and some bacterial cells, the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme ALA synthase catalyzes condensation of glycine and succinyl-CoA to form ALA with the loss of C-1 of glycine as CO2. In the five-carbon pathway which was first described in plant and algal cells, the carbon skeleton of glutamate is converted intact to ALA in a proposed reaction sequence that requires three enzymes, tRNAGlu, ATP, Mg2+, NADPH, and pyridoxal phosphate. We have examined the distribution of the two ALA biosynthetic pathways among various genera, using cell-free extracts obtained from representative organisms. Evidence for the operation of the five-carbon pathway was obtained by the measurement of RNase-sensitive label incorporation from glutamate into ALA, using 3,4-[3H]glutamate or 1-[14C]glutamate as substrate. ALA synthase activity was indicated by RNase-insensitive incorporation of label from 2-[14C]glycine into ALA. The distribution of the two pathways among the bacteria tested was in general agreement with their previously established phylogenetic relationships and clearly indicates that the five-carbon pathway is the more ancient process, whereas the pathway utilizing ALA synthase probably evolved much later. The five-carbon pathway is apparently the more widely utilized one among bacteria, while the ALA synthase pathway seems to be limited to the subgroup of purple bacteria.Abbreviations ALA -aminolevulinic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - PALP pyridoxal phosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - tricine N-tris-(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine  相似文献   
Résumé La métamorphose des insectes est régie par un équilibre hormonal complexe dans lequel l'hormone juvénile (HJ) joue un rôle important. Au dernier stade larvaire, la teneur en HJ est particulièrement faible dans le corps de l'insecte. Si un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI)-un mimétique de l'HJ-est appliqué à ce moment-là, la mue nymphale est pertubée provoquant des déformations morphogénétiques caractéristiques. La teneur en HJ est également très faible dans les ufs fraîchement pondus. Les traitements aux RCI peuvent par conséquent perturber le développement embryonnaire de certaines espèces et produire ainsi un effet ovicide. Depuis quelques années deux RCI-le fenoxycarb et le CGA 45 128-ont été testés pour leur activité morphogénétique sur le dernier stade larvaire de quelques ravageurs tels qu'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., ainsi que pour leur activité ovicide sur les ufs frais de Cydia pomonella L. et Grapholita funebrana Tr. Après quelques années d'expérimentation et de commercialisation des RCI dans les vergers européens, il s'avère que l'utilisation de ces produits peu toxiques, sélectifs et peu nocifs pour la faune utile, constitue une amélioration considérable pour l'aménagement de la lutte intégrée.
Insect growth regulators (IGR), mimics of juvenile hormone, as morphological and ovicidal means of control against orchard tortricids
Summary Metamorphosis is regulated by a complex hormonal balance in which juvenile hormone (JH) plays an important part. At the last larval instar the content of JH is particularly low in the insect body. If an insect growth regulator (IGR) — a mimic of JH-is applied at this time, the pupal moult may be disturbed with the characteristic morphogenetical deformations. The JH content is also very low in freshly laid eggs. Therefore IGR treatments may disturb the embryonic development of some species and produce an ovicidal activity. During a few years two IGR-fenoxycarb and CGA 45128-were evaluated for their morphogenetical effect on the last larval instar of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. and their ovicidal effect on freshly laid eggs of Cydia pomonella L. and Grapholita funebrana Tr. After a few years of experimentation with both compounds and of commercialisation of fenoxycarb in European orchards, IGR confirmed to present a considerable improvement in integrated pest management due to selectivity, and low mammal toxicity.
The cis/trans interconversion of Glt-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-4-nitroanilide and Glt-Ala-Gly-Pro-Phe-4-nitroanilide was studied both enzymatically and nonenzymatically by measuring kinetic β-deuterium isotope effects. The hydrogen atom at the α-carbon atom of the Xaa residue within the Xaa-Pro moiety was substituted by deuterium. In the nonenzymatic case the transition state of rotation is reflected by kH/kD > 1. When catalysed by 17 kDa PPIase the same bond rotation is characterized by kH/kD < 1. This suggests a covalent mechanism of catalysis which involves an approximately tetravalent carbon of the prolyl imidic bond for the transition state of reaction.  相似文献   
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