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The aim of this study was to develop predictive quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling for antibody-peptide interactions. A small single chain antibody library was designed and manufactured around the murine anti-p24 (HIV-1) monoclonal antibody CB4-1 by use of statistical molecular design (SMD) principles and site directed mutagenesis, and its affinity for a p24 derived antigen was determined by fluorescence polarization. A satisfactory QSAR model (Q(2) = 0.74, R(2) = 0.88) was derived by correlating the affinity data to physicochemical property scales of the amino acids varied in the library. The model explains most of the antibody-antigen interactions of the studied set, and provides insights into the molecular mechanism involved in antigen binding.  相似文献   
序列比对是生物信息学中的一项重要任务,通过序列比对可以发现生物序列中的功能、结构和进化的信息。序列比对结果的生物学意义与所选择的匹配、不匹配、插入和删除以及空隙的罚分函数密切相关。现介绍一种参数序列比对方法,该方法把最佳比对作为权值和罚分的函数,可以系统地得到参数的选择对最佳比对结果的影响。然后将其应用于RNA序列比对,分析不同的参数选择对序列比对结果的影响。最后指出参数序列比对算法的应用以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
细菌纤维素发酵培养基的优化及超微观结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高细菌纤维素的产量, 本研究对一株氧化葡糖杆菌菌株J2液体发酵生产细菌纤维素的培养基进行了优化, 并对其代谢的细菌纤维的超微观结构进行了观察。运用Plackett-Burman试验设计法对8个相关影响因素的效应进行了评价, 筛选出了有显著效应的3个因素: 酵母膏、ZnSO4、无水乙醇, 其他5个因素的影响未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。然后采用Box-Behnken的中心组合试验设计和响应面分析方法(RSM)确定了上述三个因素的最佳浓度, 并且以棉纤维为对照, 运用扫描电镜观察了细菌纤维素的超微观结构, 结果表明: 菌株J2利用优化后的发酵培养基生产细菌纤维素的产量为11.52 g/100 mL, 是优化前的1.35倍, 电镜照片显示细菌纤维素微纤维丝直径<0.1 mm, 比棉纤维细很多, NaOH处理可以除去纤维网络结构中的菌体。  相似文献   
In many clinical trials, it is desirable to establish a sequential monitoring plan, whereby the test statistic is computed at an interim point or points in the trial and a decision is made whether to stop early due to evidence of treatment efficacy. In this article, we will set up a sequential monitoring plan for randomization-based inference under the permuted block design, stratified block design, and stratified urn design. We will also propose a definition of information fraction in these settings and discuss its calculation under these different designs.  相似文献   
二化螟人工饲料关键因子的优化及其优化配方的饲养效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用5因子4水平正交试验,将作者在以前筛选出的二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)人工饲料的5个关键因子进行了进一步的优化,并得出了二化螟人工饲料的优化配方,其成分如下:稻茎粉18.75g、大豆粉15.00g、麦芽粉15.00g、稻糠粉6.25g、茭白茎粉7.50g、干酪素10.00g、酵母粉18.75g、纤维素7.50g、蔗糖15.00g、葡萄糖7.50g、维生素C7.50g、复合维生素B3.00g、胆固醇0.375g、氯化胆碱0.25g、Beck氏盐2.50g、山梨酸1.35g、琼脂13.49g和自来水809.25g。通过连续3代继代饲养试验,比较了该优化配方和二化螟天然饲料水稻茎的饲养效果。结果表明,在一些关键指标上(如存活率、化蛹率和羽化率等),所优化的二化螟人工饲料配方的饲养效果明显的好于其天然饲料水稻茎的;而在许多其它的指标上(如蛹期、成虫期、产卵量、卵期和孵化率等),该优化配方对二化螟的饲养效果与水稻茎的相当;但该配方饲养的二化螟在第3代时幼虫历期明显的比水稻茎的有所延长。  相似文献   
生物信息学技术进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物信息学是一门对生物信息进行采集、储存、传递、检索、分析和解读的学科,它已经渗透于现代生物学、数学、信息学、计算科学、统计学、物理、化学各个方面。本概述和分析了生物信息学研究中的一些方法。  相似文献   
The alpha-helical coiled-coil motif is characterized by a heptad repeat pattern (abcdefg)(n) in which residues a and d form the hydrophobic core. Long coiled-coils (e.g., tropomyosin, 284 residues per polypeptide chain) typically do not have a continuous hydrophobic core of stabilizing residues, but rather one that consists of alternating clusters of stabilizing and destabilizing residues. We have arbitrarily defined a cluster as a minimum of three consecutive stabilizing or destabilizing residues in the hydrophobic core. We report here on a series of two-stranded, disulfide-bridged parallel alpha-helical coiled-coils that contain a central cassette of three consecutive hydrophobic core positions (d, a, and d) with a destabilizing cluster of three consecutive Ala residues in the hydrophobic core on each side of the cassette. The effect of adding one to three stabilizing hydrophobes in these positions (Leu or Ile; denoted as [see text]) was investigated. Alanine residues (denoted as [see text]) are used to represent destabilizing residues. The peptide with three Ala residues in the d a d cassette positions ([see text]) was among the least stable coiled-coil (T(m) = 39.3 degrees C and Urea(1/2) = 1.9 M). Surprisingly, the addition of one stabilizing hydrophobe (Leu) to the cassette or two stabilizing hydrophobes (Leu), still interspersed by an Ala in the cassette ([see text]), also did not lead to any gain in stability. However, peptides with two adjacent hydrophobes in the cassette ([see text])([see text]) did show a gain in stability of 0.9 kcal/mole over the peptide with two interspersed hydrophobes ([see text]). Because the latter three peptides have the same inherent hydrophobicity, the juxtaposition of stabilizing hydrophobes leads to a synergistic effect, and thus a clustering effect. The addition of a third stabilizing hydrophobe to the cassette ([see text]) resulted in a further synergistic gain in stability of 1.7 kcal/mole (T(m) = 54.1 degrees C and Urea(1/2) = 3.3M). Therefore, the role of hydrophobicity in the hydrophobic core of coiled-coils is extremely context dependent and clustering is an important aspect of protein folding and stability.  相似文献   
黄鳝ISSR-PCR反应体系的建立及条件优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以黄鳝基因组DNA为模板,采用正交试验设计方法,对各反应因子、引物退火温度和循环参数进行优化.建立了黄鳝的最适ISSR-PCR反应体系,25 μl反应体系中含2.5 mmol/ L Mg2+,250 μmol/ L dNTPs,0.25 μmol/ L 引物,1.0 U Taq DNA聚合酶,30 ng DNA模板.最佳反应程序:94℃预变性5 min;94℃变性40 s,48~57℃复性40 s(随引物而确定),72℃延伸1.5 min,循环次数40;72℃延伸10 min.利用所建立的ISSR反应体系,获得了清晰、重复性好、多态性高的DNA谱带.  相似文献   
pBV220载体中外源基因高效表达的自动化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
pBV220载体是国内科学家构建的原核系统表达载体,目前仍在广泛应用.但是,实现 外源基因的高效表达需要综合考虑诸如RNA二级结构等多种因素,极其耗时费力.为此,基于我们提出的pBV220载体中外源基因高效表达数学模型,编写了外源基因高效表达的自动化设计软件,并可定性用于原核系统其它载体中外源基因表达水平分析,最终为加快实验进程提供帮助  相似文献   
煤附生真菌产漆酶菌株的分离鉴定及产酶特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从煤炭样品中筛选到一株产漆酶活性菌株,经菌体形态观察和ITS序列分析,鉴定为Trichoderma asperellum W03。菌株所产漆酶的最适反应pH为3.5-4.5,最适反应温度45℃,类似于白腐真菌漆酶。液态发酵条件的均匀设计实验表明,适宜的发酵培养基组成为:土豆200.00g/L、葡萄糖9.36g/L、米糠粉37.44g/L、硝酸钾4.00g/L、KH2PO43.20g/L、MgSO4·7H2O2.00g/L、CuSO4·5H2O0.005g/L、初始pH8.0;在33℃、180r/min、50mL/250mL的摇瓶培养条件下,棘孢木霉W03在孢子接种培养后48h、84h产酶量较高,分别处在菌体的快速生长期和衰亡期;菌体产酶受Cu2+、联苯胺诱导,而受1-萘酚、愈创木酚和2,4-D抑制。  相似文献   
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