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稻麦轮作下水稻土重金属形态特征及其生物有效性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
在成都平原稻麦轮作下86个土样中重金属全量和各形态含量分析的基础上,采集分析相应点位上种植的主要粮食作物小麦和水稻籽粒的重金属含量,通过描述性统计分析、相关性分析及线性回归方程的模拟,研究了土壤中重金属的形态分布特征及其生物有效性。统计分析结果表明:土壤中Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn各形态含量的分配顺序为:残渣态〉有机物结合态〉铁锰氧化物结合态〉碳酸盐结合态〉可交换态,而Cd各形态含量的分配顺序为:铁锰氧化物结合态〉残渣态〉碳酸盐结合态〉有机物结合态〉可交换态。若以活性态(非残渣态含量)而论,Cd的活性最高,Cr的活性最低。除Cr外,各元素全量与各活性形态之间的关系较为密切。土壤中全Cd含量与4种活性形态Cd含量间的相关性均达极显著水平;Cu、Zn全量分别与其铁锰氧化物和有机物结合态含量,Pb全量分别与其可交换态和铁锰氧化物含量间的相关系数达显著或极显著水平。用卫生部颁布的食品中重金属限量卫生标准评价稻麦籽粒重金属累积情况,其结果表明,小麦籽粒(旱作)中的Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb分别超标14.71%、8.70%、6.50%和17.40%,而水稻籽粒(水作)仅有Pb和Cd含量超标10.90%和8.70%。不同形态重金属对水稻和小麦籽粒中重金属累积的影响效应不同,从多元线性回归方程的回归系数来看:稻一麦籽粒中Cd含量受到土壤中各活性形态Cd含量的影响。除铁锰氧化态Cd和有机物结合态Cd含量分别对小麦和水稻籽粒中Cd的累积表现出负效应外,其余均为正效应。可交换态Cu含量对稻-麦籽粒Cu累积的效应最大,其次受碳酸盐结合态Cu含量的影响。稻一麦籽粒Pb含量的累积受土壤各活性态Pb含量影响效应的差异不甚明显。稻-麦籽粒Zn含量与土壤各活性态Zn含量间无显著线性关系。  相似文献   
稻草还田对晚稻土微生物及酶活性的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过早稻秸秆翻耕还田对晚稻土微生物数量与活度、秸秆腐解酶活性和氨化、硝化作用强度的动态影响试验研究表明:稻草翻耕还田的条件下,在晚稻生长发育过程中,除土壤放线菌数量一直呈下降态势之外,土壤好气性细菌、厌气性细菌和真菌数量均呈现前期急剧增加、中期缓慢减少、后期迅速减少的变化特征,土壤微生物活度则呈现前期迅速增强、达到最大值,中期迅速下降,后期缓慢回升的变化趋势;土壤木聚糖酶活性与土壤微生物数量变化趋势基本相同,而土壤纤维素酶活性则呈前期增加、中期最高、后期迅速下降的特点;土壤氨化作用强度一直呈下降态势,而土壤硝化作用强度则呈前期增强、中期最高、后期下降的变化趋势.随着稻草还田量的增加,上述土壤微生物数量与活度、秸秆腐解酶活性和氨化和硝化作用强度的动态变化趋势更加明显.土壤微生物及酶活性分析评价发现,在晚稻栽培时,配合水稻专用复混肥一次性施用,以早稻秸秆2500~5000kg/hm^2翻耕还田较为适宜.  相似文献   
Xiang C G  Zhang P J  Pan G X  Qiu D S  Chu Q H 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1667-1673
Influence of the agricultural management practices on soil quality and the ecosystem functioning has been an increasing concern in soil science and ecology with sustainable agriculture. This study deals with the changes of soil earthworm communityfrom a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations. The soil earthworms were collected and counted from different fertilizer treated plots in the field after the rape harvest in May 2004, and their taxonomic groups were determined under a binocular stereoscope at the laboratory. The body of the earthworm (Metaphire californica) was crushed by a cell crusher to collect protein, and the protein molecules with different sizes were analyzed by electrophoresis. Furthermore, the Metaphire californica collected was hydrolyzed and the aliquots were subject to an amino acid auto-analyzer. The results showed that totally seven species of earthworms were recognized in the paddy field with the number varying with different fertilization treatments. The structure of earthworm communities was dramatically affected by the fertilization practice. Under chemical fertilization only, both the number of earthworm species and the quantity of individuals were significantly smaller than those under other treatments, or even than those under no fertilization. Furthermore, there was an obvious decrease in the total amino acid and the contents of most individual amino acids of Metaphire californica under chemical fertilization only, compared with those under the combined fertilization of chemical and organic fertilizers. Although chemical fertilizers in combination with rice straw return increased earthworm amino acid content, long-term pig manure application tended to increase earthworm protein content. As a molecular footprint, long-term chemical fertilization caused a reduction in the content of protein with MW less than 25 kd, but a significant increase in that of protein with molecule size around 33 kd. Our study demonstrated that different fertilizations affected not only earthworm population but also diversity and richness in the paddy soil after 16 years of treatment, and that long-term chemical fertilization may impact the soil animal community and, thus, influence the paddy ecosystem functioning for yield stability. This study implicated that not only the community structure but also the amino acid metabolism for life functioning of earthworms in cropland soils may pose significant responses to the agricultural management practices.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are the largest and most widely distributed group of photosynthetic prokaryotes on Earth, forming a prominent component of microbial populations in wetland soils, especially in rice paddy fields, and significantly contributing to fertility as a natural biofertilizer. Modern agricultural fields are generally treated with high doses of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides having adverse effects on the soil microflora of naturally occurring N2-fixing cyanobacteria. This review deals with some of the advances made during the last few decades in the areas of developing ammonia derepressible pesticide-resistant cyanobacterial mutants for algalization of the wet agricultural fields as a viable and efficient N-photobiofertilizer.  相似文献   
Chironomids of Italian rice fields   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies on chironomids of Italian rice fields began in 1914, but a comprehensive faunistic picture of Italian rice field chironomids was provided only by COCCHI in 1966. In 1988 and 1989 field research south of Verona (northern Italy) permitted us to confirm the results of COCCHI regardingC. sylvestris andChironomus spp., and to increase the number of known species of Italian rice field chironomids. The list of species which are injurious to rice is similar to that of other European countries, with the exception ofHarnischia falcata andTanytarsus sp. The type and period of damage is different for certain species (e.g. Cricotopus sylvestris) in Italy in comparison to other countries. A few agrotechnical steps are recommended to control pest species. The finding of the parthenogenetic speciesParatanytarsus grimmii in lab. aquaria used for rearing purposes is documented.  相似文献   
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