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Selecting native species for restoration is often done without proper ecological background, particularly with regard to how native and invasive species interact. Here, we provide insights suggesting that such information may greatly enhance restoration success. The performance of the native vine, Pueraria lobata, and that of the invasive bitter vine, Mikania micrantha, were investigated in South China to test how priority effects (timing and rate of germination and seedling growth) and competition (phytochemical effects and competitive ability) impact invasive plant performance. We found that, in the absence of competition, the germination rate of M. micrantha, but not of P. lobata, was significantly affected by light availability. P. lobata seedlings also performed better than those of M. micrantha during early growth phases. Under competition, negative phytochemical effects of P. lobata on M. micrantha were strong and we found M. micrantha to have lower performance when grown with P. lobata compared to when grown by itself. Relative interaction indexes indicated that, under interspecific competition, P. lobata negatively affected (i.e., inhibited) M. micrantha, whereas M. micrantha positively affected (i.e., facilitated) P. lobata. Higher photosynthetic efficiency and soil nutrient utilization put P. lobata at a further advantage over M. micrantha. Field trails corroborated these experimental findings, showing little recruitment of M. micrantha in previously invaded and cleared field plots that were sown with P. lobata. Thus, P. lobata is a promising candidate for ecological restoration and for reducing impacts of M. micrantha in China. This research illustrates that careful species selection may improve restoration outcomes, a finding that may also apply to other invaded ecosystems and species.  相似文献   
The western distinct population segment of yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus; western cuckoo) has been extirpated from most of its former breeding range in the United States because of widespread loss and degradation of riparian cottonwood (Populus spp.)-willow (Salix spp.) forests. Restoration and management of breeding habitat is important to the recovery of this federally threatened species, and identification of high-quality breeding habitat can help improve the success of recovery. In 2005, the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program, a long-term, multi-agency effort, was initiated to maintain and create wildlife habitat within the historical floodplain of the lower Colorado River (LCR) for federally endangered and threatened species, including western cuckoos. We conducted an empirical, multi-scale field investigation from 2008–2012 to identify habitat characteristics selected by nesting western cuckoos along the LCR. Multiple logistic regression models revealed that western cuckoos selected nest sites characterized by increased densities of small, native, early successional trees measuring 8–23 cm diameter at breast height, and lower diurnal temperature compared to available habitat in restoration and natural forests. Nesting cuckoos selected sites with increased percent canopy closure, which was also important for nest success in restoration sites along the LCR. Our results show habitat components selected by nesting western cuckoos in restoration and natural riparian forests and can help guide the creation, enhancement, and management of riparian forests with habitat conditions necessary to promote nesting of western cuckoos. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
As most ecosystems around the world are threatened by anthropogenic degradation and climate change, there is an increasing urgency to implement restoration strategies aiming at ensuring ecosystem self‐sustainability and resilience. An initial step towards that goal relies on selecting the most suitable seed sources for a successful revegetation, which can be extremely challenging in highly degraded landscapes. The most common seed sourcing strategy is to select local seeds because it is assumed that plants experience strong adaptations to their natal sites. An alternative strategy is the selection of climate‐adapted genotypes to future conditions. While considering future climatic projections is important to account for spatial shifts in climate to inform assisted gene flow and translocations, to restore highly degraded landscapes we need a comprehensive approach that first accounts for species adaptations to current at‐site environmental conditions. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Carvalho et al. present a novel landscape genomics framework to identify the most appropriate seed sourcing strategy for moderately and highly degraded sites by integrating genotype, phenotype and environmental data in a spatially explicit context for two native plant species with potential to help restore iron‐rich Amazonian savannas. This framework is amenable to be applicable and adapted to a broad range of restoration initiatives, as the dichotomy between focusing on the current or future climatic conditions should depend on the goals and environmental circumstances of each restoration site.  相似文献   
Three case studies involving two temperate Australian seagrass species – Pondweed (Ruppia tuberosa) and Ribbon Weed (Posidonia australis) – highlight different approaches to their restoration. Seeds and rhizomes were used in three collaborative programmes to promote new approaches to scale up restoration outcomes.  相似文献   
Pine barrens are open‐canopy ecological communities once prevalent on sandy soils across the northern Great Lakes Region of the United States and Canada, though fire suppression and plantation forestry have now reduced them to a few isolated areas. Efforts to restore pine barrens are underway on some public lands, but lack of knowledge on the social and ecological issues and challenges that affect these projects impedes fuller progress. As a precursor to designing a public preference survey for pine barrens restoration, we sought input from those with expert knowledge about pine barrens. Using a three‐round modified Delphi survey, forest land managers and researchers identified the key characteristics of pine barrens and important current and future management challenges. Key characteristics were related to fire, landscape structure, plant and animal species, soils, and social themes. Current and future challenges were related to landscape, invasive species, social, economic, climate change, and science themes. Four social issues (education, fire acceptance, fire risk, aesthetics) were rated among the top current challenges but none of them maintained prominence as future challenges. Potential explanations for this shift are that the experts felt these social concerns would be resolved in time or that other issues, such as development pressures and budgets for carrying out restoration, would become greater future challenges. Our approach can be used by managers and researchers to better understand the ecosystems they seek to restore and to communicate with public stakeholders about restoration efforts.  相似文献   
Globally, coral reefs are degrading due to a variety of stressors including climate change and pollution. Active restoration is an important effort for sustaining coral reefs where, typically, coral fragments are outplanted onto degraded reefs. Coral outplants, however, can experience mortality in response to a range of stressors. We pair results of outplant monitoring observations with satellite‐based measurements of multiple oceanographic variables to estimate the relative importance of each driver to coral outplant survival. We find that when considering mean environmental conditions experienced by outplants during the monitoring period, particulate organic carbon (POC) levels are most important in determining outplant survival, with certain levels of POC beneficial for outplants. Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) are also important determinants of outplant survival, where survival is greatest in regions with minimal or slightly negative anomalies. Survival also increases with increasing distance to land, likely due to a reduction in negative ridge‐to‐reef effects on coral outplants. When considering the range (min–max) of environmental conditions experienced during the monitoring period, large fluctuations in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and POC are most important in determining outplant survival. Increasing outplant depth can help to counter the negative impacts of large fluctuations in environmental variables. We find that a variety of remotely sensed oceanographic variables have significant impacts on survival and should be considered in coral restoration planning to help evaluate potential restoration sites and ultimately maximize coral outplant survival.  相似文献   
Throughout their global range, oak‐dominated ecosystems have undergone state changes in stand structure and composition. Land managers face an especially acute challenge in restoring oak ecosystems and promoting oak regeneration in urban–exurban areas, where high‐intensity silvicultural treatments are often not feasible. To investigate low‐intensity management alternatives which could be widely applied in urban–exurban forests, a large‐scale adaptive management experiment was implemented in Lake County, IL, in 2012. Five canopy manipulation treatments of varying intensity, timing, and spatial aggregation were replicated across three study areas and oak seedlings were under‐planted into treatment units following management. Responses of understory light environment, shrub and groundlayer plant communities, and survival and growth of underplanted oak seedlings were evaluated. Understory light availability, canopy openness, total groundlayer plant cover, and groundlayer species diversity all differed among treatments. However, although understory light availability was significantly increased by canopy manipulation, groundlayer communities and oak seedling survival and growth did not differ among treatments. High overall seedling survival rates suggest current conditions are amenable to oak regeneration, but long‐term monitoring will be needed to assess the potential for seedlings to transition to the sapling and canopy layers. Early results demonstrate that canopy‐focused silvicultural treatments can affect the understory light environment and, to some degree, groundlayer plant communities. However, underplanting of oak seedlings paired with subcanopy thinning may be sufficient to restore an oak seedling layer, and (when necessary or preferred) canopy manipulation could potentially be deferred until later in the restoration timeline to promote oak recruitment.  相似文献   
Red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.) is an endangered and endemic tropical tree species from India in need of restoration. This study evaluated options for improving establishment of its advance regeneration in degraded forests. Using randomized complete block design, the effect of silvicultural treatments involving prescribed fire, in combination with disking, singling, disking with singling, and control (no treatment) on survival and growth of advanced regeneration were evaluated for a period of 2 years. Results indicate that the treatments served to ameliorate microsite conditions resulting in better survival and growth. Seedlings with fewer coppice shoots, treatments with a singling component, and treatments with disking component showed better survival and growth. The number and height of other neighboring seedlings and trees also influenced seedling establishment. Seedlings showed significantly higher survival results in the prescribed fire with disking (disking with prescribed burn [DPB]: 96%) and prescribed fires with disking and singling (singling plus disking with prescribed burn [SDPB]: 94%) treatments. Similarly, tall seedlings and those with larger root collar diameters accrued significantly higher volume growth in DPB (87%) and SDPB (97%) treatments. Although seedlings showed similar increments in DPB and SDPB treatments, better survival due to singling indicated the latter as the best option. In dense regeneration areas, preferential treatment of the taller and larger stump‐sized seedlings and, in limited regeneration areas that of smaller seedlings, may yield better results. Additionally, removal of competing vegetation and canopy opening may also help establishment of young regeneration. The results of this study have applications for restoration of endangered species in other tropical dry deciduous ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   
Researchers reexamining the relationship between restoration science and practice report a continuing scientist‐practitioner gap. As a land manager with scientific training, I offer my perspective of the chasm and describe a restoration practice infused with as much science as the realities of limited budget and time allow. The coastal sage scrub (CSS) restoration project at Starr Ranch, a 1,585 ha Audubon preserve in southern California, combines non‐chemical invasive species control, restoration, and applied research. Our practices evolve from modified scientific approaches and the scientific literature. Results from experiments with non‐optimum replication (on effects of seed rates, soil tamping, and timing of planting) nonetheless had value for management decisions. A critical practice came from academic research that encouraged cost‐effective passive restoration. Our passive restoration monitoring data showed 28–100% total native cover after 3–5 years. Another published study found that restoration success in semiarid regions is dependent on rainfall, a finding vital for understanding active restoration monitoring results that showed a range of 0–88% total native cover at the end of the first season. Work progresses through a combination of applied research, a watchful eye on the scientific literature, and “ecological intuition” informed by the scientific literature and our own findings. I suggest that it is less critical for academic scientists to address the basic questions on technique that are helpful to land managers but rather advocate practitioner training in methods to test alternative strategies and long‐term monitoring.  相似文献   
An accepted criterion for measuring the success of ecosystem restoration is the return of biodiversity relative to intact reference ecosystems. The emerging global carbon economy has made landscape‐scale restoration of severely degraded Portulacaria afra (spekboom)‐dominated subtropical thicket, by planting multiple rows of spekboom truncheons, a viable land‐use option. Although large amounts of carbon are sequestered when planting a monoculture of spekboom, it is unknown whether this is associated with the return of other thicket biodiversity components. We used available carbon stock data from degraded, restored, and intact stands at one site, and sampled carbon stocks at restored stands at another site in the same plant community. We also sampled plant community composition at both sites. The total carbon stock of the oldest (50 years) post‐restoration stand (250.8 ± 14 t C ha?1) approximated that of intact stands (245 t C ha?1) and we observed a general increase in carbon content with restoration age (71.4 ± 24 t C ha?1 after 35 and 167.9 ± 20 t C ha?1 after 50 years). A multiple correspondence analysis separated degraded stands from stands under restoration based on ground cover, floristic composition, and total carbon stock. Older post‐restoration and intact stands were clustered according to woody canopy recruit abundance. Our results suggest that spekboom is an ecosystem engineer that promotes spontaneous return of canopy species and other components of thicket biodiversity. The spekboom canopy creates a cooler micro‐climate and a dense litter layer, both likely to favor the recruitment of other canopy species.  相似文献   
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