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In this paper, we introduce a model of malaria, a disease that involves a complex life cycle of parasites, requiring both human and mosquito hosts. The novelty of the model is the introduction of periodic coefficients into the system of one-dimensional equations, which account for the seasonal variations (wet and dry seasons) in the mosquito birth and death rates. We define a basic reproduction number R 0 that depends on the periodic coefficients and prove that if R 0<1 then the disease becomes extinct, whereas if R 0>1 then the disease is endemic and may even be periodic.  相似文献   
【目的】本研究以铜绿假单胞菌PAO1 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1,菌种编号ATCC15692)为对象,研究cntRLMN在锌离子摄取中的功能。【方法】在ΔznuBC的基础上,以同源重组的方法构建了cntRLMN的各种突变菌株,通过质粒接合转移的方法构建其互补菌株及lacZ转录融合报告菌株,运用β-半乳糖苷酶酶活检测研究了Zur蛋白对cntRLMN的转录调控,凝胶阻滞实验(EMSA)检验Zur蛋白与cnt启动子及cnt启动子的突变片段的体外结合,并进一步通过生长曲线分析对cntRLMN中cntR、cntL、cntN等基因的锌离子摄取功能进行了分析和鉴定。最终,通过构建大蜡螟幼虫的侵染模型来研究cntRLMN对铜绿假单胞菌毒力发挥的影响。【结果】lacZ转录融合的酶活分析显示cntRLMN受Zur蛋白的负调控,其表达以Zur蛋白依赖的方式受锌离子饥饿的诱导;EMSA实验的结果显示cntRLMN的启动子可以与His-Zur结合形成DNA-蛋白质复合体,结合位点为GCGTTATAGTATATCAT;生长曲线和大蜡螟幼虫侵染实验的分析结果显示ZnuBC和CntRLMN的功能存在互补性,仅znuBC和cntRLMN双缺失突变时菌株在限锌培养条件下的生长和对大蜡螟幼虫的毒性才受到显著抑制,说明CntRLMN代表另一种独立的锌离子摄取系统。【结论】cntRLMN是受Zur直接负调控的另一种独立的铜绿假单胞菌锌离子摄取系统,对铜绿假单胞菌毒力的发挥起重要作用。  相似文献   
The beef industry has emphasized the improvement of feed utilization, as measured by modeling feed intake through performance traits to calculate residual feed intake (RFI). Evidence supports an inverse relationship between feed efficiency and reproductive function. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of reproductive assessments and RFI unadjusted (RFIKoch) or adjusted for body composition (RFIus) and the relationship among fertility-related parameters. In total, 34 crossbred bulls were housed together for 112 days of performance evaluation, followed by assessment of scrotum IR imaging, scrotal circumference, testes ultrasonography and semen quality parameters at 377±33.4 days of age. Bulls were slaughtered at 389±34.0 days of age, and analyses of carcass composition, biometrics and histomorphometry of the testis and epididymis were conducted. Bulls were grouped into two subpopulations based on divergence of RFI, and within each RFI model either by including 50% of the population (Halves, high and low RFI, n=17) or 20.6% extremes of the population (Tails, high and low RFI, n=7). The means of productive performance and fertility-related measures were compared through these categories. Pearson’s correlation was calculated among fertility-related measures. In the Halves subpopulation of the RFIus, sperm of low-RFI bulls had decreased progressive motility (47.30% v. 59.90%) and higher abundance of tail abnormalities (4.30% v. 1.80%) than that of high-RFI bulls. In the Tails subpopulation of the RFIKoch, low RFI displayed less variation in the scrotum surface temperature (0.62°C v. 1.16°C), decreased testis echogenicity (175.50 v 198.00 pixels) and larger (60.90 v. 56.80 mm2) but less-developed seminiferous tubules than high-RFI bulls. The evaluation of fertility-related parameters indicated that a higher percentage of immature seminiferous tubules was correlated with occurrence of sperm with distal droplets (r=0.59), a larger temperature variation at the top of the scrotum was correlated with improved sperm progressive motility (r=0.38), a lower occurrence of sperm loose head abnormalities was correlated with larger temperature variation at the lower part of the scrotum (r=−0.43), and a lower minimum testis echogenicity (r=−0.59) and smaller scrotal circumference (r=0.72) were correlated with age. The adjustment for body composition (RFI determination) enabled distinct biological inferences about reproduction and feed efficiency when compared with the non-adjusted model. However, both RFI models and the correlation analysis supported the hypothesis that feed-efficient bulls have features of delayed sexual maturity. Overall, the assessment of fertility-related measurements is important to avoid the improvement of feed efficiency at the expense of reproductive function in young bulls.  相似文献   
Residual feed intake (RFI) is the difference between actual and predicted dry matter intake (DMI) of individual animals. Recent studies with Holstein-Friesian calves have identified an ~20% difference in RFI during growth (calf RFI) and these groups remained divergent in RFI during lactation. The objective of the experiment described here was to determine if cows selected for divergent RFI as calves differed in milk production, reproduction or in the profiles of BW and body condition score (BCS) change during lactation, when grazing pasture. The cows used in the experiment (n=126) had an RFI of −0.88 and +0.75 kg DM intake/day for growth as calves (efficient and inefficient calf RFI groups, respectively) and were intensively grazed at four stocking rates (SR) of 2.2, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.6 cows/ha on self-contained farmlets, over 3 years. Each SR treatment had equal number of cows identified as low and high calf RFI, with 24, 28, 34 and 40/11 ha farmlet. The cows divergent for calf RFI were randomly allocated to each SR. Although SR affected production, calf RFI group (low or high) did not affect milk production, reproduction, BW, BCS or changes in these parameters throughout lactation. The most efficient animals (low calf RFI) lost similar BW and BCS as the least efficient (high calf RFI) immediately post-calving, and regained similar BW and BCS before their next calving. These results indicate that selection for RFI as calves to increase efficiency of feed utilisation did not negatively affect farm productivity variables (milk production, BCS, BW and reproduction) as adults when managed under an intensive pastoral grazing system.  相似文献   
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a hypothalamic peptide that plays a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy metabolism. In this study, we investigated the potential role of dense hippocampal MCH innervation in the spatially oriented food-seeking component of feeding behavior. Rats were trained for eight sessions to seek food buried in an arena using the working memory version of the food-seeking behavior (FSB) task. The testing day involved a bilateral anti-MCH injection into the hippocampal formation followed by two trials. The anti-MCH injection did not interfere with the performance during the first trial on the testing day, which was similar to the training trials. However, during the second testing trial, when no food was presented in the arena, the control subjects exhibited a dramatic increase in the latency to initiate digging. Treatment with an anti-MCH antibody did not interfere with either the food-seeking behavior or the spatial orientation of the subjects, but the increase in the latency to start digging observed in the control subjects was prevented. These results are discussed in terms of a potential MCH-mediated hippocampal role in the integration of the sensory information necessary for decision-making in the pre-ingestive component of feeding behavior.  相似文献   
We provide guidance for monitoring whether human activities affect the physiology or behavior of marine mammals and, if so, whether those effects may lead to changes in survival and reproduction at the population level. We suggest that four elements be included in designing and implementing such a monitoring program. The first is development of a theory of change: a set of mechanistic hypotheses that outline why a given activity might be expected to have one or more measurable effects on individuals and populations, and ideally the magnitude, timing, and duration of the effects. The second element, definition of biologically meaningful effect sizes, ultimately facilitates the development of a monitoring program that can detect those magnitudes of effect with the desired levels of precision. The third element, selection of response variables for monitoring, allows inference to whether observed changes in the status of individuals or populations are attributable to a given activity. Visual observations, passive acoustic and tagging instruments, and direct physical measurements all can provide data that facilitate quantitative hypothesis testing. The fourth element is specification of the temporal sequence of monitoring. These elements also can be used to inform monitoring of the responses of other taxonomic groups to human activities.  相似文献   
We investigated whether a climatic change in temperature affected daily food intake in migrating male redheaded buntings. Groups of adult male birds (n = 18) were photoinduced into migratory phenotype under increasing spring daylengths (NDL); as the birds began to exhibit night restlessness, Zugunruhe, these were allocated into groups, either with ambient (NDL, variable daily temperature: maximum – 29–44 °C and minimum – 16–33 °C; for food intake (six birds) and activity recording, six birds) until 2 weeks after they concluded migration or with constant temperature (NDT, 22 ± 1 °C; for food intake (six birds)) conditions. As day length increased March onwards, daily food intake increased (hyperphagia) in NDL and NDT groups. However, hyperphagia was slower in NDT birds as compared to NDL birds, suggesting that altered ambient temperature affects daily food intake in migrating buntings. Another group of 12 birds were held under constant daylengths (12L:12D; EDT and constant temperature 22 ± 1 °C). Although the onset of Zugunruhe was delayed under EDT, the day of onset of Zugunruhe was taken as day 0. Daily food intake and body weight before and during migration of EDT birds were compared with that of NDT and NDL groups. Daily food intake and body weight increased in all migrating birds, but hyperphagia continued post-migration in NDT birds. The study suggests that constantly suboptimal temperature despite increasing daylength, NDT, appeared to affect feeding and body weight of migratory buntings as evident from continued hyperphagia and body weight gain, even after concluding migrating activity.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms occur when algal densities exceed baseline population concentrations. Cyanobacteria can produce a large number of secondary metabolites. Odorous metabolites affect the smell and flavor of aquatic animals, whereas bioactive metabolites cause a range of lethal and sub-lethal effects in plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including humans. Herein, the bioactivity, chemistry, origin, and biosynthesis of these cyanobacterial secondary metabolites were reviewed. With recent revision of cyanobacterial taxonomy by Anagnostidis and Komárek as part of the Süβwasserflora von Mitteleuropa volumes 19(1–3), names of many cyanobacteria that produce bioactive compounds have changed, thereby confusing readers. The original and new nomenclature are included in this review to clarify the origins of cyanobacterial bioactive compounds.Due to structural similarity, the 157 known bioactive classes produced by cyanobacteria have been condensed to 55 classes. This review will provide a basis for more formal procedures to adopt a logical naming system. This review is needed for efficient management of water resources to understand, identify, and manage cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom impacts.  相似文献   
A series of substituted 1-glucosyl-2-benzoylhydrazines were synthesized and their pseudo-first-order rate constants for hydrolysis were determined at pH 4, 5, 6 at 50 degrees C. All the compounds hydrolyzed quickly (t(1/2)<3h) at pH 4.0, but were increasingly stable as the pH approached neutrality.  相似文献   
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