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Concanamycin 4-B, a macrolide antibiotic with an 18-membered lactone ring, is known as a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar type of H+-ATPase, as is bafilomycin A1. The drug was tested for its effect on regulation of the vacuolar pH (pHv) of internodal cells of a fresh water characean alga, Chara corallina, under normal conditions and under salt stress. The pHv was measured either on isolated vacuolar sap with a conventional pH electrode or directly by inserting a pH-sensitive glass microelectrode into the vacuole. Proton-pumping into tonoplast vesicles was almost completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B at 1 nM. Concanamycin 4-B at 1 μM significantly increased pHv while bafilomycin A1 was ineffective when applied at 1 μM. Concanamycin 4-B did not affect pHv when applied at 0.1 μM and increasing the concentration to 10 μM did not amplify the degree of alkalization. Concanamycin 4-B also inhibited pHv regulation under NaCl stress. When Chara cells were treated with 100 mM NaCl, pHv promptly increased and then recovered to the original level. The reacidification was completely inhibited by concanamycin 4-B (1 μM), suggesting that the reacidification was achieved by the H+-ATPase of the tonoplast.  相似文献   
B类1型清道夫受体(scavenger receptor class B type 1,SR-B1)是一种与清道夫受体CD36具有高度同源性的膜糖蛋白,其表达相对广泛且有着众多生物学作用.体内外多种因素可从转录或转录后水平对SR-B1表达进行调控: PPARα/γ激动剂、部分LXR激动剂、LH/HCG、雌激素等能上调SR-B1的表达;维生素E、INFα、脂多糖、IGF-1、胆酸、PXR激动剂及高糖水平等能下调SR-B1的表达;而血管紧张素Ⅱ则可对SR-B1的表达进行双向调节,且它们具体的调节机制复杂.SR-B1作为一种具有多配体结合特性的膜受体,不同配体与其结合后可介导细胞内不同信号事件及生物学效应,如介导HDL激活细胞内PI3K/Akt及MAPK信号途径, 增加内皮型一氧化氮合酶的磷酸化、促进内皮细胞迁移与内皮重构.此外,非HDL类配体如LDL激活p38MAPK途径、凋亡细胞、血清淀粉样蛋白A等激活胞内MAPK途径均可由SR-B1介导.本文对近年来B类1型清道夫受体表达调控机制及信号转导通路的相关研究进行综述.  相似文献   
Nisin production of three bioengineered strains, (LAC338, LAC339 and LAC340) with immunity (nisFEG) and/or regulation (nisRK) genes of nisin biosynthesis on plasmids in the Lactococcus lactis LL27 nisin producer, was evaluated under pH-controlled and pH-uncontrolled batch fermentations. Optimization studies showed that fructose and yeast extract yielded the highest nisin activity. The strains LAC338, LAC339, and LAC340 produced 24, 45, and 44% more nisin, respectively, than wild-type L. lactis LL27 after 12-h incubation. However, sharp decreases in the yield of nisin were observed at the late phase of fermentation with LAC339 and LL27 in contrast to LAC340 and LAC338 strains for which the high level of nisin could be maintained longer. Obviously, increasing the copy number of the regulation genes together with immunity genes in the nisin producers retarded the loss of nisin in the late phase of the fermentation.  相似文献   
Isoprene synthase (ISPS) catalyzes the formation of isoprene, an important volatile terpenoid with strong effects on global atmospheric chemistry and protective physiological functions in plant leaves. Many terpene synthase genes including isoprene synthase, a member of the TPS-b cluster of this numerous gene family, were already functionally analysed but much less is known about regulation of their promoters. To study regulation of the PcISPS gene in detail we developed transgenic Grey poplar (Populus × canescens) and Arabidopsis thaliana plants in which the PcISPS promoter is fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (E-GFP) and β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter genes. We analysed these reporters during plant development, for organ specificity and in plants subjected to different light and temperature regimes. We observed low promoter activity in non-isoprene emitting tissue like roots where ISPS gene is transcribed but no active enzyme is detectable. In leaves we demonstrate that light and temperature directly modulate ISPS promoter activity. Moreover, with confocal laser scanning microscopy we show a cell specific gradient of ISPS promoter activity within the leaf parenchyma depending on light direction. Our results indicate that ISPS promoter activity, which correlates with basal isoprene emission capacity, is not uniformly distributed within leaf tissue and that it can adapt rapidly towards internal as well as external environmental stimuli.  相似文献   
林海建  张志明  沈亚欧  高世斌  潘光堂 《遗传》2009,31(12):1192-1204
逆境胁迫影响植物的正常生长, 导致作物减产, 甚至绝收。提高作物的抗逆性一直是作物遗传育种学家追求的目标, 大量研究也正试图揭示这一复杂的生物学机制。传统的从生理生化水平到单一基因的研究都难以揭示植物复杂的抗逆机制, 而基因芯片(Gene chip)的应用使得这一目标成为了可能, 基因芯片从整个转录水平入手, 能够揭示大量基因的表达和调控情况, 同时结合蛋白质组学和代谢组学的研究方法, 将基因定位于代谢途径的某个位置, 寻找逆境胁迫响应的关键基因, 完善植物逆境胁迫响应的分子网络, 为今后利用生物技术手段提高作物抗逆境胁迫能力提供依据。文章主要对近年来基因芯片在植物逆境胁迫基因表达研究中的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
Allele-specific gene expression in a wild nonhuman primate population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural populations hold enormous potential for evolutionary genetic studies, especially when phenotypic, genetic and environmental data are all available on the same individuals. However, untangling the genotype-phenotype relationship in natural populations remains a major challenge. Here, we describe results of an investigation of one class of phenotype, allele-specific gene expression (ASGE), in the well-studied natural population of baboons of the Amboseli basin, Kenya. ASGE measurements identify cases in which one allele of a gene is overexpressed relative to the alternative allele of the same gene, within individuals, thus providing a control for background genetic and environmental effects. Here, we characterize the incidence of ASGE in the Amboseli baboon population, focusing on the genetic and environmental contributions to ASGE in a set of eleven genes involved in immunity and defence. Within this set, we identify evidence for common ASGE in four genes. We also present examples of two relationships between cis-regulatory genetic variants and the ASGE phenotype. Finally, we identify one case in which this relationship is influenced by a novel gene-environment interaction. Specifically, the dominance rank of an individual's mother during its early life (an aspect of that individual's social environment) influences the expression of the gene CCL5 via an interaction with cis-regulatory genetic variation. These results illustrate how environmental and ecological data can be integrated into evolutionary genetic studies of functional variation in natural populations. They also highlight the potential importance of early life environmental variation in shaping the genetic architecture of complex traits in wild mammals.  相似文献   
人工沟渠的生态环境效应研究综述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
郗敏  吕宪国  刘红玉 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1471-1476
人工沟渠主要指以排水和灌溉为目的人工挖掘的水道.人工沟渠作为排水和引水的廊道改善了土壤的结构、促进了作物的生长,从而提高了农作物的产量;同时人工沟渠这种景观的存在对周围的环境也产生了巨大的影响.水文效应是被大家普遍接受的生态环境效应.在整个降雨期间或之后,观察显示出沟渠对出口径流的贡献:一些沟渠收集和向河流输送水;另一些沟渠收集水但是减慢了水流的速度.本文从水文效应、对元素地球化学循环、生物及其生境的影响到对生态环境整体影响方面总结了人工沟渠的生态环境效应,并对其进一步的研究提出一些建议,旨在最大限度发挥人工沟渠的生态环境效应,改善整个生态环境.  相似文献   
根据实验观察到的DNA成环和弯折机制,以140bp为分界点,探讨高频转录基因上游区与内含子之间可能存在的短程和长程转录协同增效作用(synergy)。用与随机序列做对比的方法,抽提出最近距离在140bp以下的寡核苷酸对,以及最近距离在140bp以上的寡核苷酸对。仔细分析两种距离下的可能的协同寡核苷酸对的位置特征和碱基组分,发现短程协同作用的寡核苷酸对的平均最近距离都在110bp以下,位于上游区的CCAA是一个很明显的特征;而长程协同作用的寡核苷酸对的平均最近距离集中在250-400bp,并且在多数寡核苷酸对中,位于上游区的寡核苷酸是GC丰富的正调控元件。  相似文献   
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