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Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Magnani  P.  Paganelli  G.  Siccardi  A. G.  Songini  C.  Colombo  P.  Faglia  G.  Fazio  F. 《Cell biochemistry and biophysics》1994,24(1-3):307-313
For various pituitary adenomas, it has been demonstrated that somatostatin receptor can be present. Pilot studies have shown that radio-indium labeled pentetreotide allows very good scintigraphic localization of somatostatin receptor-bearing cell masses. Recently, the presence of CgA in pituitary adenomas has also been demonstrated. MAb A11, raised against CgA, has been successfully used with a three-step ISG for the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors. Therefore the combined use of three-step ISG with MAb A11 and radiolabeled somatostatin can be useful in the diagnosis of pituitary adenomas. Twelve patients, 5 secreting (group A) and 7 nonsecreting (group B) pituitary adenomas, were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent three-step ISG, and, 2 wk later, scintigraphy with111In-labeled pentetreotide (Octreoscan). Three-step ISG consisted of iv injection of 1 mg of biotinylated MAb A11 (first step), followed by 10 mg of avidin (second step) and [99mTc]PnAO-biotin (third step). Tomographic imaging were acquired for three-step ISG and Octreoscan at 2 and 4 h after radiotracer injection, respectively. The results are the following: 2 patients of group A (secreting tumors) had a positive three-step ISG, whereas all the patients but one of the same group had a positive pentetreotide study; all the patients of group B (nonsecreting tumors) had a positive three-step ISG and 4 had a positive pentetreotide scintigraphy. These data suggest the utility of the combined use of these techniques for a better diagnosis of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   
Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from approximately 600 strains of cultured cyanophytes, representing some 300 species, were examined for antiviral activity against three pathogenic viruses. Approximately 10% of the cultures produced substances that caused significant reduction in cytopathic effect normally associated with viral infection. The screening program identified the order Chroococcales as commonly producing antiviral agents.  相似文献   
Reexamination of the immature Upper Pleistocene hominid maxilla from Mugharet el-'Aliya (Tangier), Morocco is undertaken in light of new evidence on the growth and development of Upper Pleistocene hominids. Metric and qualitative comparisons were made with 17 immature Upper Pleistocene maxillae, and with a recent Homo sapiens sapiens sample. No unambiguous criteria for aligning the maxilla with Neandertals were found, although one character, the degree of maxillary flexion on the zygoma, strongly suggests that this child could be a representative of H. s. sapiens. The probable lack of a canine fossa in Mugharet el-'Aliya 1, the primary criterion used previously to align it with Neandertals, cannot be accurately extrapolated to its adult form from this juvenile. The present evidence suggests that it is inappropriate to refer to this fossil as “Neandertal-like” or as a North African “neandertaloid.” Thus, the Tangier maxilla should not be cited as evidence for the presence of Neandertal facial features in North Africa during the Upper Pleistocene. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The signal transduction initiated by the human cytokine interleukin-8 (IL-8), the main chemotactic cytokine for neutrophils, was investigated and found to encompass the stimulation of protein kinases. More specifically, IL-8 caused a transient, dose and time dependent activation of a Ser/Thr kinase activity towards myelin basic protein (MBP) and the MBP-derived peptide APRTPGGRR patterned after the specific concensus sequence in MBP for ERK enzymes. The activated MBP kinase was furthermore identified as an extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1) based on several criteria such as substrate specificity, molecular weight, activation-dependent mobility shift, and recognition by anti-ERK antibodies. For comparison, the chemotactic response of neutrophils to a stimulus of bacterial origin (fMet-Leu-Phe or fMLP) was also examined and found to involve the activation of a similar ERK enzyme. The present data clearly indicate that in terminally differentiated, non-proliferating human cells, the MBP kinase/ERK activity can serve other purposes than mitogenic signaling, and that processes such as chemotaxis, induced by bacterial peptides as well as by human cytokines like IL-8, involve the regulation of ERK enzyme.Abbreviations IL-8 interleukin-8 - fMLP fMet-Leu-Phe - MBP myelin basic protein - ERK extracellular signal regulated kinase - MAP2 microtubule-associated protein 2 - PK-A cAMP dependent protein kinase - PKI protein kinase inhibitor - PMSF phenyl-methanesulfonyl fluoride - PVDF poly-vinylidene difluoride - HBSF Hank's buffered salt solution - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - PNPP p-nitrophenyl-phosphate - HSA human serum albumin - EGTA [ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to see whether artificial acclimatization to cold would reduce the pressor response to noradrenaline (NA) as natural acclimatization has been shown to do, and whether it would induce nonshivering thermogenesis. Three white men were infused with NA at four dosage levels between 0.038 and 0.300 g·kg–1·min–1 (2–23 g·min–1), before and after artificial acclimatization to cold and again 4 months later when acclimatization had decayed. Acclimatization was induced by ten daily cold (15°Q baths of 30–60 min followed by rapid rewarming in hot (38–42°C) water, and was confirmed by tests of the subjects responses to whole-body cooling in air. Three control subjects also underwent the first and third tests. Acclimatization substantially reduced the pressor response to NA at 0.150 and 0.300 g·kg–1·min–1, confirming earlier findings by the same technique in naturally acclimatized men, and its decay increased this response to beyond its initial levels (P<0.05 for both changes). Acclimatization did not change the response to NA of heart rate, subjective impressions, skin temperature of finger and toe, pulmonary ventilation, or plasma free fatty acids and ketone bodies. At no time did NA increase oxygen consumption, or increase skin temperature or heat flow over reported sites of brown fat. These findings would seem to show that acclimatization to cold reduces sensitivity to the pressor effect of NA but does not induce nonshivering thermogenesis, and that the reduced sensitivity is replaced by a hypersensitivity to NA when acclimatization decays.  相似文献   
The goatfish Upeneus tragula undergoes an abrupt metamorphosis at settlement when the pelagic larvae begin a reef-associated benthic mode of life. A microspectrophotometric investigation of the retinal visual pigments was carried out on fish prior to, during, and following settlement. It was found that the visual pigment in the long wavelength-absorbing member of the double cones in the dorsal retina changed rapidly from a rhodopsin with a wavelength of maximum absorption (max) of 580 nm to that of 530 nm. The second member of the double cones always had a rhodopsin with the max absorbing at shorter wavelengths. Prior to settlement the average for this class of cones was 487 nm whereas during and immediately following the settlement period the max recorded from individual outer segments was found to vary between 480 nm and 520 nm, with two possible classes of cone absorbance emerging within this range. These two classes of absorbance had average max values of 487 and 515 nm. The average max of the paired cone classes in one larger wild-settled fish were found to be at 506 nm and 530 nm. No change was detected in the max of the single cones or the rods which were always found to have a max of about 400 nm and 498 nm respectively. The loss of the redabsorbing pigment occurred over the same time scale as the metamorphosis of morphological features associated with the settlement process. It is thought that the loss of this visual pigment is associated with the change in light environment of the fishes as they leave the surface waters to begin a benthic mode of life in deeper water.Abbreviations AIMS Australian Institute of Marine Science - ANOVA Analysis of variance - IR infra-red - max wavelength of maximum absorption - MSP microspectrophotometer - NA numerical aperture - SL standard length  相似文献   
The Corbières massif forms the lowest part of the Eastern Pyrenees, and as such is the easiest natural passage to connect the coastal plains of Languedoc and Roussillon in Southern France with those of Gironès and Barcelona in Northern Spanish Catalonia. This geographical situation confers on each of the sites discovered in this passage a role of milestone that can allow us to apprehend the dynamics of anthropic movements and relationships across these spaces. In 2007, the presence of a first Gravettian site in this Northern Pyrenean foothill was published: Jas d’en Biel 1. This discovery filled an “archaeological void” between the Gravettian sites of Languedoc and those of Spanish Catalonia. The discovery of a new site: Jas d’en Biel 2, 300 m from the first, reinforces the Gravettian presence in this region. The fact that the two sites present similar characteristics in terms of anthropic choices (solar orientation, proximity to a watercourse, lightness of the soil, protection from the wind, etc.) are all parameters that demonstrate the choices made by Gravettian men. The respective compositions of the lithic industries of the series do not show significant differences, allowing us to imagine a certain synchronism between the two sites. Burins are the most numerous tools, but at Jas d’en Biel 2 we find specimens close to the Raysse type that were absent from Jas d’en Biel 1. Jas d’en Biel 2, as well as its neighbor Jas d’en Biel 1, shows similarities with certain sites in Languedoc, such as Bois-des-Brousses, La Treille, La Verrière, the caves of Bize or La Crouzade. These are usually small deposits that belong to terminal moments of the Gravettian period. All these parameters point to similarities between the Languedoc sites and Jas d’en Biel 1 and 2. The geographical position of the Corbières massif allows us to consider the Jas d’en Biel sites as the last milestones of the Gravettian period upstream from the crossing of the Pyrenean passes, before the sites of the Serinyà region, such as l’Arbreda. Recent surveys carried out in the same valley of the Ravin d’en Saman have made it possible to locate and identify several other open-air settlements related to the Gravettian lato sensu. An analysis of intra- and extra-site characteristics will aim to understand the parameters that led men to settle in this micro-zone, as well as the reasons for this “concentration”.  相似文献   
Summary DNA fingerprints generated by the Jeffreys' probes, 33.6 and 33.15, indicated the presence of minisatellite-like sequences in the red clover genome. The fingerprints generated by probe 33.6 gave less background and fewer but better defined bands than those obtained with probe 33.15. Assay of a regenerative somaclonal variant (F49R) by DNA fingerprinting with probe 33.6 detected mutation that was unlinked to the regenerative trait. The fingerprints obtained under the applied conditions also demonstrated genetic stability of consecutive generations of the regenerants in tissue culture. DNA fingerprints of F1 plants revealed that each polymorphic band was inherited from either one or the other parent. Both probes distinguished individual-specific genotypes in seven cultivars of red clover. Greater variability in DNA fingerprints was detected between (V=0.899) than within (0.417≤V≤0.548) cultivars.  相似文献   
Summary This study reports the selection and characterization of osteogenic precursors from human bone marrow which were isolated by two “clonings” and successive subculturing. These cell lines express alkaline phosphatase activity. Gel electrophoresis of [3H]-proline labeled cultures showed that the cloned cells produce only type I collagen. They synthetize osteocalcin and osteonectin. They respond to 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 by increasing osteocalcin synthesis and secretion, and to parathyroid hormone by increasing cyclic AMP synthesis. After the third subculture in the absence of β-glycerophosphate, these cell lines formed lots of clusters which exhibit high alkaline phosphatase activity and positive von Kossa staining. X-ray energy spectrum shows that these cells are surrounded by “budding” structures containing calcium and phosphorus with a ratio Ca:P identical to those of pure hydroxyapatite. This process was associated with45Ca uptake into the cells. All these data support the selection of osteogenic cells which may be of considerable clinical importance.  相似文献   
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