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Arundo donax (giant reed) is an aggressive invasive weed of riparian habitats throughout the southern half of the United States from California to Maryland. Native to Asia, the species is believed to have been initially introduced into North America from the Mediterranean region although subsequent introductions were from multiple regions. To provide insight into the potential for biological control of A. donax, genetic variation in plants sampled from a wide geographical area in the United States was analyzed using Sequence Related Amplification Polymorphism (SRAP) and transposable element (TE)-based molecular markers. Invasive individuals from 15 states as well as four populations in southern France were genetically fingerprinted using 10 SRAP and 12 TE-based primer combinations. With the exception of simple mutations detected in four plants, A. donax exhibited a single multilocus DNA fingerprint indicating a single genetic clone. The genetic uniformity of invasive A. donax suggests that classical biological control of the species could be successful. A lack of genetic diversity in the invaded range simplifies identification of native source populations to search for natural enemies that could be used as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   
洞庭湖流域曾有亚洲象(Elephasmaximus)、犀(Rhinocerossp.)、麋鹿(Elaphurusdavidianus)、川金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellana)、长臂猿(Hylobatessp.)、大熊猫(Ailuropodamelanoleuca)、梅花鹿(Cervusnippon)、棕熊(Ursusarctos)等哺乳动物分布,但受古气候、古地理以及人类活动的影响,这些哺乳动物已在洞庭湖流域灭绝。这些哺乳动物的濒危和灭绝既受自然环境变化和灾变的影响,也与物种本身生物学特性和人类活动有关,尤其与人类捕杀和生境丧失有关。据古籍记载分析:在洞庭湖流域,亚洲象和犀于北宋末期灭绝或已南迁,而野生麋鹿、大熊猫、川金丝猴、长臂猿、梅花鹿和棕熊等于19世纪末灭绝。根据我们对30个自然保护区或森林公园野生动物资源实地调查的结果,在洞庭湖流域已记录到21种国家重点保护哺乳动物,其中有5、6、10种哺乳动物分别处于“极危”、“濒危”、“易危”等级,这表明物种濒危的过程仍在继续。导致这些现生哺乳动物濒危的主要原因是生境丧失、人类猎捕、环境污染等,而人类活动干扰对现生濒危物种存活的影响越来越大。洞庭湖流域重引入麋鹿需采取人类协助生存策略:提供足够的且受洪水影响小的适宜生境、保证稳定的奠基者种群数量、减少人为干扰、调控种群密度、实施社区共管和生计替代项目、加强疾病防治、完善保护措施、加大保护基金投入、加强生境监测和湿地恢复等。  相似文献   
卢氏县大鲵种群年龄结构和性比的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大鲵种群样本(n=252)及观察到的当年孵化的幼鲵进行测量,样本采自河南省卢氏县大鲵自然保护区。以大鲵体长、体重为指标,用重心法聚类划分出8个年龄组(不含当年孵化幼鲵)。在此基础上结合大鲵的生长发育特点,同时与人工养殖条件下的生长情况进行对照,根据样本聚类情况推断出大鲵5个个体年龄组及相应的体长和体重指标,对卢氏县大鲵20世纪90年代初的种群年龄结构和性比进行了分析,探讨了以大鲵体长和体重为生长指标、用聚类分析法划分大鲵年龄组的可能性。  相似文献   
圈养繁殖在大熊猫保护生物学中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
栖息地的日益恶化、片段化和种群孤岛化已成为保护大熊猫的严重障碍。尽管就地保护濒危物种是最有希望的措施,但对于大熊猫而言,研究表明圈养繁殖也是保护这一极危物和中的有效手段之一,对保护遗传多样性起以了重要作用,是延缓绝灭速率的保证。本文阐述了大圈养繁殖的必要性及其在保护生物学中的作用。  相似文献   
卧龙自然保护区大熊猫生境恢复过程研究   总被引:26,自引:12,他引:14  
保护与恢复生境是有效保护大熊猫的重要途径,通过样方调查法研究了卧龙自然保护区大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)恢复生境的群落结构特征,共调查了原始生境、20世纪20一30年代砍伐后自然恢复生境、40一50年代砍伐后自然恢复生境、70年代以后自然恢复生境以及60一70年代人工林等5个生境类型,21个样方。研究结果表明:各生境类型的物种丰富度、物种多样性、植株数(高度>5m)、乔木层的平均胸径和最大平均胸径,以及大熊猫的生境成熟度都存在显著差异,竹子的生物量及更新能力也有一定差异。人工林与原始生境的群落相似性低于其他自然恢复生境与原始生境的群落相似性。研究发现,大熊猫生境恢复包括大熊猫可食竹类资源的恢复以及生境群落结构的恢复。可食竹类资源恢复所需时间相对较短,仅需约20一30a;生境的植物群落结构的恢复则要长的多,一般恢复时间50a左右才能成为大熊猫的适宜生境,恢复时间为70一80a的生境与原始生境的群落结构已十分接近。通过人工造林恢复生境,无论从竹子资源的恢复,还是从植物群落结构的恢复方面,均不是一种有效地恢复大熊猫生境的方式。  相似文献   
The relationship between electrical activity and spike‐induced Ca2+ increases in dendrites was investigated in the identified wind‐sensitive giant interneurons in the cricket. We applied a high‐speed Ca2+ imaging technique to the giant interneurons, and succeeded in recording the transient Ca2+ increases (Ca2+ transients) induced by a single action potential, which was evoked by presynaptic stimulus to the sensory neurons. The dendritic Ca2+ transients evoked by a pair of action potentials accumulated when spike intervals were shorter than 100 ms. The amplitude of the Ca2+ transients induced by a train of spikes depended on the number of action potentials. When stimulation pulses evoking the same numbers of action potentials were separately applied to the ipsi‐ or contra‐lateral cercal sensory nerves, the dendritic Ca2+ transients induced by these presynaptic stimuli were different in their amplitude. Furthermore, the side of presynaptic stimulation that evoked larger Ca2+ transients depended on the location of the recorded dendritic regions. This result means that the spike‐triggered Ca2+ transients in dendrites depend on postsynaptic activity. It is proposed that Ca2+ entry through voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels activated by the action potentials will be enhanced by excitatory synaptic inputs at the dendrites in the cricket giant interneurons. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 234–244, 2002; DOI 10.1002/neu.10032  相似文献   
Abstract. Access to the ventral nerve cord in living specimens of Lumbriculus variegatus , an aquatic oligochaete, is normally impossible because surgical invasion induces segmental autotomy (self-fragmentation). We show here that nicotine is a powerful paralytic agent that reversibly immobilizes worms, blocks segmental autotomy, and allows experimental access to the nerve cord. Using nicotine-treated worms, we transected the ventral nerve cord and used non-invasive electrophysiological recordings and behavioral analyses to characterize the functional recovery of giant nerve fibers and other reflex pathways. Initially, after transection, medial giant fiber (MGF) and lateral giant fiber (LGF) spikes conducted up to, but not across, the transection site. Reestablishment of MGF and LGF through-conduction across the transection site occurred as early as 10 h (usually by 20 h) after transection. Analyses of non-giant-mediated behavioral responses (i.e., helical swimming and body reversal) were also made following nerve cord transection. Immediately after transection, functional reorganization of touch-evoked locomotor reflexes occurred, so that the two portions of the worm anterior and posterior to the transection site were independently capable of helical swimming and body reversal responses. Similar reorganization of responses occurred in amputated body fragments. Reversion back to the original whole-body pattern of swimming and reversal occurred as early as 8 h after transection. Thus, functional restoration of the non-giant central pathways appeared slightly faster than giant fiber pathways. The results demonstrate the remarkable plasticity of locomotor reflex behaviors immediately after nerve cord transection or segment amputation. They also demonstrate the exceptional speed and specificity of regeneration of the central pathways that mediate locomotor reflexes.  相似文献   
Nonlactating female giant pandas experience a single estrus during the spring mating season. Although both hormonal and behavioral aspects of estrus have been reported on captive females, little is known about the relationship between them. Data were collected on a single captive female during three successive seasons, revealing a high degree of regularity in both estrogen profiles and the temporal pattern of associated behaviors. The birth of a live cub in the last of the three seasons, using artificial insemination, confirmed the time of ovulation as occurring shortly after a peak in urinary estrogen values. In this study, we examined the occurrence of female scent marking, rear presentations, chirp and bleat vocalizations, and the tail‐up display, and plotted their occurrence relative to the underlying estrogen values. We conclude that the role of estrogen in the expression of these behaviors is neither simple nor directly causal. Temporal associations indicate that a triggering rather than a maintenance function for estrogen is implicated. This analysis provides a clear identification of estrous behaviors, but in both the time and form of occurrence these behaviors most likely vary between females and seasons. Zoo Biol 20:537–543, 2001. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
芦苇型湿地生态系统的潜水水质状态研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
以白洋淀芦苇滩地为实验地,研究了湿地生态系统中潜水的水质状况.苇地潜水运动受到芦苇根孔的强烈影响.受芦苇根区生物呼吸作用的影响,潜水pH值(6.94士0.14)显著低于淀水(9.17).潜水中CO2分压约为淀水的85~1039倍.潜水水质类型在离淀2.7至6.7m发生变化,逐渐由ClN3转变为CCa.自苇地边缘至中央,HT(总硬度),Ar(总碱度)与∑C(主要离子总量)逐渐升高.潜水中Mg2+/Ca2+的平均摩尔比值为0.60,明显低于淀水(1.31).淀水和潜水Cl-,SO2-,Na++K+含量无显著差异,平均值分别是176,116和112mg/L.苇地濒水区为一过渡带,对磷氮污染物具备首先的过滤作用.在离淀0.7m处TN,TP和活性磷酸盐的减少量分别为63.3%,84.6%,80.8%.  相似文献   
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