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Circahoralian cellular rhythms have been revealed after the amendment of quantitative cytochemical methods initiated at the Department of Histology (Moscow State University) and Laboratory of Cytology (Institute of Animal Morphology, Russian Academy of Sciences). The first findings have been confirmed in many laboratories. Circumhoralian kinetics proved to be specific for various cell types (from bacteria to mammalian cells) and cellular functions. Independent physiological investigations found circahoralian rhythms for various tissue functions. Distribution of the rhythms as well as their possible nature and significance for tissue biology are reviewed.  相似文献   
To improve the accuracy and efficiency of fish behavior assessment, this paper focuses on quantitatively exploring the variations and relationships between different monitoring dimensions. A systematic comparison was conducted between 3D and 2D behavioral factors using an infrared tracing system, during both day and night. Significant differences in swimming distance were observed among the different monitoring methods, as determined by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. A correction was applied to account for the disparities observed in 2D swimming distance, ensuring accurate measurements. These findings present a cost-effective and efficient approach for obtaining precise 3D distance data. Additionally, a kinematic factor called the “number of U-turns” was proposed to provide a more intuitive characterization of directional changes in fish swimming. Significant differences were observed between 2D and 3D data, with higher percentages of false U-turn counts and missing U-turn counts compared to correct counts in the 2D view. These findings suggest that reducing the monitoring dimension may impact the accurate estimation of swimming motion, potentially resulting in inaccurate outcomes. Finally, the statistical analyses of the non-linear properties of fractal dimension revealed significant differences among the various monitoring methods. This conclusion has practical implications for biologists and physicists, enabling them to improve the accuracy of behavioral phenotyping for organisms exhibiting 3D motion.  相似文献   
At the edge of a biological invasion, evolutionary processes (spatial sorting, natural selection) often drive increases in dispersal. Although numerous traits influence an individual''s displacement (e.g. speed, stamina), one of the most important is path straightness. A straight (i.e. highly correlated) path strongly enhances overall dispersal rate relative to time and energetic cost. Thus, we predict that, if path straightness has a genetic basis, organisms in the invasion vanguard will exhibit straighter paths than those following behind. Our studies on invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) in tropical Australia clearly support this prediction. Radio-tracking of field-collected toads at a single site showed that path straightness steadily decreased over the first 10 years post-invasion. Consistent with an evolved (genetic) basis to that behavioural shift, path straightness of toads reared under common garden conditions varied according to the location of their parents'' origin. Offspring produced by toads from the invasion vanguard followed straighter paths than did those produced by parents from long-established populations. At the individual level, offspring exhibited similar path straightness to their parents. The dramatic acceleration of the cane toad invasion through tropical Australia has been driven, in part, by the evolution of a behavioural tendency towards dispersing in a straight line.  相似文献   
The universe of cellular forms has received scarce attention by mainstream neo-Darwinian views. The possibility that a fundamental trait of biological order may consist upon, or be guided by, developmental processes not completely amenable to natural selection was more akin to previous epochs of biological thought, i.e. the “bauplan” discussion. Thirty years ago, however, Lynn and Tucker studied the biological mechanisms responsible for defining organelles position inside cells. The fact that differentiated structures performing a specific function within the eukaryotic cell (i.e. mitochondrion, vacuole, or chloroplast) were occupying specific positions in the protoplasm was the observational and experimental support of the ‘morphogenetic field’ notion at the cellular level. In the present paper we study the morphogenetic field evolution yielding from an initial population of undifferentiated cells to diversified unicellular organisms as well as specialized eukaryotic cell types. The cells are represented as Julia sets and Pickover biomorphs, simulating the effect of Darwinian natural selection with a simple genetic algorithm. The morphogenetic field “defines” the locations where cells are differentiated or sub-cellular components (or organelles) become organized. It may be realized by different possibilities, one of them by diffusing chemicals along the Turing model. We found that Pickover cells show a higher diversity of size and form than those populations evolved as Julia sets. Another novelty is the way that cellular organelles and cell nucleus fill in the cell, always in dependence on the previous cell definition as Julia set or Pickover biomorph. Our findings support the existence of specific attractors representing the functional and stable form of a differentiated cell—genuine cellular bauplans. The configuration of the morphogenetic field is “attracted” towards one or another attractor depending on the environmental influences as modeled by a particular fitness function. The model promotes the classical discussions of D’Arcy Thompson and the more recent views of Waddington, Goodwin and others that consider organisms as dynamical systems that evolve through a ‘master plan’ of transformations, amenable to natural selection. Intriguingly, the model also connects with current developments on mechanobiology, highlighting the informational–developmental role that cytoskeletons may play.  相似文献   
应用Ripley的K(r)函数和分形维数,研究了古尔班通古特沙漠土质、沙质、盐土和石砾质4种生态类型梭梭在不同发育阶段的分布格局和分形特征.结果表明:沙质、盐土和石砾质生态类型中的梭梭种群呈显著聚集分布,而土质生态类型梭梭种群仅在1~18m范围内呈聚集分布,说明荒漠植物群落通过聚集分布适应其生存的环境;梭梭不同发育阶段的分布格局不同,幼苗和幼树呈聚集分布,成年树呈随机分布.与Ripley的K(r)函数相比,关联维数能反映种群的个体对空间占据能力的强弱,但不能直接反映干旱区种群的个体聚集/非聚集.此外,3种分形维数对样地内梭梭种群个体数量和植株大小较为敏感.  相似文献   
沙冬青灌丛地的土壤颗粒大小分形维数空间变异性分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过土壤颗粒大小分形维数对土壤质地定量分析表明,土壤颗粒大小分形维数与沙粒含量(>0.1mm)呈显著的线性负相关,与粘粉粒含量(<0.05mm)呈显著的线性正相关关系(p<0.0001),沙粒和粘粉粒含量每增加1﹪,分形维数则降低或升高0.022个单位,沙粒增加导致分形维数的降低和粘粉粒增加导致分形维数升高幅度一致,所以土壤颗粒分形维数可以作为评价土地沙质荒漠化程度的定量指标之一.荒漠地带以沙冬青为优势种的沙生植被地段,地表土壤颗粒粗粒化和50~70cm土层土壤颗粒的细粒化,为该区有限降水的深层渗漏提供了基质,为沙冬青的存活提供了保障,一定程度上支持了一些专家提出的概念模型,验证了粗质土壤质地支持以灌木为主的群落的假说.但从空间变异性分析来看,荒漠区沙冬青群落因地表物质的吹蚀和堆积过程频繁以及灌丛沙堆发育程度引起的分枝形态差异,导致了土壤颗粒含量空间变异尺度并未集中在冠幅范围,并不支持灌丛在沙漠生态系统对降尘等细粒物质拦截所形成的"沃岛"作用.正是因为以沙冬青为优势种的沙生植被地段土壤颗粒组成的高度空间异质性,并且空间变异的范围并不局限于灌木冠幅范围和冠幅间的裸地,没有为其它植物种的入侵创造土壤基质条件,才使得沙冬青群落在该区稳定存在,为荒漠残遗植物种--沙冬青的迁地保护和干旱沙区植被恢复过程中合理地利用土壤资源,以避免营林失败等问题提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
Magnetic fields (MF) can alter the dynamic behavior of vascular tissue and may have a stimulatory or inhibitory effect on blood vessel growth. Fractal geometry has been used in several studies as a tool to describe the development of blood vascular networks. Due to its self‐similarity, irregularity, fractional dimension, and dependence on the scale of vessel dimensions, vascular networks can be taken as fractal objects. In this work, we calculated the fractal dimension by the methods of box counting (Dbc) and information dimension (Dinf) to evaluate the development of blood vessels of the yolk sac membrane (YSM) from quail embryos exposed to MF with a magnetic flux density of 1 mT and a frequency of 60 Hz. The obtained results showed that when the MF was applied to embryos aged between 48 and 72 h, in sessions of 2 h (6 h/day) and 3 h (9 h/day) with exposure intervals between 6 and 5 h, respectively, blood vascular formation was inhibited. Exposure sessions shorter than 2 h or longer than 3 h had no observable change on the vascular process. In contrast, the magnetic field had no observable change on the YSM vascular network for embryos aged between 72 and 96 h, irrespective of the exposure time. In conclusion, these results show a “window effect” regarding exposure time. Bioelectromagnetics 34:114–121, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Intraspecific variability represents an important, yet inadequately investigated factor affecting the movement behaviour and ecology of mobile organisms. Here, the influence of sex, seasonality and body size on the movement behaviour of the brackish isopod Lekanesphaera hookeri were examined under resource-free laboratory conditions. The mean step length, total path length and average speed were determined twice during the year for adult and juvenile isopods encompassing a 10-fold range in body length. The scale-independent fractal dimension D was used to quantify the tortuosity of the movement paths. No relationships were observed between sex or season and all the movement metrics. In contrast, isopods' body size scaled negatively with the fractal dimension D of movement paths with a breakpoint at 2.6 mm, roughly corresponding to the size of morphometric maturation. No other relationships were observed between the body length of isopods and mean step length, total path length and average speed. The results indicate a sex- and season-independent ontogenetic shift in movement behaviour in L. hookeri. This suggests that in sphaeromatid isopods post-embryonic development determines not only continuous variations in size and proportions, but also a discontinuous change in the movement strategy adopted to interact with the surrounding space. Overall, these findings underscore the need to account explicitly for such changes in models predicting the spatial distribution of organisms characterised by wide intra-population size variation.  相似文献   
Many neurophysiological variables such as heart rate, motor activity, and neural activity are known to exhibit intrinsic fractal fluctuations – similar temporal fluctuation patterns at different time scales. These fractal patterns contain information about health, as many pathological conditions are accompanied by their alteration or absence. In physical systems, such fluctuations are characteristic of critical states on the border between randomness and order, frequently arising from nonlinear feedback interactions between mechanisms operating on multiple scales. Thus, the existence of fractal fluctuations in physiology challenges traditional conceptions of health and disease, suggesting that high levels of integrity and adaptability are marked by complex variability, not constancy, and are properties of a neurophysiological network, not individual components. Despite the subject's theoretical and clinical interest, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying fractal regulation remain largely unknown. The recent discovery that the circadian pacemaker (suprachiasmatic nucleus) plays a crucial role in generating fractal patterns in motor activity and heart rate sheds an entirely new light on both fractal control networks and the function of this master circadian clock, and builds a bridge between the fields of circadian biology and fractal physiology. In this review, we sketch the emerging picture of the developing interdisciplinary field of fractal neurophysiology by examining the circadian system's role in fractal regulation.  相似文献   
In the field of quantitative microscopy, textural information plays a significant role very often in tissue characterization and diagnosis, in addition to morphology and intensity. The aim of this work is to improve the classification accuracy based on textural features for the development of a computer assisted screening of oral sub-mucous fibrosis (OSF). In fact, a systematic approach is introduced in order to grade the histopathological tissue sections into normal, OSF without dysplasia and OSF with dysplasia, which would help the oral onco-pathologists to screen the subjects rapidly. In totality, 71 textural features are extracted from epithelial region of the tissue sections using various wavelet families, Gabor-wavelet, local binary pattern, fractal dimension and Brownian motion curve, followed by preprocessing and segmentation. Wavelet families contribute a common set of 9 features, out of which 8 are significant and other 61 out of 62 obtained from the rest of the extractors are also statistically significant (p < 0.05) in discriminating the three stages. Based on mean distance criteria, the best wavelet family (i.e., biorthogonal3.1 (bior3.1)) is selected for classifier design. support vector machine (SVM) is trained by 146 samples based on 69 textural features and its classification accuracy is computed for each of the combinations of wavelet family and rest of the extractors. Finally, it has been investigated that bior3.1 wavelet coefficients leads to higher accuracy (88.38%) in combination with LBP and Gabor wavelet features through three-fold cross validation. Results are shown and discussed in detail. It is shown that combining more than one texture measure instead of using just one might improve the overall accuracy.  相似文献   
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