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A hybrid anaerobic solid-liquid bioreactor for food waste digestion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A hybrid anaerobic solid-liquid (HASL) bioreactor is an enhanced two-phase anaerobic system, that consists of a solid waste reactor as the acidification reactor and a wastewater reactor, i.e. an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor as the methanogenic reactor. Food waste digestion in HASL bioreactors with pre-acidification and HASL operation stages was investigated in two separate runs. After 8 days of pre-acidification in Run A and 4 days in Run B, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations in the leachates of both acidification reactors were similar. During HASL operation stage, TVFA and COD removal in the methanogenic phase were 77–100% and 75–95%, respectively. Some 99% of the total methane generated was from the methanogenic phase with a content of 68–70% methane. At the end of operation, about 59–60% of the added volatile solids (VS) were removed with a methane yield of 0.25 l g–1 VS.  相似文献   
布氏田鼠对主要贮草种类的选储嗜好   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)为内蒙古典型草原区的主要害鼠 ,其危害主要表现在与牲畜争夺牧草资源[1,3 ,5,6,9] 。该鼠属不冬眠种类 ,冬季主要以洞群贮草仓库中的贮草为食 ,因此 ,研究其秋季集群的贮草习性 ,对于分析和了解该鼠的越冬生态特征具有一定的意义。有关布氏田鼠的贮草习性 ,已有一些报道[4 ,7] 。研究表明 ,在羊草 冷蒿 隐子草草场 ,布氏田鼠的越冬贮草以蒿属 (Artemisia)植物为主 ,其中冷蒿 (A .frigida)与黄蒿 (A .scoparia)占贮草比例超过 90 % [2 ] ,但上述研究均未涉及布氏田鼠…  相似文献   
非线虫共生细菌 (Bacillussubtilis ,B .thuringiensis,Pseudomonasfluorescens ,Micromonosporapur purea,Rhizopusdelemar ,Pseudomonasaeruginosa ,Streptomycesvenezuelae ,Streptomycesantibioticus ,Penicilliumcitrnum ,Ganodermalucidum ,Agaricusbisporus,Pleurotusostreatus,Rhizobiumlegumi unosarum和Photobacteriumphosphoreum)的培养液以及其上清液、斜纹夜蛾 (Spodopteralitura)昆虫细胞系用于引诱无菌SteinernemacarpocapsaeA2 4和HeterorhabditisbacteriophoraH0 6发育。上述培养物均未能诱导H .bacteriophoraH0 6发育。虽然P .phosphoreum菌液可致死A2 4线虫 ,但是其上清液可诱导线虫发育。无菌S .carpocapsaeA2 4线虫可利用斜纹夜蛾昆虫细胞繁殖 ,产生下一代感染期线虫。结果进一步说明 ,引诱H .bacteriophoraH0 6发育的化学信息物质比S .carpocapsaeA2 4的专一。  相似文献   
对自然生态系统的观察给人们以复杂的群落更稳定的直观印象, 但数学模型却得出了截然相反的结论。这一“悖论”使得复杂性-稳定性研究自20世纪70年代以来成为长期的热点。本文对这一领域的数学模型研究进行简要综述。首先对这一论题进行概念剖析, 然后将各类模型分为线性和非线性两大类, 前者即群落矩阵法, 后者包括相互作用矩阵法、复杂网络数值模拟法和食物网构件动力学法。它们分别基于不同的群落构建方法和稳定性判断标准, 探求各物种是如何相互作用并实现共存的。总体而言, 在随机构建的群落模型中, 多样性和连接度的增长不利于系统稳定; 而在更接近真实自然群落的模型中, 相互作用方式、网络拓扑结构、相互作用强度分布等方面的机制提供了稳定效应, 按此组织的生态网络可达到很高的复杂度。然而, 复杂性-稳定性的研究还远未结束, 当前的模型仍不足以反映自然群落中的复杂相互作用, 稳定性的概念也有待拓展。对这一议题的深入研究在生态学理论和生态系统管理实践方面都具有重大价值。  相似文献   
Third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta L.: Sphingidae) on low dietary potassium had a lower relative growth rate than individuals on diets with potassium concentrations reflecting those in host-plants, due to decreased consumption rate, lower efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food (ECI and ECD), and a prolonged growth/feeding phase. Furthermore, these larvae, when placed on a diet with a moderate potassium concentration through the fourth stadium, ended up being smaller due to lower ECI and less biomass gained, and had a prolonged growth phase, which suggest an irreversible cost of the previous low potassium diet. Third instar hornworms on high potassium diets had lower ECI and ECD, and they had a prolonged growth phase. These individuals, when placed on a moderate potassium diet in the fourth stadium, gained less biomass, than those previously offered hostplant-like-potassium diets. Body potassium concentrations (% dw) at the end of the third stadium were similar among treatment groups. With increasing potassium concentrations in the diet, utilization efficiencies of potassium decreased and potassium concentrations in the frass increased. Correspondingly, water content (% fw) of the newly-molted fourth instar larvae declined with increasing potassium, indicating a passive loss of water during potassium excretion. Low and high dietary potassium reduced survivorship of third instar larvae; fourth instar caterpillars previously fed the low potassium diet also had poor survivorship. We conclude that, within the normal range of potassium concentrations in the hostplants, caterpillar performance is largely unaffected by potassium concentration, but that potassium-poor and potassium-rich diets, such as those hornworms may sometimes experience, can reduce growth and survivorship.  相似文献   
T. Watanabe 《Plant and Soil》1985,89(1-3):351-369
Summary Recently, rearing techniques for various kinds of fish have advanced markedly, and the number of fish species in commercial production increases every year. The establishment of methods for stable, reproducible mass culture of live foods that are highly nutritious is still necessary to improve the survival and growth rates of larval fish. Since, however, the mass propagation of live foods requires costly equipment and depends upon weather conditions, the development of artificial larval diets to replace live foods will be essential. In mariculture local trash fish are commonly used as a feed for juvenile fish because of their low cost and high acceptability to the cultured fish. However, this frequently results in deterioration of water environments, leading to the appearance of fish diseases and pollution. The development of artificial diets such as moist pellets will also improve these conditions.Mass-cultured fish seed are mainly used for the culture of commercial-sized fish, even though they are generally poorer in taste than wild fish. They are also used for release into coastal waters to promote inshore fishery, but it is difficult to evaluate the effect of stocking on the total catch. Another type of mariculture depends upon raising wild juveniles, though there are clearly too few caught to supply enough fish seed to satisfy the ever-growing demands of fish breeders. Thus, the cultivation of broodstock to produce high-quality eggs is important.  相似文献   
The main concern regarding methylmercury neurotoxicity relates to adverse effects on the brain during development. Many environmental chemicals may act as developmental neurotoxicants, but solid documentation from epidemiological studies exists only on methylmercury, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Neurobehavioral tests may reveal subtle dysfunctions, but the tests chosen must be valid and appropriate for the setting. In a prospective study in the Faroe Islands, the main neuropsychological functions affected by prenatal methylmercury exposure were attention, language and memory. Deficits in visuospatial function were mainly related to postnatal exposures. These associations were stable after adjustment for confounders and exclusion of the children with the highest exposures to methylmercury and PCBs. Tests with good psychometric properties were more likely to show an association with mercury exposure. Greater sensitivity was also seen with tests administered by specialized academic staff rather than a trained technician. Despite highly significant effects on nervous system function, the deficits were subtle, and mercury exposure explained only a small part of the variation. Available evidence suggests that neurotoxicity may have severe implications on public health, but current methods are not amenable to application as sentinels of adverse health effects in environmental health surveillance.  相似文献   
The component sterols, alcohols, hydrocarbons, monocarboxylic, α,ω-dicarboxylic and α- and ω-hydroxy acids from the leaves and roots of the tropical seagrass Thallassia hemprichii are reported. The leaves contained significant concentrations of cholest-5-en-3β-ol, a sterol not normally detected in either higher plants or seagrasses. The lower abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in both the leaves and roots compared to other seagrass species may be a result of the warmer waters from which this species was collected. Solvent-extractable, long-chain (> C22)α,ω-diacids, α- and ω-hydroxy and monocarboxylic acids were also isolated from the leaves. The distribution pattern of these lipids should enable these components along with other distinctive components to be used as chemical markers for this seagrass.  相似文献   
Nutrient‐poor grassland on a silty clay loam overlying calcareous debris was exposed to elevated CO2 for six growing seasons. The CO2 exchange and productivity were persistently increased throughout the experiment, suggesting increases in soil C inputs. At the same time, elevated CO2 lead to increased soil moisture due to reduced evapotransporation. Measurements related to soil microflora did not indicate increased soil C fluxes under elevated CO2. Microbial biomass, soil basal respiration, and the metabolic quotient for CO2 (qCO2) were not altered significantly. PLFA analysis indicated no significant shift in the ratio of fungi to bacteria. 0.5 m KCl extractable organic C and N, indicators of changed DOC and DON concentrations, also remained unaltered. Microbial grazer populations (protozoa, bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes, acari and collembola) and root feeding nematodes were not affected by elevated CO2. However, total nematode numbers averaged slightly lower under elevated CO2 (?16%, ns) and nematode mass was significantly reduced (?43%, P = 0.06). This reduction reflected a reduction in large‐diameter nematodes classified as omnivorous and predacious. Elevated CO2 resulted in a shift towards smaller aggregate sizes at both micro‐ and macro‐aggregate scales; this was caused by higher soil moisture under elevated CO2. Reduced aggregate sizes result in reduced pore neck diameters. Locomotion of large‐diameter nematodes depends on the presence of large enough pores; the reduction in aggregate sizes under elevated CO2 may therefore account for the decrease in large nematodes. These animals are relatively high up the soil food web; this decline could therefore trigger top‐down effects on the soil food web. The CO2 enrichment also affected the nitrogen cycle. The N stocks in living plants and surface litter increased at elevated CO2, but N in soil organic matter and microbes remained unaltered. Nitrogen mineralization increased markedly, but microbial N did not differ between CO2 treatments, indicating that net N immobilization rates were unaltered. In summary, this study did not provide evidence that soils and soil microbial communities are affected by increased soil C inputs under elevated CO2. On the contrary, available data (13C tracer data, minirhizotron observations, root ingrowth cores) suggests that soil C inputs did not increase substantially. However, we provide first evidence that elevated CO2 can reduce soil aggregation at the scale from µ m to mm scale, and that this can affect soil microfaunal populations.  相似文献   
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