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Characterizing the use of carbon (C) reserves in trees is important for understanding regional and global C cycles, stress responses, asynchrony between photosynthetic activity and growth demand, and isotopic exchanges in studies of tree physiology and ecosystem C cycling. Using an inadvertent, whole-ecosystem radiocarbon (14C) release in a temperate deciduous oak forest and numerical modeling, we estimated that the mean age of stored C used to grow both leaf buds and new roots is 0.7 years and about 55% of new-root growth annually comes from stored C. Therefore, the calculated mean age of C used to grow new-root tissue is ∼0.4 years. In short, new roots contain a lot of stored C but it is young in age. Additionally, the type of structure used to model stored C input is important. Model structures that did not include storage, or that assumed stored and new C mixed well (within root or shoot tissues) before being used for root growth, did not fit the data nearly as well as when a distinct storage pool was used. Consistent with these whole-ecosystem labeling results, the mean age of C in new-root tissues determined using 'bomb-14C' in three additional forest sites in North America and Europe (one deciduous, two coniferous) was less than 1–2 years. The effect of stored reserves on estimated ages of fine roots is unlikely to be large in most natural abundance isotope studies. However, models of root C dynamics should take stored reserves into account, particularly for pulse-labeling studies and fast-cycling roots (<1 years).  相似文献   
The use of hypothermia as a means to save energy is well documented in birds. This energy‐saving strategy is widely considered to occur exclusively at night in diurnally active species. However, recent studies suggest that facultative hypothermia may also occur during the day. Here, we document the use of daytime hypothermia in foraging Black‐capped Chickadees Poecile atricapillus wintering in eastern Canada. We measured the body temperature (Tb) of 126 individuals (plus 48 repeated measures) during a single winter and related values to ambient temperature (Ta) at the time of capture. We also tested whether daytime hypothermia was correlated with the size of body reserves (residuals of mass on structural size and fat score) and levels of metabolic performance (basal metabolic rate and maximum thermogenic capacity). We found that Tb of individual birds was lower when captured at low Ta, reaching values as low as 35.5 °C in actively foraging individuals. Tb was unrelated to metabolic performance or measures of body reserves. Therefore, daytime hypothermia does not result from individuals being unable to maintain Tb during cold spells or to a lack of body reserves. Our data also demonstrated a high level of individual variation in the depth of hypothermia, the causes of which remain to be explored.  相似文献   
We tested the effects of four data characteristics on the results of reserve selection algorithms. The data characteristics were nestedness of features (land types in this case), rarity of features, size variation of sites (potential reserves) and size of data sets (numbers of sites and features). We manipulated data sets to produce three levels, with replication, of each of these data characteristics while holding the other three characteristics constant. We then used an optimizing algorithm and three heuristic algorithms to select sites to solve several reservation problems. We measured efficiency as the number or total area of selected sites, indicating the relative cost of a reserve system. Higher nestedness increased the efficiency of all algorithms (reduced the total cost of new reserves). Higher rarity reduced the efficiency of all algorithms (increased the total cost of new reserves). More variation in site size increased the efficiency of all algorithms expressed in terms of total area of selected sites. We measured the suboptimality of heuristic algorithms as the percentage increase of their results over optimal (minimum possible) results. Suboptimality is a measure of the reliability of heuristics as indicative costing analyses. Higher rarity reduced the suboptimality of heuristics (increased their reliability) and there is some evidence that more size variation did the same for the total area of selected sites. We discuss the implications of these results for the use of reserve selection algorithms as indicative and real-world planning tools.  相似文献   
Colinet H  Boivin G  Hance T 《Oecologia》2007,152(3):425-433
The phenotypic effects of rearing temperature on several fitness components of the koinobiont parasitoid, Aphidius colemani, were examined. Temperatures experienced during development induced a plastic linear response in the dry and fat masses of the immature stage and a non-linear response in the growth rate as well as in the size of adults. We investigated if the phenotypic morphometrical plasticity exhibited by parasitoids reared at different temperatures can induce variations in fitness-related traits in females. We did not find any difference in immature (pupal) mortality in accordance to rearing temperature. However, when examining adult longevity, we found an inverse linear relation with developmental temperature, confirming the usual rule that larger and fatter wasps live longer than smaller ones. The pattern of female fecundity was non-linear; wasps that developed at high and low temperatures were less productive. We suggest that when development is short, the accumulated reserves are not adequate to support both fecundity and survival. By manipulating adult size through changes in the rearing temperature, we showed that the usual shape of the size/fitness function is not always linear as expected. Developmental temperature induced a plasticity in energy reserves which affected the functional constraints between survival and reproduction.  相似文献   
The temporal dynamics of oocyte growth, plasma sex steroids and somatic energy stores were examined during a 12 month ovarian maturation cycle in captive Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii under simulated natural photothermal conditions. Ovarian function was found to be relatively uninhibited in captivity, with the exception that post-vitellogenic follicles failed to undergo final maturation, resulting in widespread pre-ovulatory atresia. Seasonal patterns of oocyte growth were characterised by cortical alveoli accumulation in March, deposition of lipids in April, and vitellogenesis between May and September. Two distinct batches of vitellogenic oocytes were found in Murray cod ovaries, indicating a capacity for multiple spawns. Plasma profiles of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone were both highly variable during the maturation period suggesting that multiple roles exist for these steroids during different stages of oocyte growth. Condition factor, liver size and visceral fat stores were all found to increase prior to, or during the peak phase of vitellogenic growth. Murray cod appear to strategically utilise episodes of high feeding activity to accrue energy reserves early in the reproductive cycle prior to its deployment during periods of rapid ovarian growth.  相似文献   
A variety of methods have been used to study the relationship between wind conditions and departure decisions of migrant birds at stopover sites. These methods are either costly or suffer from inaccuracy in determining whether or not an individual has resumed migration. Here we present a novel and simple approach to studying the relationship between wind conditions and departure likelihood. Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe caught during stopover were temporarily caged to measure their nocturnal migratory restlessness, which is an accurate proxy for their individual departure likelihood. We then related the degree of nocturnal restlessness to wind conditions prevailing at the time of capture. Confirming the general pattern from previous studies of departure, the intensity of nocturnal migratory restlessness, and hence departure likelihood, increased with increasing wind support towards the migratory goal. This suggests that approximating the propensity to depart by measuring nocturnal migratory restlessness is a reliable way to study the effect that wind conditions experienced during stopover has on the departure decision of migrants. Our study also shows that nocturnal migrants possess the ability to use information gathered during the day for their departure decisions at night. Because measuring migratory restlessness is straightforward and inexpensive, our approach is ideally suited to test hypotheses regarding spatio‐temporal variation in wind selectivity in migrating birds.  相似文献   
Prolonged fasting is characterized by lipid mobilization (Phase 2), followed by protein breakdown (Phase 3). Knowing that body lipids are not exhausted in Phase 3, we investigated whether changes in the metabolic status of prolonged fasted rats are associated with differences in the expression of epididymal adipose tissue proteins involved in lipid mobilization. The final body mass, body lipid content, locomotor activity and metabolite and hormone plasma levels differed between groups. Compared with fed rats, adiposity and epididymal fat mass decreased in Phase 2 (approximately two- to threefold) and Phase 3 (∼4.5-14-fold). Plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations were increased in Phase 2 (approximately twofold) and decreased in Phase 3 (approximately twofold). Daily locomotor activity was markedly increased in Phase 3 (∼11-fold). Compared with the fed state, expressions of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL; mRNA and protein), hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL; mRNA) and phosphorylated HSL at residue Ser660 (HSL Ser660) were increased during Phase 2 (∼1.5-2-fold). HSL (mRNA and protein) and HSL Ser660 levels were lowered during Phase 3 (∼3-12-fold). Unlike HSL and HSL Ser660, ATGL expression did not correlate with circulating NEFA, mostly due to data from animals in Phase 3. At this stage, ATGL could play an essential role for maintaining a low mobilization rate of NEFA, possibly to sustain muscle performance and hence increased locomotor activity. We conclude that ATGL and HSL are not coordinately regulated in response to changes in fuel partitioning during prolonged food deprivation, ATGL appearing as the major lipase in late fasting.  相似文献   
Summary Australia is committed to protecting its important and representative ecosystems. Foremost among protection measures is the network of terrestrial and marine protected areas that comprise the National Reserve System (NRS). However, these reserves were often established with little regard for the conservation needs of riverine ecosystems. There has been no conservation status assessment to determine whether riverine ecosystems are adequately protected within terrestrial reserves. This study begins this task by determining the extent of riverine protection through the NRS. Three classes of protection are defined based on the proportion of the catchment of each stream segment (the link between tributary confluences) that is contained within a protected area, and the presence of major in‐stream barriers. The analysis reveals cause for concern. While nearly 225 000 km (7.6%) of the 2.9 million kilometres of streams assessed fall within a protected area of IUCN class I to IV where the principal objective is nature conservation, just 12 334 km of stream, less than half of one per cent of the total stream length, receives Class A protection, the strongest level of protection against threat. Class A is achieved where an entire drainage basin is contained within a protected area. Most of the protected stream length of the larger, named streams is potentially threatened by land‐use activities occurring in unprotected headwaters or is fragmented by major dams and thus receives the lowest class of protection. Owing to a variety of pervasive threats, a more comprehensive conservation status assessment of these ecosystems would undoubtedly yield an even more pessimistic result. Such an assessment is recommended.  相似文献   
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