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The 1st feature revealed typical for diapause phenomena inTrichogramma species is the interaction of environmental conditions in both parental and filial generations in induction of diapause in the latter. Lowered temperature during larval development is the ultimate factor evoking diapause in pronymphs but the norm of this thermal reaction is not fixed but varies depending on photoperiod and temperature in the previous generation due to maternal influence. Short day and in some cases high temperature in parental generation enhance tendency to diapause in the progeny. Unlike maternal influence the development to filial generation itself is not (or almost is not) governed by its own photoperiodic reaction. The 2nd typical feature revealed is the occurrence of endogenous process running in the sequence of generations and causing changes in the diapause tendency and underlying reaction norms even under constant rearing conditions.   相似文献   
The partial trivoltinism and overwintering of Kytorhinus sharpianus Bridwell (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) was studied in the Kanto district, Japan. The later in the summer eggs were laid by the first-generation adults, the higher was the incidence of larval diapause in the second generation. The incidence of diapause also fluctuated between years, influencing the abundance of third-generation larvae. A relatively large proportion of third-generation larvae did not attain the diapause stage by the beginning of winter. The diapause development of larvae in diapause was completed by mid-January. Immature larvae of the third generation also overwintered and emerged as adults in the spring.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) was originally identified as a serine/threonine protein kinase that is rapidly activated in response to various growth factors and tumor promoters in mammalian cultured cells. The kinase cascade including MAPK and its direct activator, MAPK kinase (MAPKK), is now believed to transmit various extracellular signals into their intracellular targets in eukaryotic cells. It has been reported that activation of MAPKK and MAPK occurs during the meiotic maturation of oocytes in several species, including Xenopus laevis . Studies with neutralizing antibodies against MAPKK, MAPK phosphatases and constitutively active MAPKK or MAPK have revealed a crucial role of the MAPKK/MAPK cascade in a number of developmental processes in Xenopus oocytes and embryos.  相似文献   
Heteropsyllus nunni Coull, a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod is the marine crustacean to undergo a state of diapause within a cyst. A 12 month field study indicated H. nunni adults reached peak population densities in winter, with nauplii maturing in the spring, becoming adults by April or May.At the last stage of development, a mature but unmated adult, they begin to prepare for encystment diapause. The copepods remain within their cyst in a state of diapause for 3–4 months during the summer only. Studies on the effects of temperature and photoperiod suggested that these two environmental cues are not crucial for induction or termination of diapause. Low temperature delayed development and time to encystment, while high temperatures accelerated development, making the time to encystment shorter. There were males than females in the cysts in laboratory experiments. Upon excystment, the copepods mate, and females begin egg production within one week. Adults that have excysted and mated die after a few weeks of active reproductive effort. Nauplii go on to mature and begin the univoltine diapause/reproductive cycle.The copepods prepare for dormancy in two ways: they begin to produce and store two types of secretory products to be used in cyst construction; then they produce large quantities of lipid to be used as a nutrient supply throughout diapause. Histochemistry of the cyst-building material indicated the lower urosome is full of two chemically different products. Dorsally, there is a storage sac of proteinaceous material. The ventral sac of secretory product is a mucopolysaccharide. The copepod builds the spherical cysts in a matrix of small and large sand grains. The cysts fit tightly around the ventral portion of the animal in the its flexed position: however, there is a large space between the cyst and the sides of the copepod.Biochemical analysis of the cyst showed it is composed of an amino acid complex similar to collagenous material. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a complex of large cuticular pores located in the lower urosome and caudal rami. There are specific pores for secretion of the two cyst-building products.  相似文献   
Insect herbivores can increase their detoxification activities against a particular plant poison in response to prolonged ingestion of the same compound. For example, larval tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta) experience a dramatic increase in cytochrome P450 activity against nicotine after ingesting nicotine. While it is generally assumed that this induction process permits increased consumption of toxic plant tissues, we are not aware of any direct experimental support for this assumption. Using a two-tiered approach, we examined the functional significance of P450 induction to M. sexta larvae ingesting a toxic but non-deterrent concentration of nicotine. First, we related the time-course of P450 induction in midgut microsomes to changes in nicotine consumption. When offered a nicotine diet, larvae failed to show a significant increase in consumption before 36 h, which was coincident with the time-course of the induction of midgut P450 activities against aldrin and nicotine. Second, we determined whether inhibiting the induced P450 activities affected nicotine consumption. We found that the increase in nicotine consumption following the induction of nicotine metabolism could be strongly inhibited by treatment with piperonyl butoxide, which by itself did not inhibit consumption. These results provide direct evidence for a causal connection between P450-mediated detoxification activity and consumption of a toxic plant compound.Abbreviation PB piperonyl butoxide  相似文献   
Recent investigations concentrate on the correlation between the myocardial expression of the inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70i) by different stress conditions and its possible protective effects. Only few studies have focused on the involvement of small heat shock proteins in this process. We analyzed the location of the small heat shock protein HSP25 in isolated cardiomyocytes as well as its location and induction in isolated perfused hearts of rats. By immunofluorescence microscopy HSP25 was found to colocalize with actin in the I-band of myofibrils in cardiomyocytes of isolated perfused hearts as well as in isolated neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes. Hyperthermic perfusion of isolated hearts for 45 min resulted in modulation of different parameters of heart function and in induction of HSP25 and HSP70i. Temperatures higher than 43°C (44–46°C) were lethal with respect to the contractile function of the hearts. Compared to control hearts perfused at 37°C, significant increases during hyperthermic perfusion at 42°C and 43°C were obtained for heart rate, contraction velocity and relaxation velocity. In response to hyperthermia at 43°C and after subsequent normothermic perfusion for 135 min at 37°C, left ventricular pressure, contraction velocity and relaxation velocity remained significantly elevated. However, heart rate returned to control values immediately after the period of heat treatment. HSP25 is constitutively expressed even in normothermic perfused hearts as shown by Western blotting. Hyperthermia increased the content of HSP25 only in the left ventricular tissue. In contrast, HSP70i was strongly induced in all analyzed parts of the myocardium (left ventricle, right ventricle, septum). Our findings suggest a differential regulation of HSP25 and HSP70i expression in response to hyperthermia in isolated perfused hearts. The constitutively expressed HSP25 seems to be located adjacent to the myofibrils which implies a specific role of this protein even under unstressed conditions for the contractile function of the myocardium.  相似文献   
Laboratory and field investigations revealed that the life history traits of exephippial and parthenogenetic generations of Daphnia differ substantially. Daphniids hatching from resting eggs grow faster and their definitive body sizes are bigger than of hatchlings from subitaneous eggs. Size at maturity for exephippial animals is significantly larger. In spite of this, they mature a few days earlier than parthenogenetic females. In this study, the difference was 3–4 days for the laboratory experiments and 1–3 days for the field. Fecundity of the exephippial generation is markedly higher. Here, the clutch size for this generation was up to 3.5–4.0 times as large as for the parthenogenetic generation. Moreover, obtained results suggest that the relationship between clutch size and body length for both generations differ significantly.Estimates of the intrinsic rate of increase for field Daphnia populations demonstrated that life history traits of exephippial animals lead to a two or threefold higher rate of increase in the conditions of invertebrate predation pressure. Under moderate fish pressure, obtained r values for the daphniids hatching from resting eggs were larger than those from subitaneous. High growth rate of exephippial females is disadvantageous only under the conditions of severe pressure by fish. Obtained results suggest that hatchlings from diapausing eggs an acceleration of population increase by several times during the beginning of the development of a population with periodical re-establishment from resting eggs.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. inflorescence development by characterizing morphological changes at the shoot apex during the transition to flowering. Sixteen-hour photoperiods were used to synchronously induce flowering in vegetative plants grown for 30 d in non-inductive 8-h photoperiods. During the first inductive cycle, the shoot apical meristem ceased producing leaf primordia and began to produce flower primordia. The differentiation of paraclades (axillary flowering shoots), however, did not occur until after the initiation of multiple flower primordia from the shoot apical meristem. Paraclades were produced by the basipetal activation of buds from the axils of leaf primordia which had been initiated prior to photoperiodic induction. Concurrent with the activation of paraclades was the partial suppression of paraclade-associated leaf primordia, which became bract leaves. The suppression of bract-leaf primordia and the abrupt initiation of flower primordia during the first inductive photoperiod is indicative of a single phase change during the transition to flowering in photoperiodically induced Arabidopsis. Morphogenetic changes characteristic of the transition to flowering in plants grown continuously in 16-h photoperiods were qualitatively equivalent to the changes observed in plants which were photoperiodically induced after 30 d. These results suggest that Arabidopsis has only two phases of development, a vegetative phase and a reproductive phase; and that the production of flower primordia, the differentiation of paraclades from the axils of pre-existing leaf primordia and the elongation of internodes all occur during the reproductive phase.  相似文献   
比较研究几种兼性和专一性CAM植物材料的PEPC同工酶表明:经自然干旱诱导,兼性CAM植物露花(Mesembryanthemumcordifolium)、长药景天(Sudumspectabile)有新的PEPC同工酶的出现,诱导前后各同工酶的天然分子量变化不大;而土三七(Sedumaizoon)则没有新的PEPC同工酶出现,但诱导后其同工酶的天然分子量有所增大。以上几种兼性CAM植物的PEPC同工酶酶谱无明显昼夜变化。专一性CAM植物的PEPC酶谱和天然分子量均较一致,亦无昼夜差异。  相似文献   
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