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目的:对老年腰椎管狭窄的两种治疗方式,微创腰椎后路减压融合术和传统全椎板切除术的治疗疗效进行比较,以及研究其临床应用价值。方法:选取2009年7月至2013年1月来我院治疗的76例老年腰椎管狭窄症患者,其中43例采用微创腰椎后路减压融合术(A组),33例患者接受全椎板切除手术(B组)。对所有患者进行术后随访6个月~2年,平均随访时间1年零7个月。比较分析两组的手术情况、术后不良反应发生率及JOA评分情况。结果:A组的患者手术切口小,术中出血量少及住院时间缩短,并且较B组差异有统计学意义(P0.05);两组患者发生不良反应的情况差异无统计学意义(P0.05);A组患者的JOA评分明显优于B组患者,说明A组疗效优于B组。结论:老年腰椎管狭窄患者采用微创腰椎后路减压融合手术方法创口小,术中出血量少,降低术后不良反应发生的风险,疗效明显,值得推广应用。  相似文献   
目的:观察髓芯减压联合自体骨髓间充质干细胞治疗45例股骨头无菌性坏死的的临床效果及安全性。方法:采取随机原则对2011年11月至2012年3月期间在我院骨科住院治疗的54例患者分成两组,对照组接受髓芯减压治疗,治疗组接受髓芯减压联合自体骨髓间充质干细胞移植治疗治疗。结果:术后随访一年,治疗组的Harris评分为(86.78±9.48)分,对照组为(71.18±8.36)分,两组相互比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);治疗组的优良率为84.38%,对照组的优良率为55.17%,治疗组的优良率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:髓芯减压联合自体骨髓间充质干细胞移植治疗股骨头无菌性坏死效果显著,优于单纯髓芯减压治疗。  相似文献   
Endothelial dysfunction induced by bubbles plays an important role in decompression sickness (DCS), but the mechanism of which has not been clear. The present study was to investigate the role of autophagy in bubble‐induced endothelial injury. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were treated with bubbles, autophagy markers and endothelial injury indices were determined, and relationship strengths were quantified. Effects of autophagy inhibitor 3‐methyladenine (3‐MA) were observed. Bubble contact for 1, 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes induced significant autophagy with increases in LC3‐II/I ratio and Beclin‐1, and a decrease in P62, which correlated with bubble contact duration. Apoptosis rate, cytochrome C and cleaved caspase‐3 increased, and cell viability decreased following bubble contact for 10, 20 or 30 minutes, but not for 1 or 5 minutes. Injuries in HUVECs were correlated with LC3‐II/I ratio and partially reversed by 3‐MA in 10, 20 or 30 minutes contact, but worsened in 1 or 5 minutes. Bubble pre‐conditioning for 1 minutes resulted in increased cell viability and decreased apoptosis rate compared with no pre‐conditioning, and 30‐minutes pre‐conditioning induced opposing changes, all of which were inhibited by 3‐MA. In conclusion, autophagy was involved and played a biphasic role in bubble‐induced endothelial injury.  相似文献   
目的:探究微血管减压术(Microvascular decompression,MVD)治疗三叉神经痛(Trigeminal neuralgia,TN)患者的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2014年1月至2015年1月于我科经MVD治疗的TN患者,分析其预后及影响预后的相关因素。结果:120例TN患者中,单纯静脉压迫所致TN患者13例,单纯动脉压迫所致TN患者60例,混合性血管压迫所致TN患者46例。单纯静脉压迫患者术后1天、3月、1年、3年的缓解率分别为84.6%、76.9%、69.2%、61.5%。单纯动脉压迫患者为88.3%、85.0%、83.3%、70.0%。混合型压迫患者为93.5%、93.5%、91.3%、87.0%。A组患者术后1年、3年缓解率低于C组患者(P<0.05)。A组与B组、B组与C组术后1天、3月、1年缓解率比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05),但是C组术后3年缓解率显著高于B组(P<0.05)。结论:单纯静脉压迫TN患者MVD术后缓解率较单纯动脉压迫TN患者及混合性压迫TN患者低,混合性压迫TN患者长期缓解率最高。  相似文献   
以市售苦瓜为原料,研究了减压处理对泡菜自然发酵过程中乳酸菌的数量、总酸、乳酸、多糖及亚硝酸盐含量影响的变化规律。研究表明:减压处理可以促进泡菜发酵过程乳酸菌的增殖及乳酸含量的快速积累,并可以有效地降低泡菜中亚硝酸盐的含量,对泡菜多糖的保留有一定的作用。在0.04MPa(真空度)下,发酵终止时,乳酸菌活菌数仍可达到4.1×10~7个/mL,此时泡菜中的总酸含量为24.79mg/mL,其中乳酸含量为2.33%。  相似文献   
Lung collapse is considered the primary mechanism that limits nitrogen absorption and decreases the risk of decompression sickness in deep-diving marine mammals. Continuous arterial partial pressure of oxygen profiles in a free-diving female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) revealed that (i) depth of lung collapse was near 225 m as evidenced by abrupt changes in during descent and ascent, (ii) depth of lung collapse was positively related to maximum dive depth, suggesting that the sea lion increased inhaled air volume in deeper dives and (iii) lung collapse at depth preserved a pulmonary oxygen reservoir that supplemented blood oxygen during ascent so that mean end-of-dive arterial was 74 ± 17 mmHg (greater than 85% haemoglobin saturation). Such information is critical to the understanding and the modelling of both nitrogen and oxygen transport in diving marine mammals.  相似文献   
目的:探讨重型颅脑外伤致脑疝的临床救治方法并总结救治体会,以提高重型颅脑外伤致脑疝患者的临床救治水平,提高其生存率。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月~2011年12月年收治的220例重型颅脑外伤致脑疝的患者的临床资料,探讨综合性救治措施对重型颅脑外伤致脑疝患者的临床意义。结果:根据格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)评价全组预后:45例恢复良好(20.5%),34例中残(15.5%),41例重残(18.6%),25例植物生存(11.4%),75例死亡(34.1%),其中7例术中死亡,28例术后死于感染、消化道出血及多器官功能衰竭等严重并发症,40例死于脑损伤及继发脑功能严重衰竭。结论:颅脑外伤致脑疝患者致死率高,预后差,采取术前、术中、术后的综合救治措施,可显著提高患者生存率及改善预后。  相似文献   
EPR和MDA两种方法在自由基检测中的应用比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:利用快速减压动物模型,比较电子顺磁共振(EPR)和MDA测定在自由基检测中的应用。方法:大鼠在0.6MPa abs压缩空气中暴露60min,快速(1min)减至常压,分别于45min、90min、180min处死,取肺组织匀浆,检测自由基、MDA含量和总抗氧化能力。结果:大鼠肺内自由基、MDA含量在快速减压后90min均显著增高(P<0.05),180min恢复至正常,但Vc处理组在180min时自由基含量仍很高(P<0.01),而MDA未见明显异常,各组总抗氧化能力均增高。结论:EPR方法可直接对自由基进行定性定量分析,而MDA测定则说明自由基累积致组织损伤的程度,两者可互为补充。  相似文献   
In this paper, we seek to provide an introduction to the fast-moving field of digital video on the Internet, from the viewpoint of the biological microscopist who might wish to store or access videos, for instance in image databases such as the BioImage Database (http://www.bioimage.org). We describe and evaluate the principal methods used for encoding and compressing moving image data for digital storage and transmission over the Internet, which involve compromises between compression efficiency and retention of image fidelity, and describe the existing alternate software technologies for downloading or streaming compressed digitized videos using a Web browser. We report the results of experiments on video microscopy recordings and three-dimensional confocal animations of biological specimens to evaluate the compression efficiencies of the principal video compression-decompression algorithms (codecs) and to document the artefacts associated with each of them. Because MPEG-1 gives very high compression while yet retaining reasonable image quality, these studies lead us to recommend that video databases should store both a high-resolution original version of each video, ideally either uncompressed or losslessly compressed, and a separate edited and highly compressed MPEG-1 preview version that can be rapidly downloaded for interactive viewing by the database user.  相似文献   
林泓怡  林建  王净蒙  韩影 《生物磁学》2011,(Z1):4675-4677
目的:比较经皮激光椎间盘减压术(PLDD)和经皮颈椎间盘等离子消融术治疗单节段突出的神经根型颈椎间盘突出症的临床疗效及安全性。方法:回顾2007年6月至2011年5月的颈椎间盘突出症住院患者36例。其中PLDD治疗17例(A组),等离子消融治疗19例(B组)。根据VAS评分和JOA评分,评价术前和术后一月内的疗效,同时记录两组患者的不良反应和并发症。结果:所有病例均成功穿刺并完成随访。两组手术后一月内各观察点的VAS评分和JOA评分均明显优于术前(P<0.05),其中B组患者术后3d和7d的VAS评分低于A组(P<0.05),而两组间术后JOA评分无明显差异。两组均未发生严重并发症。结论:与经皮激光椎间盘减压术相比,经皮椎间盘等离子消融术治疗颈椎间盘突出症患者症状消失更快。  相似文献   
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