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This paper examines uncertainties in the interpretation of isotope signals when estimating fine root longevity, particularly in forests. The isotope signals are depleted δ13C values from elevated CO2 experiments and enriched Δ14C values from bomb 14C in atmospheric CO2. For the CO2 experiments, I explored the effects of six root mortality patterns (on–off, proportional, constant, normal, left skew, and right skew distributions), five levels of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) reserves, and increased root growth on root δ13C values after CO2 fumigation. My analysis indicates that fitting a linear equation to δ13C data provides unbiased estimates of longevity only if root mortality follows an on–off model, without dilution of isotope signals by pretreatment NSC reserves, and under a steady state between growth and death. If root mortality follows the other patterns, the linear extrapolation considerably overestimates root longevity. In contrast, fitting an exponential equation to δ13C data underestimates longevity with all the mortality patterns except the proportional one. With either linear or exponential extrapolation, dilution of isotope signals by pretreatment NSC reserves could result in overestimation of root longevity by several‐fold. Root longevity is underestimated if elevated CO2 stimulates fine root growth. For the bomb 14C approach, I examined the effects of four mortality patterns (on–off, proportional, constant, and normal distribution) on root Δ14C values. For a given Δ14C value, the proportional pattern usually provides a shorter estimate of root longevity than the other patterns. Overall, we have to improve our understanding of root growth and mortality patterns and to measure NSC reserves in order to reduce uncertainties in estimated fine root longevity from isotope data.  相似文献   
Zedler  J.B.  Morzaria-Luna  H.  Ward  K. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):259-273
Hypersaline tidal wetland restoration sites are challenging to vegetate, and the specific factors responsible for transplant mortality are difficult to pinpoint. Two southern California sites (Tidal Linkage and Friendship Marsh), planted as large field experiments, had differential transplant survival (93% for a 1997 planting at the first site, and 10% for a 2000 planting in the second site). Multiple stresses (high salinity, sediment deposition, algal smothering and animal activity) are implicated as the cause of mortality in the experimental plantings. Greater hypersalinity and sedimentation appeared to be a function of site context, with greater sediment inflows and salt concentration over the larger (8-ha) marsh plain at the Friendship Marsh. Species differed in establishment rates among sites and years; the regional dominant, Salicornia virginica, performed best as a transplant and in volunteer seedling recruitment in the Tidal Linkage; hence, it was not planted at the larger site, where it has recruited without assistance. Frankenia salina had high survival in the 2000–2001 plantings; this species is also widespread in the region. Our attempts to restore salt marsh plain vegetation in Southern California led to greater appreciation of the importance of environmental stress and stochastic events and their potential for interaction. Hypersalinity and other factors are extremely difficult to ameliorate, especially in large restoration sites.  相似文献   
To investigate the nature of compenstory growth in fish, an 8 week study at 28°C was performed on juvenile gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio weighing 6·6 g. Fish were starved for 0 (control), 1 (S1) or 2 (S2) weeks and then re-fed to satiation for 5 weeks. Weekly changes in weight gain, feed intake and body composition were monitored during re-feeding. No significant difference was found in final body weight between the three groups, indicating complete compensation in the deprived fish. The deprived groups caught up in body weight with that of the control after 2 weeks of re-feeding. Body fat: lean body mass ratio was restored to the control level within 1 week of re-feeding. In the re-feeding period, weekly gains in body weight, protein, lipid, ash and energy in the S1 group were significantly higher than in the controls for 1 week. For the S2 group, weekly gains in body weight, lipid, ash and energy were higher than in the controls for 2 weeks, and gain in protein was higher than in the controls for 3 weeks, though gain in body energy became elevated again during the last 2 weeks of the experiment. Feed intake remained higher than the control level for 3 weeks in the S1 group and 4 weeks in the S2 group. Growth efficiency was not significantly different among the three groups in any of the weeks during re-feeding. Compensatory responses in growth and especially feed intake tended to last longer than the recovery of body composition.  相似文献   
It has previously been shown that the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) adversely affects the biology of the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) (Alla et al., 2001). In this work, we demonstrate that this effect was due to chemical components produced by the aphid.The increase in the number of aphids in the presence of the leafhopper on wheat caused nymphal mortality, an extended duration of the development and a decrease in nymph production of the leafhopper. Extract of aphids in methanol-water (50/50: v/v), applied on plants significantly increased the mortality in the leafhopper nymphs at both 3AE (3 Aphid Equivalent) and 7AE doses. At the same doses, both the honeydew and water extract of aphids did not have any effect. At the 20AE dose, aphid extracts in methanol-water led to a longer development time and strong mortality in leafhopper nymphs. In female adults of the leafhopper, neither the aphid extracts in methanol-water nor the honeydew showed a conclusive result, but generally, daily nymph production decreased with the increase in the extract doses.These results confirmed the depressive effect of R. padi on P. alienus and showed that this interaction was chemical. The active component(s) is partially extracted in a blend of methanol-water (50/50: v/v). Further studies to identify this component(s) will be undertaken.  相似文献   
Gaspar  M. B.  Dias  M. D.  Campos  A.  Monteiro  C.C.  Santos  M. N.  Chicharo  A.  Chicharo  L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):153-167
To evaluate a possible introduction of a new dredge in the fishery of Callista chione (Linnaeus, 1758), IPIMAR has conducted a study with the objective of comparing the efficiency of two dredges (traditional dredge and the new dredge design) and evaluating their impact on the benthic community. The experiments were carried out during March 1999 on the Southwest coast of Portugal, from a site off Troia. Three different tow durations of 5, 10 and 20 min were investigated. A total of 24 hauls were accomplished, 4 for each tow duration and dredge. The experiments were conducted by attaching a cover bag with a 20 mm mesh to the gear. After each haul, the catches in the bag and in the cover were sorted separately. All individuals retained were attributed scores on a scale of 1–4 in which 1 equates to good and 4 equates to dead. The results obtained showed that catches from the traditional dredge (TD) are composed of a great fraction of juveniles of C. chione, while in the new dredge (NDD) catches are composed, almost entirely, by individuals with a superior size to the minimum legal length (50 mm). This result indicates that the mesh of the bag of the TD used in the exploitation of this resource is not adequate. For the 3 different tow durations, the mean fishing yield obtained for the NDD was always superior to the TD, due to its greater efficiency in capture. The proportion of by-catch is significantly higher when the TD is used. For all 3 tow duration, the TD caused mortalities on the target species and on the macrobenthic community in the same order of magnitude as the NDD. Since the fishery of C. chione is managed by daily quotas per boat, when using the NDD the impact on the macrobenthic community is reduced by about 50% due to its greater efficiency of capture. Another advantage in the usage of the NDD relatively to the TD, is to allow the smallest individuals (independently of the species) to escape rapidly through the metallic bars on the grid, increasing their probability of survival.  相似文献   
It has been suggested, that the inhabitants of northern European regions, who experience little cold-related mortality, protect themselves outdoors by wearing more clothing, at the same temperature, than people living in southern regions where such mortality is high. Outdoor clothing data were collected in eight regions from 6583 people divided by sex and age group (50–59 and 65–74 years). Across Europe, the total clothing worn (as assessed by dry thermal insulation and numbers of items or layers) increased significantly with cold, wind, less physical activity and longer periods outdoors. Men wore 0.14 clo (1 clo=0.115 m2 K W–1) more than women and the older people wore 0.05 clo more than the younger group (both P<0.001). After allowance for these factors, regional differences in insulation and item number were correlated (r=–0.74, P=0.037; r=–0.74, P=0.036 respectively), but not those in clothing layers (r=–0.21; P=0.61), with indices of cold-related mortality. Cold weather most increased the wearing of gloves, scarves and hats. The geographical variation in the wearing of these three together items more closely matched that in cold-related mortality (r=–0.89, P=0.003). A possible explanation for this may be that they protect the head and hands, where stimulation by cold greatly increases peripheral vasoconstriction causing a rise in blood pressure that procedure haemoconcentration and raised cardiovascular risk. Received: 30 September 1999 / Revised: 3 April 2000 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

Three new species of genus Thrips are described—austellus, coprosmae, and phormiicola—which are closely related to the common New Zealand species T. obscuratus (Crawford). The systematic and zoogeographic significance of this endemic species-group is discussed. Physemothrips hadrus n.sp. is described from the South Island; the only other member of this genus is from Macquarie Island. Anaphothrips zelandicus n.sp. is described from the South Island and the Chatham and Antipodes islands, A. woodi Pitkin is recorded from New Zealand, and the relationships of these two species to the Australian fauna are discussed.  相似文献   
Estuaries are well known for their role as nutrient and detrital sinks that stimulate high levels of both primary and secondary production which, in turn, support a large biomass of fishes per unit area. This study reviews available information on coastal fish biomasses (g m?2 wet mass) and productivity (g m?2 wet mass year?1) in order to place South African data on these topics into a global perspective. Using biogeographic fish productivity estimates, together with estuarine water area, the approximate annual teleost production in South African estuaries was calculated at 585, 1706 and 13 904 t in the cool temperate, warm temperate and subtropical regions, respectively. Total annual fish production in estuaries on the subcontinent is conservatively estimated at 16 195 t, but this figure is likely to fluctuate widely, depending on recruitment success and annual environmental conditions pertaining to these systems. Approximately 2000 t of fish are estimated to be harvested by fishing activities in South African estuaries each year, which represents c. 12% of annual fish production. Although this figure may appear sustainable, the reality is that there are a few heavily targeted estuary‐associated marine species at the top of the food chain that are being overexploited by both anglers and subsistence fishermen. Natural mortalities due to piscivorous fish and bird predation has been estimated at c. 3% of total fish biomass per month in the East Kleinemonde Estuary, but this figure will vary considerably depending on bird abundance and foraging patterns along the coast. In contrast to catches made by the fishermen, piscivorous fishes and birds are targeting mainly juvenile marine fish and small estuarine resident species that are very abundant and generally low down in the food web.  相似文献   
Forest ecosystems are critical to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration. However, climate change has affected forest ecosystem functioning in both negative and positive ways, and has led to shifts in species/functional diversity and losses in plant species diversity which may impair the positive effects of diversity on ecosystem functioning. Biodiversity may mitigate climate change impacts on (I) biodiversity itself, as more‐diverse systems could be more resilient to climate change impacts, and (II) ecosystem functioning through the positive relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning. By surveying the literature, we examined how climate change has affected forest ecosystem functioning and plant diversity. Based on the biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning (B→EF), we specifically address the potential for biodiversity to mitigate climate change impacts on forest ecosystem functioning. For this purpose, we formulate a concept whereby biodiversity may reduce the negative impacts or enhance the positive impacts of climate change on ecosystem functioning. Further B→EF studies on climate change in natural forests are encouraged to elucidate how biodiversity might influence ecosystem functioning. This may be achieved through the detailed scrutiny of large spatial/long temporal scale data sets, such as long‐term forest inventories. Forest management strategies based on B→EF have strong potential for augmenting the effectiveness of the roles of forests in the mitigation of climate change impacts on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
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