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Capture techniques to deploy radio-collars often risk mortality and injury to the animal. Capture-induced mortality can affect population sizes but also introduces bias in survival estimates based on data from captured animals. In recent years, a large-scale research and monitoring project in Utah, USA, has involved capturing and radio-collaring hundreds of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), a species of great interest in large parts of North America. Our objective was to investigate how the survival rates of these mule deer were affected by capture and handling. During winters of 2014–2018, an experienced capture crew net-gunned and fitted 1,805 animals with global positioning system (GPS)-collars. We estimated survival rates during the first 6 weeks after capture using Cox proportional hazard regression, and compared the survival rates of animals that were captured in a particular year to those of animals that were not captured but fitted with a GPS-collar in a previous year. We used a model selection framework to evaluate how long survival rates of captured animals were different from those of animals that were not captured. Our results indicated that weekly survival rates of captured animals were 0.985 ± 0.003 (SE), 0.988 ± 0.002, and 0.990 ± 0.001 in weeks 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Weekly survival rates of captured deer during weeks 4–6 were 0.993 ± 0.001, the same as those of deer that were not captured at the same time. Furthermore, post-capture survival rates were positively influenced by body size and negatively influenced by age. We conclude that the mortality resulting from helicopter capture was low but recommend comparing newly captured and previously captured individuals to examine what proportion of observed mortality is likely capture-related. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The adaptation of insects to environmental changes can constitute a crucial factor in their development and activity. The response of Cabera pusaria L. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) caterpillars to high manganese (Mn) concentrations in the diet was studied. Birch leaves were treated by dipping in MnCl2·4H2O solutions, thereby achieving Mn contents of 370 (T0), 695 (T1), 3 198 (T2), and 6 302 mg kg−1 (T3). The reactions were determined by observing caterpillar mortality, development time, food consumption, and pupal weight. Manganese concentrations in larval excrement, pupae, and food were determined. Manganese in the diet at unnaturally increased concentrations caused great stress for caterpillars. All individuals in the treatment with the highest Mn concentration (T3) died during rearing and successful pupation occurred in only four individuals in T2. Even in the case of caterpillars from T1 (twofold higher than T0) a negative reaction (increased food consumption and prolonged development) was recorded. We also determined significantly increased Mn concentration in pupae from T1 (T2 and T3 were not included in this evaluation due to mortality) and excrement (T1‒T3) compared with T0 having a natural Mn concentration. Caterpillars were seen to eliminate negatively acting dietary Mn by its translocation to excrement. However, the highest mortality rate in T2 and T3 and negative reactions of individuals in T1 very likely demonstrate energy insufficiency and the high energy requirements of Mn elimination mechanisms.  相似文献   
Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate bioactivity of Piper guineense seeds and Moringa oleifera leaf powders applied singly or in a mixture against larvae and adult Trogoderma granarium Everts in airtight containers. Three levels (0.0 g, 0.5 g, and 1.0 g/20 g groundnut seeds) of the plant powders were used and pirimiphos-methyl was applied at 0.01 g/20 g seeds (recommended dose). Another control consisting of untreated seeds with aerated lids was included in the bioassay. Both larvae and adults were not killed in control with aerated lids throughout the experimental period and larvae were also tolerant to airtight storage conditions. Adults were more susceptible to plant powders than larvae and adult mortality recorded in P. guineense at 1.0 g, 0.5 g and M. oleifera at 1.0 g/20 g seeds were not significantly different from the mortality observed with the recommended dose of Pirimiphos methyl at five days after treatment (DAT). Larval mortality observed in a mixture of both plants (1:1; w/w) caused significantly higher mortality (77.5%) than other treatments at 5 DAT. All treatments (P. guineense and M. oleifera applied singly or in a mixture) were repellant to larvae T. granarium with 60% repellency recorded in the mixture of plants, 50% repellency in P. guineense and 30% repellency in M. oleifera slurry. The water absorption capacity of treated seeds was not affected by treatment with plant powders and ranged from 31.98% to 37.59%.  相似文献   

Aqueous leaf extracts of four commonly growing weeds namely Ageratum conyzoides, Elephantopus scaber, Lantana camara and Xanthium strumarium were used to evaluate their nematicidal activity on second stage juvenile of Meloidogyne incognita race-3. The juveniles were exposed to various concentration of leaf extract namely 250, 500, 1000 and 2000?ppm for 12, 24 and 48?h, respectively. All leaf extracts showed the nematicidal property in concentration and time-dependent manner. The maximum juvenile mortality was recorded in E. scaber throughout the incubation period followed by X. strumarium, L. camara and A. conyzoides. The regression and correlation of regression revealed the best concentration-dependent effect of aqueous leaf extracts on nematode mortality in E. scaber (R2?=?.751) followed by X. strumarium (R2?=?.749), A. conyzoides (R2?=?.687) and L. camara (R2?=?.756). Aqueous leaves extracts of these aforementioned weeds showed nematicidal properties, therefore, may be used as a key component of integrated disease management programme.  相似文献   
To evaluate the pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschinkoff) Sorokin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) a bioassay was designed under laboratory conditions against Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) on stored wheat. The fungus was applied at the dose rates of 8 × 103, 8 × 105, 8 × 107 and 8 × 109 conidia/kg of wheat and the bioassay was conducted at 25°C with 60% relative humidity. The data regarding the mortality was recorded after 7 and 14 days exposure intervals. All the treatments gave the significant mortality of R. dominica and M. anisopliae of 8 × 109 conidia/kg was found to be the most effective after a 14-day exposure interval. There was greater production of progeny when the low rate of M. anisopliae was applied to wheat. Overall, our study showed that M. anisopliae is vigorous when applied at a high dose rate which revealed an effective control of R. dominica and also played a pivotal role in the integrated pest management program (IPM) of stored wheat insect pests.  相似文献   

Post-construction avifauna investigations were undertaken at Project West Wind, Meridian Energy Limited's 62-turbine wind farm on the Wellington south coast. These investigations were required in accordance with the resource consent conditions to quantify the level of avian mortalities occurring at the wind farm, particularly in regard to New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae), kākā (Nestor meridionalis) and kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). This is the first comprehensive study at a New Zealand operating wind farm. The methods included three field components necessary to calculate annual estimates of mortalities across the wind farm site: routine turbine searches; carcass detection trials; and carcass removal trials. Results from years 1 and 2 of a three-year programme are presented. To date, mortalities have been recorded for 17 taxa at 18 of the 24 study turbines. There have been no recorded mortalities of falcon, kākā or kererū. Australasian harrier (Circus approximans) has been the species for which the most mortalities have been recorded. Overall estimated annual mortality rates for years 1 and 2 were calculated to be approximately six and five birds per turbine respectively.  相似文献   

The physical and demographic characteristics of chamois in the Avoca region are evaluated from 306 animals shot and autopsied between 1975 and 1978. These data are compared with published and unpublished information for chamois populations in Westland and Canterbury. Avoca chamois were large-framed, but weighed less than Westland chamois. The weight difference suggests better habitat condition and food resources for Westland animals, but the large skeletal size of Avoca chamois is unexplained.

High rates of juvenile mortality were caused by acute bacterial-pneumonia infections (Pasteurella). These deaths and other losses by natural causes were offset by the good breeding success of adult females so that stable population numbers were maintained.  相似文献   

Reductions in salinity can have adverse effects on larval development and larval survival in some invertebrate taxa but not others. Salinity tolerance of larvae may be particularly important in echinoderms because they are both poor ion regulators and stenohaline. I examined the effect of six levels of salinity (15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 33 PSU) on survival and rate of development of larvae in the subtropical sea urchin Echinometra lucunter. In the short-term, mortality rate was significantly lower in 33 PSU than in all other salinities except 27 PSU, and it was significantly greater in 15 and 18 PSU than in all higher salinities. In the long-term, daily and cumulative mortality were significantly greater in 15 PSU than in most other salinities over 11 days of development (except for cumulative mortality in 18 PSU). They were significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 21 PSU or 33 PSU over a period of 13 days. Furthermore, daily mortality was significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 24 PSU or 27 PSU at 13 d after fertilization. Daily and cumulative mortality were significantly lower in 33 PSU than in 21, 24 or 27 PSU over a period of 17 days. Although in the control (33 PSU) 75% of larvae completed development to the 8-arm stage at 35 d, no larvae developed further than the 4-arm stage in 18, 21, 24 or 27 PSU; in 15 PSU, ~60% of larvae did not develop further than swimming blastulae. Since prolonged exposure to salinities as high as 27 PSU (frequently recorded in the adult habitat) can result in great larval losses, adaptive behaviours that prevent larvae from entering water layers of low salinity will enhance their chance for survival.  相似文献   

The size, structure, and density of a population of Lytechinus variegatus were recorded from a shallow seagrass bed (Halodule wrightii) at 40-day intervals from April 1994 to April 1995. A local mass mortality was observed in May 1994. The density declined from 0.57±0.10 to 0.06±0.05 ind.m?2, mean size declined from 37.6±0.49 to 16.2±2.14 mm and maximum size from 75 to 40 mm. Ten months after mortality, the maximum and mean sizes had returned to initialvalues, but density had not (0.10±0.03 ind.m?2). A second, smaller mass mortality occurred in April 1995. High values of gonad index were recorded before mortality (9.40±5.97) and after population recovery (11.96±5.74). Recruitment was continuous throughout the year, but reached a peak from August to October. This can he related to the patterns of upwelling in the region. Mass mortality is probably an annual event in this population that can be correlated with the occurrence of low tides during daytime in the fell. The population can recover during the summer when low tides occur during the night. The massive input of recruits prevents extinction of the population during the season of high mortality. Population recovery depends on the magnitude of recruitment.  相似文献   
Abstract: A mass occurrence, numbering tens of thousands of individuals in a single lens, belonging to a single species of asteroid, is described from the late Maastrichtian (Late Cetaceous) of Morocco. The lens of partially silicified asteroidal limestone is made up largely of fully articulated specimens of similar size and probably represents the mass mortality of a single recruitment. By comparison with mass strandings of the present‐day species Asterias rubens (Linnaeus), it can be inferred that a feeding swarm of individuals was swept into a submarine channel by either a storm or an exceptionally strong tidal current, and permanently buried. The genus and species are herein described as Cretasterias reticulatus gen. et sp. nov. The exceptional preservation of the material enables the identification of wreath organs (clusters of crossed pedicellariae set in a dermal pad around spines) for the first time in the fossil record. Comparison between extant Asteriidae, putative fossil asteriids and C. reticulatus provides ambiguous evidence of its affinities; it appears to display a combination of plesiomorphic and derived characters. It is shown that all Mesozoic forcipulatid asteroids described so far share a very simple arm construction (single row of adradial ossicles) unknown in adult extant Forcipulatida.  相似文献   
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