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Abstract: This paper presents an estimate of the total number of sea otters that died as a direct consequence of the oil spill that occurred when the T/V Exxon Valdez grounded in Prince William Sound, Alaska on 24 March 1989. We compared sea otter counts conducted from small boats throughout the Sound during the summers of 1984 and 1985 to counts made after the spill during the summer of 1989. We used ratio estimators, corrected for sighting probability, to calculate otter densities and population estimates for portions of the Sound affected by the oil spill. We estimated the otter population in the portion of Prince William Sound affected by the oil was 6,546 at the time of the spill and that the post-spill population in the summer of 1989 was 3,898, yielding a loss estimate of approximately 2,650. Bootstrapping techniques were used to approximate confidence limits on the loss estimate of about 500–5,000 otters. The wide confidence limits are a result of the complex scheme required to estimate losses and limitations of the data. Despite the uncertainty of the loss estimate it is clear that a significant fraction of the otters in the spill zone survived. We observed otters persisting in relatively clean embayments throughout the oil spill zone suggesting that the highly convoluted coastline of Prince William Sound produced refuges that allowed some sea otters in the oil spill area to survive.  相似文献   
We investigated which of the following environmental factors: the number of years since the windthrow of the tree (the age of dead wood), the phytocenosis (the type of forest community), altitude, exposure, wood hardness and the spatial scale of forest disturbances (small gaps with a few fallen spruces vs large-area windthrows) contributed to the diversity and abundance of lichens inhabiting the exposed wood of windthrown spruce trees in Polish Western Carpathian forests. Both Shannon H index and sum of coverage coefficients rose with increasing age of the wood, levelling off after 11–14 y (diversity) and 14–17 y (abundance). This factor appeared to be the most important for this group of lichens, but the significant positive impact of large-area windthrows on the lichen abundance was also demonstrated by using a GLM model. The age of the wood we precisely determined on the basis of data on Norway spruce mortality collected annually in permanent plots of the Gorce National Park since 2000. Using the Shore durometer we linked the course of the wood-inhabiting lichen succession with wood decay more precisely than before. The largest number of species was associated with medium hard wood, i.e., 51 < x ≤ 80 on the Shore scale. Based on the NMDS analysis, we distinguished four age groups of logs, differing in lichen abundance and defined by the dominance of distinctive species. A large number of usually corticolous lichen species used the wood of windthrown spruce logs as an optional habitat to survive large-scale, post-hurricane forest disturbances.  相似文献   
Studies of the life cycle of a centric diatom, tentatively identified as Stephanodiscus neoastraea Håkansson & Hickel, showed that sexual reproduction occurred every year in a freshwater lake (Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland). Male and female gametes were produced in cells below 55% of the maximum diameter during a 3–4-week period in late summer, following the return of nitrate concentrations above 10 μM NO3-N. The frequency of sexual reproduction was linked to the cycle of diameter size reduction and regeneration. The times of largest decreases in cell diameter were during nutrient stress in summer and low light conditions in late autumn, rather than during the main spring growth period. So, environmental conditions (combined with the limited life-spans of individual cells) affected the rate of diameter reduction and, therefore, the length of the life cycle (3–4 years).  相似文献   
Here, I use published mortality data from 56 natural populations of mammals to examine evidence for senescence, an increase in the probability of mortality with age. Data on extent of senescence and life history characteristics are compared across taxa in an attempt to test theories for the evolution of senescence in natural populations. In accord with theoretical expectation, senescence is highest in short-lived species with short generation times. In contrast to theoretical expectation, however, senescent increases in mortality rate do not begin until well after age at maturity in most cases. I also present evidence in support of the hypothesis that senescence will be lower in large-brained taxa.  相似文献   
The effect of thrips resistance in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) – previously shown to result in impeded thrips population development (Maris PC, Joosten NN, Goldbach RW & Peters D (2003a) Restricted spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus in thrips‐resistant pepper. Phytopathology 93: 1223–1227. Maris PC, Joosten NN, Goldbach RW & Peters D (2003b) Spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus and population development of Frankliniella occidentalis in pepper resistant to thrips. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology Netherlands Entomological Society (NEV) Amsterdam 14: 95–101.) – on thrips’[Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)] reproduction, mortality, host preference, and behaviour was investigated. Reproduction, studied by oviposition and larval survival, was negatively affected by the thrips‐resistant (TR) phenotype, whereas the offspring's developmental rate did not differ on TR and the thrips‐susceptible (TS) phenotype. While thrips’ behaviour was hardly affected by thrips resistance, a significant preference for TS plants over the TR plants was found in different tests. When released on either a TR or a TS plant, thrips dispersed at significantly higher rates from the TR plants, demonstrating that not only an impeded reproduction, but also a reduced residence time adds to the reported lower thrips numbers on TR plants.  相似文献   
I review literature on juvenile mortality of captive prosimians in order to evaluate the available information on captive breeding. Juvenile mortality includes abortion, premature mortality, stillbirth, and death of the unweaned young. Prosimian juvenile mortality ranges between 25 and 45% in captive populations. It is generally lower in the Lemuroidea, particularly the Cheirogaleidae, than in the Lorisoidea. Mortality is particularly high in the Lorisinae. Most mortality, including a high stillbirth rate, occurs on the first day and during the first 10 days thereafter. Stress, maternal neglect and traumatic insults, not infrequently linked to each other, are the most frequently reported causes of death. The percentage of congenital malformations tends to be high in some colonies. Sex of the infant and parity seem to be important risk factors for juvenile mortality, whereas litter size does not appear to be important. Based on few data, wild- caught females appear to have higher breeding success than those born in captivity. Synchronized births in lemuroids and isolated births in Galagoare more likely to result in successfully weaned infants.  相似文献   
Chronological ages of Alouattaon Barro Colorado Island (BCI) were estimated from longitudinal dental wear. Combining these data with visual censuses, we approximated the study population’s age profile. A stable model was then constructed; from it we derived agespecific mortality rates. Mortality of immature animals is high, with 88% of the males and 65% of the females dying before 5 years. Adult mortality is low until 11 years, when it accelerates. The average adult life span is 16.6 years for males and 15.5 for females. The maximum life span is over 20 years. A pubertal male growth spurt occurs from 3 to 5 years, at which time females are primiparous. Sexual size differences develop primarily during this time. The 1976 age profile had anomalously few animals aged 7 years and males aged 8–9 and 15–16 years. With corroborating evidence, we hypothesize that these deficits resulted from excessive rainfall in 1963 and 1971, which reduced the fall fruit crop and led to a high juvenile mortality. Within half of our study troops, some adult males have nearly identical ages, suggesting an active process of agemate coalition. We hypothesize a form of kin selection, wherein peripheral male cohorts from the same natal troop have greater survival and social success than solitary animals. The stable model suggests an annual growth rate of 1.5% during the 1970s. Estimates of 16.7 and 4% for the previous two decades, following a yellow-fever epidemic, imply that the BCI population is becoming stationary. A very different age structure existed on neighboring Orchid Island in 1976, suggesting general food limitation. By contrast, the lowered, but continuing growth on BCI suggests a less drastic limiting mechanism. We hypothesize that intratroop social competition limits population growth by regulating subadult survival rates during food scarcity cycles.  相似文献   
Reovirus particles were isolated from adults in laboratory colonies of the housefly, Musca domestica. These particles were spherical in outline, 57–76 nm in diameter, and were found only in hemocyte cytoplasm, where virions have been disclosed by a new technique. Virions were present in large numbers, and viral inclusion bodies were identified. The virus particles had pentagonal and hexagonal shapes resembling a simple icosahedral structure. The virus was shown to be infectious and pathogenic to adult flies through injection or by feeding them suspensions from flies that had died of the virus. Electron micrographs of midgut sections from infected flies showed that the midgut cells were packed with dark undulating threads which were not present in uninfected flies. However, no virus particles or inclusion bodies could be seen in these cells. On the basis of their association with infected flies, and the similarity to results from other studies on reoviruses and insect viruses, it is suggested that these threads are an alternative replicative form of the reovirus. When the virus suspensions from heavily infected flies were dialyzed against weak alkaline solutions, the threads showed an inner component of coiled material, 12 nm in diameter, inside an envelope with a diameter of 50–83 nm, mean 60.3 ± 7.5, composed of subunits 7–8 nm long and 7–8 nm across.  相似文献   
  • 1 The population biology of Anthocharis cardamines (L.) is described and shown to vary with locality. Southern and Western populations emerge earlier than Northern ones, but Western and Northern populations occupy similar, wetter habitats and are associated primarily with Cardamine pratensis (L.). Southern populations are recorded mostly from Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.).
  • 2 Studies on egg and larval survival indicate that host plant-induced death and parasitization by a tachinid are important mortality factors. However, a key-factor analysis on one population indicates that the major determinant of population size may be the number of eggs laid by ovipositing females, itself dependent upon weather during the oviposition period. Populations in different localities do show similar trends in abundance, corroborating the effect of weather.
  • 3 Human effects on distribution and abundance are discussed, and some conservation strategies suggested.
1984~1987年,在黑龙江、河北、河南、湖南、上海五个省市城乡10.08855人口中进行急性肝炎发病率、慢性肝炎患病率、与病毒性肝炎有关的肝病死亡率的研究。急性肝炎标化发病率为152.19/10万,主要发生在20~50岁组人群;因无甲肝暴发流行,除上海外各点季节发病率分布均衡。慢性肝炎标化患病率为158.25/10万(诊断标准为6个月前有明确急性肝炎病史,现有明显的临床症状或体征,肝功能异常,故实际慢肝患病率要高于此数字);与病毒性肝炎有关的肝病死亡(包括肝癌)标化率为22.65/10万,其中肝病为 13.14/10万。男性死亡率显著高于女性。  相似文献   
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