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In N-limited continuous chemostat cultures of the green alga Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16), the steady-state astaxanthin content of the cells was determined by the specific growth rate of the cultures. The highest, pigment content was obtained at the lowest dilution rate. The specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was, however, a function of the photon flux density measured at the illuminated culture surface. In nongrowing Haematococcus cultures, the specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was determined by the growth rate of the culture during growth phase. The highest possible cellular astaxanthin content of all cultures was comparable and independent of the culture parameters.  相似文献   
A computerized oxygen electrode Astern was used to make rapid and accurate measurements of photosynthetic light and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) response cures with a macroalga. Ulva rotundata Blid. was grown in an outdoor, continuous flow system in seawater under sunlight or 9% of sunlight at Beaufort, North Carolina. The light compensation points in the shade- and sun-grown plants, measured in seawater, were at photon flux densities (PFDs) of 16 and 27 μmol. Photons·m?2·s?1, respectively but the quantum yield of O2 evolution was not significantly different. Rates of photosynthesis in seawater per unit area of thallus under saturating light and rates of dark respiration were about 1.5-fold higher in sun- than in shade-grown plants. The concentration of DIC in seawater (approximately 2 mM) limited photosynthesis at absorbed PFDs above 60–70 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 Addition of 20 mM inorganic carbon had no effect on quantum yield but caused about a 1.5-fold increase in the light-saturated photosynthetic rate in both shade- and sun-grown Ulva. The effect of DIC supplementation was greatest in plants grown in October and least in plants grown in June. The light- and DIC-saturated rate of photosynthesis in seawater was similar to the maximum rate obtained by exposing Ulva to 10% CO2, in the gas phase. The carbon isotope values (δ13C, reflecting the 13C/12C ratio compared to a standard) of Ulva grown in the same seawater supply were dependent on light and agitation. Samples from Beaufort Inlet were more negative (δ13C value, ?20.03‰) than those grown in bright light with agitation (δ13C value, ?17.78‰ outdoors; ?17.23‰ indoors), which may indicate DIC supply limited carbon uptake in seawater.  相似文献   
The enzyme activity of ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) was measured in four species of marine benthic diatoms isolated from subtidal sediments of Graveline Bayou, Mississippi. Enzyme activities were measured in cultures of Amphora micrometra Giffen, A. tenerrima Aleem and Hustedt, Nitzschia fontifuga Cholnoky, and Nitzschia vermicularis Grunow that were grown at light levels supporting μmax and at light-limiting irradiances. All four species exhibited similar RuBisCO: PEP ratios (range = 1–1.8) at μmax the lowest ratio (0.4) was observed in A. micrometra. Reduced light levels increased PEPC relative to that measured at μmax in two species. Two-dimensional paper chromatography was used to determine the first products of carbon fixation in A. micrometra After a 15 s incorporation period, the first product of photosynthetic carbon fixation was 3-phosphoglycerate even though this alga had a PEPC activity that was three times higher than that of RuBisCO. After 30 s, over 50% of the recovered radioactivity was still in this compound. Stable carbon isotope analyses of a mixture of the four pennate diatoms also suggest the predominant carbon fixation pathway in these benthic diatoms was similar to C3 plants.  相似文献   
The effects of environmental variables, particularly irradiance, on the sinking rates of phytoplankton were investigated using cultures of Chaetoceros gracilis Schütt and C. flexuosum Mangin in laboratory experiments; these data were compared with results from assemblages in the open ocean and marginal ice zone of the Greenland Sea. In culture experiments both the irradiance under which the diatom was grown and culture growth rate were positively correlated with sinking rates. Sinking rates (ψ) in the Greenland Sea were smallest when determined from chlorophyll (mean ψchl= 0.14 m · d?1) and biogenic silica (ψsi= 0.14 m · d?1) and greatest when determined from particulate carbon (ψc= 0.55 m · d?1) and nitrogen (ψN= 0.64 m · d?1). Field measurements indicated that variations in sinking may be associated with changes in irradiance and nitrate concentrations. Because these factors do not directly affect water density, they must be inducing physiological changes in the cell which affect buoyancy. Although a direct response to a single environmental variable was not always evident, sinking rates were positively correlated with growth rates in the marginal ice zone, further indicating a connection to physiological processes. Estimats of carbon flux at stations with vertically mixed euphotic zones indicated that approximately 30% of the daily primary production sank from the euphotic zone in the form of small particulates. Calculated carbon flux tended to increase with primary productivity.  相似文献   
Land use induced changes of organic carbon storage in soils of China   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Using the data compiled from China's second national soil survey and an improved method of soil carbon bulk density, we have estimated the changes of soil organic carbon due to land use, and compared the spatial distribution and storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) in cultivated soils and noncultivated soils in China. The results reveal that ~ 57% of the cultivated soil subgroups ( ~ 31% of the total soil surface) have experienced a significant carbon loss, ranging from 40% to 10% relative to their noncultivated counterparts. The most significant carbon loss is observed for the non‐irrigated soils (dry farmland) within a semiarid/semihumid belt from northeastern to southwestern China, with the maximum loss occurring in northeast China. On the contrary, SOC has increased in the paddy and irrigated soils in northwest China. No significant change is observed for forest soils in southern China, grassland and desert soils in northwest China, as well as irrigated soils in eastern China. The SOC storage and density under noncultivated conditions in China are estimated to ~ 77.4 Pg (1015 g) and ~ 8.8 kg C m?2, respectively, compared to a SOC storage of ~ 70.3 Pg and an average SOC density of ~ 8.0 kg C m?2 under the present‐day conditions. This suggests a loss of ~ 7.1 Pg SOC and a decrease of ~ 0.8 kg C m?2 SOC density due to increasing human activities, in which the loss in organic horizons has contributed to ~ 77%. This total loss of SOC in China induced by land use represents ~ 9.5% of the world's SOC decrease. This amount is equivalent to ~ 3.5 ppmv of the atmospheric CO2 increase. Since ~ 78% of the currently cultivated soils in China have been degraded to a low/medium productivities and are responsible for most of the SOC loss, an improved land management, such as the development of irrigated and paddy land uses, would have a considerable potential in restoring the SOC storage. Assuming a restoration of ~ 50% of the lost SOC during the next 20–50 years, the soils in China would absorb ~ 3.5 Pg of carbon from the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The regulation of surface water pCO2 was studied in a set of 33 unproductive boreal lakes of different humic content, situated along a latitudinal gradient (57°N to 64°N) in Sweden. The lakes were sampled four times during one year, and analyzed on a wide variety of water chemistry parameters. With only one exception, all lakes were supersaturated with CO2 with respect to the atmosphere at all sampling occasions. pCO2 was closely related to the DOC concentration in lakes, which in turn was mainly regulated by catchment characteristics. This pattern was similar along the latitudinal gradient and at different seasons of the year, indicating that it is valid for a variety of climatic conditions within the boreal forest zone. We suggest that landscape characteristics determine the accumulation and subsequent supply of allochthonous organic matter from boreal catchments to lakes, which in turn results in boreal lakes becoming net sources of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
Plant communities from oligotrophic, poorly buffered waters are seriously threatened by both, acidification and eutrophication/alkalinization. Acidification is mainly caused by atmospheric deposition of acidifying substances while eutrophication is often the result of inlet of nutrient enriched, calcareous brook- or groundwater. The plant production in very soft waters is often limited by low levels of inorganic carbon, nitrogen and/or phosphorus. This paper deals with the possibilities for restoration of formerly oligotrophic but now eutrophied and alkalinized softwater systems. Restoration based upon nitrogen limitation is not likely to be successful as the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in The Netherlands is very high. Phosphorus limitation can also be a problem. One can stop the input of phosphorus and remove the mud layer, but the problem remains that also the deeper mineral sandy sediments are saturated with phosphate. A possible remedy, however, is a combination of carbon- and phosphorus limitation. Many plants from eutrophic environments never occur in very soft waters, probably as a result of carbon limitation. In addition, mobilisation of phosphate is much lower in waters with very low bicarbonate levels. Restoration of a former oligotrophic softwater lake by reducing the inlet of calcareous surface water, in combination with removal of the organic sediment layer, appeared to be very successful. Many endangered plant species such asIsoetes echinospora, Luronium natans, Deschampsia setacea andEchinodorus repens developed spontaneously from the still viable seedbank.  相似文献   
Objective: To measure red cell flux of adipose tissue in morbidly obese patients' pannus in the upright and supine position to determine factors which would render the lower pannus susceptible to ischemic necrosis. Design: A cohort study of morbidly obese subjects without ischemic necrosis. Setting: University teaching hospital. Patients: Twenty-three consecutive morbidly obese patients referred for gastroplasty. Measurements: Red cell flux, measured as RMS voltage by a laser Doppler velocimeter. An optical fiber with a tip diameter of 250μ was inserted into the upper and lower pannus and output recorded in the upright and supine positions. Other variables recorded were age, BMI, blood pressure and serum lipids. Results: Adipose tissue red cell flux demonstrates considerable spatial and temporal heterogeneity from subject to subject and in various locations in the pannus. No differences in red cell flux were detected in response to change in position. However, regression analysis demonstrated that the gradient between the upper and lower abdomen in the supine position was increasingly positive with age and in the upright position it was increasingly positive with increasing weight or BMI. Conclusions: These data suggest that red cell flux is heterogeneously distributed in the abdominal pannus and is not greatly influenced by body position. However, with increasing age and adiposity there is a gradient for decreased red cell flux to the lower portion of the pannus. This may be a factor in rendering this part of the pannus prone to ischemic fat necrosis.  相似文献   
Theoretically, there are three principal ways in which ecosystem processes might respond to reductions in species richness. These theories are reviewed, and then considered in the context of a study of the diversity of soil nematodes and termites in near-primary forest sites at Mbalmayo, Cameroon, and the contribution made by these two taxa to carbon fluxes (CO2 and CH4) from the forest floor. Nematode abundances average 2.04 × 106 m-2, and termites between 2933 and 6957 m-2. The site is the most species-rich yet investigated for both groups anywhere in the world, so that a very large number of species contribute to carbon fluxes. We speculate about how much redundancy might be built into the functioning of both assemblages, and point out the enormous difficulties of resolving such questions, and of producing such detailed species-inventories.  相似文献   
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