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In many animal species, variation in reproductive success among individuals has led to the evolution of alternative mating strategies, which in the case of insects can often be correlated with developmental trajectories. In the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, males can mature at the 8th, 9th or 10th instar, while females mature at the 10th instar only. A number of morphological attributes including male head and mandible size correlate with final instar number, and as these attributes represent a form of weaponry, they are often used in mate/site guarding and male–male competition. Tenth instar males have larger head/mandible/body sizes and show a conventional (guarder) reproductive strategy, whereas smaller 8th instar males typically show an unconventional (sneaker) strategy. In contrast, 9th instar males are predicted to adopt a “jack‐of‐all‐trades” strategy whereby they can fight or sneak depending context. Here, we tested whether alternative reproductive morphs exhibit strategy‐specific differences in risk‐taking associated with refuge emergence, activity and antipredator behaviour and further, whether these traits correlate to form a behavioural syndrome. We found that tree weta show consistent and repeatable differences in activity and refuge use at the individual level; however, behavioural covariances suggest that only 8th instar males exhibit a behavioural syndrome. That 9th instar males show high plasticity and variance in their gallery‐related behaviours supports the hypothesis that these males are a “jack‐of‐all‐trades.” Contrary to our predictions, antipredator behaviour was not correlated with other traits, and differences in behaviour overall were consistently more pronounced between individuals rather than between male morphs or sexes.  相似文献   
Previous studies hailed thermal tolerance and the capacity for organisms to acclimate and adapt as the primary pathways for species survival under climate change. Here we challenge this theory. Over the past decade, more than 365 tropical stenothermal fish species have been documented moving poleward, away from ocean warming hotspots where temperatures 2–3 °C above long‐term annual means can compromise critical physiological processes. We examined the capacity of a model species – a thermally sensitive coral reef fish, Chromis viridis (Pomacentridae) – to use preference behaviour to regulate its body temperature. Movement could potentially circumvent the physiological stress response associated with elevated temperatures and may be a strategy relied upon before genetic adaptation can be effectuated. Individuals were maintained at one of six temperatures (23, 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33 °C) for at least 6 weeks. We compared the relative importance of acclimation temperature to changes in upper critical thermal limits, aerobic metabolic scope and thermal preference. While acclimation temperature positively affected the upper critical thermal limit, neither aerobic metabolic scope nor thermal preference exhibited such plasticity. Importantly, when given the choice to stay in a habitat reflecting their acclimation temperatures or relocate, fish acclimated to end‐of‐century predicted temperatures (i.e. 31 or 33 °C) preferentially sought out cooler temperatures, those equivalent to long‐term summer averages in their natural habitats (~29 °C). This was also the temperature providing the greatest aerobic metabolic scope and body condition across all treatments. Consequently, acclimation can confer plasticity in some performance traits, but may be an unreliable indicator of the ultimate survival and distribution of mobile stenothermal species under global warming. Conversely, thermal preference can arise long before, and remain long after, the harmful effects of elevated ocean temperatures take hold and may be the primary driver of the escalating poleward migration of species.  相似文献   
Parenting strategies can be flexible within a species and may have varying fitness effects. Understanding this flexibility and its fitness consequences is important for understanding why parenting strategies evolve. In the present study, we investigate the fitness consequences of flexible parenting in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis, a species known for its advanced provisioning behaviour of regurgitated vertebrate carrion to offspring by both sexes. We show that, even when a parent is freely allowed to abandon the carcass at any point in time, biparental post‐hatching care is the most common pattern of care adopted in N. orbicollis. Furthermore, two parents together raised more offspring than single parents of either sex, showing that the presence of the male can directly influence parental fitness even in the absence of competitors. This contrasts with studies in other species of burying beetle, where biparental families do not differ in offspring number. This may explain why biparental care is more common in N. orbicollis than in other burying beetles. We suggest how the fitness benefits of two parents may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of flexible biparental care in N. orbicollis.  相似文献   
Background: Identification of human subjects using a geometric approach to complexity analysis of behavioural data is designed to provide a basis for a more precise diagnosis leading towards personalised medicine. Methods: The approach is based on capturing behavioural time-series that can be characterized by a fractional dimension using non-invasive longer-time acquisitions of heart rate, perfusion, blood oxygenation, skin temperature, relative movement and steps frequency. The geometry based approach consists in the analysis of the area and centroid of convex hulls encapsulating the behavioural data represented in Euclidian index spaces based on the scaling properties of the self-similar normally distributed behavioural time-series of the above mentioned quantities. Results: An example demonstrating the presented approach of behavioural fingerprinting is provided using sensory data of eight healthy human subjects based on approximately fifteen hours of data acquisition. Our results show that healthy subjects can be factorized to different similarity groups based on a particular choice of a convex hull in the corresponding Euclidian space. One of the results indicates that healthy subjects share only a small part of the convex hull pertaining to a highly trained individual from the geometric comparison point of view. Similarly, the presented pair-wise individual geometric similarity measure indicates large differences among the subjects suggesting the possibility of neuro-fingerprinting. Conclusions: Recently introduced multi-channel body-attached sensors provide a possibility to acquire behavioural time-series that can be mathematically analysed to obtain various objective measures of behavioural patterns yielding behavioural diagnoses favouring personalised treatments of, e.g., neuropathologies or aging.  相似文献   
The use of pheromone trails in ant colony organization is an important model for understanding collective decision‐making and complex adaptive systems. The ant Lasius niger L. (Hymenoptera: Fomicidae) is one of the main model organisms used for such studies. Key to understanding pheromone trail use by ants is knowing how well trails are followed. The results of a previous study suggest that L. niger trail following is poor, with between 60% and 70% accuracy at a T bifurcation. It is hypothesized that the true trail following accuracy is higher, and that the low accuracy reported previously is the result of a methodological error. Specifically, it is hypothesized that ‘task state’ (i.e. what the ants ‘thought they were doing’) affected pheromone following accuracy. In the present study, the task state of the ants is set experimentally to one of three states: scouting (completely naive), recruited (having information that food has been found, but not where it is) and shuttling (having a strong memory of the location of a food source). Trail following accuracy is tested for each group. Trail following is found to be more accurate than previously reported: 83%, 82% and 74% correct decisions for scouts, recruits and shuttlers, respectively. However, the difference between the three groups is not significant. Importantly, very high inter‐trial variation is reported both in the present study and in experiments from other research groups. This variation is unexplainable by trail strengths or colony‐level differences, and is highlighted as an important factor when experimentally measuring trail following.  相似文献   
A 2‐year study on epidemic progress of apple scab was conducted at Randwijk, the Netherlands, in 1998 and 1999. The summer epidemic caused by conidia was studied instead of the well‐described spring season epidemic originating from ascospores. The aim was to investigate relationships between disease measurements, i.e. disease incidence and severity measures of apple scab, and their implications for the development of predictive models and threshold levels. The study characterized good relationships between the measurements on cultivar Jonagold using regression analyses in three disease control regimes (untreated, organic and integrated). For fruit quality prediction, the relationship between fruit incidence (If) and leaf incidence (Il) in the organic control regime was given by If = 1.966 + 0.402 × (Il) (R2 = 0.92). As a result of low level of disease in the integrated control regime, shoot incidence (Is), with higher values than leaf incidence, was better suited for prediction. The relationship was given by If = ?0.162 + 0.028 × (Is) (R2 = 0.91). For the integrated control regime, disease threshold levels were constructed for timing of the final fungicide application. If an apple grower wants to keep fruit infection under 1% incidence (harvest scab threshold), the timing of the final fungicide application (action threshold) should correspond to 4% shoot scab incidence at the beginning of August. The results are compared with similar studies and their biological interpretation is discussed.  相似文献   
Temperature dependencies were established for the egg-to-mummy and mummy-to-adult phases, for mummy mortality, and for parasitism of Aphidius ervi Haliday, Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani-Perez, and Praon volucre (Haliday) (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae), three parasitoids of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Homoptera, Aphididae), at 8°C, 12°C, 16°C, 20°C, and 25°C on winter wheat (cv. Haven). A physiological model described temperature-dependent development over the full temperature range, whereas a linear model was fitted for data above 8°C and used to estimate the lower temperature thresholds and day-degrees (° D) required for development. The thresholds for A. ervi were 2.2°C for egg-mummy development and 6.6°C for mummy-adult development, those for A. rhopalosiphi were 4.5°C and 7.2°C, and those for P. volucre were 3.8°C and 5.5°C. The time to develop into mummies and adults differed significantly between the three species: A. ervi development into mummies required an average of 159 ° D, while development into adults took an average of 73 ° D. The corresponding average times required for A. rhopalosiphi and P. volucre to develop mummies were 124° D and 126° D, while their development into adults required an average of 70° D and 150° D, respectively. Mummy mortality was 25–35% at 8°C and less at the higher temperatures tested, but began to increase again at 25°C, showing a quadratic relationship between mortality and temperature. Parasitization was very low or, in the case of P. volucre, absent up to 12°C and thereafter increased with increasing temperature. The relationship between parasitization, recorded as percent aphids mummified, and temperature was linear at the temperatures tested and depended on species. A. ervisuperparasitized 11.1% aphids at 20°C and 16.6% aphids at 25°C, whereas superparasitism was low in A. rhopalosiphi and absent in P. volucre. From 16°C to 25°C the P. volucre sex ratio increased. For A. ervi and A. rhopalosiphi there was no trend with temperature, but at 20°C and 25°C it was close to even. Field data for 1996 and 1997 allowed for a comparison of actual and expected emergence of overwintering mummies. In both years, parasitoids were predicted to have emerged from overwintering mummies well in advance of the onset of aphid infestation, and more than a month earlier than the first parasitized aphids were found in winter wheat. Observations from trap plants in other crops supported the predictions of the models. Other factors that can affect biological control by cereal aphid parasitoids are discussed.  相似文献   
Among the thermophilic fishes that have become established in the north-western Mediterranean as a consequence of sea warming, the yellowmouth barracuda (Sphyraena viridensis Cuvier, 1829) appears to be one of the most successful and abundant in the coastal rocky environment, having increasingly become the object of recreational and commercial exploitation in the study area. Lure-fishing sessions were carried out from May 2016 to November 2018 in the Catalan Sea (NE Spain) at dawn and dusk, with the aim of providing new insight into the behavioural, spatial and feeding ecology and vulnerability to angling of this poorly known species. Generalized mixed-effects linear models showed that S. viridensis is a crepuscular inshore dweller, whose vulnerability to angling is significantly influenced by solar and lunar light intensities, being highest in the pre-spawn and spawning periods. Asymmetries between dawn and dusk activity patterns were detected, evidently related to a drop in aggressiveness at dusk following the spawning period. The simple study design adopted may be applied to other contexts, aiming to the recognition of several levels of fish vulnerability to angling.  相似文献   
Sociality has evolved independently many times in a diverse array of animal taxa. While sociality in some invertebrates, birds and mammals is relatively well understood, complex social behaviour in Squamate reptiles is a comparatively recent discovery. The extent to which social behaviour is phylogenetically constrained, or free to respond to environmental conditions is a key question in understanding sociality. We sampled 74 aggregations involving 137 individuals of a social lizard (Egernia stokesii) from 13 sites across a 96 250 km2 area showing a wide range of environmental conditions. Over all locations, 70% of the lizards were found in aggregations, supporting the previous suggestion that aggregation in this species is phylogenetically constrained. However, the size of aggregations was negatively related to spatial variation in aridity and daily variation in maximum temperature, suggesting that social behaviour also varied in response to harsh environmental conditions. Lizards aggregated more in arid areas and on cold days. Our results show that it is overly simplistic to regard social behaviour in E. stokesii as either phylogenetically constrained or environmentally determined. A more nuanced appreciation of the extent to which social behaviour is free to vary in response to environmental conditions improves our understanding of social behaviour in Squamate reptiles.  相似文献   
Protandrous arrival timing to breeding areas: a review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protandry, the earlier arrival of males to breeding areas than females, is a common pattern of sex-biased timing in many animal taxa (e.g. some insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). The adaptive significance of protandry is not fully understood and, since the 1970s, at least seven hypotheses for protandry have been proposed. We describe each of these hypotheses and summarize what is known about each. In three of these hypotheses, the relative arrival timing of males and females has no direct fitness consequences for males or females, but selection for different timing in each sex indirectly produces protandry. In the other four hypotheses, the difference between male and female timing has fitness consequences for males or females and selection directly maintains the fitness-maximizing degree of sex-biased timing. The hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and the degree of multiple mating by males and the occurrence of male territoriality seem to determine the relative importance of each hypothesis. In order to understand the adaptive significance of sex-biased timing, future studies need to consider all the alternatives and to assess the costs and benefits to males of early arrival relative to calendar date, to other males and to females.  相似文献   
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