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以1年生刨花楠幼苗为研究对象,通过不同的氮磷配施实验,采用扫描根系法和磷脂脂肪酸法,研究不同氮磷配施处理对刨花楠幼苗1—4级细根根序形态特征及其土壤微生物的影响。结果表明:(1)4种氮磷配施处理均显著增加了刨花楠1—2级根的比根长和比根面积(P0.05),降低了3—4级根的比根面积(P0.05);(2)通过不同梯度的氮磷配施,1—2级细根的根组织密度呈下降态势,而3—4级根的组织密度则显著增加(P0.05),体现低级根与高级根之间的权衡;(3)4种氮磷配施处理都显著降低刨花楠1—4级细根的平均直径(P0.05);(4)随着氮磷比的增加,微生物总量及细菌、真菌与放线菌数量等均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,并均在N∶P为10∶1时达到最大;(5)氮磷配施条件下,细菌、真菌等与1—2级细根的比根长和比根面积呈显著正相关,而与4级根的比根长和比根面积则呈显著负相关,革兰氏阳性菌、真菌等与3—4级根的组织密度存在显著正相关,而与1—2级根的组织密度无显著相关性。各级根序的平均直径均与土壤微生物无显著相关性。研究结果表明,短期氮磷配施以N∶P为10∶1的效果最好,其最有利于提高刨花楠苗木细根的养分吸收能力与养分吸收效率,苗木通过调整细根形态来适应氮沉降,其地下生物群落如土壤微生物及其与细根的关系也发生变化,进而影响地下生态系统碳氮循环和养分流动。  相似文献   
五爪金龙乙醇提取物对福寿螺毒杀和水稻苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡飞  曾坤玉  张俊彦  陈建军  唐湘如 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5471-5477
福寿螺和五爪金龙是两种危害严重的入侵生物,利用五爪金龙防治稻田福寿螺是以害治害的方法.盆栽条件下研究了五爪金龙乙醇提取物毒杀福寿螺的效果,以及其对水稻苗生长的影响.在砂培条件下五爪金龙乙醇提取物及其分离得到的甲醇相、乙酸乙酯相、乙醚相水溶液不仅对福寿螺起到毒杀作用, 而且对水稻秧苗生长有促进作用, 毒杀和促进作用由强到弱的顺序均为:乙醇提取物>甲醇相>乙酸乙酯相>乙醚相.在实验浓度范围内五爪金龙乙醇提物对福寿螺的毒杀效果及其对水稻苗促进作用强度均随浓度的增大而增强,在水稻土盆栽条件下抑制福寿螺取食水稻苗的效果与密达差异不显著(p>0.05).五爪金龙乙醇提取物能毒杀福寿螺,对水稻苗的生长没有不利的影响.因此, 利用五爪金龙防治稻田福寿螺危害是环境友好的非化学防治措施,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
为了解林下红松幼苗生长和养分存储季节动态,以长白山原始阔叶红松林(原始林)和次生杨桦林(次生林)林下2年生红松幼苗为对象,研究林下光合有效辐射(PAR)、幼苗生物量、非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)、全氮(N)和全磷(P)等指标的季节变化,分析两林分林下光照的季节动态及其差异对红松幼苗生长和养分积累的影响.结果表明:原始林...  相似文献   
In this study, we made an attempt to reveal how competition intensity from established plants impacts on palatable and unpalatable grass seedlings recruitment, in a natural mesic grassland of central Argentina. Our objective was to assess the seedling recruitment of a palatable species (Chascolytrum subaristatum) and an unpalatable species (Nassella trichotoma) in microsites differing in competition intensity from established plants. Identity (C. subaristatum and N. trichotoma) and defoliation severity were used as surrogate for competition intensity. In March 2017, we permanently marked established individuals of N. trichotoma and C. subaristatum and placed two circular plots adjacent to each individual. In one plot we added seeds of N. trichotoma and in the other seeds of C. subaristatum. After seeding, established plants were randomly assigned to one of three level of defoliation: without defoliation, low defoliation severity and high defoliation severity. From April to November 2017 (i.e. over a complete annual growing cycle), we measured seedling density, recruitment and growth. Our results supported the hypothesis that seedlings of palatable grasses are more competitive than seedlings of unpalatable grasses. Seedling of the palatable grass C. subaristatum recruited successfully regardless the intensity of competition from established plants, whereas seedlings of the unpalatable grass N. trichotoma recruited better under low competitive pressure from established plants. Our results suggest that the availability of microsites with low competitive pressure from the established vegetation, created by selective grazing of palatable grasses, promotes the recruitment of unpalatable grass seedlings. This mechanism may contribute to the species replacement process commonly observed in heavy grazed grasslands.  相似文献   
Forest restoration is most efficient if it can take advantage of facilitative interactions between established vegetation and planted trees. However, positive and negative interactions have been identified in a number of plant communities. After centuries of anthropogenic fires, forest recovery has been extremely slow in southern bog forests previously dominated by the slow‐growing and vulnerable conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum on Chiloé Island, Chile. Today, the landscape is dominated by secondary shrublands with scattered patches of Sphagnum moss and limited natural tree regeneration. We hypothesized that the retention of secondary shrubs facilitates the early performance of P. uviferum restoration plantings by providing better microsite conditions. To test this hypothesis, we compared the response of seedlings planted on sites prepared at two levels of intervention: after shrubs had been removed or where shrubs were retained. Shrub retention showed a nurse‐plant effect on P. uviferum seedlings 4 years after planting, which resulted in reduced physiological stress (measured as Fv/Fm) for seedlings, as well as reduced browsing. Consequently, the seedlings growing in areas with shrub retention had larger height increment and higher vitality than those in areas where shrubs had been removed. Thus, the more open micro‐site conditions created by shrub removal resulted in generally poorer seedling performance, although seedling mortality—which was low overall (approximately 2–4%)—showed no significant difference between the two levels of intervention. These findings have direct implications for the restoration of slow‐growing conifers that can tolerate extreme wet conditions in highly degraded forests.  相似文献   
极小种群野生植物坡垒(Hopea hainanensis)曾经是热带低地雨林的优势种, 但由于商业采伐和刀耕火种等严重人类干扰及自然更新困难, 致使其种群数量急剧下降到最小可存活的界限, 急需开展种群的拯救恢复工作。而对于坡垒生境适宜性及更新限制的了解, 是进行种群保护及恢复的基础。本文在对野生坡垒种群及其生境因子调查测定的基础上, 分析了生物与非生物生境特征及其对坡垒种群更新幼苗多度的影响。结果表明: 坡垒种群从幼苗至幼树阶段存在着严重的增补限制。坡度小、土壤含水量和有效磷含量高、母株胸径和冠幅较大、伴生种胸高断面积中等的环境是坡垒幼苗较为适宜的生境, 且坡垒幼苗多度与坡度及土壤pH值显著负相关, 与土壤含水量及土壤全磷含量显著正相关。这些研究结果为极小种群野生植物坡垒的就地保护与种群复壮提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The MIR396 family, composed of ath‐miR396a and ath‐miR396b in Arabidopsis, is conserved among plant species and is known to target the Growth‐Regulating Factor (GRF) gene family. ath‐miR396 overexpressors or grf mutants are characterised by small and narrow leaves and show embryogenic defects such as cotyledon fusion. Heterologous expression of ath‐miR396a has been reported in tobacco and resulted in reduction of the expression of three NtGRF genes. In this study, the precursor of the Populus trichocarpa ptc‐miR396c, with a mature sequence identical to ath‐miR396b, was expressed under control of the CaMV35S promoter in tobacco. Typical phenotypes of GRF down‐regulation were observed, including cotyledon fusion and lack of shoot apical meristem (SAM). At later stage of growth, transgenic plants had delayed development and altered specification of organ type during flower development. The third and fourth whorls of floral organs were modified into stigmatoid anthers and fasciated carpels, respectively. Several NtGRF genes containing a miR396 binding site were found to be down‐regulated, and the cleavage of their corresponding mRNA at the miR396 binding site was confirmed for two of them using RACE‐PCR analysis. The data obtained agree with the functional conservation of the miR396 family in plants and suggest a role for the miR396/GRF network in determination of floral organ specification.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Despite the selective pressure slugs may exert on seedling recruitment there is a lack of information in this context within grassland restoration studies. Selective grazing is influenced by interspecific differences in acceptability. As part of a larger study of how slug–seedling interactions may influence upland hay meadow restoration, an assessment of relative acceptability is made for seedlings of meadow plants to the slug, Deroceras reticulatum.


Slug feeding damage to seedling monocultures of 23 meadow species and Brassica napus was assessed in microcosms over 14 d. The severity and rate of damage incurred by each plant species was analysed with a generalized additive mixed model. Plant species were then ranked for their relative acceptability.

Key Results

Interspecific variation in relative acceptability suggested seedlings of meadow species form a hierarchy of acceptability to D. reticulatum. The four most acceptable species were Achillea millefolium and the grasses Holcus lanatus, Poa trivialis and Festuca rubra. Trifolium pratense was acceptable to D. reticulatum and was the second highest ranking forb species. The most unacceptable species were mainly forbs associated with the target grassland, and included Geranium sylvaticum, Rumex acetosa, Leontodon hispidus and the grass Anthoxanthum odoratum. A strong positive correlation was found for mean cumulative feeding damage and cumulative seedling mortality at day 14.


Highly unacceptable species to D. reticulatum are unlikely to be selectively grazed by slugs during the seedling recruitment phase, and were predominantly target restoration species. Seedlings of highly acceptable species may be less likely to survive slug herbivory and contribute to seedling recruitment at restoration sites. Selective slug herbivory, influenced by acceptability, may influence community-level processes if seedling recruitment and establishment of key functional species, such as T. pratense is reduced.  相似文献   
桂西南早熟荔枝实生资源遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用ISSR标记技术对83份早熟荔枝(品种)单株遗传多样性进行分析。筛选出多态性高的10条IS-SR引物,共扩增出128条DNA条带,其中多态性带107条,多态性百分率为83.59%,表明桂西南早熟荔枝实生资源遗传多样性较丰富;用NTSYS软件计算出这83份材料的DICE相似系数在0.64~0.95之间,遗传亲缘关系较近;用UPGMA方法构建分子树状图,在相似系数0.75时,可将栽培品种与桂西南早熟实生单株区分开。各地区资源混杂聚类在一起,不能按地区单独聚类。  相似文献   
马铃薯实生群体遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南马铃薯品种‘剑川红’植株1个浆果中的天然实生种子产生的70个单株以及B20[CIP010(♀)×CIP004(♂)]杂交组合后代100个实生苗单株为材料,采用12对SSR引物对自交种和杂交实生群体的遗传差异性进行分析,旨在从后代群体中找到与母本(亲本)在分子水平上表现一致的植株,为种质资源的长期保存提供依据。结果表明:(1)‘剑川红’自交群体的多态性比率为81.6%,比杂交组合B20实生群体的多态性比率72.8%略高,说明2个群体的多态性比率均较高。(2)聚类分析结果显示,自交后代和杂交后代群体的遗传相似系数均较高,变化范围均在0.74~0.96之间,说明2个群体均发生了不同程度的遗传分离,但分离的程度较小,绝大多数条带表现一致。(3)在所有供试材料中,同一浆果中均未发现与‘剑川红’母株在分子水平上表现完全一致的单株。研究认为,在分子水平上寻找完全不分离的实生群体难度非常大,需进一步评价与母株(亲本)在分子水平上相似株系的田间表现,从而确定是否可以通过相近或极相近株系来恢复种源。  相似文献   
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