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The epidemic of Zika in the Western hemisphere has led to intense investigations of all species important in the transmission of Zika virus (ZikV), including putative mosquito vectors. Although evidence points to Stegomyia (= Aedes) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes as the primary vectors in nature among humans, there remains the possibility that other common mosquito species may be implicated in the rapid spread of the virus. Herein, field‐caught Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) collected during June 2016 in different neighbourhoods in San Juan, Puerto Rico were examined for the presence of natural infection with ZikV. Stegomyia aegypti (= Aedes aegypti) from the same locations were also analysed. None of the Cx. quinquefasciatus tested showed natural infection for ZikV, whereas S. aegypti tested positive at seven sites. The present results suggest that Cx. quinquefasciatus was not involved in the transmission of ZikV in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2016.  相似文献   
It is currently unclear if the potential for West Nile virus transmission by mosquito vectors in the eastern United States is related to landscape or climate factors or both. We compared abundance of vector species between urban and suburban neighborhoods of Henrico County, VA, in relation to the following factors: temperature, precipitation, canopy cover, building footprint, and proximity to drainage infrastructure. Mosquitoes were collected throughout the 2005, 2006, and 2007 seasons and tested for West Nile virus (WNV) in pools of 10–50. Test results of mosquito pools were compared to average site abundance from 37 sites in Henrico County, VA; abundance was then examined in relation to ecological variables. Urban infrastructure was positively correlated with the abundance of Culex pipiens L./Cx. restuans, and our findings implicate combined sewer overflow systems as large contributors to Culex vector populations. No measure of urbanization examined in our study was correlated with Aedes albopictus abundance. Our study showed that certain landscape variables identified using Geographic Information Systems are valuable for predicting primary WNV vector abundance in Virginia, and that temperature along with low precipitation are strong predictors of population growth. Our results support other regional studies that found WNV proliferates under drought conditions.  相似文献   
本研究通过对新疆地区不明原因发热人群血清Tahyna病毒抗体进行检测,以了解Tahyna病毒在当地的感染状况及分布特征。通过间接免疫荧光方法对新疆维吾尔自治区南部喀什地区、北部伊犁地区742例不明原因发热患者急性期血清标本进行Tahyna病毒抗体检测,并对IgM抗体阳性标本平行进行Tahyna病毒、Snowshoe hare病毒和Inkoo病毒三种抗原性相似的布尼亚病毒的蚀斑减少中和试验。研究结果显示新疆南部喀什地区采集不明原因发热患者急性期血清中,IgM抗体阳性率5.3%,IgG抗体阳性率18.3%;新疆北部伊犁地区采集的急性期患者血清标本中并未发现TAHV IgM抗体阳性;蚀斑减少中和试验结果显示,TAHV IgM抗体阳性患者血清中Tahyna病毒中和抗体滴度较其它两种布尼亚病毒中和抗体滴度升高明显。本研究证实新疆南部地区不明原因发热人群存在Tahyna病毒的急性感染和既往感染,为相关疾病的进一步监测提供基础。  相似文献   
Assessment of arbovirus vector infection rates using variable size pooling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pool testing of vector samples for arboviruses is widely used in surveillance programmes. The proportion of infected mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) is often estimated from the minimum infection rate (MIR), based on the assumption of only one infected mosquito per positive pool. This assumption becomes problematic when pool size is large and/or infection rate is high. By relaxing this constraint, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is more useful for a wide range of infection levels that may be encountered in the field. We demonstrate the difference between these two estimation approaches using West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance data from vectors collected by gravid traps in Chicago during 2002. MLE of infection rates of Culex mosquitoes was as high as 60 per 1000 at the peak of transmission in August, whereas MIR was less than 30 per 1000. More importantly, we demonstrate roles of various pooling strategies for better estimation of infection rates based on simulation studies with hypothetical mosquito samples of 18 pools. Variable size pooling (with a serial pool sizes of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 individuals) performed consistently better than a constant size pooling of 50 individuals. We conclude that variable pool size coupled with MLE is critical for accurate estimates of mosquito infection rates in WNV epidemic seasons.  相似文献   
Urban wetlands are being created in the UK as part of sustainable urban drainage strategies, to create wetland habitats lost during development, to provide a habitat for protected species, and to increase the public's access to ‘blue‐space’ for the improvement of health and well‐being. Sewage treatment reedbeds are also being incorporated into newly constructed wetlands to offer an alternative approach to dealing with sewage. This field study aims to provide the first UK evidence of how such newly constructed aquatic habitats are colonized by mosquitoes. A number of new aquatic habitats were surveyed for immature mosquitoes every fortnight over the first two years following wetland construction. The majority of mosquitoes collected were Culex sp. and were significantly associated with the sewage treatment reedbed system, particularly following storm events and sewage inflow. Other more natural aquatic habitats that were subject to cycles of drying and re‐wetting contributed the majority of the remaining mosquitoes colonizing. Colonization of permanent habitats was slow, particularly where fluctuations in water levels inhibited emergent vegetation growth. It is recommended that during the planning process for newly constructed wetlands consideration is given on a case‐by‐case basis to the impact of mosquitoes, either as a cause of nuisance or as potential vectors. Although ornithophagic Culex dominated in this wetland, their potential role as enzootic West Nile virus vectors should not be overlooked.  相似文献   
Pathogens of medical or veterinary significance that are transmitted by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are (re‐)emerging in Europe [e.g. West Nile virus (WNV), Dirofilaria nematodes]. Little is known about the spatiotemporal abundances of mosquito species in Switzerland. Therefore, mosquito population dynamics were investigated, focusing on areas of risk for sylvatic or synanthropic transmission, such as natural sites and suburban sites on either side of the Alpine crest. Repeated collections were made using Centers for Disease Control (CDC) traps, juvenile sampling and ovitrapping. A total of 122 831 mosquito specimens of 21 taxa were identified. Levels of mosquito species richness were similar at suburban sites and in natural zones in Switzerland. Mosquito abundances and seasonality were analysed with generalized linear mixed models based on 382 CDC trap samples (29 454 females) and revealed Aedes annulipes/cantans, Aedes geniculatus, Aedes japonicus, Aedes sticticus, Aedes vexans, Coquillettidia richiardii and Culex pipiens/torrentium as the dominant species overall. Abundances of these species were season‐dependent in most cases. There was an effect of site with regard to abundance (higher in natural zones), but not with respect to seasonality. Together with data on vector competence and the host preferences of different species, the present data contribute to assessments of risk for pathogen transmission. For example, both natural and suburban environments seem feasible as sites for amplification cycles of WNV and transmission to mammals.  相似文献   
A virus infection, associated with enlargement of the salivary glands (ESG) and gonadal pathology in Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae), was studied in field-caught and laboratory-reared flies. The lifespan of both sexes of infected (ESG-) flies was significantly shorter than that of flies with normal salivary glands (NSG). NSG-females, mated to infected males only or to both infected and normal males, produced predominantly male progeny. In general, NSG-parents produced only NSG-progeny, and ESG-females only ESG-progeny. ESG-males were usually sterile, but a few NSG-females inseminated by ESG-males produced NSG-progeny. One NSG-female, mated first to an ESG-male and then to an NSG-male, produced 3 ESG-sons. As will be discussed, this virus may have important effects (reduced insemination rates, fecundity and lifespan, and sex ratio distortion) on laboratory colonies of G. pallidipes as well as on the regulation of its natural populations.
Résumé C'est à partir de mouches capturées et élevées au laboratoire à Kibwezi au Kenya, qu'a été étudiée l'infection virale, accompagnée d'hyperplasie des glandes salivaires (ESG) et la pathologie des gonades de G. pallidipes Aust. La durée de vie des mouches contaminées (ESG)_des 2 sexes était significativement plus brève que celle des mouches aux glandes salivaires normales (NSG). Des femelles NSG accouplées uniquement à des mâles contaminés ou à des mâles sains et contaminés, ont donné une descendance majoritairement mâle.En général, des parents NSG ont donné uniquement des enfants NSG, et des femelles ESG des enfants ESG. Les mâles ESG étaient généralement stériles, mais quelques femelles NSG inséminées par des mâles ESG ont donné des enfants NSG. Une femelle NSG accouplée en premier avec un mâle ESG et ensuite à un mâle NSG, a donné 3 fils ESG. Bien que les transmissions orales et sexuelles puissent être naturellement des modes de contamination, la transmission verticale de la mère à la descendance semble être le mécanisme le plus significatif du maintien de ce virus. L'apparition d'enfants ESG de parents NSG est dans quelques cas vraisemblablement due à la présence du virus chez quelques mouches NSG sans qu'il y ait apparemment infection, sans symptômes visibles. Le virus ESG peut avoir des effets importants (diminution des taux d'insémination, de la fécondité, de la durée de vie, et modification de la fréquence des sexes) dans les souches de laboratoire et aussi sur la régulation des populations naturelles de ce vecteur des trypanosomiases africaines.
Summary The replication of seven arboviruses in a cell line (TRA-171) derived from a nonhematophagous mosquito was studied. Four serotypes of laboratory adapted and three serotypes of unadapted dengue viruses replicated in the TRA-171 cell line, inducing syncytia. The sensitivity of TRA-171 cells to dengue virus infection was comparable to that ofAedes albopictus orA. pseudoscutellaris cells. Yellow fever, St. Louis encephalitis, and vesicular stomatitis viruses also replicated. All four serotypes of dengue viruses could be plaque assayed with TRA-171 cell cultures. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not constitute endorsement by the Public Health Service or by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  相似文献   
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