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We studied leaflet anatomy, emphasizing secretory structures, from herbarium specimens of 128 species of 44 genera of tribeCaesalpinieae, using clearings, resin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. These observations, combined with those from our three earlier papers, provide a survey of 210 species representing all genera. Seventy-three species had secretory structures: 21 had glands or gland-like trichomes, 40 had living mesophyll idioblasts, and nine had cavities (three species each had two different types). Five additional species, all inCercidium (Caesalpinia group), had paired or clustered large spheroidal, thick-walled, empty cells (veinlet idioblasts) interconnected by perforation plate-like gaps. Secretory structures have systematic significance at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
While antibiotics are broadly used in dental and medical therapy, little attention has been directed towards the potential toxic side effects of antibiotics on tissue regeneration. Here we examined the effect of a quinolone antibiotic, pefloxacin (Rhone Poulenc) on rat parotid gland responses to chronic isoproterenol treatment. Groups of rats received injections of isoproterenol to induce glandular growth, saline (controls), pefloxacin, or isoproterenol and pefloxacin in combination. Parotid gland weight decreased significantly after pefloxacin treatment for 7 days as well as inhibiting glandular enlargement provoked by isoproterenol. The same trend was observed for the rates of DNA synthesis, with the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in isoproterenol/pefloxacin-treated rats reduced to 49% of isoproterenol treatment alone levels. Saline-treated animals were 42% of the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA observed in isoproterenol treated rats. While isoproterenol treatment increased steady-state mRNA levels for fos, jun, myc, src, c-erbB-2, ras and topo II, inclusion of pefloxacin with the isoproterenol regimen blocked these increases. Pefloxacin treatment by itself did not alter proto-oncogene mRNA levels in the parotid gland. Glandular amylase activity was decreased in the pefloxacin treated group, while the combination of isoproterenol with pefloxacin did not decrease glandular amylase levels to the extent of that observed with -agonist treatment alone. In acute experiments, pefloxacin significantly decreased the volume of saliva secreted by the parotid gland. These results suggest that quinolone-based antibiotics disturb the secretory function of the parotid gland and can inhibit cell proliferation and regeneration. (Mol Cell Biochem 165: 55–63, 1996)  相似文献   
The acinous salivary glands of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) consist of four morphologically different cell types with different functions: the peripheral cells are thought to produce the fluid component of the primary saliva, the central cells secrete the proteinaceous components, the inner acinar duct cells stabilize the acini and secrete a cuticular, intima, whereas the distal duct cells modify the primary saliva via the transport of water and electrolytes. Because there is no direct information available on the distribution of ion transporting enzymes in the salivary glands, we have mapped the distribution of two key transport enzymes, the Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium pump) and a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, by immunocytochemical techniques. In the peripheral cells, the Na+/K+-ATPase is localized to the highly infolded apical membrane surface. The distal duct cells show large numbers of sodium pumps localized to the basolateral part of their plasma membrane, whereas their highly folded apical membranes have a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase. Our immunocytochemical data are supported by conventional electron microscopy, which shows electrondense 10-nm particles (portasomes) on the cytoplasmic surface of the infoldings of the apical membranes of the distal duct cells. The apically localized Na+/K+-ATPase in the peripheral cells is probably directly involved in the formation of the Na+-rich primary saliva. The latter is modified by the distal duct cells by transport mechanisms energized by the proton motive force of the apically localized V-H+-ATPase.  相似文献   
The study investigates activity changes in neurons of the lateral accessory lobes in the brain of the locust Schistocerca gregaria during wind-elicited tethered flight. Neurons with ascending projections from the ventral nerve cord to the lateral accessory lobes showed flight-associated excitations which were modulated in the flight motor rhythm. Descending neurons with ramifications in the lateral accessory lobes were tonically excited corresponding to flight duration. The onset of wind-elicited responses in the descending neurons preceded the onset of flight motor activity by 22–60 milliseconds. Neurons connecting the lateral accessory lobes with the central body, the anterior optic tubercles, or other brain areas showed a variety of responses including activity changes during flight initiation and flight termination. Activity in many of these neurons was less tightly coupled to the flight situation and often returned to background levels before flight was terminated. Most of the recorded neurons responded, in addition, to stationary visual stimuli. The results suggest that the lateral accessory lobes in the locust brain are integrative links between the central body, visual pathways, and the ventral nerve cord. The possible involvement of these brain areas in flight control is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Cystic fibrosis (CF) involves abnormalities in mucus production and secretion of the airway. Studies of the regulation of airway mucin production and secretion has been difficult due to the lack of in vitro models of the airway epithelial cells which express functional differentiation. Because the majority of the mucin in the airway is apparently produced by the submucosal glands, we have focused our attention on the development of cell culture models of human airway submucosal glands. This report describes the propagation of CF airway submucosal gland epithelial cells which continue to express mucin production. The CF bronchus was obtained from a 31-yr-old patient who received a double lung transplant. The glands were dissected out and primary cultures prepared by the explant/outgrowth procedure. The cells were immortalized by infection with Adl2-SV40 hybrid virus. The cultures are maintained in serum-free keratinocyte basal medium supplemented with insulin (5μg/ml), hydrocortisone (0.5μg/ml), epidermal growth factor (10 ng/ml), bovine pituitary extract (25μg/ml), and antibiotics. Cultures were passaged using 0.125% trypsin in Ca+2 and Mg+2-free Hanks’, balanced salt solution. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis demonstrated that the cells were homozygous for the ΔF508 mutation. Morphologic observations showed that the cells were epithelial and were interconnected by sparsely distributed desmosomes. Their cytoplasm contained secretory-type structures including abundant Golgi, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory vesicles. Immunofluorescent studies determined that all cells were positive for cytokeratins, mucin glycoconjugates, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. The cultures secreted substantial amounts of mucin glycoproteins and expressed the MUC-2 mucin gene. Patch clamp experiments revealed that the cells expressed defective Cl channels which were not activated by Forskolin.  相似文献   
An unusual testicular structure in the white grunt, Haemulon plumieri , and the French grunt, H. flavolineatum , and a urinary exocrine gland in H. flavolineatum are described. The testes of both species are comprised predominantly of efferent ducts, with spermatogenetic tissue restricted to the gonadal periphery. The epithelial cells of the efferent ducts produce glycogen which may serve a role in the storage and nutrition of sperm. The urinary gland is a male accessory gland thought to be associated with reproduction. The gland is mesonephric in origin and the epithelial cells of the gland produce mucins which may be involved in intraspecific chemical communication.  相似文献   
Abstract. Chemical signals from secretions of different exocrine glands modulate a variety of behavioural patterns in termite societies. These signals have multiple functions and may be interactive. During food exploitation workers of the African termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) employ, on foraging trails, the secretion from the sternal gland both for orientation and recruitment to a food source. The secretion from the labial gland, released onto the food by gnawing termites, stimulates additional workers to gnaw at the same site, thereby forming aggregations of gnawing termites. An interaction between these two pheromones during food exploitation is demonstrated for the first time. The volatile signal from the sternal gland inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the non-volatile, highly persistent, signal from the labial gland. The development of gnawing aggregations is inhibited and established ones are dissolved. Behavioural evidence for the perception of both the volatile signal from the sternal gland by olfactory neurones and of the non-volatile signal from the labial gland by gustatory neurones on the antennae is given. The interaction of the two pheromones as a basis for the development of distinct commuting and gnawing zones on the food source, and as a means for a dynamic regulation of food exploitation, is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Pituitary glands were examined using reference staining (hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue) and the peroxidase-labeled antibody method, for 1) invading anterior cells in the posterior lobe, 2) intermediate colloid forming follicles, and 3) pars tuberalis cells.The results showed: 1) that the majority of cases possessed invading anterior cells of various amount. Most of these cells were positive for ACTH1–18, ACTH17–39 and -MSH. However, on a few occasions, scattered GH, PRL, FSH, FSH, LH and even TSH cells were also present. 2) Colloid forming follicular cells were mostly ACTH cells, but also contained occasional other hormone-secreting cells. Hormone negative cells were correlated with salivary type epithelium. Well established acinic type salivary glands and ciliated epithelium were negative for any hormones immunohistochemically. 3) Pars tuberalis cells were predominantly gonadotrophs but also included TSH and ACTH cells. Some cells appeared to contain both FSH and LH. When these cells underwent squamous metaplasia, they seemed to lose their hormone secreting activity.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
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