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高黎贡山鼠兔一新种   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
1985年10月,云南省流行病防治研究所调查队在云南西北部高黎贡山北段的贡山地区相继采到3只体色特殊的鼠兔,经与该属各已知种比较均不同,鉴定为一新种,描述如下:  相似文献   
This paper is a revision of genus Crotalaria(Papilionaceae) in Yunnan. 30 species and 2 varieties of this genus have been described so far. Hence, there are 27 species, including 4 exotic species, and 4 varieties are distributed in this very province. Among them, 1 new variety, C. mairei var. pubescens, and 3 new combinations, C. yunnanensis var. heqingensis, C. peguana var. qiubeiensis, and C. albida var. gengmaensis, and 1 new record of China, C. humifusa, are included. In addition, 2 species are combined, they are C. jingpingensis to C. prostrata and C. yuanjiangensis to C. medicaginea. Besides, the pollen morphology in some taxa of this genus has been examined.  相似文献   
文中记述了采自云南盘溪地区一真节甲鱼类化石,根据材料特征认为属于克氏鱼属—新种,即一打得克氏鱼(Clarkeosteus yidadeinsis sp. nov.).  相似文献   
本文记述采自云南澜沧江水系的鲤科(鱼丹)亚科鱼类一新属新种。新属裸(鱼丹)属Gymnodanio gen.nov.在侧线、臀鳍条数目等特征上近似于低线(?)属Barilius,但以其除侧线鳞外体裸露无鳞,具不完全之腹棱等而与其及(鱼丹)亚科现有各属相区别。新种命名为条纹裸(鱼丹)G.strigatus sp.nov.。  相似文献   
云南兔Lepus comus G.Allen是云贵高原和滇西山地目前发现的唯一的一种野兔,初由G.M.Allen(1927)根据采自云南西部腾冲的标本命名。其后,国内外学者(包括G.M.Allen本人在内)对云南兔究竟是一独立种或为高原兔Lepus oiostulus(Hodgson)的一个地理亚种意见纷纭(罗泽珣,1981;高耀亭等,1964;Allen,1938;Ellerman et al.,1951;Angermann,1967;Corbet,1978。我们曾对国内有关单位所收藏的这两个类群的100余号标本进行较详细的对比研究。发现云南兔在形态上与高原兔确有明显区别,在分布上又有同域现象,因而主张仍应将云南兔保持其原定种的种级地位;同时,又查对了采于各地的云南兔所有标本,发现云南北部(丽江)至中部(景东、景谷)标本以及云南东部、南部和贵州西部标本都有异于滇西地模标本,且占有不同的地理分布区。经研究,应属两个新的亚种。其中,云南东部,南部和贵州西部的新亚种,为纪念先师彭鸿绶先生毕生献身于云、贵、川的科学考察事业和他的指导与培养,特以彭先生之姓氏命名,以资纪念。  相似文献   
The “loud” calls of forest primates consist of repeated sounds that elicit a response from other members of the species. Recent studies suggest that these calls are often displays by the males that permit them to assess the strength of their opponents. Previous research on red howler monkeys supported the hypothesis that howling functions in assessment of competing individuals, as an alternative to energetically expensive chases and fights. As the second step in the attempt to understand the evolution of howling in genus Alouatta,one aspect—call duration — was compared in two species,the mantled howler (Alouatta palliata)and the red howler (A. seniculus).In A. palliatathe median howl duration was 3.5 sec and the interhowl interval was 20.0 sec, while in A. seniculusthe median howl duration was 19.0 sec and the interhowl interval was 3.0 sec. During the dawn chorus, the total duration of calling in A. seniculusmay be 10 or more times greater than that in A. palliata.The latter species appears to be limited in the duration of howls it can produce, so it increases the amount of calling by reducing the interhowl interval. At least four factors may be important in the evolution of the observed differences in call structure: constraints of the acoustic environment, alternate forms of display used by A. palliata,the presence or absence of competing males within the troop, and the effect of female calls on male howling. The observations suggest that the use of the male loud call may reflect differences in the nature of male-male competition and female support more than it reflects the constraints of the acoustic environment.  相似文献   
1979年7月至1980年3月,作者在云南云龙县的功果采集到蚊类标本一批,发现伊蚊属纷蚊亚属(Finlaya)一新种,特记述如下。 功果伊蚊Aedes (Finlaya) gonguoensis,新种 雌蚊 中型黑色蚊虫,翅长3.5—4.2毫米。 头部 头顶前部平覆深褐宽鳞,中央区和后部具白弯鳞;头顶后部和后头有黑色窄竖鳞,并杂有少数白竖鳞;有眶白鳞线;头侧大部平覆白色宽鳞,仅前部有一褐鳞区。触角梗节内侧有淡色鳞。唇基光裸;喙约为前股的1.1倍长,一致暗黑色;触须约为喙  相似文献   
云南壮异蝽属及娇异蝽属新种记述(半翅目:异蝽科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任树芝 《动物学研究》1986,7(2):139-146
云南地区的壮异蝽属(Urochela Dallas)和娇异蝽属(Hrostylis Westwood)截止到目前共记录23种。本文记述了在该省西部地区发现的5新种,现描述如下。模式标本保存于天津南开大学生物系。 钩壮异蝽Urochela hamata,新种(图1,2) 体黄褐色,具黑褐色花斑及黑色刻点。触角第4节中部及第5节基半部为淡黄色;  相似文献   
禄丰古猿地点的猪尾鼠类化石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文记述亚洲首次发现的猪尾鼠类化石。材料系1983年于云南禄丰古猿地点最晚中新世石灰坝组采集到的,计有代表两属三种——Platacanthomys dianensis sp.nov.,Typhlomysprimitivus sp.nov.和T.hipparionum sp.nov.的百余枚牙齿。文中除对新种的形态作了描述和对比外,还对猪尾鼠类的分类位置及系统发育作了探讨。  相似文献   
短尾猴(Macaca arctoides)和猕猴跟骨的功能形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从形态描述和统计入手,对短尾猴(macaca arctoides)和猕猴的跟骨进行了比较研究。结果表明,所研究的跟骨变量无论数值大小还是几何图形结构都存在一定差异。特别是跟骨最大宽、跟长、后距骨连结面长、跟骨高度及相对跟长存在显著性差异水平。猕猴跟骨变量间的相关关系比短尾猴的表现得更为紧密。据其形态与功能的关系,我们认为:与猕猴相较,短尾猴更适应于地栖生活。这似乎与短尾猴具更大的体重有关。  相似文献   
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