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C. A. Burga 《Plant Ecology》1982,49(3):173-186
In the first part, an overview of the history of palynological researeh in Switzerland and particularly in the Grisons is given, with a map showing all investigated areas in the Grisons. The second part deals with the significance of the pollenanalytical research in the Grisons, namely, the history of vegetation during the Late and Post Glacial, climatic fluctuations and applications in geomorphology, archaeology and forestry research. Finally, some results concerning the history of vegetation during the Late and Post Glacial are discussed.I would like to thank my colleague H. Holzhauser for his help with the drawing of the figures.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Editing of community data matrices is complementary to analyzing data by multivariate techniques of classification and ordination in the overall task of data analysis. A computer program, DATAEDIT, is described that can perform numerous editing functions, including data transformation, deletion of certain species or samples, deletion of rare species, deletion of outliers, separation of disjunet sample groups, reordering of the species or samples of a data matrix, and the formation of composite samples or of sample subsets. DATAEDIT can use the information in a nonhierarchical or hierarchical classification, and includes its own internal routine for reciprocal averaging ordination.We appreciate valuable suggestions from the late Robert H. Whittaker, and from Philip Dixon, David Hieks, Laura Huenneke, Linda Olsvig-whittaker, and Mark Wilson. Mark O. Hill kindly supplied a fast subroutine for reciprocal averaging.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic and cell wall components of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus megaterium and the cytoplasmic and cell envelope components of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli were assayed for chemotactic activity for the hemocytes of Crassostrea virginica. The cellular components were separated by differential centrifugation and gel filtration was used to determine the approximate molecular weights of the chemoattractant molecules. Active fractions were assayed for glycoproteins and lipoproteins. As a result, it is known that hemocytes are chemotactically attracted to proteins of approximately 10,000 daltons which are associated with the cell wall of B. megaterium and the cell envelope of E. coli.  相似文献   
Several alternate hosts were tested for their relative susceptibility to an isolate of Galleria mellonella nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Neonate Trichoplusia ni, Heliothis zea, and Manduca sexta were all susceptible to per oral administration of purified polyhedra. Of the three alternate species tested, T. ni was the most susceptible, and exhibited the most variable mortality response over the dose range tested, while M. sexta was the least susceptible. We believe this represents the first report of a lethal virus infection in a sphingid species, and useful parameters for the successful inoculation of alternate hosts are discussed.  相似文献   
The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti BPDE) in normally excision diploid human cells treated just prior to onset of S was compared with that of cells allowed ~ 16 h for excision repair before onset of S and with that observed in excision-deficient serodema pigmentosum (SP12BE) cells. The cells were synchronized by release from density inhibition of cell replication. DNA synthesis began ~ 22 h after the cells were plated at lower density (i.e., 1.4 × 104 cells/cm2). The frequency of thioguanine-resistant mutants induced in normal cells treated just prior to onset of S was ~ 12- to 16-fold higher than that observed in cells treated in early G1 or treated in G0 (confluence) and then plated at lower density. The frequency approximated that expected for XP12BE cells from extrapolation of data obtained at lower doses. The frequency of mutants measured in normal cells treated in exponential growth was also much higher than that in the cells treated in early G1 or in G0, No such difference could be seen in XP12BE cells treated in exponential growth or in G0. In contrast to the mutagenicity data in the normal cells, there was no significant difference in the slope of the survival curve of normal cells treated at various times prior to S phase at low densities. However, normal cells treated even at the onset of S exhibited survival equal to XP12BE cells give a 4- to 5-fold lower dose. The data support the hypothesis that DNA synthesis is the cellular event which converts unexcised DNA lesions into mutations. However, they indicate that S is not the event primarily responsible for translating DNA damage into cell death. Accompanying studies on the rate of excision of anti BPDE adducts from the normal cells during the period priot to S support the conclusions.  相似文献   
Phospholipid metabolism was studied in rat sciatic nerve during Wallerian degeneration induced by crush injury. Portions of crushed sciatic nerve, incubated with labeled substrates, showed significantly higher phosphatidylcholine synthesis than normal nerve, prior to any measurable alterations of phospholipid composition. Maximum synthesis occurred 3 days after crush injury, at which time the metabolism of other phospholipids was unchanged. After a rapid decrease in biosynthetic activity, a second phase of enhanced phosphatidylcholine synthesis occurred, beginning 6 days after crush injury. Increased incorporation of [33P]phosphate, [2-3H]glycerol, and [Me-14C]choline indicated stimulation of de novo synthesis of phosphatidylcholine 3 days after injury. Neither base exchange reactions nor sequential methylation of ethanolamine phospholipids contributed significantly to phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Assay of certain key enzymes under optimal conditions in subcellular fractions of sciatic nerve revealed higher activities of cholinephosphate cytidyltransferase, choline phosphotransferase, and acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase in injured nerve, while choline kinase activity remained unchanged. This indicates that stimulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis occurs via the cytidine nucleotide pathway, as well as by increased acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine. Although the cause of stimulated phosphatidylcholine synthesis remains unexplained, it is possible that trace amounts of lysophospholipids or other metabolites produced by injury-enhanced phospholipase activity may be responsible.  相似文献   
Abstract: Plasma membranes were isolated from C6 glioblastoma cells by two methods. In the first method cells were treated with concanavalin A and lysed in hypotonic medium. After partial separation of plasma membranes from other cell material, the lectin was displaced with a-methyl-D-mannoside. In the second method untreated cells or cells iodinated in a lactoperoxidase-catalyzed reaction were homogenized in isotonic medium. Membrane fractions obtaincd by either homogenization procedure were further purified by rate zonal and equilibrium centrifugations into linear density gradients. Disruption of the glioblastoma cell membrane gives rise to heterogeneous assemblies of mem- brane fragments. Two populations of plasma membranes were isolated from untreated and from iodinated cells: a "lighter")membrane fraction characterized by relatively lower sedimentation velocity and buoyant density, and a "heavier" membrane fraction of relatively faster sedimentation velocity and higher buoyant density. Both fractions showed electrophoretic patterns similar to those of 125I-labeled cell surface proteins. Their specific (Na++ K+)-ATPase activity was seven- to eightfold the homogenate activity (recovery, 13.1%). Both fractions were, however, still contaminated by smooth endo- plasmic reticulum, as judged from the activity 0: NADPH-dependent cytochrome c reductase (recovery, 2.4%). It is suggested that plasma membrane fragments present in the two fractions might differ in the organization of their structures, e.g., membrane vesicle intactness and membrane orientation.  相似文献   
The flights of free and tethered Locusta migratoria were followed from initiation with a high-speed film camera. A longer sequence of wing-beat cycles can thus be correlated unequivocally with the animals's movement in time and space. In both flight situations the locusts start with approximately the same instantaneous wing-beat frequency. During the early flight phase free-flying animals increase their wing-beat frequency, whereas for tethered locusts this parameter remains constant or even decreases. The general flight pattern is similar in juvenile and mature locusts; the juveniles however, fly with alower wing-beat frequency and flight speed. The differences in the wing-beat frequencies for both flight performances are discussed with respect to differences in the sensory inputs to the flight motor centre.  相似文献   
The alleles of the yeast mating type locus, MATα and MATa, determine the yeast cell types, a,α, and a/α. It has been proposed that the MATα2 product negatively regulates expression of unlinked a-specific genes, and that the MATα1 product positively regulates expression of unlinked α-specific genes. The behavior of mutants defective in MATα2, which are deficient in mating and in production of α-factor, can thus be attributed to antagonism between a-specific and α-specific functions expressed simultaneously in matα2? strains. If this view is correct, then elimination by mutation of the specific functions required to mate as α may allow matα2 mutants to mate as a. In order to test this possibility, we examined the interactions between matα2 mutations and various unlinked mutations that cause α cells but not a cells to be mating defective (α-specific STE mutations). Three α-specific mutations (ste3, ste13 and kex2) were found to be non-allelic. Furthermore, although matα2 mutants mate weakly as a, matα2, ste3 double mutants, but not matα2 ste13 or matα2 kex2 double mutants, mate efficiently as a. The ability of matα2 ste3 strains to mate as a supports the view that matα2 mutants express a-specific mating functions, and suggests that a mating functions are expressed constitutively in MATa cells. The mating behaviour of the matα2 ste3 double mutant is consistent with the proposal that STE3 is positively regulated by the MATα1 product.  相似文献   
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