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Selected nutrient amendments were evaluated for their capacity to enhance growth and nutrition of established but stunted Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) saplings on an acidic Sierra Nevada surface mine. The amendments were applied by topdressing at three rates each and consisted of Forestcote 22‐4‐6 + Minors, a controlled‐release formulation; Free Flow 29‐3‐4 and Hydro Agri 21‐7‐14, two conventional fertilizers, with the former featuring urea as the predominant N source, whereas that for the latter was exclusively ammoniacal and nitrate forms; and Milorganite 6‐2‐0 + Iron, an organic amendment based on municipal biosolids. All formulations reinvigorated sapling growth, generally more so as the amounts supplied increased, with the Free Flow and Hydro Agri amendments marginally more stimulative than Forestcote and Milorganite. Foliar analysis revealed that fertilized saplings had more N, with concentrations that generally rose with amounts supplied, and P but less Mn and Al than the control. Enhanced N nutrition in particular but also that of P probably accounted for most of the growth stimulation by the amendments, as availability of both in the soil was limiting. Of the two metallic elements, reduced Mn was likely most critical because concentrations encountered here were exceedingly elevated overall, including that in the soil, although soil Al was also high. These results suggest that a variety of nutritional amendments can be employed in forest restoration on surface mine sites and those similarly degraded, including sites for which dry climates greatly influence the selection of remedial practices.  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Muller) on the rate of mineralization of cattle dung‐amended iron (Fe2 + ) ore mine wastes and its preference for partially decomposed leaf litter with contrasting chemical composition were studied in pot trials. The growth and survival rates of earthworms showed significant positive correlations with percent of organic matter. During 96 days of exposure, the earthworms significantly increased exchangeable Ca2 + , Mg2 + , PO43 ? and NH4‐N. Iron ore mine wastes amended with 5–10% organic matter supported earthworm fauna better than mine wastes amended with 0–3% organic matter. The leaf litter preference shown by the earthworm was, in descending order, Phyllanthus reticulatus, Tamarindus indica, Anacardium occidentale, Casuarina equisetifolia, Acacia auriculiformis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. A significant positive correlation was observed between the survival and growth rates of earthworms and the nutrient contents of partially decomposed leaf litter. The first three plant species were significantly richer in nutrients, mainly organic carbon, calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, than the other two plant species. Acacia auriculiformis and E. camaldulensis litter were preferred less because of their high lignin and polyphenolic compounds, despite being rich in other macronutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. It is concluded that the introduction of P. corethrurus to cattle dung‐amended (5–10%) iron ore mine wastes or revegetation of the sites with P. reticulatus, T. indica, and A. occidentale plant species should be attempted before earthworm introduction. The litter from these species acts as a source of food for earthworms, thereby hastening the process of restoration of abandoned iron ore mines of Goa, India.  相似文献   
Cultivation-based and molecular approaches were used to characterize the phylogenetic composition and structure of the microbial community in an extremely acidic (pH 2.0) acid mine drainage (AMD) associated with Pb/Zn mine tailings that were undergoing vigorous acid generation. Acidophilic bacteria were isolated and enumerated on solid media, and were found to be restricted to isolates related to Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidiphilium cryptum. By contrast, cloning and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA genes revealed that, although low in total taxonomically distinct groups, the tailings AMD ecosystem harbored a wide range of phylogenetically diverse microbes. Of the 141 clones examined, 104 were phylogenetically affiliated with the recently discovered, iron-oxidizing Leptospirillum group III within the Nitrospira. It thus appears that iron serves as the major electron donor in this habitat. Thirty clones were affiliated with the Proteobacteria, half of which belonged to organisms related to Alphaproteobacteria species capable of ferric iron reduction. Other clones were grouped with Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria (six clones each), and even with Deltaproteobacteria (three clones), a subdivision with anaerobic sulfate or metal (iron) reduction as the predominant physiological trait of its members. Finally, four clones were clustered within the Firmicutes and the Acidobacteria. Approximately half of the sequence types representing the majority of the total clones fell into lineages that are poorly represented by cultured organisms or have thus far been represented by only a few environmental sequences. Thus, the present study extends our knowledge of the biodiversity of microorganisms populating highly acidic AMD environments.  相似文献   
安太堡露天煤矿排土场土壤种子库   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用种子萌发法研究了安太堡露天矿排土场的土壤种子库,共统计到17种植物种子,分属5科,以1年生草本植物种子为主.排土场土壤种子库具有极大的时空异质性,地上植被与土壤种子库群落组成上的相似性程度较低,复垦后期土壤种子库间相似性系数较低.随着复垦时间、复垦模式或立地条件的不同,土壤种子库的种类、密度各不相同.选择正确的复垦模式,有利于土壤种子库自我更新能力的增加和排土场生态系统稳定,对排土场的土地复垦和生态重建具有重要意义.  相似文献   
A new isolate of Trichoderma atroviride has been shown to grow on low rank coal as the sole carbon source. T. atroviride ES11 degrades approximately 82% of particulate coal (10 g l(-1)) over a period of 21 days with 50% reduction in 6 days. Glucose (5 g l(-1)) as a supplemented carbon source enhanced the coal solubilisation efficiency of T. atroviride ES11, while 10 and 20 g l(-1) glucose decrease coal solubilisation efficiency. Addition of nitrogen [1 g l(-1) (NH(4))(2)SO(4)] to the medium also increased the coal solubilisation efficiency of T. atroviride ES11. Assay results from coal-free and coal-supplemented cultures suggested that several intracellular enzymes are possibly involved in coal depolymerisation processes some of which are constitutive (phenol hydroxylase) and others that were activated or induced in the presence of coal (2,3-dihydrobiphenyl-2,3-diol dehydrogenase, 3,4-dihydro phenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase, 1,2-dihydro-1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dehydrogenase, 1,2-dihydro-1,2-dihydroxyanthracene dehydrogenase). GC-MS analysis of chloroform extracts obtained from coal degrading T. atroviride ES11 cultures showed the formation of only a limited number of specific compounds (4-hydroxyphenylethanol, 1,2-benzenediol, 2-octenoic acid), strongly suggesting that the intimate association between coal particles and fungal mycelia results in rapid and near-quantitative transfer of coal depolymerisation products into the cell.  相似文献   
The sea aster, Aster tripolium L., grows naturally in temperate regions, mainly in the salt meadows close to the coast. The species is also found in naturally and anthropogenically salt-contaminated inland habitats, such as potash mine dumps. The genetic relationships among populations from different habitats and correlations of the genotype with physiological and vegetational parameters were investigated. A. tripolium plants from five different sites close to the seashore on the North Sea island Baltrum, from five different potash mine dumps and, as an outgroup, from the seashore in Japan were probed. DNA was extracted from five plants from each of the 11 A. tripolium populations and analyzed for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Altogether 35 polymorphic bands in 51 individuals and 45 different detectable genotypes could be identified. For evaluation of the genetic variation using RAPD bands, the neighbor-joining method, the principal coordinate analysis, and the analysis of molecular variance were applied, resulting in the classification into three genetic groups. A. tripolium plants from different ecological habitats on Baltrum were closely related while the plants growing at the deposit dumps showed a higher genetic diversity. The Japanese population was genetically very different from the German populations. Correlations between phytosociological and soil parameters and the respective genotype were not significant. The results argue for a conservation of anthropogenically salt-contaminated habitats to maintain genetic variability not only on the species level, but also within a species.  相似文献   
Lu J  Chen T  Wu J  Wilson PC  Hao X  Qian J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(22):10401-10406
The acid tolerance response of an AMD bioremediation system based on sulfate reduction was investigated. Efficient sulfate reduction was observed with a maximum sulfate reduction rate of 12.3±0.8 mg L(-1) d(-1) and easily available organic carbon was released during high acid treatment with an initial pH of 2.0. The rapid increase in sulfate reduction was observed when the extreme acid treatment with an initial pH of 1.0 was stopped. Column experiment on acid shock showed that efficient sulfate reduction was maintained while precipitation of Cu or Zn still occurred during extreme or high acid shock. More than 98% of Cu and 85% of Zn were removed in the high acid column experiment with influent pH of 2.0. The majority bacteria in the remediation system used for high acid drainage belonged to genera Clostridiaceae, Eubacterium, Pseudobutyrivibrio, and Clostridium. These findings showed high acid tolerance of the straw remediation system.  相似文献   
Davis DR  Wagner DL 《ZooKeys》2011,(97):39-73
Four New World species of Phyllocnistis Zeller are described from serpentine mines in Persea (Family Lauraceae). Phyllocnistis hyperpersea,new species, mines the upper leaf surfaces of avocado, Persea americana Mill., and red bay, Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng. and ranges over much of the southeastern United States into Central America. Phyllocnistis subpersea,new species, mines the underside and occasionally upper sides of new leaves of Persea borbonia in southeastern United States. Phyllocnistis longipalpa, new species, known only from southern Florida also mines the undersides of new leaves of Persea borbonia. Phyllocnistis perseafolia,new species, mines both leaf surfaces and possibly fruits of Persea americana in Colombia, South America. As in all known species of Phyllocnistis, the early instars are subepidermal sapfeeders in young (not fully hardened) foliage, and the final instar is an extremely specialized, nonfeeding larval form, whose primary function is to spin the silken cocoon, at the mine terminus, prior to pupation. Early stages are illustrated and described for three of the species. The unusual morphology of the pupae, particularly the frontal process of the head, is shown to be one of the most useful morphological sources of diagnostic characters for species identification of Phyllocnistis. COI barcode sequence distances are provided for the four proposed species and a fifth, undescribed species from Costa Rica.  相似文献   
煤炭资源型城市生态安全评价——以锡林浩特市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
煤炭资源型城市生态安全评价能够协调人口、资源和环境之间的矛盾,保障城市可持续发展。基于PSR模型,以煤炭资源型城市锡林浩特市为研究区域,从生态环境和社会经济方面共选取了33个指标因子,构建了煤炭资源型城市的生态安全评价指标体系,运用熵权TOPSIS法进行了城市生态安全综合评价,并通过障碍度模型对城市生态安全的主要障碍因子进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)2008—2017年锡林浩特市生态安全水平总体呈缓慢上升趋势。生态安全综合评价指数从0.464上升到0.553,安全等级由较不安全转为临界安全状态;(2)10年间PSR三大指数表现出不同变化特征。压力指数呈下降后上升再小幅下降的变化趋势,状态指数呈波动上升趋势,响应指数呈快速上升趋势;(3)子系统的障碍度分析表明压力系统的障碍度最大,是影响煤炭资源型城市生态安全的首要因素。子系统的障碍度变化趋势表现为:压力系统和状态系统的障碍度均不同程度增大,响应系统的障碍度越来越小;(4)单项指标的障碍度分析表明影响该资源型城市生态安全的主要障碍因子集中在压力系统和状态系统,10年间最大障碍因子经历了从城镇化率到矿区面积的演变。  相似文献   
紫金山铜矿酸性矿山废水微生物群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】为避免环境污染,酸性矿山废水需经处理后才能排放,处理后的废水理化性质会发生显著变化,将影响整个微生物群落的结构。【目的】分析处理前后的细菌和真菌群落变化及其与理化参数的关系,为矿山废水的处理提供参考指标,并为矿山污染场地的修复提供理论基础。【方法】采集福建紫金山铜矿的酸性矿山废水并测定其理化性质。采用基于原核微生物16S rRNA基因V4区和真菌18S rRNA基因ITS的高通量测序技术分析水样的微生物群落结构。【结果】经中和处理后的回水与矿坑水和生物浸出液相比,pH升高,重金属离子含量显著降低。原核微生物的多样性高于真菌,回水的物种多样性高于矿坑水和浸出液。回水中变形菌门的丰度最高,矿坑水和浸出液中分别以广古菌门和硝化螺菌门的丰度最高。回水中噬氢菌属为优势类群,矿坑水和浸出液中的优势菌是钩端螺旋菌属,铁质菌属等古菌也有一定的比例。pH、Al、Mn、Zn与回水中相对丰度较高的菌属显著相关,而矿坑水和浸出液中的高丰度类群与环境因子没有显著的相关性。【结论】研究表明酸性废水的中和沉淀处理对微生物群落产生了较大的影响,微生物群落变化可以作为矿山酸性废水污染处理效果的一个参考指标。  相似文献   
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