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Summary Profiles of 14 neurons all sectioned through the nucleolar plane and 87 isolated dendritic profiles have been analyzed with respect to the surface area covered by boutons and astroglial processes. This analysis has revealed two different types of neurons within the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN) of the cat. The cell types also differ in other ultrastructural respects. One type, which probably consists of projection neurons, is characterized by a rather large size, a relatively small nucleus, numerous mitochondria, well developed granular and agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The cell membrane of these cells shows somatic spines and the perikaryon is covered with boutons to a mean extent of 42%. The other cell type, which probably is internuncial, is smaller, has a proportionally larger nucleus, few mitochondria and a poorly developed granular and agranular endoplasmic reticulum. These cells show no somatic spines and the perikaryal membrane is covered with boutons to an extent of about 10%. Also the bouton populations contacting the two cell types differ from one another. The proportion of internuncial neurons within the LCN has been estimated to about 8%. The internuncial neurons seem to have no preferential localization.The primary dendrites of the projection neurons have a bouton covering of about 48%. No proportional differences in covering could be revealed between different sizes of dendrites.The results are discussed in relation to what is known about the anatomical and physiological organization of the LCN, and also compared with the results obtained in other similar investigations on other parts of the central nervous system.The author is grateful to fil.kand. Göran Engholm for his help with the statistical considerations.This work was supported by grants from Anders Otto Swärds Stiftelse, Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas minne, Åhlén och Holms stiftelse, Åke Wibergs stiftelse and the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No B70-12X-2710).  相似文献   
Structural features of elastic laminae within arteries can provide vital information for both the mechanobiology and the biomechanics of the wall. In this paper, we propose, test and illustrate a new computer-based scheme for automated analysis of regional distributions of elastic laminae thickness, inter-lamellar distances and fragmentation furcation points (FPs) from standard histological images. Our scheme eliminates potential artefacts produced by tissue cutting, automatically aligns tissue according to physiologic orientations and performs cross-sectional measurements along radial directions. A statistical randomised complete block design and F test were used to assess the potential (non)-uniformity of lamellar thicknesses and separations along both radial and circumferential directions. Illustrative results for both normotensive and hypertensive thoracic porcine aorta revealed marked heterogeneity along the radial direction in nearly stress-free samples. Clearly, regional measurements can provide more detailed information about morphologic changes that cannot be gained by globally averaged evaluations alone. We also found that quantifying FP densities offers new information about potential elastin fragmentation, particularly in response to increased loading due to hypertension.  相似文献   
The pathology of glochidial infection of the freshwater mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was examined in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in fresh water and for 150 days after transfer of salmon to sea water. Prevalence of infection in fresh water was 95%, mean abundance 134 per fish and mean infection intensity 140. Prevalence in sea water was 80–94% in the first 7 weeks after transfer but glochidia were absent, apart from remains, after 50 days in sea water. Glochidia on salmon in fresh water were associated with localized hyperplasia and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Focally extensive epithelial hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae were present 4–10 days after transfer to sea water. Twenty-three days after transfer, small nodules with a more discrete appearance were present suggesting partial resolution of tissue response; hyperplastic responses associated with glochidia were much reduced after 50 days. Plasma chloride in infected fish 10 days after transfer was 153 mmol. 1−1, significantly higher than fish without infection, suggesting poorer adaptation to sea water. No mortalities due to glochidial infection in sea water were recorded and there was no significant difference in mean weight between infected and control fish.  相似文献   
A real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using a TaqMan® probe was developed to detect the causal agent of wilt and crown rot of basil from infected plants and seed in Italy. The aim of the study was to diminish testing time, previously performed using nested‐PCR, and to create the conditions for future automation. The sensitivity of the assay was shown to be similar to the detection limit of the available nested‐PCR procedure. The advantages of real‐time PCR system include halving of the testing time, as well as the ability to identify both internally and externally infected seed to the sensitivity of 1 pg of genomic DNA. The assay was able to detect the presence of the pathogen in infected seed up to a sensitivity of 24 (SD: ±10) CFU per 100 seeds.  相似文献   
M. Nie    W. Q. Zhang    M. Xiao    J. L. Luo    K. Bao    J. K. Chen    B. Li 《Journal of Phytopathology》2007,155(6):364-367
A rapid spectroscopic approach for whole‐organism fingerprinting of Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy was used to analyse 16 isolates from five closely related species of Fusarium: F. graminearum, F. moniliforme, F. nivale, F. semitectum and F. oxysporum. Principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to study the clusters in the data. On visual inspection of the clusters from both methods, the spectra were not differentiated into five separate clusters corresponding to species and these unsupervised methods failed to identify these fungal strains. When the data were trained by back propagation algorithm of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with principal components scores of spectra used as input modes, the strains were accurately predicted and recognized. The results in this study show that FT‐IR spectroscopy in combination with principal component artificial neural networks (PC‐ANNs) is well suited for identifying Fusarium spp. It would be advantageous to establish a comprehensive database of taxonomically well‐defined Fusarium species to aid the identification of unknown strains.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Epithelzellen der Wolffschen Gänge bzw. der Samenleiter von 28 Schafembryonen der Größe von 1,1–45 cm Scheitel-Steiß-Länge (SSL) wurden elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Der Golgiapparat von Embryonen in der Phase der aktiven Urnierensekretion zeichnet sich durch Zisternen mit kondensiertem Inhalt aus, von denen sich kleine coated vesicles abschnüren. Bei Feten mit inaktiver Urniere wurden keine Zisternen mit kondensiertem Inhalt beobachtet. Die Abschnürung kiemer coated vesicles vom Golgiapparat tritt jedoch in allen untersuchten Altersstadien auf. Eine zweite Population großer coated vesicles schnürt sich vom apikalen, basalen und interzellulären Plasmalemm ab, besonders häufig beim fast geburtsreifen Fetus. Die Vereinigung von Golgivesikeln mit einem Inhalt von mittlerer Elektronendichte mit multivesikulären Körpern kann in allen untersuchten Stadien festgestellt werden. Glykogen findet sich bereits bei 1,1 cm SSL in Lagern; ab ca. 20 cm SSL ist eine erhebliche Glykogenvermehrung zu beobachten. Stereozilien und glattes endoplasmatisches Retikulum treten erst ab 45 cm SSL auf.
Fine structure of the epithelia of the Wolffian duct and of the vas deferens in fetal sheep
Summary The ultrastructure of the epithelium of the Wolffian duct and of the vas deferens of fetal sheep ranging from 1,1 to 45 cm CRL has been studied. The Golgi apparatus of specimens possessing an actively secreting mesonephros shows condensation of the contents of the cisternae with budding of small coated vesicles. In the fetuses possessing inactive mesonephros no condensation of the contents of Golgi cisternae is to be observed, but the budding of small coated vesicles continues. A second population of large coated vesicles originating by invagination of the plasma membrane occurs on the periphery of the epithelium cells, namely in the apical cell poles of the near term fetuses. The convergence and subsequent fusion of Golgi vesicles of medium electron density is already found in patches in the 1,1 cm CRL fetus; it increases in abundance in specimens of more than 20 cm CRL. Stereocilia and agranular endoplasmatic reticulum appear in full-term sheep fetuses.
Using a variety of skeletal and dental stress indicators, an assessment of the health and disease of the indigenous inhabitants of the Mariana Islands, the Chamorro, is made. The major hypothesis to be tested is that the Chamorro were relatively healthy and that deviations from the expected, as well as inter-island variation, may reflect environmental, ecological, and cultural differences. The major skeletal series surveyed include sites on Guam (N = 247 individuals), Rota (N = 14), Tinian (N = 20), and Saipan (N = 102). The majority of the specimens are from the transitional pre-Latte (AD 1–1000) and Latte (AD 1000–1521) periods. These data derive primarily from unpublished osteological reports. The indicators of health and disease surveyed include mortality and paleodemographic data, stature, dental paleopathology, cribra orbitalia, limb bone fractures, degenerative osteoarthritis, and infectious disease (including treponemal infection). Where appropriate, tests of significance are calculated to determine the presence of any patterning in the differences observed within and between the skeletal series. Information recorded in prehistoric Hawaiians provides a standard for external comparisons. Several of the larger skeletal series surveyed have paleodemographic features that are consistent with long-term cemetery populations. Females and subadults are typically underrepresented. Most subadult deaths occur in the 2–5 year age interval. Life expectancy at birth ranges from 26.4 to 33.7 years. A healthy fertility rate is indicated for these series. The prehistoric inhabitants of the Mariana Islands were relatively tall, exceeding living Chamorros measured in the early part of the present century. The greater prevalence of developmental defects in the enamel suggests that the Chamorro were exposed to more stress than prehistoric Hawaiians. The low frequency of cribra orbitalia further indicates iron deficiency anemia was not a problem. There are generally low frequencies of dental pathology in the remains from the Mariana Islands. Betel-nut staining is relatively common in all series which may help to explain the relatively low prevalence of dental pathology. Healed limb bone fractures are rare in these skeletal series; the frequency and patterns of fractures suggest accidental injury as the main cause. Greater physical demands involving the lower back region are indicated by a high frequency of spondylolysis, or stress fracture in the lumbar vertebrae in the Chamorro. Likewise, advanced degenerative bone changes, while of low occurrence, are significantly greater in the Chamorro than Hawaiians. The prevalence of skeletal and dental indicators of stress was generally higher in the smaller islands of the Marianas chain (e.g., Rota), islands with fewer resources to buffer environmental catastrophe. Bony changes suggestive of treponemal (probably yaws) disease are common in most of these Marianas Islands skeletal series. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:315–342, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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