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内科是临床科室的重要组成部分,内科教学是为培养医务工作者的重要步骤,是医学生由学生向医生角色转变的桥梁。传统临床教学以知识灌输为主,学生学习积极性较低,教学质量较低。上世纪60、70年代问题导向(PBL)的教学方法被提出,为教学改革提供了一个全新的思路。本文将PBL教学方法应用于内科临床教学工作中,结合本学科的特点,以学生为中心,以问题为向导,充分发挥学生的学习积极性,提高教学质量,促进学生主动学习能力提高,帮助医学生建立完整的内科诊疗过程思维,进而达到临床内科教学目标。  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the epistemological positions of evolution theories. A sharp distinction is made between the theory that species evolved from common ancestors along specified lines of descent (here called the theory of common descent), and the theories intended as causal explanations of evolution (e.g. Lamarck's and Darwin's theory). The theory of common descent permits a large number of predictions of new results that would be improbable without evolution. For instance, (a) phylogenetic trees have been validated now; (b) the observed order in fossils of new species discovered since Darwin's time could be predicted from the theory of common descent; (c) owing to the theory of common descent, the degrees of similarity and difference in newly discovered properties of more or less related species could be predicted. Such observations can be regarded as attempts to falsify the theory of common descent. We conclude that the theory of common descent is an easily-falsifiable & often-tested & still-not-falsified theory, which is the strongest predicate a theory in an empirical science can obtain. Theories intended as causal explanations of evolution can be falsified essentially, and Lamarck's theory has been falsified actually. Several elements of Darwin's theory have been modified or falsified: new versions of a theory of evolution by natural selection are now the leading scientific theories on evolution. We have argued that the theory of common descent and Darwinism are ordinary, falsifiable scientific theories.  相似文献   
A practical scheme for students is given, to enable them to investigate some aspects of the mechanism by which urea is synthesized in the liver. The tissue-slice technique is discussed, and methods for the quantitative analysis of metabolites are presented.  相似文献   
When striving to meet an immense challenge, how can we, as restoration ecologists, flourish? Given the ongoing environmental crisis, it is normal to experience ecological grief and discouragement. This article discusses how insights from the ancient philosophy of Stoicism can help environmental practitioners navigate these troubling times. To overcome ecological grief, ecologists can draw on three tenets from Stoic thought: distinguishing between what we can and cannot control; recognizing our contribution as part of a broader community of environmental managers; and focusing on the intent of our actions. We believe that these ideas can help ecologists shoulder the emotional burden of modern environmental practice and focus on working toward a diverse and resilient biosphere.  相似文献   
医学遗传学是广泛涉及基础与临床学科的综合性课程,对于医学生是至关重要的必修课程。现代医学已由传统的生物-医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式转化,医学诊疗模式从最初的以"疾病为中心"到"以病人为中心"的方式转变,医生不仅精通医术,更要理解患者的心理,与其进行良好的沟通,因此现代医学成为了一门具有自然科学、人文社会科学双重属性的综合性科学体系。长期以来,我国医学院校的教学仍然是生物医学知识和技能占据主导地位,人文课程不受重视。因此,必须加强医学人文知识的学习和技能培训,只有这样才能在未来的医疗工作中掌握良好的医患沟通技巧,建立和谐的医患关系,对处理好日渐增多的医疗纠纷、维护医患双方的共同利益具有重要意义。  相似文献   
临床药学是药学的重要分支,临床药师为病人提供药学监护,优化了使用药物治疗,促进康复,加强了保健和疾病的预防。开展临床药师教育,有利于临床用药审查,并将为培养临床药师的工作提供参考。回顾近年来国内外的临床药师及抗肿瘤药物专业临床药师的培训经验和合理用药的进展情况,分别对临床药师培养模式、理论课程设置、药学查房带教、临床记录书写和业务学习等方面作了总结。本文通过系统性的回顾了和对比了国内外的临床药师的培养方案,从理论和实践两方面的应用进展分析了临床药师在临床中的重要作用。  相似文献   
LBL联合PBL的教学模式是一种"教为主导,学为主体,教与学并重"的综合教学方法。在临床医学专业的药理学教学中合理应用LBL联合PBL教学法,即采用LBL教学法讲授完理论知识后开设PBL病例讨论课。选取2011级五年制临床医学专业的学生为实验组,采用LBL联合PBL教学模式,2010级五年制临床医学专业的学生为对照组,采用传统LBL教学模式,对两组进行教学效果评估比较。结果显示与传统LBL教学法相比较,LBL联合PBL的教学法能显著提高学生的学习成绩,问卷调查分析结果显示LBL联合PBL的教学法能明显提高学生的综合能力。药理学授课中应用LBL联合PBL教学法充分调动了学生的积极性,培养了学生自主学习能力,分析问题、解决问题的能力和临床思维能力,对培养创新型医学人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   
医学影像学是一门新兴学科,同时也是一门发展迅速的学科。目前影像学技术已进入全新的数字影像时代,代表着临床医学发展中的热点潮流,同时也推动了医学的发展。医学影像学是医学高等教育中的重要内容,涉及到人体各个系统、各种疾病,内容多、范围广;然而近年来,随着各种影像设备的不断更新,影像技术的迅猛发展,医学高校的影像学教育明显滞后于该学科的发展速度,传统影像学教学模式也已经很难满足学习的需要。本文根据已有的研究资料及师生反馈的信息,分析临床医学专业影像学的教学现状与改革方向,以期提高对其教学方法的认识,适应医学影像学的快速发展,提高教学质量。  相似文献   
Sewage treatment plants offer an excellent model ecosystem in which inputs and outputs can be quantified, and the response of the system to change measured

The dynamics of ecosystem functioning can be difficult for students to appreciate when systems are complex and difficult to quantify, in terms of flow of energy and cycling of matter. Most ‘textbook’ examples of real ecosystems are based on data collected over many years of study. A sewage treatment plant offers a working ‘model’ of an ecosystem but one which is still relatively complex, yet quantifiable. If is also a system which mimics a number of the transformations of energy and matter, which go in real ecosystems. It allows students to clearly understand the relationships between inputs and outputs, whilst being introduced to the design principles of environmental engineering required to design such an artificial ecosystem.  相似文献   
以工程素质培养为导向的生物工程专业核心课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨以注重综合素质、强化工程能力和工程素质的培养、完善知识结构为重点的生物工程专业核心课程的教学改革。阐明生物工程师应具备的以五种能力和五种意识为核心的工程素质内涵,明确培养工程素质实施的核心课程;充分利用产学研平台,建设素质精良的"双师型"教师队伍;以工程能力培养为主线,建立以生物工厂设计和工艺改进的教学特色课程群;实施启发式、分组讨论法、比较归纳法和案例式的教学方法改革,提高了教学效果,强化了生物工程专业学生工程素质的培养。  相似文献   
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