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徐志毅 《微生物学通报》2009,36(1):0137-0141
《微生物检验》是医学检验技术专业重要的专业核心课程, 具有很强的实践性和操作性。课程采取“校企合作”的方法, 根据医院人才培养标准整合教学内容, 在教学过程中强调工学结合, 积极采用个案分析等多种教学方法和手段, 开拓学生思路, 养成良好的科学态度。通过“实训-见习-实习”等实践环节, 培养学生的动手能力, 以及分析问题、解决问题的能力, 为临床输送“医学检验技能应用型人才”。  相似文献   
目的:比较传统教学模式和问题教学法及二者结合教学法的不同优劣势,找出物理诊断学最佳教学方法。传统教学模式采用授课为主的教学法(lecture based learning,LBL),单单强调了教师的重要性,而忽视学生的主观能动性,不利于调动和培养学生自学和灵活运用所学知识的能力。问题教学法(Problem-based learning,PBL),其强调学生自身的主观能动性,弱化了教师在教学中的主体地位,学生有偏离教学主线的风险。因而如果将LBL与PBL有机结合在一起,将可能有利于提高学生的学习效率和学习效果。方法:选取97名全科医学本科学员,在物理诊断课程教学过程中,采用完全随机的方法分为2组,采用LBL教学方法组48人,采用LBL结合PBL教学方法组49人,通过分别对理论、实践分层打分,确定优秀、合格、不合格的比率,采用Mann-Whitney U检验最终评定2组教学方法的授课效果。结果:在理论考试中,2组学员在优秀、合格、不合格的分层评定上均无明显差异(P0.05),而在实践考核中,LBL+PBL组学员成绩在优秀这一分层评定中,优于LBL组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:LBL和PBL教学方法结合应用于物理诊断教学中,符合物理诊断教学的特点,更容易被学生接受,对于知识的识记和应用更有好处,从而更利于培养高素质医学人才,值得在物理诊断教学中进一步推广。  相似文献   
Banton's critique of race and ethnic relations highlights differences between the U.K. and the U.S.A. The interplay between ethnic politics and the teaching of the subject in the universities reflects differing reactions to the demise of Marxism, the impact of globalization and the growth of transnationalism. In America, anthropology, economics, cultural studies and conflict resolution have had a mixed impact on the field, but an examination of textbooks over the past thirty years - as well as Banton's prolific scholarship - suggests that most of the core problems remain the same.  相似文献   
为了提高食品微生物学的教学效果,使学生形成科学的认识论和方法论,在教学中应注意贯穿唯物辩证法观点,如多样性与统一性、共性与个性、绝对与相对、外因与内因等。此外,还可从辩证法的角度设计更科学的教学内容和教学过程。唯物辩证法的应用改变了学生的思维方式,增强了课程内容的内在联系和逻辑性,对提高教学效果有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   
细胞培养技术是高职生物制药专业核心课程之一,也是一门应用性、实践性强的课程。当前高职生物制药专业文理兼招,大部分学生细胞生物学基础比较薄弱,普遍对该课程的学习产生厌学,教学效果较差。为此在细胞培养技术课程教学中,以细胞培养岗位工作任务为引领,以强化技能训练为主导,将细胞培养理论知识融合于岗位工作任务之中,构建了项目化课程体系,教学方法改革创新、多措并举,考核方式多元化。结果表明:通过课程改革与实践,培养了学生的细胞培养技术动手操作能力和创新思维能力创,激发了学生学习兴趣,取得了显著教学效果。  相似文献   
通过教学实践证明医学细胞生物学多媒体课件的应用不仅可以激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生学习的主动性、强化学生的理解能力,还可以使学生轻松、准确掌握所学的内容,是提高教学质量的有效途径。并针对在多媒体教学过程中仍存在的一些问题。提出行之有效的解决之道。  相似文献   
季淼  叶明  杨柳  王颖 《微生物学通报》2008,35(6):0977-0979
传统的微生物学实验教学方法和内容存在着许多不足.因此,我们从实验教学内容、教学模式和实验考核方法等方面进行了改革和探索,将微生物学实验单独设课,并增设了微生物学综合实验.结果显示新的实验教学模式更有利于培养学生的动手能力、创新能力以及综合能力,其教学效果大大提高.  相似文献   
Introduction and objectivesThere is a considerable lack of structure in training health professionals in geriatrics. The narratives can promote a collaborative reflection on different topics and might be used as a pedagogic strategy for undergraduate health students. This study aimed to explore the adoption of new perspectives on ageing after the implementation of dynamic narratives in the first graduate year for physiotherapy students.Materials and methodsAn exploratory qualitative study was performed. Participants were included if they were: ≥18 years old, physiotherapy students and agreed to participate. Physiotherapy students (n = 44) were recruited from the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Two gaming sessions were performed to help students, as narrators, express their visions and ways to deal with the geriatrics field. Students’ perspectives about ageing at baseline (T1) and after the narratives experience (T2) were collected by answering the following question: What is your perception regarding ageing? Two evaluators were involved in qualitative data analysis by performing: (i) an individual analysis of themes/subthemes and a discussion meeting to evaluate discrepancies and to reach a consensus.ResultsNegative perceptions about ageing were referred 39 times at T1 (most of them related to restriction; deterioration subthemes). There were no negative perceptions registered at T2. Positive perceptions increased at T2, from n = 39 to n = 52, and three new subthemes emerged (beginning of something, fighting ageism, challenge).ConclusionThis study demonstrated the potential of narrative-based experiences as a desirable pedagogic methodology (board games-oriented) for geriatric education in undergraduate health students.  相似文献   
为建设有特色的生物技术专业和培养创新复合型人才,本研究结合医学院校特点,充分利用"医"和"药"的资源,合理安排实验项目,构建了科学的发酵工程实验教学体系。结果表明该实验教学体系教学效果良好。学生的操作能力显著提高。为强化发酵工程教学,探索产学研联合培养模式将成必然。  相似文献   
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