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槭属的系统演化与地理分布   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
槭属(AcerL)属槭树科(Aceraceae),200种,分布于亚、欧、北美和非洲北缘。本文研究了槭属的系统演化、地理分布、起源与扩散。认为:(1)槭树科与无患子科关系密切,槭属是槭树科2属中较进化的类群。(2)在原始而典型的槭属植物的基础上,槭属沿花的各部减少,有的器官甚至向完全退化的方向演化,但也有少数向增加数目的方向特化。(3)讨论了槭属4亚属23组的演化趋势,并绘制出其系统演化图。(4)槭属起源于侏罗纪的中国四川东部、湖北、湖南及其邻近地区,并向西、东北和南方扩散而进入西亚、欧洲、非洲北缘、北美洲和马来半岛至印尼。  相似文献   
对翼萼蔓属进行了外部形态、花部解剖学、大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育、花粉形态和染色体 的研究,并以此为据,讨论了该属的分类等级和系统位置。翼萼蔓属的花具花冠腺体。花萼筒具16条 维管束,花冠筒具12条维管束,二者的维管束是独立发生的。每心皮具1条背维管束和2条腹维管束。 雄蕊先熟。花药四室;药壁发育为双子叶型;绒毡层异型起源,细胞具双核,属腺质型绒毡层;一层中层 细胞;药壁表皮层宿存,细胞膨大,细胞壁纤维状加厚;药室内壁部分纤维状加厚。小孢子母细胞减数分 裂的胞质分裂为同时型;成熟花粉为3-细胞型。子房为2心皮,1室,超侧膜胎座;胚珠25~40列,倒生 胚珠,腹维管束靠近腹缝线。薄珠心,单珠被。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直线式排 列,其中合点端的大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。极核在受精前融合为次生核,反足细胞3个,具反 足吸器。胚乳发育为核型。花粉球形,极轴长约32.8μm,赤道轴长约34.2μm,外壁纹饰为网状纹 饰。体细胞染色体数为2n=26,染色体基数为x=13,核型公式为2n=26=18m+4sm+2st+2t,属 2A型。比较翼萼蔓属、蔓龙胆属和扁蕾属的外部形态、花部解剖学、胚胎学、花粉形态和染色体特征,表 明翼萼蔓属和扁蕾属可能具较近的亲缘关系,起源于一个较早的共同祖先。在分类等级上,把翼萼蔓属作为一独立属处理较为合适。  相似文献   
Thirty three species of Chitinozoans are recorded inthe Upper Ktaoua and in the Lower Deuxième Bani Formations (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). These two lithological units have been refered to the upper part of the Ashgill Series on Trilobite, Brachiopod and Echinoderm evidence. This age assignment is well supported by the present study of the Chitinozoans. Strong affinities with North american Chitinozoan assemblages (Anticosti Island, Québec; Oklahoma, U.S.A.) are pointed out. The Upper Ktaoua Formation can be correlated with part of the Vaureal Formation (Richmodian of Quebec); the Lower Deuxième Bani Formation seems to be of the same age as the lower part of the Ellis-Bay Formation (Gamachian of Quebec).  相似文献   
对球壳孢目真菌首次采用PCR-RFLP和RAPD进行了系统发育研究。以ITS1和ITS4为引物对4属12种24个菌株的核糖体DNA转录间区(ITS)进行了PCR扩增,4种内切酶(AluI,Hha,MspI,TaqI)酶切,结果表明:主要属的ITS区长度不同,同属不同种相同。Coniothyrium,Phylosticta,Ascochyta,SeptoriaITS区长度分别为630,560,550,540bp;酶切图谱属间差别明显,属内种间基本一致,暗示传统的分种可能过细,某些种的成立还有商榷的余地,PCR-RFLP对确定疑难种属的地位有重要的意义。3属8种16个菌株的RAPD结果表明,种内图谱相同或图谱类型相同,而种间明显不同,揭示出过去所划分的种的确存在本质的差别,但是否达到种级的差别还有待于进一步研究  相似文献   
夏须草属的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川中侏罗世的龟化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对产自四川自贡中侏罗世的三件龟甲标本作了鉴定,认为均可归成渝龟属(Chengyuchelys)。一为自贡成渝龟,新种(Chengyuchelys zigongensis,sp.nov.),一为似贝氏成渝龟(C.baenoides, Young et Chow),一为成渝龟未定种(Chengyuchelys sp.)。在形态描述的基础上,讨论了成渝龟属的系统分类。  相似文献   
In the use of systematic sampling in surveys it is known that the effect of negative correlations (=ϱwst) between deviations from stratum means of pairs of items in the same systematic sample is such that the resulting variance V(ȳst) can be zero for systematic sample means ȳst (e.g., Cochran, 1977, ch. 8). For such populations systematic sampling is then superior both to stratified sampling (one unit per stratum) and to simple random sampling. Cochran (loc. cit.) does not identify special types of finite populations for which ϱwst = −1/(n -1) and hence V(ȳst) =0. It is the purpose of this paper to present one type of population for which this condition is satisfied.  相似文献   

A rare polypore: Trametes ljubarskyi Pilàt, new to Italy. VII. - The presence of Trametes ljubarskyi Pil. (Polyporaceae) is reported for the first time in Italy.  相似文献   
目的:评估系统性心理预防及干预在自闭症儿童口腔疾病治疗中的作用。方法:将在我医院进行正畸治疗的40例12~16岁自闭症患者按着随机分配分为对照组与实验组,每组各20例。在正畸治疗过程中,对照组实施常规心理行为预防及干预,包括:治疗前的基础准备、治疗过程中注意事项、治疗后康复方案及辅助治疗等。而对于实验组,除了实施常规的行为预防及干预外,还进行系统性心理行为预防及干预,包括:语言疏导、健康教育、辅助矫正、生命体征监测、肢体语言演示等。结果:实验组和控制组的孩子们能够完成正畸治疗,自闭症儿童治疗配合的的程度,听话依从性,显著高于对照组(P0.01),两组之间蛀牙数和牙龈指数存在差异(P0.05)。结论:系统性行为预防及干预能够提高自闭症儿童的配合合作的程度及医嘱依从性,值得在口腔正畸科门诊自闭症儿童患者中推广。  相似文献   
Because of limitation of manpower, funding, and land available in conservation, the problem of how to select essential regions to establish protection systems for biodiversity maintenance has been widely discussed. In an effort to address the problem, this study has aimed to select a set of priority areas and to determine their priority order by quantifying human disturbances for each area in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB). This basin covers 2.143 million km2, or more than 20% of China's territory. The habitats of 627 indicator species were predicted as a proxy for biodiversity. A conservation planning tool, MARXAN, was used to determine the optimal set of planning units, and three different target scenarios were generated. In addition, under the assumption that if two areas have equal value for conservation, the one suffering more severe disturbance needs more urgent protection than the other, priority ranking analysis was carried out using a 6-12-1 BP artificial neural network. Then hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to the classifications of human disturbances to formulate more detailed conservation strategies. By integrating the degree of irreplaceability of each unit, expert experience, and mountain boundaries, 17 biodiversity priority areas containing 33,200 units over an area of 0.83 million km2 were defined. These areas also protected 56% of 32 types of rare forest ecosystem and 76.4% of six types of rare grassland ecosystem on average. According to the evaluation of human impact, a priority order and five types of human disturbance areas were generated. Some protection gaps were also identified, such as the northern part of the Wuyi Mountains. Moreover, the determination of priority nature conservation areas on a large scale can be used to influence the building of a well-connected protection network in each individual area, so that effective genetic communication can occur between species or groups of species. Conservation decisions focusing on the dominant impact factors that are threatening biodiversity sustainability are required as well.  相似文献   
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