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We analysed the influence of ecological factors, phylogenetic history and trade-offs between traits on the life-history variation among 10 loricariid species of the middle Paraná River. We measured eight life-history variables and classified the life-history strategies following the equilibrium–periodic–opportunistic (EPO) model. Principal-component analysis of life-history traits segregated species along a gradient from small opportunistic (low fecundity, low parental investment) to large equilibrium (low-medium fecundity, high parental investment) species. A clear periodic strategist was absent in the analysed assemblage. Variation partitioning by canonical phylogenetic ordination analysis showed both a component of variation uniquely explained by phylogenetic history (PH; 32.2%) and a component shared between PH and ecological factors (EF; 37%). The EPO model is a useful tool for predicting correlations among life-history traits and understanding potential demographic responses of species to environmental variation. Life-history patterns observed throughout Loricariidae suggests that this family has diversified across all three endpoint strategies of the EPO model. Our study indicates that evolutionary lineage affiliation at the level of subfamily can be a strong predictor of the life-history strategy used by each species.  相似文献   
Formation of bacterial biofilms is a risk with many in situ medical devices. Biofilm-forming Bacillus species are associated with potentially life-threatening catheter-related blood stream infections in immunocompromised patients. Here, bacteria were isolated from biofilm-like structures within the lumen of central venous catheters (CVCs) from two patients admitted to cardiac hospital wards. Isolates belonged to the Bacillus cereus group, exhibited strong biofilm formation propensity, and mapped phylogenetically close to the B. cereus emetic cluster. Together, whole genome sequencing and quantitative PCR confirmed that the isolates constituted the same strain and possessed a range of genes important for and up-regulated during biofilm formation. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing demonstrated resistance to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, clindamycin, penicillin and ampicillin. Inspection of the genome revealed several chromosomal β-lactamase genes and a sulphonamide resistant variant of folP. This study clearly shows that B. cereus persisting in hospital ward environments may constitute a risk factor from repeated contamination of CVCs.  相似文献   
Functional traits have long been considered the ‘holy grail’ in community ecology due to their potential to link phenotypic variation with ecological processes. Advancements across taxonomic disciplines continue to support functional ecology's objective to approach generality in community assembly. However, a divergence of definitions, aims and methods across taxa has created discord, limiting the field's predictive capacity. Here, we provide a guide to support functional ecological comparisons across taxa. We describe advances in cross‐taxa functional research, identify gaps in approaches, synthesize definitions and unify methodological considerations. When deciding which traits to compare, particularly response traits, we advocate selecting functionally analogous traits that relate to community assembly processes. Finally, we describe at what scale and for which questions functional comparisons across taxa are useful and when other approaches may be more constructive. Our approach promotes standardized methods for integrative research across taxa to identify broad trends in community assembly.  相似文献   
  • Sexually deceptive orchid species from the Mediterranean genus Ophrys usually interact with one or a few pollinator species by means of specific floral scents. In this study, we investigated the respective role of pollinator‐mediated selection and phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of floral scents in the section Pseudophrys.
  • We built a phylogenetic tree of 19 Pseudophrys species based on three nuclear loci; we gathered a dataset on their pollination interactions from the literature and from our own field data; and we extracted and analysed their floral scents using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. We then quantified the phylogenetic signal carried by floral scents and investigated the link between plant–pollinator interactions and floral scent composition using phylogenetic comparative methods.
  • We confirmed the monophyly of the section Pseudophrys and demonstrated the existence of three main clades within this section. We found that floral scent composition is affected by both phylogenetic relationships among Ophrys species and pollination interactions, with some compounds (especially fatty acid esters) carrying a significant phylogenetic signal and some (especially alkenes and alkadienes) generating dissimilarities between closely related Pseudophrys pollinated by different insects.
  • Our results show that in the section Pseudophrys, floral scents are shaped both by pollinator‐mediated selection and by phylogenetic constraints, but that the relative importance of these two evolutionary forces differ among compound classes, probably reflecting distinct selective pressures imposed upon behaviourally active and non‐active compounds.
Summary A five and a half weeks old female Kestrel exhibiting osteopathy of the pectoral and pelvic limbs, including symmetrical hyperdactyly, was investigated in order to clarify the pattern of the involved anatomical alterations and the possible causes of this developmental malformation. In the pectoral limb it consisted of a triplication of the alular digit, in the pelvic limb of a duplication of digit I. The live young Kestrel was observed for a period of two weeks to ascertain that it was unable to fly or procure prey on its own. After its death radiographs were taken and, apart from an eidonomic inspection including the wing claws, a detailed macroscopic dissection of the musculature of the pectoral and pelvic limbs was carried out using the in-water-method. Consecutive dissection steps were documented by a series of photographic slides. The relevant musculature, particularly that of the supernumerary digits, was recorded in proportional drawings. Subsequent to maceration of the limbs the isolated bones were reassembled according to the radiographs and also documented by means of photographs and drawings. This anatomical approach produced a reliable reconstruction of the skeletomuscular apparatus of the hyperdactylous limb parts. The eidonomic inspection revealed that at least young Kestrels may have two (alular and major digit) or even three wing claws per side. The proximal skeletal elements of both pectoral and pelvic limb were more sturdily built than in a typical Kestrel of comparable age. The proximal elements of the pelvic limb, the tarsometatarsus in particular, were shorter than in a typical Kestrel. In addition, the long axis of the tarsometatarsus was laterally bent in the transverse plane so that its proximal articular surfaces were medially inclined. Duplication of the cutaneous and osseous elements in the foot was accompanied by a duplication of some of the muscular and/or tendinous elements supplying digit I proper and the accessory digit I'. There were left-to-right asymmetries of the pedal musculature concerned. In contrast, the two accessory alular digits of each wing were almost completely devoid of musculature. Apart from atypical points of origin or insertion of the remaining distal musculture, left-to-right asymmetries and the two accessory alulae per wing, presumably, affected aerodynamic properties and resulted in flightlessness.A juvenile Kestrel of similar age and without hyperdactyly was dissected for comparison. In addition, the external appearance of the carpometacarpal region of two female Silkies, an obligatory pentadactylous breed of domestic fowl, was inspected and the skeletal parts of their pectoral and pelvic limbs compared with those of the hyperdactylous Kestrel. Our results and a literature review suggest that the symmetrical hyperdactyly in the Kestrel bears striking similarities to the hereditary hyperdactyly observed in certain breeds of domestic fowl. In addition, there is a striking resemblance between the hyperdactyly of the young Kestrel and certain forms of hyperdactyly induced by molecular genetical experiments of other authors on chicks. Comparison with these results taken from the literature suggest that the symmetrical hyperdactyly in the young Kestrel, including the alterations of the proximal skeletal elements, is caused by an unusually early expression of the Hoxd-11 gene group during embryological development. Most likely, this gene group is situated on the 2nd chromosome in birds just as it is in mammals.
Osteopathie der Vorder - und Hinterextremitäten, verbunden mit einer symmetrischen Hyperdactylie bei einem jungen Turmfalken (Falco tinnunculus)
Zusammenfassung Ein fünfeinhalb Wochen alter weiblicher Turmfalke mit einer Osteopathie der Vorder- und Hinterextremitäten, verbunden mit einer symmetrischen Hyperdactylie, wurde untersucht, um das Muster der beteiligten anatomischen Veränderungen und die möglichen Ursachen dieser Mißbildung zu erkennen. An der Vorderextremität bestand sie aus einer Verdreifachung des Alula-Fingers, an der Hinterextremität aus einer Verdoppelung der Zehe I. Die Beobachtung des lebenden jungen Turmfalken während eines Zeitraumes von zwei Wochen ergab, dass er flugunfähig war und keine Beute schlagen konnte.Nach seinem Tod und einer Inspektion der Eidonomie, einschließlich der Flügelkrallen, wurden Röntgenaufnahmen angefertigt. Danach folgte eine detaillierte makroskopische Präparation der Flügel- und Beinmuskulatur unter Verwendung der In-Wasser-Methode. Die einzelnen Präparationsschritte wurden anhand von Dia-Serien dokumentiert. Die relevante Muskulatur, insbesondere die der überzähligen Digiti, wurde in proportionsgetreuen Zeichnungen festgehalten. Nach Mazeration der Extremitäten wurden die Einzelknochen, entsprechend den Röntgenbildern, wieder zusammengesetzt und ebenfalls mit Fotografien und Zeichnungen dokumentiert. Dieser anatomische Ansatz lieferte eine zuverlässige Rekonstruktion des Skelett-Muskel-Apparates der hyperdactylen Extremitätenanteile.Die eidonomische Inspektion ergab, dass zumindest junge Turmfalken zwei (Digitus alularis und majoris) oder sogar drei Flügelkrallen haben können. Die proximalen Skelettelemente der Vorder- und Hinterextremität waren deutlich robuster gebaut als bei einem typischen Turmfalken vergleichbaren Alters. Die proximalen Elemente der Hinterextremität, insbesondere der Tarsometatarsus, waren kürzer als bei einem typischen Turmfalken. Darüberhinaus war die Längsachse des Tarsometatarsus in der Transversalebene laterad gekrümmt, so dass sich seine proximalen Gelenkflächen schräg mediad richteten. Entsprechend der kutanen und knöchernen Doppelbildungen des Fußes waren auch einige der Muskeln und Sehnen doppelt vorhanden, welche die eigentliche erste Zehe und die akzessorische erste Zehe versorgten. Es traten Rechts-/Links-Asymmetrien der betreffenden Muskulatur auf. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die beiden akzessorischen Alula-Finger jedes Flügels fast vollständig ohne Muskulatur. Abgesehen von atypischen Ursprungs- und Insertionspunkten der verbleibenden distalen Muskulatur, beeinträchtigten Rechts-/Links-Asymmetrien und die beiden akzessorischen Alulae pro Flügel vermutlich die aerodynamischen Eigenschaften und führten zur Flugunfähigkeit.Ein junger Turmfalke ähnlichen Alters ohne Hyperdactylie wurde zum Vergleich präpariert. Zusätzlich wurde die äußere Erscheinung der Carpometacarpal-Region zweier Seidenhühner, einer obligatorisch pentadactylen Hühnerrasse, inspiziert und die Skelettelemente ihrer Vorder- und Hinterextremitäten mit denen des hyperdactylen Turmfalken verglichen. Unsere Ergebnisse und ein Überblick der Literatur lassen auffallende Übereinstimmungen zwischen der symmetrischen Hyperdactylie des jungen Turmfalken und der erblichen Hyperdactylie bestimmter Hühnerrassen erkennen. Darüberhinaus besteht eine auffallende übereinstimmung zwischen der Hyperdactylie des jungen Turmfalken und bestimmten Formen der Hyperdactylie, welche von anderen Autoren durch molekulargenetische Experimente an Hühnerküken induziert wurden. Ein Vergleich mit diesen Ergebnissen aus der Literatur legt nahe, dass die symmetrische Hyperdactylie des jungen Turmfalken, einschließlich der Veränderungen der proximalen Skelettelemente, durch eine ungewöhnlich frühe Expression der Hoxd-11 Gengruppe im Laufe der Embryonalentwicklung verursacht wurde. Sehr wahrscheinlich ist diese Gengruppe bei Vögeln auf dem zweiten Chromosom lokalisiert — ebenso wie bei Säugetieren.
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