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  1. We investigated some aspects of hawkmoth community assembly at 13 elevations along a 200‐ to 2770‐m transect in the eastern Himalayas, a little studied biodiversity hot spot of global importance. We measured the morphological traits of body mass, wing loading, and wing aspect ratio of 3,301 free‐ranging individuals of 76 species without having to collect or even constrain them. We used these trait measurements and T‐statistic metrics to assess the strength of intracommunity (“internal") and extra‐community (“external”) filters which determine the composition of communities vis‐a‐vis the regional pool of species.
  2. The trait distribution of constituent species turned out to be nonrandom subsets of the community‐trait distribution, providing strong evidence for internal filtering in all elevational communities. The external filter metric was more ambiguous. However, the elevational dependence of many metrics including that of the internal filter provided evidence for external (i.e., environmental) filtering. On average, a species occupied as much as 50%–75% of the total community‐trait space, yet the T‐statistic metric for internal filter was sufficiently sensitive to detect a strong nonrandom structure in the trait distribution.
  3. We suggest that the change in T‐statistic metrics along the environmental gradient may provide more clues to the process of community assembly than previously envisaged. A large, smoothly varying and well‐sampled environmental span would make it easier to discern them. Developing T‐statistics for combined analysis of multiple traits will perhaps provide a more accurate picture of internal/filtering and niche complementarity. Moths are a hyperdiverse taxon and a very important component of many ecosystems. Our technique for accurately measuring body and wing dimensions of free‐ranging moths can generate trait database for a large number of individuals in a time‐ and resource‐efficient manner for a variety of community assembly studies using this important taxon.
The pollination biology of the epilithic endemic Aerangis ellisii (Reichenb. fil.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae) was studied on an inselberg in the Antananarivo region, central Madagascar. The flowers exhibit long nectariferous spurs indicative of hawk-moth pollination, the mechanism evidently involving pollinia transfer via the frons and palpi of the vectors. Analysis of hawk-moth scales on naturally pollinated stigmas showed that the principal pollinators were Agrius conuolvuli (Linnaeus) and Panogena lingens (Butler). Proboscis morphology of long-tongued Malagasy Sphingidae in relation to nectar position and spur morphology in A. ellisii also indicated that A. conuolvuli and P. lingens were best suited to interact with the plant's floral adaptation. Aerangis ellisii seems to display a relatively moderate specialization versus the Malagasy hawk-moth guild since its nectar is accessible even to those long-proboscis hawk-moth species which are not able to act as pollinators.  相似文献   
Anthecological relations between a long-spurred angraecoid orchid and pollinating Sphingidae are documented for the first time. In a primary forest on the Central Plateau of Madagascar Angraecum arachnites Schltr. was found to be pollinated by and adapted to a single species of hawk-moth, Panogena lingens (Butler), despite abundance of many concurrent Sphingidae of which several were also long-tongued. Furthermore, P. lingens was dimorphic in the length and breadth of its proboscis and only the morph with the longest and most slender proboscis was recorded to pollinate A. arachnites . Exclusive and precise adaptation to the latter morph of P. lingens existed in floral morphology and probably in other characteristics such as flowering phenology and chemical signalling. Several concurrently flowering orchid species were sharing P. lingens as a pollinator resource. The monophily in A. arachnites is interpreted as a result of a refined long-term specialization developed within an archaic evolutionary relationship in a relatively stable environment. The extraordinary number and diversity of long-spurred Orchidaceae in Madagascar appears to be a direct coevolutionary consequence of an Old-World-unique diversity of long-tongued archaic Sphingidae that has persisted in this isolated land.  相似文献   
Citharexylum myrianthum is an example of cryptic dioecy in morphologically perfect flowers. Flowers are small, tubular, white-colored, and crepuscular, with a sweet, pleasant scent and occur in raceme-like inflorescences. Functionally, male flowers have a less developed ovary and females have anthers lacking pollen. They are pollinated by five species of Sphingidae. The low fruit set under natural conditions, compared with the very high fruit set after hand-pollination, apart from other possible factors, suggests that pollen flow is limited mainly by pollinators. The overabundance of nectar provided by C. myrianthum flowers attracts a large number of opportunistic nectar foragers in the morning. Hummingbirds, the most frequent visitors, are nectar thieves and display territorialism, being aggressive even to Passeriformes. Despite its visitor diversity C. myrianthum is pollinated by sphingids, and in this sense this species is a specialist rather than a generalist.  相似文献   
Bats and moths have been engaged in aerial warfare for nearly 65 Myr. This arms race has produced a suite of counter-adaptations in moths, including bat-detecting ears. One set of defensive strategies involves the active production of sound; tiger moths'' ultrasonic replies to bat attack have been shown to startle bats, warn the predators of bad taste and jam their biosonar. Here, we report that hawkmoths in the Choerocampina produce entirely ultrasonic sounds in response to tactile stimulation and the playback of biosonar attack sequences. Males do so by grating modified scraper scales on the outer surface of the genital valves against the inner margin of the last abdominal tergum. Preliminary data indicate that females also produce ultrasound to touch and playback of echolocation attack, but they do so with an entirely different mechanism. The anti-bat function of these sounds is unknown but might include startling, cross-family acoustic mimicry, warning of unprofitability or physical defence and/or jamming of echolocation. Hawkmoths present a novel and tractable system to study both the function and evolution of anti-bat defences.  相似文献   
Pollination ecology of many crops is not fully known, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Non-bee pollinators may contribute substantially to crop yield, even if they do not receive much attention. Although moth pollination has fascinated ecologists and evolutionary biologists since Darwin, crop pollination by moths has not been well investigated and experimentally examined. Hence, we explored the pollination ecology of four cucurbit crops with crepuscular or nocturnal flowers. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., Trichosanthes anguina L., and Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. all display floral traits suggestive of moth pollination, such as opening around dusk or in evenings and secreting ample dilute nectar. We demonstrated that these crops’ flowers attracted a wide range of moth species, especially hawkmoths. The assemblage of flower-visiting moths varied according to location and season. Pollination treatments and pollen load analysis confirmed the pollination of the four crops by moths, especially hawkmoths. Our results provide evidence for the value as wild pollinators for the four crops, for which domesticated bees cannot provide reliable pollination services in practice. This study lends support to the proposal to pay more attention to the value of non-bee pollinators and to leave some areas unexploited in rural landscapes for the conservation of wild pollinators, including moths.  相似文献   
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