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The African rhombic egg eater (Dasypeltis scabra) is a colubrid snake feeding exclusively on bird eggs. Frequency of feeding is governed by the seasonal availability of bird eggs; i.e., long fasting intervals change with relatively short periods when plenty of food is available. Intermittent feeding snakes show a remarkable postprandial increase of metabolic rate and digestive organ size. The postprandial increase in metabolic rate (specific dynamic action, SDA) in snakes is affected by meal size, temperature, and meal composition. A major portion of SDA in snakes is allocated to gastric function and the breakdown of the meal. We hypothesize that SDA in egg eaters is lower than in other snake species, because egg eaters feed on “liquid” food that does not require enzymatic breakdown in the stomach. We also hypothesized that other components of the postprandial response of egg eaters (e.g., size changes of the intestine and the liver) do not differ from other snakes. The standard metabolic rate and metabolic response to feeding were measured using closed-chamber respirometry. Size changes of small intestine and liver were measured using high-resolution transcutaneous ultrasonography. Standard metabolic rates of fasting egg eaters were in the same range of mass specific values as known from other snakes. Within 24 h after feeding, oxygen consumption doubled and peaked at 2 days after feeding. At the same time, the size of the small intestine and the cross-sectional diameter of the liver increased. Within 2 days after feeding, the size of the mucosal epithelium doubled its thickness. Liver size increased significantly within 24 h reaching maximum size 2–4 days after feeding. The size of both organs returned to fasting values within 7–10 days after feeding. The postprandial response of African rhombic egg eaters shows the same pattern and dynamics as known from other snake species. However, the factorial increase of metabolic rate during SDA is the lowest reported for any snake. A comparison with literature data supports the idea that SDA is mainly determined by gastric function and that it is low in egg eaters because they do not have to break down solid meals in the stomach as other snake species do.  相似文献   
为培育槟榔(Areca catechu)优良新品种,对10份核心资源品质进行鉴定和相关性分析.结果表明,不同种质资源的品质性状存在显著差异,9个性状的变异系数为7.00%~190.13%,其中,表儿茶素含量的变异系数最大,鲜果横径的最小.相关性分析表明,鲜果纵径与槟榔碱含量呈极显著正相关,与没食子酸含量呈显著负相关.基...  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop methods to estimate the optimal threshold of a longitudinal biomarker and its credible interval when the diagnostic test is based on a criterion that reflects a dynamic progression of that biomarker. Two methods are proposed: one parametric and one non‐parametric. In both the cases, the Bayesian inference was used to derive the posterior distribution of the optimal threshold from which an estimate and a credible interval could be obtained. A numerical study shows that the bias of the parametric method is low and the coverage probability of the credible interval close to the nominal value, with a small coverage asymmetry in some cases. This is also true for the non‐parametric method in case of large sample sizes. Both the methods were applied to estimate the optimal prostate‐specific antigen nadir value to diagnose prostate cancer recurrence after a high‐intensity focused ultrasound treatment. The parametric method can also be applied to non‐longitudinal biomarkers.  相似文献   
雌核发育银鲫子代中微卫星特异序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雌核发育个体的基因型基本上完全与母本相同,这是源于卵子发生过程中没有经过减数分裂.父本的遗传物质是在随机水平、亚基因组水平或基因组水平参与到子代的遗传重组过程,从而对长期突变积累的雌核发育生物基因组进行补偿,一直是遗传学家关注的问题.本文对雌核发育银鲫特异个体及父母本5个微卫星位点的扩增条带进行了克隆测序,相似性比对结果显示,特异个体所表现的父咎匾霥NA条带,序列结果与父本完全相同或相似(SCM4、SCM9、YJ5),并在某些位点上保留了母本的特异条带(YJ5),而个体本身特异的DNA条带与父母本的相似性均较高(SCM13).同时,所检测到的个体经越冬后查验为雌性个体,进一步进行同源繁育,研究变异条带在繁殖中的命运.连续2代的繁育检测结果表明,融合了父本特异性条带的银鲫个体在繁殖过程中仍行雌核发育的生殖方式,变异来的条带能够传递给子代,进一步证实同源雌核发育银鲫通过小概率两性融合事件丰富银鲫种群的遗传多样性[动物学报 53(3):537-544,2007].  相似文献   
We present NMR and μ+SR study of spin dynamics in one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional molecular magnets of recent synthesis. In particular, we focus on the so called Gd(hfac)3NIT-R and CoPhOMe magnetic chains families. For Gd-R helimagnets we show some differences between “weakly frustrated systems” and “fully frustrated systems”. The different behaviour is due to the different radical inserted in the chains (R = Me, Ph for “weakly frustrated systems” and R = iPr, Et for “fully frustrated systems”). The existence of different phase transitions, particularly to 3D long-range magnetic order in Gd-Ph and to chiral order in Gd-iPr, is remarked together with a comparison between results obtained from macroscopic and microscopic investigating techniques. As regards CoPhOMe slowly relaxing chain, the 1H NMR measurements confirm the freezing of the spins at low temperature, which prevents the 3D long-range order, and display the presence of two relaxation mechanisms related to distinct contributions to the local spin relaxation.  相似文献   
幽门螺杆菌是常见的感染性病原菌,人类多种疾病发生与此菌感染有关。预防和治疗菌体感染及引发的相关疾病仍是现代医学面临的课题。实验利用原核表达的幽门螺杆菌过氧化氢酶(1~380 aa)免疫家兔,获得效价为1∶6 000的特异性抗血清,经硫酸铵沉淀法得到初步纯化的抗体。在体外模拟胃酸环境下(pH3.4)将抗体进行水解。SDS-PAGE结果显示,抗体的重链能被水解。水解后的抗体产物经ELISA方法检测,仍然具有与抗原特异性结合的能力。实验结论证实,在体外环境下特异性幽门螺杆菌抗体保护作用不会被胃蛋白酶的水解而破坏,提示口服特异性抗体预防和治疗幽门螺杆菌感染可能是一条可行的途径。  相似文献   
目的:分析特定人群超重患病率,以及超重与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、脂肪肝等相关疾病的关系,为及早预防慢性非传染性疾病奠定基础。方法:对平房地区采取长效避孕措施的603名户籍农村已婚育龄妇女进行健康体检,按体重指数(BMI)分为正常组、超重组和肥胖组,比较各组间高血压、高血糖、高血脂、脂肪肝等相关疾病检出率的差异。结果:特定人群超重发病率及超重相关疾病检出率的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:平房地区特定人群超重及肥胖发病率未明显高于国内平均水平及全市水平。但超重及肥胖与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、脂肪肝等疾病存在较大相关关系,为了进一步降低心脑血管高危因素和死亡率,需采取早期、有效的措施控制超重和肥胖倾向。  相似文献   
模拟自然海水营养盐浓度状况,在N、P浓度分别为10-500μg L-1 N和0.74-74μg L-1 P时,研究N、P双因子限制(N、P浓度同时降低,N:P固定为15:1)及单因子限制(保持N或P为最高浓度,只降低一种营养盐浓度)对有毒赤潮藻塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)生长的影响。结果表明,塔玛亚历山大藻细胞能较快进入对数生长期,但N、P双因子限制能明显影响其生长,在N、P浓度分别低于100μg L-1 N和15μg L-1 P时,细胞密度无明显增长;而N或P分别受限时,生长态势明显优于N、P同时受到限制的试验组,而且N、P单因子中度限制对生长影响较小。结果说明塔玛亚历山大藻对单因子营养元素限制较强的适应能力,可使其在常常出现单营养因子限制的自然水体中维持一定生长速率和细胞密度,并有助于滤食该藻的贝类体内麻痹性贝类毒素的积累。  相似文献   
Three neuropeptide analogues of FMRFamide (FMRFa) were covalently attached to a tethered derivative of methylene blue to form dye-neuropeptide conjugates. The comparative binding of the latter to FMRFa receptors was subsequently examined in both Helix aspersa (circumesophageal ganglia) and squid (optic lobe membrane). In Helix, the FMRFa analogue CFMRFamide (CFMRFa) inhibited the specific binding of the FMRFa ligand [125I]daYFnLRFa in a dose-dependent manner. Az-CFMRFa, one of the dye-neuropeptide conjugates, also dose-dependently inhibited the specific binding of [125I]daYFnLRFa. Moreover, their potencies equaled or exceeded that of FMRFamide. In squid, the binding of CFMRFa and FMRFa was similar. However, the dye-neuropeptide conjugate (IC50 of 14 nM) was about 44-fold less potent than FMRFa. The conjugates were synthesized as part of a study seeking to target and inactivate preselected receptors with heretofore unattainable selectivity and permanence.  相似文献   
Symbiotic dinoflagellates of the species Amphidinium are expected to be pharmaceutically useful microalgae because they produce antitumor macrolides. A microalgae production system with a large number of cells at a high density has been developed for the efficient production of macrolide compounds. In the present study, the effects of culture conditions on the cellular growth rate of dinoflagellates were investigated to determine the optimum culture conditions for obtaining high yields of microalgae. Amphidinium species was cultured under conditions with six temperature levels (21–35°C), six levels of photosynthetic photon flux density (15–70 μmol photons m−2 s−1), three levels of CO2 concentration (0.02–0.1%), and three levels of O2 concentration (0.2–21%). The number of cells cultured in a certain volume of solution was monitored microscopically and the cellular growth rate was expressed as the specific growth rate. The maximum specific growth rate was 0.022 h−1 at a temperature of 26°C and O2 concentration of 5%, and the specific growth rate was saturated at a CO2 concentration of 0.05%, a photosynthetic photon flux density of 35 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and a photoperiod of 12 h day−1 upon increasing each environmental parameter. The results demonstrate that Amphidinium species can multiply efficiently under conditions of relatively low light intensity and low O2 concentration.  相似文献   
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