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Aim  To investigate the phylogeny of the genus Cyphophthalmus in the Balkan Peninsula and to test the current recognition of 'phyletic lines' and phylogenetic groups proposed in previous studies in order to elucidate the biogeographical history of the region.
Location  Europe, Balkan Peninsula, Adria microplate.
Methods  Two mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (28S rRNA and 18S rRNA) markers were used to infer the phylogenetic history of the group. Molecular dating with relaxed molecular clocks was used to elucidate the relative time of diversification within the genus Cyphophthalmus and its constituent lineages.
Results  Our analyses confirm the monophyly of the genus Cyphophthalmus , and that of the Aegean and gjorgjevici lineages, whereas the 'Dinaric lineage' appears paraphyletic.
Main conclusions  We show that the genus Cyphophthalmus is an old endemic from the Balkan biogeographical region, which gave origin to at least three main lineages. Those lineages have diversified within overlapping ranges. According to our molecular dating, they have also diversified within the same timeframe. The Dinaric Alps, although presenting a large number of species, cannot be inferred as the centre of origin of the group. Instead, the biogeographical evolution of the genus could be related to the palaeogeographic history of the Adria microplate.  相似文献   
The current state of research on Lower Palaeolithic sites in Ukraine within its 1991 borders is the focus of this paper. Over the last 10–15 years, many new sites have been discovered in different parts of the eastern European area of the country, reassessed some old materials. In the central European region of the country, in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia, important new stratified Lower Palaeolithic sites have also been found. The current Ukrainian Lower Palaeolithic records demonstrate hominin presence in mountainous areas (Carpathians, Crimea) and the valleys of all major rivers, namely the Dniester, Southern Buh, Dnieper and Severskiy Donets. The article presents a brief review of the main currently known Lower Palaeolithic assemblages. Available geological, geomorphological, biostratigraphical data and ESR dates allow defining their age between 1.2 and 0.4 Myг; sites correlate with few warm phases between MIS 35 and MIS 11. Earlier sites, very tentatively dated at around 2 Myг, gravitate towards the seashore and mountainous areas. Later sites witness steady, though not continuous, colonisation of East European plain fringe areas. The main regularities of geographical setting, chronology, morphological and technological characteristics of assemblages of the Lower Palaeolithic sites of the Western segment of the East European plain are characterised. Typologically, industries are mainly characterised as belonging to Mode I. Core-and-flake industries survives to the Holsteinian. Essential difficulties in lithic raw materials supply could probably be a reason for the rise of a peculiar pattern of technological behaviour that involved mainly bipolar knapping and widely applied trimming technique of shaping the working edges of tools. Some signals of probable population movements penetrated the territory of Ukraine by the Asia Minor “western” trajectory and by Caucasian “eastern” way are revealed.  相似文献   
In this paper sediments accumulated between 20 and 4 ky BP on the Israeli coastal plain and their cultural contents are described. Sediments carried by the Nile River into the Mediterranean are transported northward along the Levant coast. These sediments are intermittently windblown on land and together with their derivative sandy loams form the bulk of sediments on the coastal plain of Israel. The younger these sediments are further west they are located. The sand beds apparently accumulated during cold and dry periods and pedogenesis occurred during warm and humid periods. Cultural remains on the coastal plain are encountered only in the soils. Hence in periods of sand transport humans avoided the coastal plain. Between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ca. 18–20 ky BP) and about 4 ky BP, global sea level rose from −130 to 0 m. The coastal sediments accumulated during that period are here correlated with both sea level and climatic factors. From the last glacial the living space was continuously shrinking under the encroaching sea and human communities were continuously driven landward. Cultural evolution since 20 ky ago includes major leaps such as the move from hunting-gathering nomads to permanent, year-round settlements, the birth of religion, domestication and food production. Climatic events seemingly played a minor role in these leaps. They were apparently initiated by social factors possibly stemming from environmental constraints – the progressive loss of living space.  相似文献   
Longstanding demographic growth accompanied by rising settlement activities and development of industry led to an increasing demand on utilization of wood. Tree species were selected for their specific properties. As a consequence of regional differences of forest species composition, wood has become an extremely important trade commodity. Therefore, the utilization of individual species could substantially change in space and time. In this study, we use 8´135 precisely dated timber constructions from a dendrochronological database to investigate spatio-temporal changes in wood utilization across the Czech lands from the 15th to the 19th century. Our results suggest that the utilization of individual species in historical timber constructions was primarily limited by their availability. Species selection was also based on wood properties and stem geometry. Most of historical constructions (99.7%), represented mainly by roofs and ceilings, are made of fir, spruce, pine, and oak. While fir constructions prevail in eastern Moravia and Silesia, spruce constructions are largely spread across the western and central part of the Czech Republic. Pine and oak constructions reflect natural occurrence of such forests in lower elevated central Bohemia and southern Moravia. Although fir prevailed in timber construction in the late-Medieval and post-Medieval times, planting of spruce monocultures resulted in its significantly increased utilization by the end of the 19th century. This study demonstrates the value of dendrochronological databases as an indicator of historical wood utilization.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo estimate whether becoming widowed had a significant effect on individual’s health status as well as on healthcare and non-healthcare resources use, compared to people who remained in a couple in Europe.Data and methodIt was used the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe from 2004 to 2015. The statistical technique used was genetic matching which analysed the differences in wellbeing, mental health, health status, risk of death, health care resources and long-term care utilization of people who have become widowed, comparing with people who remained married or with a partner. We considered shortterm and medium-term effects.ResultsIn the short term, those who became widowed had a worse wellbeing and mental health, in addition to a greater probability of receiving formal care and informal care from outside the household. There seems to be a significant effect in the use of formal and informal care from outside the household in the medium term.ConclusionsThe results might help to concentrate a major effort of any policy or strategy, not only in the field of health but also in the provision of long-term care, immediately after the negative shock occurs.  相似文献   
This paper examines the causal impact of retirement on preventive care use by focusing on breast cancer screening. It contributes to a better understanding of the puzzling results in the literature reporting mixed effects on health care consumption at retirement. We use five waves of data from the Eurobarometer surveys conducted between 1996 and 2006, covering 25 different European countries. We address the endogeneity of retirement by using age thresholds for pension eligibility as instrumental variables in a bivariate probit model. We find that retirement reduces mammography use and other secondary preventive care use. Our results suggest that health status, income, and knowledge on cancer prevention and treatment contribute little to our understanding of the effects of retirement. Instead, our evidence suggests important effect heterogeneity based on the generosity of the social health insurance system and organized screening programs.  相似文献   
Acidification has harmed freshwater ecosystems in Northern Europe since the early 1900s. Stricter regulations aimed at decreasing acidic emissions have improved surface-water chemistry since the late 1980s but the recovery of biotic communities has not been consistent. Generally, the recovery of flora and fauna has been documented only for a few lakes or regions and large-scale assessments of long-term dynamics of biotic communities due to improved water quality are still lacking. This study investigates a large biomonitoring dataset of pelagic and littoral crustacean zooplankton (Cladocera and Copepoda) from 142 acid-sensitive lakes in Norway spanning 24 years (1997–2020). The aims were to assess the changes in zooplankton communities through time, compare patterns of changes across lake types (defined based on calcium and humic content), and identify correlations between abiotic and biological variables. Our results indicate chemical and biological recovery after acidification, as shown by a general increase in pH, acid neutralizing capacity, changes in community composition and increases in the total number of species, number of acid-sensitive species and functional richness through time. However, the zooplankton responses differ across lake types. This indicates that the concentration of calcium (or alkalinity) and total organic carbon (or humic substances) are important factors for the recovery. Therefore, assessment methods and management tools should be adapted to the diverse lake types. Long-term monitoring of freshwater ecosystems is needed to fully comprehend the recovery dynamics of biotic communities from acidification.  相似文献   
We report on two new lineages of the Eumida sanguinea complex from Great Britain and describe one of them as a new species using a multilocus approach, including the mitochondrial DNA COI-5P and the nuclear markers ITS (ITS1, 5.8S rRNA and ITS2) and 28S rRNA. The molecular analysis placed Eumida mackiei sp. nov. in a monophyletic clade with 19.1% (COI), 10.1% (ITS) and 1.7% (28S) mean distance to its nearest neighbour. Molecular diagnoses were also applied to nine lineages within the E. sanguinea complex. This was complemented with morphometric data employing multivariate statistical analysis and the incorporation of statistical dissimilarities against three other described species from the complex. Eumida mackiei sp. nov. can be distinguished from E. notata and E. maia by the larger distance between the eyes and differences in morphometric proportions mainly in the dorsal and ventral cirri as well as in the prostomial appendages. E. sanguinea sensu stricto failed to produce a cluster of its own in the morphometric analysis, probably due to juvenile bias. Integrative taxonomy provided strong evidence to formally describe a new cryptic species that can now be used in biomonitoring or other relevant ecological research.  相似文献   
In mainland Europe, the mosquito species Culex modestus Ficalbi (1890) is a bridge vector for West Nile virus (WNV) from its natural bird-mosquito cycle to mammals. The present study assessed the genetic diversity of Cx. modestus, as well as related Culex species, using the mitochondrial COI DNA barcoding region and compared this with the population structure across Europe. A haplotype network was mapped to determine genealogical relationships among specimens. The intraspecific genetic diversity within individual Culex species was below 2%, whereas the interspecific genetic divergence varied from 2.99% to 13.74%. In total, 76 haplotypes were identified among 198 sequences. A median-joining network determined from 198 COI sequences identified two major lineages that were separated by at least four mutation steps. A high level of intraspecific genetic diversity was not detected in Cx. modestus in samples submitted from different European populations, which indicates that morphologically identified specimens represent a single species and not a species complex. Therefore, it is deduced that different populations of Cx. modestus will show a similar potential to transmit WNV, lending support to concerns that the population present in southeast England represents a risk of transmission to humans.  相似文献   
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