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The tegument of the adult blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum is in direct contact with the host blood and immune systems. A comprehensive understanding of the ultrastructure of the tegument is crucial to the understanding of how the parasite maintains itself within the mammalian host. Important functions such as nutritional uptake and immune evasion are suspected functions of the tegument and this review discusses these aspects and presents some insights into some of these crucial functions. Transmission electron microscopy has allowed the identification of ultrastructural features of the adult S. japonicum, some of which differ from the reported features of other schistosome species. Morphological differences within the tegument of the adult S. japonicum are noted between sexes, among different regions of the worms and between aspects along the length of the parasite. Differences included variations in the ultrastructure, size and number of tegumental bodies and mitochondria within the matrix, and differences in the relative area of the apical surface of the tegument. Functions of the various components of the tegument matrix and specialised functions of different regions of the male and female parasites are discussed based on ultrastructural findings and previously reported biochemical and molecular data.  相似文献   
Collaborative studies have identified some genetic factors contributing to the development of severe forms of malaria and schistosomiasis. In Thailand, the TNF-alpha 5'-flanking region shows biallelic polymorphic sites at nucleotides -238, -308, -857, -863, and -1031, and seven alleles have been identified in patients from Myanmar. We found that the TNF promoter (TNFP)-D allele was significantly associated with cerebral malaria in populations from Karen (P < 0.0001, OR = 124.86) and ethnic Burma (P < 0.0001, OR = 34.50). In China, we have identified two major genes related to the severity of liver fibrosis, one an HLA class II gene, and the other the IL-13 gene. The frequency of the HLA-DRB5*0101 allele and that of the IL-13 promoter A/A (IL-13P- A/A) genotype were elevated in fibrotic patients, although the two genes are located on different chromosomes, chromosomes 6p and 5q, respectively. Subjects with both genotypes had odds ratios (OR = 24.5) much higher than the sum of the ratios for each individual genotype (OR = 5.1, 95% Confidence Interval 1.3-24.7 for HLA-DRB5*0101, OR = 3.1 95% CI 1.5 - 6.5 for IL-13P- A/A). That the effects of the two susceptibility markers are synergistic rather than additive, strongly suggests that the pathogenic Th2 response directly influences the prognosis of post-schistosomal liver fibrosis.  相似文献   
The role of the hydroxyl group of tyrosine 6 in the binding of Schistosoma japonicum glutathione S-transferase has been investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). A site-specific replacement of this residue with phenylalanine produces the Y6F mutant, which shows negative cooperativity for the binding of reduced glutathione (GSH). Calorimetric measurements indicated that the binding of GSH to Y6F dimer is enthalpically driven over the temperature range investigated. A concomitant net uptake of protons upon binding of GSH to Y6F mutant was detected carrying out calorimetric experiments in various buffer systems with different heats of ionization. The entropy change is favorable at temperatures below 26 °C for the first site, being entropically favorable at all temperatures studied for the second site. The enthalpy change of binding is strongly temperature-dependent, arising from a large negative ΔC°p1=−3.45±0.62 kJ K−1 mol−1 for the first site, whereas a small ΔC°p2=−0.33±0.05 kJ K−1 mol−1 for the second site was obtained. This large heat capacity change is indicative of conformational changes during the binding of substrate.  相似文献   
海金沙[Lygodium japonicum(Thunb)Sw.]是常见的药用蕨类之一。在人工培养条件下,利用光学显微镜详细观察其配子体发育的过程。在前人工作的基础上,补充了丝状体较短,2~3细胞长,片状体和幼原叶体发育多样,成熟原叶体心形,具单细胞或两细胞的毛状体,单细胞的假根,内含叶绿体或根尖膨大等,从海金沙配子体特征看说明其为系统进化的中间类群。孢子人工培养得到大量的海金沙幼孢子体,为保护性开发利用该资源奠定基础。  相似文献   
Although the lifecycle of Schistosoma spp. and pathophysiology of schistosomiasis have been established, the mechanism by which cercariae find their host is not well understood. Speculatively, host infection by random and accidental host contact is not as biologically plausible as a biochemical mechanism of mammalian attraction. A few studies have indicated that biochemical cues and temperature gradients may play a role in host identification, attraction and attachment triggers. This study aimed to elucidate these mechanisms more specifically through evaluation of biochemical, age and temperature influences leading to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae attraction and attachment behaviors. Oleic acid, a common unsaturated free fatty acid in the outer layer of human skin, was tested for cercariae attraction across biologically relevant concentrations. Influence of media type (beeswax, nail varnish and agar), age-dependent behavior variability and environmentally appropriate temperatures (22 and 30 °C) were also evaluated. Results indicated that oleic acid at concentrations of 0.3, 0.9 and 1.8 g/mL in beeswax significantly increased median attachment to media (median attachment of 7.50%, 4.20% and 3.71%, respectively, P < 0.001), compared with plain beeswax, with maximal attachment of 30.30% at 0.3 g/mL of oleic acid. In media containing 0.3 g/mL of oleic acid, cercarial attachment was highest for freshly emerged cercariae to 5 h post-emergence, with a significant decrease in attachment behavior at 10 h post-emergence (< 0.01). Aquatic temperature at which cercariae were exposed to media did not yield significant results (P value >0.05). Biochemical, age and environmental factors influencing cercarial host attraction and attachment behavior have been elucidated by this study. This information will inform further development of devices for environmental surveillance and potentially improve cercarial exposure prevention strategies.  相似文献   
Human schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi is a chronic and debilitating helminthic disease still prevalent in several countries of Asia. Due to morphological similarities of cercariae and eggs of these 2 species, microscopic differentiation is difficult. High resolution melting (HRM) real-time PCR is developed as an alternative tool for the detection and differentiation of these 2 species. A primer pair was designed for targeting the 18S ribosomal RNA gene to generate PCR products of 156 base pairs for both species. The melting points of S. japonicum and S. mekongi PCR products were 84.5±0.07℃ and 85.7±0.07℃, respectively. The method permits amplification from a single cercaria or an egg. The HRM real-time PCR is a rapid and simple tool for differentiation of S. japonicum and S. mekongi in the intermediate and final hosts.  相似文献   
本文通过活体标本、连续切片、全封标本及扫描电镜观察了大陆品系日本血吸虫Schistosomajaponicum子胞蚴体内尾蚴发育期的形态。日本血吸虫尾蚴发育分为五期,即胚细胞期、胚球期、尾蚴雏体期、成熟前期和成熟期。与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴发育进行比较,日本血吸虫尾蚴在胚球期无极化现象;尾蚴雏体期的尾芽形态多非圆球形,尾叉形成较早。钻腺及焰细胞均在此期发生,较曼氏血吸虫尾蚴早。除了上述头器、头腺、钻腺、焰细胞及消化器官进一步发育外,体内散在胚细胞结集为生殖始基,体表感觉乳突分化与体尾肌细胞的发育,尾蚴从成熟前期过渡到成熟期。 电镜首次原位观察尾蚴发育在子胞蚴育腔内的自然状态。尽管偶尔可见到胞蚴体壁与胚元之间某些结构联系,但大部份的胚元各自独立混杂在育腔之中。此外尚注意到尾蚴体棘发生在成熟前期,但其密度较成熟尾蚴小,而其大小却比成熟尾蚴的大。尾蚴头器上感觉乳突和围褶可能先于内部腺体细胞的分化。  相似文献   
Hemozoin (Hz) is a heme crystal produced upon hemoglobin digestion as the main mechanism of heme disposal in several hematophagous organisms. Here, we show that, in the helminth Schistosoma mansoni, Hz formation occurs in extracellular lipid droplets (LDs). Transmission electron microscopy of adult worms revealed the presence of numerous electron-lucent round structures similar to LDs in gut lumen, where multicrystalline Hz assemblies were found associated to their surfaces. Female regurgitates promoted Hz formation in vitro in reactions partially inhibited by boiling. Fractionation of regurgitates showed that Hz crystallization activity was essentially concentrated on lower density fractions, which have small amounts of pre-formed Hz crystals, suggesting that hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces, and not Hz itself, play a key catalytic role in Hz formation in S. mansoni. Thus, these data demonstrate that LDs present in the gut lumen of S. mansoni support Hz formation possibly by allowing association of heme to the lipid-water interface of these structures.  相似文献   
In juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed to irradiated Echinostoma lindoense miracidia, the sporocysts migrated to the heart at the same speed as did nonirradiated sporocysts in control snails. However, in each snail so exposed to irradiated miracidia, amebocyte clumps in the snail's heart destroyed the sporocysts within 2–9 days post-exposure. This process induced a strong, highly specific resistance to homologous reinfection in these previously susceptible snails. The snails remained susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni and Paryphostomum segregatum (Echinostomatidae), but were partially resistant to Echinostoma paraensei and E. liei, two echinostome species closely related to E. lindoense.  相似文献   
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