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茶网蝽Stephanitis chinensis是一种为害春茶的重要害虫,本文研究了天敌军配盲蝽Stethoconus japonicus和南方小花蝽Orius similis对茶网蝽的捕食能力,为茶网蝽的生物防治提供科学依据。在室内开展军配盲蝽和南方小花蝽对茶网蝽3龄若虫的捕食功能反应和寻找效应以及南方小花蝽的种内干扰反应研究。结果表明军配盲蝽和南方小花蝽对茶网蝽3龄若虫的捕食功能反应均符合Holling Ⅱ型。军配盲蝽和南方小花蝽的捕食量与茶网蝽3龄若虫的密度呈正相关,但寻找效应与猎物密度呈负相关。南方小花蝽成虫、3龄若虫对茶网蝽3龄若虫的日最大捕食量(11.49头、12.82头)大于军配盲蝽成虫、3龄若虫(10.10头、6.41头);军配盲蝽成虫对茶网蝽的寻找效应高于其3龄若虫,而南方小花蝽3龄若虫的寻找效应高于成虫。南方小花蝽成虫、3龄若虫对茶网蝽3龄若虫的捕食作用均存在种内干扰反应,且符合Hassell模型,分别为E=0.4263P^-0.825和E=0.5234P^-0.762。综上研究结果,军配盲蝽和南方小花蝽对茶网蝽3龄若虫的捕食作用较强,均具有良好的生物防治潜能。  相似文献   
南方小花蝽对寄主植物的产卵选择性及其卵的保存条件   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
室内研究南方小花蝽Orius similis Zheng在9种产卵寄主植物(辣椒,豇豆,长寿花,迎春花,黄荆,绿豆芽,棉花,石莲花,太阳花)的嫩茎上的产卵量、孵化率及繁殖系数。结果表明,南方小花蝽对不同产卵植物具有显著的选择差异性。从产卵量看,对辣椒嫩枝选择性最强,其产卵量占总产卵量的23.4%;从孵化率看,产在迎春花嫩茎上的卵的孵化率最高;从繁殖系数看,辣椒嫩枝和迎春花嫩茎作为产卵植物的繁殖系数较高,分别为7.6和12.8;从辣椒嫩枝和迎春嫩茎上的繁殖系数的构成看,两者明显属于2种不同的类型,前者属于高着卵量、低存活率类型,后者属于低着卵量、高存活率类型。对南方小花蝽不同虫态进行了抗寒能力的测定,结果表明南方小花蝽卵的抗寒能力最强,成虫次之,1~2龄若虫最弱。在此基础上做了卵的低温保藏实验,结果表明要保证80%以上的孵化率,最佳保藏条件为8℃下保藏9天。  相似文献   
Rough lemon seedlings were grown in mycorrhizal-infested or phosphorus-amended soil (25 and 300 mg P/kg) in greenhouse experiments. Plants Were inoculated with the citrus burrowing nematode, Radopholus citrophilus (0, 50, 100, or 200 nematodes per pot). Six months later, mycorrhizal plants and nonmycorrhizal, high-P plants had larger shoot and root weights than did non-mycorrhizal, low-P plants. Burrowing nematode population densities were lower in roots of mycorrhizal or nonmycorrhizal, high-P plants than in roots of nonmycorrhizal, low-P plants; however, differences in plant growth between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants were not significant with respect to initial nematode inoculum densities. Phosphorus content in leaf tissue was significantly greater in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal, high-P plants compared with nonmycorrhizal, low-P plants. Nutrient concentrations of K, Mg, and Zn were unaffected by nematode parasitism, whereas P, Ca, Fe, and Mn were less in nematode-infected plants. Enhanced growth associated with root colonization by the mycorrhizal fungus appeared to result from improved P nutrition and not antagonism between the fungus and the nematode.  相似文献   
莫利锋  郅军锐  田甜 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7132-7139
利用小花蝽控制外来害虫西花蓟马越来越受到人们的重视。本文在室内研究了5种空间异质条件下南方小花蝽对西花蓟马的捕食作用,并研究了笼罩条件下4种比例释放南方小花蝽对西花蓟马的控制效果。结果表明,不同空间异质下,南方小花蝽对西花蓟马的功能反应均符合Holling Ⅱ圆盘方程;以瞬时攻击率和寻找效应为评价指标,发现南方小花蝽在小容器中的瞬时攻击率(a')最高,为0.9204,寻找效应最好;在大容器且空间异质最复杂的处理中的瞬时攻击率(a')最低,为0.6303,寻找效应最差。在笼罩条件下,以3:120和6:120比例释放南方小花蝽和西花蓟马,其控制效果差;以9:120的比例释放,5周后对西花蓟马成虫和若虫的控制效果分别达到74.70%和81.01%;以15:120比例释放,5周后对西花蓟马成虫和若虫的控制效果分别达到95.71%和89.02%。结果显示空间越小或异质性越简单,越利于南方小花蝽捕食西花蓟马。若实际生产中采用9:120的益害比例释放南方小花蝽,既可以达到对西花蓟马较好的控制效果,又相对节约成本。  相似文献   
【背景】相似穿孔线虫是一种重要的检疫性有害生物,其寄主范围广,危害具有毁灭性,已给我国农业生产造成潜在威胁。由于目前大多化学杀线剂毒性较高,筛选获得对相似穿孔线虫具有拮抗活性的微生物菌株对线虫防控具有重要意义。【方法】广泛从染病香蕉植株根际采集土壤样本,运用等比稀释涂布平板法分离菌株;采用摇瓶发酵法制备拮抗菌株上清液和发酵液。通过室内生物测定和盆栽试验,筛选出对相似穿孔线虫具有拮抗作用的细菌菌株,并通过16S rDNA的PCR扩增和序列分析,对拮抗菌株进行种类鉴定。【结果】获得5株对相似穿孔线虫具有较理想拮抗活性的细菌菌株。其中,菌株HD-86的作用效果最好,其发酵上清液处理24 h后的相似穿孔线虫死亡率达100%。盆栽试验表明,菌株HD-86发酵液处理42和70 d后对相似穿孔线虫的相对防效分别为77.34%和90.51%,均优于对照药剂阿维菌素。【结论与意义】菌株HD-86对相似穿孔线虫具有很强的拮抗作用,将其鉴定为洋葱伯克氏菌Burkholderia cepacia。本研究可为相似穿孔线虫生防制剂的研发和病害的防控提供依据。  相似文献   
Numbers of nematodes recovered per culture varied greatly among five species cultured on carrot disks. Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus vulnus showed the highest population densities, with 23,400-fold and 16,600-fold increases, respectively, in 90 days. Final populations of P. thornei and Zygotytenchus guevarai were similar but lower than those of R. similis and P. vulnus. The population of P. neglectus increased 74 times. Species with the greatest reproduction in this study reproduce sexually.  相似文献   
In a comparative histopathological investigation, Poyo and Gros Michel cul-tivars of Musa acuminata (AAA triploid) were inoculated with Radopholus similis, Helicotylenchus multicinctus or Hoplolaimus pararobustus and were grown in a greenhouse under tropical conditions. R. similis infected all the cortical parenchyma layers of the roots, reaching the vascular cylinder, but it stayed more superficial in Gros Michel roots. Red-brown cytoplasmic globules appeared in the cortical parenchyma cells of Gros Michel only. H. multicinctus infected much of the outer cortical parenchyma in roots of both cultivars with a few phenolic cells occurring around the superficial lesions. H. pararobustus penetrated only the immediate sub-epidermal tissues in both cultivars. The differences observed between nématodes and cultivars reflect specific host-nematode interactions on bananas.  相似文献   
The Freckled Nightjar Caprimulgus tristigma and the Blackish Nightjar C. nigrescens are widespread and common within their rupicolous habitat, in the Afrotropics and Neotropics respectively, and may therefore be considered as successful in their adaptation to this habitat, a niche that has not been exploited by any other nightjar species. However, apart from a plumage pattern that matches a rocky substrate, their known life histories provide no common factors to explain this adaptive success. The factors that they do share are common to most other nightjars. While they nest and roost on rocks, their breeding biology is remarkably different. The contrasts and lack of convergence are surprising, and suggest that these two species are not as closely related as their current congeneric status implies. This is supported by recent molecular studies that place the African and South American Caprimulgus species in different well-supported clades.  相似文献   
An in vitro bioassay with a 96-well microtiter plate was used to study the effect of lectins on burrowing nematode penetration of citrus roots. In each well, one 4-mm root segment, excised from the zone of elongation of rough lemon roots, was buried in 0.88 g dry sand. Addition of a Radopholus citrophilus suspension containing ca. 300 nematodes in 50 μ1 test solution completely moistened the sand in each well. The technique assured uniform treatment concentration throughout the medium. Within 16-24 hours, burrowing nematodes penetrated citrus root pieces, primarily through the cut ends. The lectins (100 μg/ml) Concanavalin A (Con A), soybean agglutinin (SBA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin (LOT) stimulated an increase in penetration of citrus root segments by Radopholus citrophilus. Concentrations as low as 12.5 μg/ml Con A, LOT, and WGA stimulated burrowing nematode penetration of citrus roots. Heat denaturation of the lectins reversed their effect on penetration; however, incubation of nematodes in lectin (25 μg/ml) with 25 mM competitive sugars did not. The reason for enhanced penetration associated with lectins is unclear.  相似文献   
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