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现有的分类系统尚缺乏可用于减少䶄属物种种间鉴定不确定性的形态学鉴别特征。鉴于此,本研究旨在筛选出能够对同域分布的棕背䶄(Myodes rufocanus), 红背䶄(M. rutilus)和堤岸䶄(M. glareolus)进行可靠鉴定的头骨形态指标和方法。为了达到以上目的,本文一方面筛选出能够用于种间鉴别的头骨和齿列形态特征,另一方面提出可用于鉴别以上三个物种的计算公式。对不同研究者提出来用于鉴别以上三个同域分布物种的35个特征进行筛选。头骨形态测量数据的获取需要花费较长的时间,而且结果变异很大。在本研究中,在分析中剔除15个形态特征,20个相对保守的特征被选择用于分析(包括来自头盖骨、牙齿和头骨其它部位的特征)。在20个特征中,有8个特征被选择出来,并使用Statistica 10 计算出判别公式。这些特征使准确鉴定不同个体各自所属种类成为可能。  相似文献   
该研究以采自新疆的100余份饼干衣属(Rinodina)地衣标本为研究材料,通过形态解剖特征观察、地衣化学成分分析以及分子生物学鉴定方法鉴定出9个种,包括2个中国新记录种——阿富汗饼干衣(Rinodina afghanica)和古氏饼干衣(Rinodina guzzinii),7个常见种分别是:包氏饼干衣(R. bohlinii)、毕氏饼干衣(R. bischoffii)、代谢饼干衣(R. metaboliza)、密果饼干衣(R. pycnocarpa)、特雷氏饼干衣(R. trevisanii)、甘肃饼干衣(R. straussii)和地生饼干衣(R. terrestris)。并提供了新疆饼干衣属地衣的分种检索表、每个物种的详细描述、新记录种的特征图片以及系统发育分析。  相似文献   
该研究以地涌金莲(黄色苞片型YN01和红色苞片型RD05)为材料,采用RACE技术克隆获得地涌金莲CCD8b基因的cDNA全长,进行氨基酸序列比对及系统进化树构建,并采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测MlCCD8b基因在不同地涌金莲类型和不同组织中的表达模式。结果表明:(1)序列分析显示,MlCCD8b的ORF全长1 671 bp,编码556个氨基酸,存在1个类胡萝卜素加氧酶家族的典型保守结构域RPE65,推测其相对分子量为61 574.26 Da,等电点6.61,亚细胞定位于叶绿体基质中的类囊体上,所编码的MlCCD8b蛋白为亲水性蛋白。(2)同源对比分析及构建系统进化树发现,地涌金莲MlCCD8b蛋白与小果野蕉亚种、凤梨等单子叶植物的CCD8b蛋白遗传关系最近。(3)荧光定量PCR检测结果表明,MlCCD8b在吸芽数量多的黄色苞片型YN01的所有组织中均有表达,而在吸芽数量少的红色苞片型RD05中,其苞片内未能检测到MlCCD8b的表达,但其他组织中皆有表达;MlCCD8b在2种类型地涌金莲中呈现一致的组织表达特异性,即在花序轴中的表达量最高,其次是吸芽芽点、根尖和叶片,在苞片中的表达量最低或不表达。(4)2种类型地涌金莲同一组织部位比较结果显示,RD05的花序轴、吸芽芽点、根尖和叶片中的MlCCD8b相对表达量分别是YN01的4.47、4.67、2.09和1.10倍。(5)利用高效液相色谱 串联质谱法测得RD05根尖部位的5 脱氧独脚金醇含量是YN01的15.57倍,与MlCCD8b在根尖的表达趋势一致。研究认为,MlCCD8b基因可能通过调控独角金内酯的合成,促进或抑制地涌金莲吸芽的萌生。该研究结果可为MlCCD8b基因的生物学功能研究提供依据,并为今后通过分子辅助育种调控MlCCD8b的表达,从而控制地涌金莲吸芽数量提供理论支持。  相似文献   
目的分析急性脑梗死并发肺部感染患者病原菌分布、病原菌耐药性、患者用药特征及其危险因素。方法选取2015年3月至2017年3月在我院急诊科进行住院治疗,且年龄60岁的急性脑梗死并发肺部感染患者60例为研究对象,对患者的一般资料及病原菌分布情况、耐药情况和患者用药情况进行分析。结果 60例患者中有30例出现肺部感染,感染率为50.00%。肺部感染患者中死亡4例。肺部感染患者痰液中共培养出28株病原菌,其中革兰阴性菌21株,革兰阳性菌5株,真菌2株。30例肺部感染患者共使用6种抗感染药物,其中哌拉西林/舒巴坦的使用频率最高,其次为依替米星及美罗培南。Logistic回归分析显示,病原菌分布、耐药情况和患者用药情况与患者的预后存在相关性。结论急性脑梗死并发肺部感染患者的病原菌分布、耐药情况及患者用药情况与患者的预后密切相关,应针对上述因素给予患者合理的治疗。  相似文献   
The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a marine mammal hunted to near extinction during the 1800s. Despite their well‐known modern importance as a keystone species, we know little about historical sea otter ecology. Here, we characterize the ecological niche of ancient southern sea otters (E. lutris nereis) using δ13C analysis and δ15N analysis of bones recovered from archaeological sites spanning ~7,000 to 350 years before present (N = 112 individuals) at five regions along the coast of California. These data are compared with previously published data on modern animals (N = 165) and potential modern prey items. In addition, we analyze the δ15N of individual amino acids for 23 individuals to test for differences in sea otter trophic ecology through time. After correcting for tissue‐specific and temporal isotopic effects, we employ nonparametric statistics and Bayesian niche models to quantify differences among ancient and modern animals. We find ancient otters occupied a larger isotopic niche than nearly all modern localities; likely reflecting broader habitat and prey use in prefur trade populations. In addition, ancient sea otters at the most southerly sites occupied an isotopic niche that was more than twice as large as ancient otters from northerly regions. This likely reflects greater invertebrate prey diversity in southern California relative to northern California. Thus, we suggest the potential dietary niche of sea otters in southern California could be larger than in central and northern California. At two sites, Año Nuevo and Monterey Bay, ancient otters had significantly higher δ15N values than modern populations. Amino acid δ15N data indicated this resulted from shifting baseline isotope values, rather than a change in sea otter trophic ecology. Our results help in better understanding the contemporary ecological role of sea otters and exemplify the strength of combing zooarchaeological and biological information to provide baseline data for conservation efforts.  相似文献   
Madagascar is home to 208 indigenous palm species, almost all of them endemic and >80% of which are endangered. We undertook complete population census and sampling for genetic analysis of a relatively recently discovered giant fan palm, the Critically Endangered Tahina spectablis in 2008 and 2016. Our 2016 study included newly discovered populations and added to our genetic study. We incorporated these new populations into species distribution niche model (SDM) and projected these onto maps of the region. We developed population matrix models based on observed demographic data to model population change and predict the species vulnerability to extinction by undertaking population viability analysis (PVA). We investigated the potential conservation value of reintroduced planted populations within the species potential suitable habitat. We found that the population studied in 2008 had grown in size due to seedling regeneration but had declined in the number of reproductively mature plants, and we were able to estimate that the species reproduces and dies after approximately 70 years. Our models suggest that if the habitat where it resides continues to be protected the species is unlikely to go extinct due to inherent population decline and that it will likely experience significant population growth after approximately 80 years due to the reproductive and life cycle attributes of the species. The newly discovered populations contain more genetic diversity than the first discovered southern population which is genetically depauperate. The species appears to demonstrate a pattern of dispersal leading to isolated founder plants which may eventually lead to population development depending on local establishment opportunities. The conservation efforts currently put in place including the reintroduction of plants within the species potential suitable habitat if maintained are thought likely to enable the species to sustain itself but it remains vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   
Tooth shape is used to differentiate between morphologically similar species of vertebrates, including fish. This study aimed to quantify tooth shape of three sympatric species: Haplochromis kamiranzovu, H. insidiae, and H. astatodon endemic to Lake Kivu, whose existing identification criteria are currently only qualitative. A quantitative tooth shape analysis was performed based on digitized tooth outline data with a subsequent elliptic Fourier analysis to test for differences among the three species. We looked at crown shape and size differences within H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae at geographical, habitat, and gender levels. No comparison at habitat level was done for H. astatodon because it is found only in littoral zone. The analysis revealed significant tooth shape differences among the three species. Haplochromis astatodon had a significantly longer major cusp height and a longer and larger minor cusp than that of H. insidiae. It had also a longer major cusp height and a longer and larger minor cusp than that of H. kamiranzovu. Tooth shape differences of H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae species were not significantly different between littoral and pelagic fish (p > .05) while differences were significant between southern and northern Lake Kivu populations (p < .05). Tooth sizes in H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae were significantly different, both in height and width as well as in their ratios, and this was true at sex and geographic levels (p < .05), but not at habitat level (p > .05). Tooth shape was also significantly different with sharp teeth for males compared with females of southern populations versus northern ones. These shape‐ and size‐related differences between sexes suggest differences in the foraging strategies toward available food resources in the lake habitat. Further research should explain the genetic basis of the observed pattern.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe voice is a prominent tool allowing people to communicate and to change information in their daily activities. However, any slight alteration in the voice production system may affect the voice quality. Over the last years, researchers in biomedical engineering field worked to develop a robust automatic system that may help clinicians to perform a preventive diagnosis in order to detect the voice pathologies in an early stage.MethodIn this context, pathological voice detection and classification method based on EMD-DWT analysis and Higher Order Statistics (HOS) features, is proposed. Also DWT coefficients features are extracted and tested. To carry out our experiments a wide subset of voice signal from normal subjects and subjects which suffer from the five most frequent pathologies in the Saarbrücken Voice Database (SVD), is selected. In The first step, we applied the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to the voice signal. Afterwards, among the obtained candidates of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), we choose the robust one based on temporal energy criterion. In the second step, the selected IMF was decomposed via the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). As a result, two features vector includes six HOSs parameters, and a features vector includes six DWT features were formed from both approximation and detail coefficients. In order to classify the obtained data a support vector machine (SVM) is employed. After having trained the proposed system using the SVD database, the system was evaluated using voice signals of volunteer's subjects from the Neurological department of RABTA Hospital of Tunis.ResultsThe proposed method gives promising results in pathological voices detection. The accuracies reached 99.26% using HOS features and 93.1% using DWT features for SVD database. In the classification, an accuracy of 100% was reached for “Funktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekrrensparese” based on HOS features. Nevertheless, using DWT features the accuracy achieved was 90.32% for “Hyperfunktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekurrensparse”. Furthermore, in the validation the accuracies reached were 94.82%, 91.37% for HOS and DWT features, respectively. In the classification the highest accuracies reached were for classifying “Parkinson versus Paralysis” 94.44% and 88.87% based on HOS and DWT features, respectively.ConclusionHOS features show promising results in the automatic voice pathology detection and classification compared to DWT features. Thus, it can reliably be used as noninvasive tool to assist clinical evaluation for pathological voices identification.  相似文献   
Changed fire regimes and the introduction of rabbits, cats, foxes, and large exotic herbivores have driven widespread ecological catastrophe in Australian arid and semi‐arid zones, which encompass over two‐thirds of the continent. These threats have caused the highest global mammal extinction rates in the last 200 years, as well as significantly undermining social, economic, and cultural practices of Aboriginal peoples of this region. However, a new and potentially more serious threat is emerging. Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) is a globally significant invader now widespread across central Australia, but the threat this ecological transformer species poses to biodiversity, ecosystem function, and culture has received relatively little attention. Our analyses suggest threats from buffel grass in arid and semi‐arid areas of Australia are at least equivalent in magnitude to those posed by invasive animals and possibly higher, because unlike these more recognized threats, buffel has yet to occupy its potential distribution. Buffel infestation also increases the intensity and frequency of wildfires that affect biodiversity, cultural pursuits, and productivity. We compare the logistical and financial challenges of creating and maintaining areas free of buffel for the protection of biodiversity and cultural values, with the creation and maintenance of refuges from introduced mammals or from large‐scale fire in natural habitats. The scale and expense of projected buffel management costs highlight the urgent policy, research, and financing initiatives essential to safeguard threatened species, ecosystems, and cultural values of Aboriginal people in central Australia.  相似文献   
Chickpea contains high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals. Acceptable chickpea yield is the result of meeting nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. The effect of appropriately meeting such requirements reflects on growth and can easily be evaluated using growth analysis. This research determined: (a) The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on phenology, net assimilation rate, number of green leaves, leaf area, leaf area index and leaf area duration; (b) Green chickpea yield and number of pods due to fertilization; and (c) The combination of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization that yields the most net revenue. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization was evaluated; each at the doses of 0, 75 and 150 kg ha–1 (N0, N75, N150; P0, P75 and P150, respectively). The combination of the levels of both nutrients generated nine combinations of treatments which were distributed in the field in a randomized complete block design in an arrangement of divided plots with four repetitions. Timing of phenological phases were similar among treatments. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization increased number of leaves, leaf area index, and leaf area duration that translated into increased green chickpea yield (GCY). Combinations N150-P75 and N150-P150 produced the highest GCY. The highest net revenue and revenue per peso invested was obtained with N150-P75.  相似文献   
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