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A radioimmunoassay technique for indole-3-acetic acid is described. The method has successfully been used to measure extractable indole-3-acetic acid in fungal and plant materials and is able to detect as little as 0.3 pmol. As non-radioactive antigen the methyl ester of indole-3-acetic acid is used and the radioactive antigen is tritiated. An acid-catalyzed esterification of indole-3-acetic acid is used for conversion into methyl ester. The measuring range of the assay is 0.3–10 pmol. In the assay, separation of free and bound fractions is achieved by dextran-coated charcoal, leaving the bound fraction in the supernatant.  相似文献   
Summary Our field surveys conducted in 10 Hungarian grape producing areas have revealed that the nutrient contents of vine leaves of different grape varieties were closely correlated with the EUF-nutrient contents of different soil types with different contents of clay. Resulting from these relationships the following EUF-nutrient values are considered as required for optimal nutrition of the vine-stock to attain grape yields of 10–12 t/ha in the areas under investigation:  相似文献   
J. Loch 《Plant and Soil》1985,83(1):77-83
Summary On the basis of pot experiments carried out on soils with different Mg contents using ryegrass, it could be established that Mg uptake by ryegrass is closely related to Mg in the EUF extracts. The Mg contents in the EUF extracts are therefore suitable indices of actually and potentially available Mg in soils.The ratio between Mg in the EUF extracts and Mg deposited on the electrode + filter varies. The absolute amount of Mg in the EUF extracts increases with increasing Mg content of the soils. The higher, however, the total desorbable Mg the lower are the Mg contents in the EUF extracts in comparison with the Mg contents deposited on electrode + filter. Besides total desorbable Mg the EUF-Mg fractions are influenced as well by the organic and inorganic CEC and by soil pH. The amount of EUF filtrate flowing through filter and electrode also has an influence on the amount of Mg in the EUF filtrate.Consequently for a proper evaluation of available soil Mg total EUF-Mg (Mg in the EUF filtrate + Mg deposited on electrode + filter) should be used.  相似文献   
Allozyme profiles of eastern weevils (Beltsville, Maryland; Washington Co., Illinois), western weevils (Logan and St. George, Utah), and Egyptian weevils (Yuma, Arizona; Westmorland, California) were compiled by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Twenty-two gene loci from 12 enzymes (ACPH, ADH, AMY, AO, EST, GOT, G-6PDH, MDH, ME, SOD, TYR, XDH) were analyzed. Mean heterozygosity of these populations was 0.231, with an average proportion of polymorphic loci of 0.536. The mean genetic distance of all weevil populations was 0.033 and the fixation index was 0.024. Diagnostic loci were found which could distinguish western weevils from eastern and Egyptian weevils. The small genetic distance between the eastern and Egyptian weevils suggests that they may be the same strain and are certainly different from the western weevil strain. Based on this and other evidence, we conclude that all weevil strains in the United States are Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), and that the use of H. brunneipennis (Boheman) for the Egyptian alfalfa weevil of North America should be discontinued.
Résumé Les allozymes d'Hypera de l'est des USA (Beltsville, Maryland; Washington Co., Illinois), de l'ouest des USA (Logan et St Georges, Utah) et égyptiens (Yuma, Arizona; Westmorland, Californie) ont été analysés par électrophorèse sur gel d'acrylamide. L'étude a porté sur 22 loci de 12 enzymes (ACPH, ADH, AMY, AO, EST, GOT, G-6PDH, MDH, ME, SOD, TYR, XDH). L'hétérozygotie moyenne de la population était 0.231, avec une moyenne de loci polymorphes de 0.536. La distance génétique moyenne de l'ensemble des populations était de 0.033 et l'indice de fixation de 0.024. Des loci caractéristiques ont été trouvés qui pourraient permettre de distinguer les Hypera occidentaux des orientaux et des égyptiens. La faible distance génétique entre les Hypera orientaux et égyptiens suggère qu'ils appartiennent à la même souche et sont certainement différents des occidentaux. A partir de cela et d'autres éléments, nous concluons que tous les Hypera des USA sont H. postica Gyllenhal et que l'utilisation d'H. brunneipennis Boheman pour désigner les Hypera égyptiens d'Amérique du Nord doit être abandonnée.
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):170-184
The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) have been characterized using clonal analysis, an approach that provides unequivocal evidence of cell lineage. Our results indicate that the tobacco leaf arises from a group of around 100 cells in the shoot apical meristem. Each of these cells contributes to a unique longitudinal section of the axis and transverse section of the lamina. This pattern of cell lincage indicates that primordial cells contribute more or less equally to the growth of the axis, in contrast to the more traditional view of leaf development in which the leaf is pictured as arising from a group of apical initials. Clones induced prior to the initiation of the lamina demonstrate that the subepidermal layer of the lamina arises from at least six files of cells. Submarginal cells usually divide with their spindles parallel to the margin, and therefore contribute relatively little to the transverse expansion of the lamina. During the expansion of the lamina the orientation and frequency of cell division are highly regulated, as is the duration of meristematic growth. Initially, cell division is polarized so as to produce lineages that are at an oblique angle to the midrib; later cell division is in alternating perpendicular planes. The distribution of clones generated by irradiation at various stages of development indicates that cell division ceases at the tip of the leaf when the leaf is about one tenth its final size, and then ceases in progressively more basal regions of the lamina. Variation in the mutation frequency within the lamina reflects variation in the frequency of mitosis. Prior to the mergence of the leaf the frequency of mutation is maximal near the tip of the leaf and extremely low at its base; after emergence, the frequency of mutation increases at the base of the leaf. In any given region of the lamina the frequency of mutation is highest in interveinal regions, and is relatively low near the margin. Thus, both the orientation and frequency of cell division at the leaf margin indicate that this region plays a minor role in the growth of the lamina.Abbreviation MF mutation frequency  相似文献   
Summary Electrophoresis of 7 pollen enzymes was applied to 5 progenies from controlled crosses and one self-progeny of apple. Segregation data were examined according to three kinds of hypotheses: monogenic disomic, bigenic disomic and tetrasomic inheritance Twenty codominant alleles and a recessive null were identified. Results provided evidence of bigenic disomic inheritance in most cases: 6 pairs of homoeologous loci carrying identical homoeoalleles were revealed; only 2 enzymes exhibited a simple monogenic control. Preferential pairing between pairs of homologous chromosomes in meiosis can be postulated. These results indicated an allopolyploid origin of apple genome. Fixed heterozygosity occurred for several enzymes, which is a typical feature of allopolyploidy. Loss of duplicate gene expression can account for the monogenic control of 2 of the enzymes.The results reported in this paper are part of a thesis by the first author for the degree of Docteur Ingénieur  相似文献   
Regeneration of peach plants from callus derived from immature embryos   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Peach plants were repeatedly regenerated from immature embryos but not from callus derived from mature embryos. A white, nodular, highly regenerative callus was obtained when friable, primary callus from immature embryos was transferred from medium containing 4.5 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.44 M benzyladenine (BA) to media containing 0.27 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 2.2 M BA. This callus retained its morphogenetic potential for a minimum of three subcultures. Green nodular callus, that lacked regenerative capacity, was produced from primary callus derived from mature embryos. Maximum regeneration of shoots occurred when highly regenerative callus was transferred to a medium in which the NAA concentration was reduced five times and the BA concentration was increased two times. Regenerated shoots were rooted in the dark on a medium containing 28.5 M indoleacetic acid. Cytogenetic analysis of regenerated plants indicated that all plants were diploid, 2n = 2x = 16. Phenotypic evaluation of regenerated plants, grown under field conditions, is now in progress.  相似文献   
The Scatchard plot in a radioreceptor assay depends upon the definition of specific binding and the quality of the iodinated hormone used. Iodination of protein hormones may alter it so that it no longer binds to the receptor and methods are available to measure the extent of this inactivation. When appropriate corrections are made for specific binding and the amount of inactive iodinated hormone in an assay, both qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in estimates of binding capacity and affinity in some well characterised hormone receptor systems. Theoretical predictions derived from Scatchard analysis of irreversible unimolecular hormone-receptor interactions were applicable, both qualitatively and quantitatively to two irreversible hormone-receptor systems. A method described permits a more accurate estimate of capacity from radioreceptor assay data.  相似文献   
K Mise  K Nakajima 《Gene》1985,36(3):363-367
A new restriction endonuclease, EcoO109, has been isolated from Escherichia coli H709c by polyethyleneimine (PEI) precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and heparin agarose chromatography. The yield was high, more than 3000 units/g of wet cells. The EcoO109 endonuclease recognizes and cleaves a nucleotide sequence of (formula: see text), in the presence of 10 mM Mg2+. The enzyme will be useful for structural analysis and molecular cloning of DNA because of the stability, high yield and easy handling of the producer strain.  相似文献   
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