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Collaborative studies have identified some genetic factors contributing to the development of severe forms of malaria and schistosomiasis. In Thailand, the TNF-alpha 5'-flanking region shows biallelic polymorphic sites at nucleotides -238, -308, -857, -863, and -1031, and seven alleles have been identified in patients from Myanmar. We found that the TNF promoter (TNFP)-D allele was significantly associated with cerebral malaria in populations from Karen (P < 0.0001, OR = 124.86) and ethnic Burma (P < 0.0001, OR = 34.50). In China, we have identified two major genes related to the severity of liver fibrosis, one an HLA class II gene, and the other the IL-13 gene. The frequency of the HLA-DRB5*0101 allele and that of the IL-13 promoter A/A (IL-13P- A/A) genotype were elevated in fibrotic patients, although the two genes are located on different chromosomes, chromosomes 6p and 5q, respectively. Subjects with both genotypes had odds ratios (OR = 24.5) much higher than the sum of the ratios for each individual genotype (OR = 5.1, 95% Confidence Interval 1.3-24.7 for HLA-DRB5*0101, OR = 3.1 95% CI 1.5 - 6.5 for IL-13P- A/A). That the effects of the two susceptibility markers are synergistic rather than additive, strongly suggests that the pathogenic Th2 response directly influences the prognosis of post-schistosomal liver fibrosis.  相似文献   
Rotenone decreases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and lowers rates of hepatocellular proliferation. In an effort to delineate mechanisms involved, the in vivo effect of rotenone on liver mitochondrial metabolism, apoptotic machinery as well as elements of the hepatic signal transduction pathways were investigated. Mitochondria from livers of male B6C3F1 mice fed a standard diet containing 600 ppm rotenone for 7 days were uncoupled or inhibited when succinate or glutamate plus malate were used as the substrate, respectively. These livers also showed a significant increase in apoptosis compared with control livers. Furthermore, rotenone increased the expression of c-myc mRNA to 5-fold of control values within 3 days, an effect which was still observed (3-fold) after 7 days. Levels of p53 mRNA were also increased 3-fold after 1 day, but declined to control levels by 7 days. Rotenone also caused a transient, yet marked increase in liver particulate glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) protein expression, while it did not alter the expression of the cytosolic form of the enzyme. Conversely, mRNA of the proto-oncogene H-ras showed a decline of 35% after 3 days of rotenone treatment, and remained diminished for the duration of the experiment. These data suggest that rotenone may act as an anticancer agent by diminishing mitochondrial bioenergetics which prevents basal hepatocyte proliferation and lowers the threshold for liver cells with DNA damage to undergo apoptosis.  相似文献   
Effects of fasting on hepatic catecholamine receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M F El-Refai  T M Chan 《FEBS letters》1982,146(2):397-402
Obesity and its associated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have become epidemic medical problems worldwide; however, the current available therapeutic options are limited. Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) has recently emerged as an attractive target for obesity treatment. Here we demonstrate that isotschimgine (ITG), a constituent in genus Ferula, as a novel FXR agonist with anti-obesity and anti-hepatic steatosis effects. The results showed that ITG activated the FXR transactivity and bound with the ligand binding dormain (LBD) of FXR with gene reporter assays and AlphaScreen assays. In high-fat diet-induced obese (DIO) mice, ITG lowered body weight and fat mass, improved insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. Mechanistic studies showed that ITG altered the expression levels of FXR downstream genes, lipid synthesis and energy metabolism genes in the liver of mice. Our findings suggest that ITG is a novel FXR agonist and may be a potential therapeutic choice for obesity associated with NAFLD.  相似文献   
When purified subcellular fractions were prepared from rat liver and assayed for dolichol kinase activity using pig liver dolichol as a substrate, the microsomes were found to contain the highest specific activity and greater than 75% of the total actvity. With regard to substrate specificity, the microsomal enzyme showed a marked preference for saturation of the α-isoprene: dolichol-16 and -19 were 2.5-fold more active than the corresponding polyprenols. For a given class of prenol, the 16 and 19 isoprenologs exhibited similar activity, whereas the 11 isoprenolog appeared less active. The enzyme was twice as active against the naturally occurring polyprenol-16 (α-cis-isoprene) compared to synthetic α-trans-polyprenol-16. Taken together, the data indicate that the α-isoprene specificity follows the order: saturated>cis>trans. In addition, all-trans-2,3-dihydrosolanesol was not a substrate, suggesting that at least one cis isoprene residue is required.  相似文献   
The activities of mitochondrial type A and B monoamine oxidase were determined in the liver of rats fed a diet containing 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF). Three days after the initiation of AAF-feeding, there was a significant decrease of type B monoamine oxidase activity without affect on type A enzyme. The decreased activity of type B monoamine oxidase, which reached a minimum after three weeks, was sustained for as long as AAF-feeding was continued. Sex-related difference in response to AAF was seen in the rat with respect to the onset and the intensity of the decreased type B monoamine oxidase activity, male rats being more sensitive to the carcinogen than female rats. In contrast to the in vivo effect, AAF showed a potent inhibitory effect on type A monoamine oxidase, rather than on type B enzyme, when added in vitro. The pI50 values were estimated to be 7.5 against type A monoamine oxidase and 4.1 against type B enzyme, respectively. The in vitro inhibition of both types of monoamine oxidase by AAF was competitive. The Ki values for AAF were calculated to be 9.51 · 10?9 M for type A monoamine oxidase and 1.30 · 10?5 M for type B enzyme, respectively. In accordance with the potent inhibitory effect of AAF on type A monoamine oxidase in vitro, a single administration of the carcinogen, at a dose of 50 mg/kg, resulted in a marked and temporal decrease of the enzyme activity in the mitochondria of male rat liver. Recovery of the decreased type B monoamine oxidase activity was slow, and the enzyme activity did not return to control levels, even if rats were fed the basal diet for 2 or 4 weeks after the cessation of AAF-feeding.  相似文献   
The active site metal in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase has been studied by metal-directed affinity labeling of the native zinc(II) enzyme and that substituted with cobalt(II) or cadmium(II). Reversible binding of bromoimidazolyl propionic acid to the cobalt enzyme blueshifts the visible absorption band originating from the catalytic cobalt atom at 655 to 630 nm. Binding of imidazole to the cobalt(II) enzyme redshifts the 655 nm band to 667 nm. Addition of bromoimidazolyl propionic acid blueshifts this 667 nm band back to 630 nm. This proves direct binding of the label to the active site metal in competition with imidazole. The affinity of the label for the reversible binding site in the three enzymes follows the order Zn ? Cd ? Co. After reversible complex formation, bromoimidazolyl propionic acid alkylates cysteine-46, one of the protein ligands to the active site metal. The nucleophilic reactivity of this metal-mercaptide bond in each reversible complex follows the order Co ? Zn ? Cd.  相似文献   
This study was designed to determine the protective effects of zinc on the hepatotoxicity induced by nickel in rats. Female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats received either nickel sulfate alone in the dose of 800 mg/L nickel in drinking water, zinc sulfate alone in the dose of 227 mg/L zinc in drinking water, and nickel plus zinc or drinking water alone for a total duration of 8 wk. The effects of different treatments were studied on activities of rat liver marker enzymes like alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferases (AST) and on the status of essential elements in rat liver. The study revealed a significant increase in the activities of enzymes ALP and ALT in rats subjected to nickel treatment. Interestingly, zinc supplementation to rats treated with nickel brought back the raised activities of these enzymes to within normal limits. Further, the levels of elements in liver that include zinc, copper, selenium, and potassium were found to be significantly suppressed following nickel treatment, whereas the levels of iron and sulfur were elevated. However, zinc treatment alone did not cause any appreciable change in the concentration of these elements. To the contrary, when zinc was given to nickel-treated rats, the concentrations of zinc, copper, potassium, and phosphorus were not significantly different from that of normal controls, whereas the levels of iron, selenium, and sulfur were improved in comparison to nickel-treated rats but were not within the normal limits. The present study concludes that zinc has the ability to maintain the levels of hepatic elements and has bearing in regulating the liver functions by maintaining the activities of marker enzymes in conditions of nickel toxicity.  相似文献   
NAFLD is an important public health issue closely associated with the pervasive epidemics of diabetes and obesity. Yet, despite NAFLD being among the most common of chronic liver diseases, the biological factors responsible for its transition from benign nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) to NASH remain unclear. This lack of knowledge leads to a decreased ability to find relevant animal models, predict disease progression, or develop clinical treatments. In the current study, we used multiple mouse models of NAFLD, human correlation data, and selective gene overexpression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StarD1) in mice to elucidate a plausible mechanistic pathway for promoting the transition from NAFL to NASH. We show that oxysterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7B1) controls the levels of intracellular regulatory oxysterols generated by the “acidic/alternative” pathway of cholesterol metabolism. Specifically, we report data showing that an inability to upregulate CYP7B1, in the setting of insulin resistance, results in the accumulation of toxic intracellular cholesterol metabolites that promote inflammation and hepatocyte injury. This metabolic pathway, initiated and exacerbated by insulin resistance, offers insight into approaches for the treatment of NAFLD.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the use of multiple proteases (trypsin, LysC, tandem LysC/trypsin) on both protein identification and quantification in the Lys‐labeled SILAC mouse liver. Our results show that trypsin and tandem LysC/trypsin digestion are superior to LysC in peptides and protein identification while LysC shows advantages in quantification of Lys‐labeled proteins. Combination of experimental results from different proteases (LysC and trypsin) enabled a significant increase in the number of identified protein and protein can be quantified. Thus, taking advantage of the complementation of different protease should be a good strategy to improve both qualitative and quantitative proteomics research.  相似文献   
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