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在春季—冻融交替时期,以北京地区迎春、金叶女贞、小花溲疏等9种落叶及半常绿小灌木一年生枝条为试材,通过人工模拟降温,测定其在4~-20℃低温胁迫下的6个生理响应指标,并对各指标进行相关性分析。结果表明,相对电导率、半致死温度、游离-脯氨酸含量和相对含水量这4个生理指标可作为9种小灌木抗寒性的评价指标。利用主成分分析、隶属函数法进行抗寒性综合评价,发现9种小灌木的抗寒性强弱顺序为:小花溲疏紫叶小檗太平花红王子锦带迎春连翘金叶女贞棣棠金山绣线菊。通过聚类分析可将9种小灌木分为3类,小花溲疏和紫叶小檗归为一类,其抗寒性相对较好;太平花、红王子锦带、迎春和连翘聚成一组,抗寒性一般;金叶女贞、棣棠和金山绣线菊聚在一起,抗寒性相对较差。  相似文献   
系统调查沟眶象Eucryptorrhynchus chinensis(Olivier)在宁夏灵武市的发生情况和特点发现:沟眶象以成虫和幼虫在土壤中越冬,成虫有2个发生高峰期,越冬结束后以成虫越冬的沟眶象出土出现第1个高峰期,以幼虫越冬的沟眶象经化蛹羽化出土出现第2个高峰期;幼虫危害臭椿根部形成的瘤状物可以作为鉴别沟眶象危害的特征;沟眶象幼虫在土壤中垂直分布范围集中在0~45 cm深土层,约占80%;成虫出土孔集中在距臭椿树干基部75 cm范围内,占88%。据此建议土壤施药化学防治沟眶象时,施药深度不宜低于45 cm,施药点距树干基部水平距离不得少于75 cm,且树周各个方向均需施药。每年10月末沟眶象开始"入土"、翌年4月末开始"出土",在沟眶象"入土"结束后但未冻土之前的11中旬和土壤解冻之后但尚未"出土"前的4月中旬,这两个时期土壤施药防治效果较好;防治沟眶象的同时,还应适时采取打孔注药、熏蒸等措施防治臭椿(Ailanthus altissima(Mill.)Swingle)树干内的臭椿沟眶象Eucryptorrhynchus brandti(Harold)。  相似文献   
被动式夜间增温设施设计及其增温效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了建立一套简便节能的野外夜间增温设施,参照国际上夜间被动式增温系统(passive nighttime warming, PNW),在江苏丹阳设计了稻麦系统夜间被动式增温设施.结果表明:该系统可以保证15.75 m2的有效采样区域,温度增幅均匀,水稻冠层全生育期夜间平均温度升高1.1 ℃,冬小麦冠层和5 cm土层全生育期夜间平均温度分别提高1.3 ℃和0.8 ℃;该增温系统在运行期间,水稻和冬小麦全生育期的冠层和土壤温度的日变化趋势与非增温对照区基本一致.该系统使麦田土壤含水量略微降低,但对小麦生长的影响不明显.将该系统在我国水稻和冬小麦主要产区应用时发现,该夜间增温系统可以使水稻和冬小麦始花期分别平均提前3 d和5 d.该系统的增温效果在不同区域和季节存在一定的差异,但综合考虑该系统的增温均匀性和增温区域有效性,及其对稻麦生育期的影响效果,该设施不仅节能,而且可以满足野外增温试验研究的基本要求.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of temperature, light, and post-harvest period, and their interactions, on seed germination ecology of four common pasture species in the Mediterranean environment. Mature seeds of Diplotaxis erucoides, Hirschfeldia incana, Hyoseris scabra (Mediterranean distribution) and Sonchus oleraceus (cosmopolitan distribution) were subjected to seven constant temperatures (10–40°C, at intervals of 5°C) under continuous darkness, or a 12 h/12 h light/dark photoperiod at 30, 150 and 270 days after harvest (DAH). Cumulative germination and germination speed were determined. In all the tested species, except S. oleraceus, light significantly enhanced germination. S. oleraceus seeds maintained germination values over 90%, in a wide range of temperatures (10–35°C), in the dark as well as in light. Seeds of H. incana germinated well soon after seed dispersal. In D. erucoides and H. scabra, germination increased with storage period, while in S. oleraceus there was no effect of seed age. In all the species, moreover, no germination was recorded at 40°C. Temperature, light, and post- harvest requirement may be regarded as an adaptation strategy to ensure optimal conditions for seedling development and survival in Mediterranean species, while the species with a cosmopolitan distribution germinates under almost all tested conditions.  相似文献   
宋鹤  姜亚峰  赵凤  吕明婕  丁肖英 《生物磁学》2011,(15):2935-2937
目的:探讨早产儿发生的围产期高危因素及并发症。方法:收集我院2006.1—2009.12出生的早产儿183例的临床资料,总结其早产的相关围产期高危因素及并发症。结果:胎膜早破、多胎妊娠、妊娠高血压综合征是早产发生的主要原因;早产儿的主要并发症为肺炎和颅内出血等。结论:加强围生期保健,早期干预各种围产期高危因素,积极防治早产儿各种并发症,是提高早产儿存活率降低致残率的关键。  相似文献   
环青海湖地区天然草地时序光谱特征参量分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张风丽  尹球  匡定波  李凤霞  周秉荣 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3155-3160
获取了环青海湖地区4类主要天然草地2003年5~10月共16个时相的地面高分辨率光谱数据,并利用植被指数技术、导数光谱技术、植被光谱维特征提取模型及包络线归一化技术提取了多个光谱特征参量,通过对各参量在生育期内分布规律的分析,给出了能较好地表征草地生长发育规律时序特征参量的具体分布;最后计算了4类天然草地各时序特征参量的平均散度,结果表明黄边位置λY、红边位置λV、红边斜率SV、绿峰半高宽wλG、红谷半高宽wλR、去包络红谷净面积AR'和归一化植被指数NDV I对于天然草地分类更有效。  相似文献   
我国丹顶鹤栖息地选择研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)是我国Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,被世界自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。本研究通过搜集和整理2000至2017年丹顶鹤栖息地选择和生境适宜性相关文献,分析了丹顶鹤在繁殖期、迁徙期、越冬期的栖息地选择,发现丹顶鹤在这三个时期的最偏好生境均为芦苇沼泽或芦苇滩,回避人为干扰较为严重的居民点、道路、盐田等生境。通过梳理丹顶鹤繁殖地、中途停歇地、越冬地的栖息地变化及其原因,发现丹顶鹤栖息地变化是自然因素和人为因素共同驱动的结果,以人为因素为主。本研究希望为科学评价栖息地变化对丹顶鹤野生种群的影响、针对性地开展栖息地保护管理工作、促进丹顶鹤野生种群健康可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   
Spruce beetle populations (Dendroctonus rufipennis) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) stands were monitored at twelve sites for 6 years in northern Colorado using pheromone‐baited Lindgren funnel traps. During the trapping period, over 30,000 beetles were captured, and beetle abundance data were used to construct empirical models of trap capture phenology based on day of year, accumulation of thermal units and thermal day thresholds, with the goal of informing future regional trapping efforts and producing a simple model for use by forest managers. Ordinal day models outperformed thermal accumulation and thermal threshold models in both predictive power and parsimony. Mean date of earliest capture was Day 153 (June 2) and ranged from Day 126 to Day 161 (May 6–June 10), and mean date of final capture was Day 243 (August 31) and ranged from Day 220 to Day 286 (August 8–October 13). A two‐parameter logistic function was the most parsimonious of several ordinal day models, accounting for 81% of the variance in cumulative trap capture across all sites and dates. The model predicts 50% of trap captures to occur by Day 181 (June 30). This model has application as a decision support tool for forest ecosystem managers concerned with the timing of trap deployment or D. rufipennis mitigation treatments.  相似文献   
X. Ma  P. Li  Q. Zhang  L. He  G. Su  Y. Huang  Z. Lu  W. Hu  H. Ding  R. Huang 《Animal genetics》2019,50(4):326-333
Embryonic survival rate, an important factor in the fecundity of sows, is affected by endometrium‐secreting histotroph. A higher concentration of calcium ion has been observed in the uterus of highly prolific Erhualian sows (EH) compared with those of less prolific (EL) sows. This suggests that EH sows have better establishment and maintenance of pregnancies, thus increasing embryonic survival rate during the peri‐implantation period. To understand the mechanisms of how the endometrium‐secreting histotroph affects embryonic survival rate during the Erhualian peri‐implantation period, the expression patterns of endometrial mRNA in the EH and EL sows on day 12 of gestation were analyzed using RNA sequencing technology. A total of 164 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified (Padj < 0.05, |log2(FC)| ≥ 1), including 46 upregulated and 118 downregulated genes in EH compared to EL. Gene Ontology enrichment indicated that a subset of DEGs was involved in calcium ion binding and cell adhesion. Solute carrier family 8 member A3 and solute carrier family 24 member 4, identified as upregulated genes (Padj < 0.05) in EH, were considered key candidate genes expressed in the endometrium affecting embryonic survival rate during the peri‐implantation period. The results improve understanding of the genetic mechanism underlying the variation in litter size of Erhualian pigs during the peri‐implantation period.  相似文献   
Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles (Elateridae), are difficult to manage due to their habitats and behaviour. Wireworms pose a major threat to the wheat crop in the north‐western USA. Seed treatment with neonicotinoids, biological control management and some cultural controls are recommended to manage these pests. Trap cropping is an emerging way to manage wireworms. In strawberry and potato crops, trap cropping has been found effective at attracting wireworms away from the principal crop. An earlier study in the Golden Triangle area of Montana found that pea and lentil could be effective trap crops for managing wireworms in spring wheat. In the present study, experiments were conducted at two locations. The effectiveness of peas and lentils as trap crops with wheat at different seeding densities was assessed [pea at 0, 4, 8, 16 seeds/sq.ft. or 0, 43, 86, 172 seeds/sq.m.; lentil at 0, 6, 12, 18 OR 0, 65, 130, 194 seeds/sq.m.; both with wheat at 0, 11, 22, or 28 seeds/sq.ft. or 0, 120, 230, 300 seeds/sq.m.] in a randomized design where all three crops were intercropped. Both trap crops were found to be effective in protecting wheat at standard seeding rates of 8 seeds/sq.ft. for pea and 12 seeds/sq.ft. for lentils. At these seeding rates, higher numbers of wireworms were found to be attracted to the trap crop, resulting in higher yield (7%–10%) of the associated spring wheat plant stands at 22 seeds/sq.ft. To develop an effective trap crop strategy, the pea–wheat and lentil–wheat spatial patterns that are possible need to be assessed in further field trials. Proper design and evaluation of the cost–benefit ratio of pea and lentil as trap crops are likely to produce good results for wheat crops in Montana.  相似文献   
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