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Phylogeography of five Polytrichum species within Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using allozymes and microsatellites we have analysed the genetic structure among European populations for several Polytrichum species to infer relevant factors, such as historical events or gene flow, that have shaped their genetic structure. As we observed low levels of genetic differentiation among populations, and no decreasing levels of genetic variation with increasing latitude within most of the examined species, no genetic evidence was obtained for a step-wise recolonization of Europe from southern refugia after the latest glacial period for P. commune , P. uliginosum , P. formosum and P. piliferum . The near absence of population substructuring within these species does indicate that extensive spore dispersal is the most important factor determining the genetic structure among European Polytrichum populations. Gene flow levels have apparently been sufficient to prevent genetic differentiation among populations caused by genetic drift, and to wipe out any genetic structure caused by the postglacial recolonization process. On the other hand, increased genetic differentiation of alpine P. formosum populations suggests that mountain ranges might restrict gene flow significantly among Polytrichum populations. In contrast to most examined Polytrichum species, P. juniperinum showed high levels of genetic differentiation and a profound genetic structure. Assuming that gene flow is not more restricted in P. juniperinum , these findings suggest that this species has recolonized Europe after the latest glacial period from two different refugia, one possibly being the British Isles.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 78, 203–213.  相似文献   
被动式夜间增温设施设计及其增温效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了建立一套简便节能的野外夜间增温设施,参照国际上夜间被动式增温系统(passive nighttime warming, PNW),在江苏丹阳设计了稻麦系统夜间被动式增温设施.结果表明:该系统可以保证15.75 m2的有效采样区域,温度增幅均匀,水稻冠层全生育期夜间平均温度升高1.1 ℃,冬小麦冠层和5 cm土层全生育期夜间平均温度分别提高1.3 ℃和0.8 ℃;该增温系统在运行期间,水稻和冬小麦全生育期的冠层和土壤温度的日变化趋势与非增温对照区基本一致.该系统使麦田土壤含水量略微降低,但对小麦生长的影响不明显.将该系统在我国水稻和冬小麦主要产区应用时发现,该夜间增温系统可以使水稻和冬小麦始花期分别平均提前3 d和5 d.该系统的增温效果在不同区域和季节存在一定的差异,但综合考虑该系统的增温均匀性和增温区域有效性,及其对稻麦生育期的影响效果,该设施不仅节能,而且可以满足野外增温试验研究的基本要求.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of temperature, light, and post-harvest period, and their interactions, on seed germination ecology of four common pasture species in the Mediterranean environment. Mature seeds of Diplotaxis erucoides, Hirschfeldia incana, Hyoseris scabra (Mediterranean distribution) and Sonchus oleraceus (cosmopolitan distribution) were subjected to seven constant temperatures (10–40°C, at intervals of 5°C) under continuous darkness, or a 12 h/12 h light/dark photoperiod at 30, 150 and 270 days after harvest (DAH). Cumulative germination and germination speed were determined. In all the tested species, except S. oleraceus, light significantly enhanced germination. S. oleraceus seeds maintained germination values over 90%, in a wide range of temperatures (10–35°C), in the dark as well as in light. Seeds of H. incana germinated well soon after seed dispersal. In D. erucoides and H. scabra, germination increased with storage period, while in S. oleraceus there was no effect of seed age. In all the species, moreover, no germination was recorded at 40°C. Temperature, light, and post- harvest requirement may be regarded as an adaptation strategy to ensure optimal conditions for seedling development and survival in Mediterranean species, while the species with a cosmopolitan distribution germinates under almost all tested conditions.  相似文献   
麦棉套作棉花根际非根际土壤微生物和土壤养分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在麦棉套作栽培模式下,设置不隔根、纱网隔根和塑膜隔根3种麦棉套种方式,研究麦棉套作对棉花根际和非根际土壤微生物数量、活性和土壤养分(全氮、有效磷和速效钾)含量的影响,结果表明:麦棉套作有利于棉花根际与非根际土壤细菌的增殖,盛蕾期不隔根处理棉花根际土壤与非根际土壤细菌数量分别是塑膜隔根处理的2.57和2.81倍.但麦棉套作不利于土壤真菌和放线菌的增殖.细菌在土壤微生物区系中占99.9%.所以,麦棉套作显著提高了棉花土壤微生物数量,同时也增强了微生物活性.麦棉共处期纱网隔根处理棉花土壤全氮、有效磷、速效钾含量显著高于不隔根处理和塑膜隔根处理,证明麦棉套作系统中小麦根系分泌物与脱落物的存在对棉花土壤养分含量的增加有明显的促进作用,即存在种间营养补偿效应.而共处期不隔根处理套作棉土壤养分含量总体上显著低于隔根处理的现象则反映出小麦根系对棉花土壤养分的竞争作用大于其对棉花土壤养分的促进作用.小麦收获后,小麦根系对棉花养分的竞争作用解除,不隔根处理棉花土壤养分含量显著高于塑膜隔根和纱网隔根处理.  相似文献   
为了明确不同桃品种资源果实香气差异,对桃果实香气评价和品质改良提供参考,本研究利用电子鼻系统对桃品种资源果实整果香气进行测定和区分.通过PEN 3.5电子鼻系统采集74份不同品种资源桃果实芳香成分并得到了不同传感器的响应值,采用主成分(PCA)、线性判别法(LDA)和负荷加载(LO)方法分析数据.LO分析结果显示,硫化...  相似文献   
目的:探讨罗哌卡因复合舒芬太尼在潜伏期分娩镇痛中的应用效果。方法:择取2015年1月~2016年1月我院收治的产妇102例,随机分为A、B、C组,各组34例,A组产妇宫口开至1 cm时采取罗哌卡因复合舒芬太尼硬膜外自控分娩镇痛,B组产妇宫口开至3 cm时采取罗哌卡因复合舒芬太尼硬膜外自控分娩镇痛,C组产妇未采取分娩镇痛,比较两组第一产程潜伏期、活跃期及第二产程持续时间及宫缩时视觉模拟评分(VAS)评分,比较各组产妇出血量、新生儿体质量及胎儿娩出后1 min、5 min Apgar评分,记录各组治疗30 d后不良反应。结果:A组、B组第一产程潜伏期持续时间明显较C组延长,活跃期持续时间较C组明显缩短,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);A组产妇宫颈口开至2 cm和cm时VAS评分低于B组和C组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);A组、B组产妇在活跃期、第二产程时VAS评分低于C组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);各组产妇出血量、新生儿体质量、Apgar评分比较均无统计学意义(P0.05);C组抑郁症发生率均高于较A组和B组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:从产妇潜伏期开始应用罗哌卡因复合舒芬太尼进行分娩镇痛的效果较好,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
目的:观察七氟醚联合骶管阻滞麻醉对小儿疝气手术的麻醉效果。方法:选取80例行腹股沟疝气手术患儿,按随机数字表法分为两组,对照组(39例)静脉注射氯胺酮,观察组(41例)先吸入8%七氟醚,然后进行骶管阻滞麻醉,通过观察并记录两组患儿生命体征、麻醉诱导时间、苏醒时间、手术麻醉时间、苏醒期躁动评分(Pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium,PAED)和麻醉诱导期合作量表(Induction Compliance Checklist,ICC)及麻醉期间不良反应情况,评价七氟醚联合骶管阻滞麻醉对小儿疝气手术的麻醉效果。结果:两组切皮后T1、T2时心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)水平均高于T0时的值(P0.05),两组切皮后T1、T2时组间HR、MAP水平相比,无统计学差异(P0.05)。两组切皮后T3时HR、MAP水平基本恢复到T0时的水平。两组切皮前后4个时间点的血氧饱和度(Sp O2)相比,无统计学差异(P0.05)。观察组患儿麻醉诱导时间,苏醒时间均明显短于对照组患儿(P0.05),两组术中麻醉持续时间相比,无统计学差异(P0.05),均能达到期望麻醉时间,观察组患儿PAED评分和ICC评分均低于对照组患儿(P0.05),不良反应组间比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:七氟醚联合骶管阻滞麻醉对小儿疝气手术具有良好的麻醉效果,麻醉诱导快,苏醒快,小儿配合度高,术后躁动少,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   
In arid zones, the shortage of bee forage is critical and usually compels beekeepers to move their colonies in search of better forages. Identifying and mapping the spatiotemporal distribution of the bee forages over given area is important for better management of bee colonies. In this study honey bee plants in the target areas were inventoried following, ground inventory work supported with GIS applications. The study was conducted on 85 large plots of 50 × 50 m each. At each plot, data on species name, height, base diameter, crown height, crown diameter has been taken for each plant with their respective geographical positions. The data were stored, and processed using Trimble GPS supported with ArcGIS10 software program. The data were used to estimate the relative frequency, density, abundance and species diversity, species important value index and apicultural value of the species. In addition, Remotely Sensed Satellite Image of the area was obtained and processed using Hopfield Artificial Neural Network techniques. During the study, 182 species from 49 plant families were identified as bee forages of the target area. From the total number of species; shrubs, herbs and trees were accounting for 61%, 27.67%, and 11.53% respectively. Of which Ziziphus spina-christi, Acacia tortilis, Acacia origina, Acacia asak, Lavandula dentata, and Hypoestes forskaolii were the major nectar source plants of the area in their degree of importance. The average vegetation cover values of the study areas were low (<30%) with low Shannon’s species diversity indices (H′) of 0.5–1.52 for different sites. Based on the eco-climatological factors and the variations in their flowering period, these major bee forage species were found to form eight distinct spatiotemporal categories which allow beekeepers to migrate their colonies to exploit the resources at different seasons and place. The Remote Sensed Satellite Image analysis confirmed the spatial distribution of the bee forage resources as determined by the ground inventory work. An integrated approach, combining the ground inventory work with GIS and satellite image processing techniques could be an important tool for characterizing and mapping the available bee forage resources leading to their efficient and sustainable utilization.  相似文献   
生物信息学中,发现、鉴别新基因是承上启下的一步,它既承接了过往如“基因组测序”的工作,又是未来“后基因时代”研究的基石.“基因电脑克隆”是利用计算手段发现、鉴别新基因的方法,SiClone软件实现了“基因电脑克隆”功能.本文对SiClone软件操作的数据库提出并行处理方案,并详述了基于MPI(message passing interface)平台实现的并行优化版本PSiClone.根据已得到的EST数据库,展示了软件并行版PSiClone的运行性能,试验数据库EST序列条数仅仅是NCBI(The National Center for Biotechnology Information)dbEST庞大数据库的很小部分,这也暗示我们软件的并行工作对于大数据库的比较和运算将更有应用前景.  相似文献   
土壤贮水是影响黄土高原冬小麦生产力的最重要因素,分析休闲期贮水效率对有效利用水资源具有重要意义。利用黄土高原旱作区4个农业气象观测站土壤水分长期观测资料和冬小麦产量资料,探讨了不同气候区休闲期土壤贮水和耗水特征及对冬小麦水分利用的影响。结果表明:(1)黄土高原旱作区休闲期1 m土层多年平均贮水量半湿润区为9 1mm,贮水效率为30.7%,半干旱区为32 mm,贮水效率为16.5%,且不同降水年型、不同气候区休闲期贮水量和贮水效率差别较大;(2)黄土高原旱作区1 m土层贮水量从土壤解冻至封冻期间基本呈波谷型分布,休闲期为主要贮水阶段,冬小麦返青—开花期为休闲期贮水的主要消耗阶段。半湿润区休闲期土壤贮水量主要消耗在起身至开花期,半干旱区主要消耗在越冬至拔节期;(3)黄土高原旱作区播种—越冬前消耗0—40 cm土层贮水,越冬-起身期各土层贮水量都有消耗,起身—开花期半湿润区主要消耗0—40 cm土层贮水量、半干旱区主要消耗0—60 cm土层贮水量,开花—成熟期半湿润区主要消耗40 mm以下土层贮水量、半干旱区主要消耗60 cm以下土层贮水量;(4)黄土高原休闲期贮水效率与冬小麦产量显著相关,半湿润区水分利用效率远高于半干旱区。黄土高原不同区域降水时空分布不均和土壤贮水能力的差异是造成不同气候区休闲期水分贮存差异的主要原因,通过调整耕作方式、水肥管理、种植结构进一步实现冬小麦增产和水分高效利用。  相似文献   
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