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响应面法对红法夫酵母合成虾青素主要影响因素的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在单因素试验确定了红法夫酵母生物合成虾青素培养基组份的基础上,用响应面法对其浓度进行优化。首先用分式析因设计评价了培养基的各组份对虾青素产量的影响,并找出主要影响因子为蔗糖和酵母粉,二者分别达到了极显著和显著水平。用最陡爬坡路径逼近最大响应区域后,运用旋转中心复合设计及响应面分析,确定了主要影响因子的最佳浓度。其中,蔗糖的最佳浓度为49.8g/L,酵母粉的浓度为9.6g/L。菌株在优化培养基中的虾青素产量为9861μg/L,比优化前增加了近1倍。  相似文献   
Aims: To improve exopolysaccharides (EPS) production of Cordyceps militaris (C. militaris), effects of different culture method on mycelial biomass and EPS production in the submerged culture of C. militaris were investigated. Methods and Results: A new two‐stage fermentation process for EPS production of C. militaris was designed in this work. Central composite design (CCD) was utilized to optimize the two‐stage fermentation process. The results showed that the two‐stage fermentation process for EPS production was superior to other culture method (conventional static culture and shake culture). CCD revealed that the optimum values of the test variables for EPS production were shaken for 140 h followed by 130‐h static culture. The maximum EPS production reached 3·2 g l?1 under optimized two‐stage culture and was about 2·3‐fold and 1·6‐fold in comparison with those of original static culture and shake culture. Conclusions: It was indicated that a new two‐stage culture method obtained in this work possessed a high potential for the industrial production for EPS of C. militaris. Significance and Impact of the Study: The fundamental information obtained in this work is complementary to those of previous investigations on the submerged culture of C. militaris for the production of bioactive metabolites.  相似文献   
To improve the expression level of recombinant Drosophila melanogaster AChE (R-DmAChE) in Pichia pastoris, the cDNA of DmAChE was first optimized and synthesized based on the preferred codon usage of P. pastoris. The synthesized AChE cDNA without glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) signal peptide sequence was then ligated to the P. pastoris expression vector, generating the plasmid pPIC9K/DmAChE. The linearized plasmid was homologously integrated into the genome of P. pastoris GS115 via electrotransformation. Finally seven transformants with high expression level of R-DmAChE activity were obtained. The highest production of R-DmAChE in shake-flask culture after 5-day induction by methanol was 718.50 units/mL, which was about three times higher than our previous expression level of native DmAChE gene in P. pastoris. Thus, these new strains with the ability to secret R-DmAChE in the medium could be used for production of R-DmAChE to decrease the cost of the enzyme expense for rapid detection of organophosphate and carbamate insecticide residues.  相似文献   
甜叶菊RAPD反应体系的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甜叶菊为试材,对影响其RAPD反应体系的7个因子进行优化.结果表明,20 μL的优化体系包括:双蒸水13.6 μL,10×Buffer(含15 mmol/L MgCI2)溶液3μL,2.5 mmol/L的dNTPS 1.2 μL,10 μmol/L的引物1μL,20 ng的模板DNA 1μL,1UTaq聚合酶;热循环...  相似文献   
基于超高效液相-三重四级杆质谱联用(UPLC-MS/MS)定量检测法优化出一种灵芝三萜热回流提取的工艺。通过本实验建立的灵芝三萜UPLC-MS/MS精确方法检测不同来源的7个栽培品种灵芝子实体中19个三萜化合物的含量,筛选出三萜含量较高的sd-2灵芝子实体作为提取原料,以三萜含量和提取物得率为指标,通过单因素和响应面实验对灵芝三萜的热回流工艺进行优化,获得的最佳条件为:乙醇浓度75%、提取时间2.5h、液料比14:1、提取次数2次。对获得的最佳提取工艺进行中试实验,灵芝子实体乙醇提取物的得率为6.10%,三萜含量为11.8591mg/g。研究结果可为灵芝三萜的工业大规模提取提供理论依据,为灵芝高附加值产品的开发利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
摘要:【目的】应用数学统计法对副干酪乳杆菌HD1.7的固定细胞制备和发酵条件进行优化,以提高细菌素产量。【方法】用26?2部分因子分析法筛选对细菌素产量影响显著的因子,发现海藻酸钠浓度、接种量和发酵时间对细菌素的产生影响显著。利用最陡爬坡法逼近最大响应区域。用Box-Behnken设计确定最佳海藻酸钠浓度、接种量和发酵时间,并进行分批重复发酵。【结果】固定化生产细菌素的最佳条件是海藻酸钠浓度2.8%、CaCl2浓度5%、固定化时间4 h、菌体包埋量1/20、发酵时间63 h和固定化细胞的接种量8.2%,在此基础上用固定化细胞进行分批重复发酵,每批细菌素的发酵周期为24 h,产量为游离发酵的70%,比游离细胞发酵周期缩短1/2。【结论】通过对固定化细胞制备和发酵条件的优化,固定化细胞在327 h的分批重复发酵中细菌素的总体产量比游离细胞提高了19%,发酵液中无明显细胞渗漏现象且实现了细胞的重复利用,为细菌素的进一步研究和最终提取奠定了基础。  相似文献   
A micelle enhanced spectrofluorimetric method was developed for determination of Omarigliptin (OMG) based on its native fluorescence behavior. The interaction of OMG with surfactants and macromolecules was studied. In aqueous solution, the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of OMG was enhanced by 24% in the presence of Tween 80 at pH 3.5. The optimal conditions for the micelle enhanced fluorescence were attained by Minitab® program using Plackett–Burman factorial design. Pareto chart, contour plots and surface plots were used to exclude the insignificant variables and optimize the significant factors. The spectrofluorimeter was operated under synchronous mode using ?λ = 30 nm and recording the RFI of the intense narrow band at 267 nm for OMG in 0.5% w/v Tween 80 + 0.2 M acetate buffer (pH 3.5) system using water as diluent. Using synchronous scan mode offered many advantages including considerable reduction of spectral overlap and enhanced linearity of the calibrators. Validation parameters were satisfied over the concentration range 0.1–2 μg/ml. The developed method was the first analytical procedure for OMG assay in Marizev® tablets. Moreover, content uniformity testing and in vitro drug release of tablets were performed.  相似文献   
酮戊二酸(α-ketoglutaric acid,α-KG)是谷氨酸脱氨基的酮酸产物,作为一种重要的有机酸广泛用于食品、医药、精细化工等领域。为提高L-氨基酸脱氨酶全细胞催化法合成α-KG的效率及产量,首先通过优化全细胞催化剂制备条件及全细胞转化反应条件,包括发酵过程中的温度、诱导剂浓度、诱导剂添加时刻、诱导时间等;全细胞转化过程中的温度、pH、细胞量、转化时间。各个条件优化后以200g/L谷氨酸钠为底物时,产量最终提高了54. 9%,摩尔转化率为39. 6%。其次,通过定点饱和突变对L-氨基酸脱氨酶进行定向进化以提高其催化能力。经过多次突变、筛选,最优突变体E. coli BL21-pET-20b(+)-pm1152催化200g/L谷氨酸钠生成α-KG最高产量为100. 9g/L,摩尔转化率为64. 7%,较最初对照菌株提高了66. 3%。结果表明,条件优化和饱和突变可有效提高重组大肠杆菌全细胞转化合成α-KG的能力。  相似文献   
将粒子群优化算法应用于序列联配,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化算法,该算法在粒子群的进化过程中根据粒子的适应值动态地调整粒子群的惯性权重与粒子群飞行速度范围,提高了算法的收敛速度和收敛精度;针对PSO算法可能出现的早熟现象,引入重新初始化机制,增强了算法的搜索能力,实验表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   
以杜仲干叶为原料,经稀碱和绿色木霉联合处理以除去杜仲表面覆盖的角质层,同时洗脱一些可溶性杂质,并且破坏杜仲叶的细胞壁与纤维结构,再以石油醚作为提取溶剂,得到粗胶再经丙酮浸洗获得杜仲精胶。用0.45%NaOH在75℃下除去杜仲叶表面的角质层,并且同时脱除一些可溶性活性成分(如:多糖、黄酮类、京尼平苷等),之后得杜仲叶干燥,利用绿色木霉去破坏杜仲叶的细胞壁与纤维结构,在85℃条件下以石油醚作为提取溶剂提取杜仲胶。最后,经测得未处理前杜仲叶中的杜仲胶的含量为1.78%,0.45%NaOH稀碱预处理后含量为3.16%,绿色木霉发酵后含量为4.36%。预处理前,有机溶剂一次提取率为0.73%,纯度为83.7%。稀碱与真菌联合预处理后一次提取率为2.85%,纯度为96.6%。本工艺以稀碱与绿色木霉共同作用,减少了有机溶剂的用量,与传统工艺相比,更加的绿色环保,安全有效,为杜仲胶的提取提供了科学有效的依据。  相似文献   
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