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Magnaporthe oryzae is an important fungal pathogen of both rice and wheat. However, how M. oryzae effectors modulate plant immunity is not fully understood. Previous studies have shown that the M. oryzae effector AvrPiz-t targets the host ubiquitin-proteasome system to manipulate plant defence. In return, two rice ubiquitin E3 ligases, APIP6 and APIP10, ubiquitinate AvrPiz-t for degradation. To determine how lysine residues contribute to the stability and function of AvrPiz-t, we generated double (K1,2R-AvrPiz-t), triple (K1,2,3R-AvrPiz-t) and lysine-free (LF-AvrPiz-t) mutants by mutating lysines into arginines in AvrPiz-t. LF-AvrPiz-t showed the highest protein accumulation when transiently expressed in rice protoplasts. When co-expressed with APIP10 in Nicotiana benthamiana, LF-AvrPiz-t was more stable than AvrPiz-t and was less able to degrade APIP10. The avirulence of LF-AvrPiz-t on Piz-t:HA plants was less than that of AvrPiz-t, which led to resistance reduction and lower accumulation of the Piz-t:HA protein after inoculation with the LF-AvrPiz-t-carrying isolate. Chitin- and flg22-induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was higher in LF-AvrPiz-t than in AvrPiz-t transgenic plants. In addition, LF-AvrPiz-t transgenic plants were less susceptible than AvrPiz-t transgenic plants to a virulent isolate. Furthermore, both AvrPiz-t and LF-AvrPiz-t interacted with OsRac1, but the suppression of OsRac1-mediated ROS generation by LF-AvrPiz-t was significantly lower than that by AvrPiz-t. Together, these results suggest that the lysine residues of AvrPiz-t are required for its avirulence and virulence functions in rice.  相似文献   
The rice XA21-mediated immune response is activated on recognition of the RaxX peptide produced by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). The 60-residue RaxX precursor is post-translationally modified to form a sulfated tyrosine peptide that shares sequence and functional similarity with the plant sulfated tyrosine (PSY) peptide hormones. The 5-kb raxX-raxSTAB gene cluster of Xoo encodes RaxX, the RaxST tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase, and the RaxA and RaxB components of a predicted type I secretion system. To assess raxX-raxSTAB gene cluster evolution and to determine its phylogenetic distribution, we first identified rax gene homologues in other genomes. We detected the complete raxX-raxSTAB gene cluster only in Xanthomonas spp., in five distinct lineages in addition to X. oryzae. The phylogenetic distribution of the raxX-raxSTAB gene cluster is consistent with the occurrence of multiple lateral (horizontal) gene transfer events during Xanthomonas speciation. RaxX natural variants contain a restricted set of missense substitutions, as expected if selection acts to maintain peptide hormone-like function. Indeed, eight RaxX variants tested all failed to activate the XA21-mediated immune response, yet retained peptide hormone activity. Together, these observations support the hypothesis that the XA21 receptor evolved specifically to recognize Xoo RaxX.  相似文献   
Autophagy is a conserved self-cleaning and renewal system required for cellular homeostasis and stress tolerance. Autophagic processes are also implicated in the response to ‘non-self’ such as viral pathogens, yet the functions and mechanisms of autophagy during plant virus infection have only recently started to be revealed. Compelling evidence now indicates that autophagy is an integral part of antiviral immunity in plants. It can promote the hypersensitive cell death response upon incompatible viral infections or mediate the selective elimination of entire particles and individual proteins from compatible viruses in a pathway similar to xenophagy in animals. Several viruses, however, have evolved measures to antagonize xenophagic degradation or utilize autophagy to suppress disease-associated cell death and other defence pathways like RNA silencing. Here, we highlight the current advances and gaps in our understanding of the complex autophagy–virus interplay and its consequences for host immunity and viral pathogenesis in plants.  相似文献   
为鉴定新的参与黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)天然免疫信号通路调控的分子及作用机制,应用果蝇的Gal4/UAS系统敲低54个蛋白质激酶编码基因,分别利用革兰氏阳性菌(Enterococcus faecalis, E.faecalis)或革兰氏阴性菌(Erwinia carototovovora carototovovora 15, Ecc15)感染基因敲低果蝇,筛选参与果蝇天然免疫反应的蛋白质激酶。结果显示,全身性敲低蛋白质激酶Pitslre的果蝇感染E.faecalis或Ecc15 后,生存率降低,半致死时间LT50分别降低为对照组的66.7%和28.6%。相应的,Pitslre功能缺失导致革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌分别感染后,Toll及IMD通路下游抗菌肽Drosomycin和Diptercin表达水平明显下降。在脂肪体和血淋巴细胞中特异性敲低Pitslre基因,导致革兰氏阳性菌及阴性菌感染后的果蝇半致死时间LT50分别缩短75%和90%,细菌载量分别升高约10倍。在果蝇S2细胞中,敲低Pitslre基因,导致细胞的抗菌肽Drosomycin、Attacin和Diptercin表达水平分别降低约50%。此外,通过免疫共沉淀实验检测Pitslre与预测存在相互作用的蛋白质TSC1、Rcd5和pbl之间的相互作用。综上所述,蛋白质激酶Pitslre参与果蝇天然免疫反应,在正向调控果蝇天然免疫Toll和IMD通路中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
Larval and adult mosquitoes mount immune responses against pathogens that invade their hemocoel. Although it has been suggested that a correlation exists between immune processes across insect life stages, the influence that an infection in the hemocoel of a larva has on the immune system of the eclosed adult remains unknown. Here, we used Anopheles gambiae to test whether a larval infection influences the adult response to a subsequent bacterial or malaria parasite infection. We found that for both female and male mosquitoes, a larval infection enhances the efficiency of bacterial clearance following a secondary infection in the hemocoel of adults. The adults that emerge from infected larvae have more hemocytes than adults that emerge from naive or injured larvae, and individual hemocytes have greater phagocytic activity. Furthermore, mRNA abundance of immune genes—such as cecropin A, Lysozyme C1, Stat‐A, and Tep1—is higher in adults that emerge from infected larvae. A larval infection, however, does not have a meaningful effect on the probability that female adults will survive a systemic bacterial infection, and increases the susceptibility of females to Plasmodium yoelii, as measured by oocyst prevalence and intensity in the midgut. Finally, immune proficiency varies by sex; females exhibit increased bacterial killing, have twice as many hemocytes, and more highly express immune genes. Together, these results show that a larval hemocoelic infection induces transstadial immune activation—possibly via transstadial immune priming—but that it confers both costs and benefits to the emerged adults.  相似文献   
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