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Summary An X-ray induced mutant (PC22) of the moss,Physcomitrella patens was analysed with respect to its morphology, physiology and suitability for microculture techniques. The mutant protonemata are defective in bud formation and in chloroplast division. As a consequence of the latter, giant chloroplasts are formed which disturb the development of the phragmoplast, the formation of regular cross walls, and cell division. Abnormal cross walls are rich in callose. The actin cytoskeleton was found to be less regularly developed in the mutant than in the wild type. Three-dimensional analysis of the microtubular arrangement with confocal laser scan microscopy demonstrates a close association between spindle- or phragmoplast- and interphase-microtubules. The deficiencies in chloroplast division and in bud formation can partly be compensated for by exogeneously applied cytokinin. The suitability of this particular developmental mutant for further studies was shown by regeneration of protoplasts in microculture and microinjection of the fluorochrome Lucifer yellow into the chloroplast.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scan microscope - DAPI diamidinophenyl indole - DiOC 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis-(-amino-ethylether-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - i6Ade N6-(2-isopentenyladenine) - PIPES piperazine-N, N-bis-2-ethanesulfonic acid - ptDNA chloroplast DNA Devoted to the memory of Prof. Dr. O. Kiermayer, our colleague and friend.  相似文献   
ent-Kaurene is the key intermediate in biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs), plant hormones. In higher plants, ent-kaurene is synthesized successively by copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) and ent-kaurene synthase (KS) from geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP). On the other hand, fungal ent-kaurene synthases are bifunctional cyclases with both CPS and KS activity in a single polypeptide. The moss Physcomitrella patens is a model organism for the study of genetics and development in an early land plant. We identified ent-kaurene synthase (PpCPS/KS) from P. patens and analyzed its function. PpCPS/KS cDNA encodes a 101-kDa polypeptide, and shows high similarity with CPSs and abietadiene synthase from higher plants. PpCPS/KS is a bifunctional cyclase and, like fungal CPS/KS, directly synthesizes the ent-kaurene skeleton from GGDP. PpCPS/KS has two aspartate-rich DVDD and DDYFD motifs observed in CPS and KS, respectively. The mutational analysis of two conserved motifs in PpCPS/KS indicated that the DVDD motif is responsible for CPS activity (GGDP to CDP) and the DDYFD motif for KS activity (CDP to ent-kaurene and ent-16alpha-hydroxykaurene).  相似文献   
The benthic macroinvertebrate community is an important component of stream diversity, because its members are fundamental connectors among the different trophic levels of running waters. In this study, we assessed alpha and beta diversities of benthic macroinvertebrates in three stream sites and four microhabitats: (i) moss in the air-water interface; (ii) submerged roots of terrestrial plants; (iii) leaf litter deposited in pools; (iv) stones in riffles. We constructed rarefaction curves and compared species richness among microhabitats for each stream site. Additionally, we evaluated which factor, stream site, or microhabitat, was most important in determining variation in assemblage structure, i.e., beta diversity. There was no significant difference among microhabitats in terms of taxa richness evaluated by rarefaction curves. Using partial Constrained Correspondence Analysis (pCCA), we found that microhabitat was most important in determining community composition, accounting for 42.02% of the total variation. Stream sites accounted for 22.27%. In accordance with the pCCA, exploratory multivariate methods (ordination and classification) revealed four distinct groups, corresponding to the four microhabitats, independent of stream sites. Our results indicated that differences among environmental conditions are much more important in the determination of stream assemblage structure than are differences in spatial location. Accordingly, adjacent microhabitats in a single stream site harbor macroinvertebrate assemblages more dissimilar than those found in a single microhabitat at different stream sites. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   
The impacts of simulated climate change (warming and fertilization treatments) on diazotroph community structure and activity were investigated at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada. Open Top Chambers, which increased growing season temperatures by 1-3 degrees C, were randomly placed in a dwarf-shrub and cushion-plant dominated mesic tundra site in 1995. In 2000 and 2001 20N:20P2O5:20K2O fertilizer was applied at a rate of 5 gm(-2) year(-1). Estimates of nitrogen fixation rates were made in the field by acetylene reduction assays (ARA). Higher rates of N fixation were observed 19-35 days post-fertilization but were otherwise unaffected by treatments. However, moss cover was significantly positively associated with ARA rate. NifH gene variants were amplified from bulk soil DNA and analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to ordinate treatment plots in nifH genotype space. NifH gene communities were more strongly structured by the warming treatment late in the growing season, suggesting that an annual succession in diazotroph community composition occurs.  相似文献   
《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):292-296
Atrichum laoshanense Y.-J.Yi &; S.He, a new species of Polytrichaceae from Laoshan mountain in Shandong Province, eastern China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles, and is related to A. angustatum (Brid.) Bruch &; Schimp., but differs in the presence of stellately papillose median leaf cells, multicellular laminal teeth with well-defined outgrowths of pedestal cells on the distal dorsal lamina, and papillose stem epidermal cells. An updated key to species of Atrichum in China is presented.  相似文献   
A key step in sulfate assimilation into cysteine is the reduction of sulfite to sulfide by sulfite reductase (SiR). This enzyme is encoded by three genes in the moss Physcomitrella patens. To obtain a first insight into the roles of the individual isoforms, we deleted the gene encoding the SiR1 isoform in P. patens by homologous recombination and subsequently analysed the ΔSiR1 mutants. While ΔSiR1 mutants showed no obvious alteration in sulfur metabolism, their regeneration from protoplasts and their ability to produce mature spores was significantly affected, highlighting an unexpected link between moss sulfate assimilation and development, that is yet to be characterized.  相似文献   
Questions: What are the water economy strategies of the dominant subarctic bryophytes in terms of colony and shoot traits? Can colony water retention capacity be predicted from morphological traits of both colonies and separate shoots? Are suites of water retention traits consistently related to bryophyte habitat and phylogenetic position? Location: Abisko Research Station, North Sweden. Methods: We screened 22 abundant subarctic bryophyte species from diverse habitats for water economy traits of shoots and colonies, including desiccation rates, water content at field capacity, volume and density (mg cm?3) of water‐saturated and oven‐dried patches, evaporation rate (g·m?2·s?1) and cell wall thickness. The relationships between these traits and shoot and colony desiccation rates were analysed with Spearman rank correlations. Subsequent multivariate (cluster followed by PCA) analyses were based on turf density, turf and shoot desiccation rate, cell wall thickness and amount of external and internal water. Results: Individual shoot properties, i.e. leaf cell wall properties, water retention capacity and desiccation rate, did not correspond with colony water retention capacity. Colony desiccation rate depended on density of water‐saturated colonies, and was marginally significantly negatively correlated with species individual shoot desiccation rate but not related to any other shoot or colony trait. Multivariate analyses based on traits assumed to determine colony desiccation rate revealed six distinct species groups reflecting habitat choice and phylogenetic relationships. Conclusions: General relationships between shoot and colony traits as determinants of water economy will help to predict and upscale changes in hydrological function of bryophyte‐dominated peatlands undergoing climate‐induced shifts in species abundance, and feedbacks of such species shifts on permafrost insulation and carbon sequestration functions.  相似文献   
This paper describes our investigation of genetic variation and clonal structure of the Mediterranean moss Pleurochaete squarrosa (Brid.) Lindb. (Pottiaceae), using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular markers and trnLUAA (intron of plastid gene for Leu tRNA) sequence, choosing different sampling strategies and scales on 16 European populations. Moreover, the intercontinental distribution of two trnL haplotypes, previously found over a large area and including 24 populations in three continents, was also investigated. Despite the prevalent asexual reproduction, P. squarrosa shows a high level of genetic diversity. Some site features seem to affect the clonal structure at the local scale, influencing the relocation of detached fragments and the level of intermingling, but they do not substantially affect genetic diversity. The peculiar vegetative reproduction coupled with somatic mutation could partly account for the genetic variation detected. Genetic distances highlight geographic isolation and limited gene flow among populations. We found only two trnL haplotypes in Europe due to length polymorphism, but, over an intercontinental scale, only non-delete trnL was found in Africa and the USA. ISSR analysis within each population detected a higher genetic distance between the samples with different trnL haplotypes, suggesting the presence of two different genetic lineages within this species, geographically overlapping in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   
Pythium polare sp. nov. is a new heterothallic oomycete species isolated from fresh water and moss from various locations in both the Arctic and Antarctic. This water mould is able to infect stems and leaves of Sanionia moss (Sanionia uncinata). Pythium polare causes brown discolouration in in vitro inoculation tests at 5 °C after 5 weeks of inoculation. It is characterized by globose sporangia with various lengths of discharge tubes releasing zoospores and aplerotic oospores with usually one to five antheridia. The sexual structures are only produced in a dual culture of antheridial and oogonial isolates. Phylogenetic analysis, based on ITS sequencing, places all isolated strains of P. polare in a unique new clade, hence it is considered a novel species. Pythium canariense and Pythium violae are the most closely related species of P. polare based both on morphology and the phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   
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