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The effects of the exogenous auxin——NAA, kinetin and wound on the callus formation of the cotyledon of mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) with relation to the biosyntheses of endogeonous tryptophan (Trp) and IAA have been studied. The results indicate that wound plays an important role in the callus formation. The size of wounded surface is directly proportional to the proliferation of the callus tissue. The levels of free Trp and endogenous 1AA decreased in the initial period of the callus formation of mung bean cotyledon but increased in the later period. The substitution of L-Trp for NAA in the culture medium would play almost the same role in the callus proliferation. It has proposed that the exogenous phytohormones affect the biosyntheses of endogenous Trp and IAA, thereafter induce the callus formation. The wound has an important synergism with the phytohormones in this process.  相似文献   
Ovules (or seeds) are distributed widely in the beds of Paleozoic of China, but what have been found are all impressions or molds of them. Recently, while studying the fossil plants in coal balls of Coal Seam No.7 (P1) at the upper part of Taiyuan Formation in Xishan Coal- Field, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, We found a kind of petrified ovules with internal structures, which not only are abundant but also quite well presserved. Having been studied, they are put into Cardiocarpus Brongniart and considered as a new species C. samaratus. In the coal bails they are often found associated with the leaves, stems and fructifications of Cordaites, so it is very possible that these ovules belong to Cordaites. It is very interesting that these ovules are very similar to those of the earliest conifers Lebachia described by G. M. Rothwell in 1982. This indicates' that there is a close relation between Cordaites and conifers. Cardioearpus samaratus ap.nov. The ovules are small, flat and obviously-winged. The average length is 6–7mm. The largest width (nearly equal to the length) is at the lower middle part of the ovule. Wings and the top and base of the ovule bend to the same side in a varying extent. The ovule is not cordate at the base. The integument can be divided into three layers: the sarcrotesta consisting of parenchymatous cells, the sclerotesta and the endotesta consisting of longitudinally-elongated sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. The lower midrile part of the nucellus is vascularized. The micropyle is elliptical in transverse section. One main vascular bundle extends upwards from the base. Before it arrives at the sclerotesta, it biforcates into two vascular bundles and extend upwards in the sarcrotesta at the wings. In the meantime, the main vascular bundle continues' to extend upwards and passes across the sclerotesta and reaches the base of the nucellus from where it extends into the nucellus.  相似文献   
The Couderousse Member of the Blacourt Formation in the Banc-Noir quarry, Ferques inlier, Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France) has yielded a tooth plate whose morphology is similar to that of Synthetodus, which is considered a holocephalan. Its histology is made of an outer enameloid-like tissue, and an inner trabecular dentine. Its occlusal surface shows a bean-shaped bulge. This tooth plate was prepared from a limestone that is dated from the Middle–Upper varcus Conodont Zone, that is lower upper Givetian. This limestone has also yielded a Pokorninella bricae–Rothpletzella–Tentaculites assemblage, which is indicative of an environment of the inner to middle marine platform boundary. This specimen appears to be the oldest confirmed holocephalan (‘bradyodont’) tooth plate for which the name Melanodus loonesi nov. gen. et sp. is erected.  相似文献   
吉林延边早白垩世大拉子组植物化石新类型--星学异麻黄   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陶君容  杨永 《古生物学报》2003,42(2):208-215
报道产自吉林省延边早白垩世大拉子组植物化石新类型——星学异麻黄(Alloephedra xingxuei gen.et sp.nov.)。大拉子组的时代处于早白垩世的阿普特期-阿尔必期(Aptian-Albian)。化石标本保存了植物的茎枝、雌球花及种子;该种的茎枝分节,节间具细纵槽纹,叶退化,雌球花单个着生于小枝顶部,种子成对且种子顶部宿存珠孔管等特征与现存麻黄科植物最为相近,因此可能属于麻黄科。  相似文献   
伊朗卡尚地区始新世沟鞭藻类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章简要报道了伊朗卡尚地区库姆组首次发现的沟鞭藻类。计6属6种。根据沟鞭藻化石组合面貌,并结合介形虫和钙质超微化石组合。探讨了含沟鞭藻化石的地层时代.推测其沉积环境为正常浅海大陆架环境。  相似文献   
广东韶关仁化地区中二叠世孤峰组的放射虫动物群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首次描述广东仁化地区中二叠世孤峰组放射虫Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis-Ps.globosa动物群6属11种(包括3个未定种),它们分属于1目5科。这个动物群完全可以同苏皖南部孤峰组Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis-Ps.longtanensis带、广西钦州小董--板城地区板城组Ps.globosa带对比。本文还讨论了孤峰组的分布及孤峰阶参考剖面的选择问题。  相似文献   
记述了新疆吐鲁番中三叠统克拉玛依组肯氏兽类一新材料 ,它与短吻副肯氏兽(Parakannemeyeriabrevirostris)正模特征相似 ,确定二者为同种。将中国已知的中国肯氏兽及副肯氏兽属的所有种进行支序分析 ,发现短吻副肯氏兽与中国肯氏兽及副肯氏兽属的其他种构成姊妹群。在与肯氏兽类其他相关属比较的基础上 ,建议以短吻种为基础建立一新属 :西域肯氏兽 (Xiyukannemeyeria)。  相似文献   
侏罗纪的蛇颈龙类化石主要发现于欧洲 ,在世界的其他地区则比较少见。亚洲的蛇颈龙化石 ,尤其是侏罗纪的属种大多破碎而难以鉴别 (Sato,1 998)。到目前为止 ,Bishanopliosaurusyoungi(Dong,1 980 )和Yuzhoupliosauruschengjiangensis(Zhang,1 985)是亚洲地区最为完整的侏罗纪蛇颈龙类化石 ,并且化石产自对于蛇颈龙而言比较罕见的淡水沉积 ,因此这些材料对于了解该类群的系统发育、历史动物地理和古生态来说非常重要。本文重新详细描述了采自中国重庆自流井组东岳庙段的杨氏璧山上龙2 ) (董枝明 ,1 980 )。愈合情况不好的椎体和椎弓以及耻骨的边缘形态表明 ,杨氏璧山上龙的正型标本是一个幼年个体的头后骨架。我们的研究表明杨氏璧山上龙主要依分叉的荐肋为特征 ,而这一性状在初次发表时作为颈肋特征被描述。璧山上龙的其他特征包括侧扁的神经棘以及狭窄的乌喙骨和肱骨上有一个突。经过重新修理的标本显示 ,坐骨和耻骨相对的面呈沟槽状 ,这一现象表明它们之间的接触关系要较原来描述的情况复杂 ,是一种依靠软骨的连接 ,而非直接接触。本文对杨氏璧山上龙的腰带部分进行了重新复原。O’Keefe (2 0 0 1 )的支序分析支持将Plesiosauria二分为Plesiosauroidea和Pliosauroidea,后者包含两个科 :Pliosauridae和  相似文献   
湘东南栖霞组底部石炭-二叠纪有孔虫混生动物群的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道湖南省邵东保和堂柳东地区栖霞组底部与史塔夫(Staffella)Ting类群共生的丰富的小有孔虫动物群,包括19属、62种,其中新种2个,该动物群具有非常典型的石炭-二叠纪有孔虫群的混生特点,称Bradyina-Geinitzina组合,它标志着“隆林阶”在湖南地区的首次发现。  相似文献   
依据福建龙岩坑柄煤矿童子岩组保存完好的化石材料,建立中二叠世(阳新统)蛇尾纲一新种--Aganaster?fujianensis sp.nov。,并根据蛇尾纲与腕足类,双壳类等共生化石组合的埋葬特征,认为古代蛇尾纲具有与现生蛇尾纲相似的集群而居的生活习性。  相似文献   
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