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随着人口年龄增长、人们生活节奏的加快及生活水平的提高,患病率的日趋增加。胆囊息肉病因复杂甚至有些息肉有癌变倾向,严重影响人民的健康和生活质量。而中药治疗PLG逐渐的得到了重视,发现中药的治疗起到了很好的疗效,尤其是不超过10mm的PLG,有待于我们进一步的研究。本文介绍了中药治疗PLG的研究进展。  相似文献   
胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(glial cell derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF)属转化生长因子β超家族成员,其成熟蛋白由134个氨基酸残基组成,而GDNF受体广泛分布于外周和中枢神经系统。GDNF不仅可以促进多巴胺能神经元、运动神经元的存活,对交感、副交感以及感觉神经元具有营养作用,还能够影响神经元的发育、分化并对非神经系统的发育也具有重要作用。近年来随着人们对疼痛认识的深入,疼痛的机制也不再限于神经元功能的改变,还受胶质细胞活化、多种营养因子、细胞因子及相应受体、离子通道等多方面因素的影响。为此,本文就近年来GDNF参与疼痛调节的相关研究进展做一简要综述。  相似文献   
The metabolic byproducts secreted by growing cells can be easily measured and provide a window into the state of a cell; they have been essential to the development of microbiology, cancer biology, and biotechnology. Progress in computational modeling of cells has made it possible to predict metabolic byproduct secretion with bottom-up reconstructions of metabolic networks. However, owing to a lack of data, it has not been possible to validate these predictions across a wide range of strains and conditions. Through literature mining, we were able to generate a database of Escherichia coli strains and their experimentally measured byproduct secretions. We simulated these strains in six historical genome-scale models of E. coli, and we report that the predictive power of the models has increased as they have expanded in size and scope. The latest genome-scale model of metabolism correctly predicts byproduct secretion for 35/89 (39%) of designs. The next-generation genome-scale model of metabolism and gene expression (ME-model) correctly predicts byproduct secretion for 40/89 (45%) of designs, and we show that ME-model predictions could be further improved through kinetic parameterization. We analyze the failure modes of these simulations and discuss opportunities to improve prediction of byproduct secretion.  相似文献   
营造防护林、改善生态是中国的一项基本国策 ,作为六大林业重点工程之一的防护林建设工程是我国为防御自然灾害 ,改善生态环境而采取的重要整治对策。经过半个世纪的营造实践 ,我国的防护林建设规模已居世界首位 ,成为名副其实的防护林大国。然而 ,伴随着防护林营造面积和规模的不断增大 ,在建设实践中因经营不当或疏于管理而造成失败的情况屡见不鲜 ,因此确保防护林高效、持续、稳定目标实现的防护林经营理论和技术是防护林科学发展的必然。一般地说 ,森林经营是森林培育全过程的重要环节 ,但是 ,经典的森林经营理论与技术是在木材利用观指…  相似文献   
近十年来中国景观生态学文献分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
自80年代初期我国学者开始开展景观生态学研究以来,景观生态学的研究在我国获得了蓬勃发展,本文针对所搜集的1990-2000年我国景观生态学国内学者发表的中、英文文献619篇、著作14本,分不同专题进行分类统计,并在其基础上对我国90年代景观生态学研究进行分析和论述,为我国景观生态学者了解和把握中国景观生态学研究热点和发展趋势提供依据。  相似文献   
Members of the genus Macaca are the most commonly used animals in biomedical research on primates. Macaca monkeys are used most extensively (from 50% to 73% of the general file) in rapidly developing branches of medical primatology (pharmacology, endocrinology, ophthalmology, stomatology, and central nervous system pathology and physiology), i.e., in those sciences where monkeys are absolutely necessary and where they are used with great efficacy.  相似文献   
医学综述是在全面、正确理解文献的基础上,对某一段时间内的某一研究专题进展进行客观总结和论述。学会撰写医学综述可以进一步加强学生对研究领域最新发展动向的了解,对医学生临床诊疗及科研能力的提高有着非常重要的意义。作者结合自身及其导师多年来指导医学生的教学经验,将医学综述的撰写方法技巧进行总结归纳,包括在综述的写作过程中如何正确的选择研究专题、科学合理的检索和整理文献以及最终将自己的见解准确表述等。  相似文献   
目的了解肥胖与肠道菌群相关性文献的科研合作网络特征、研究热点和前沿及其演变历史等,为后续研究提供参考依据。方法以"obesity"和"gut microbiota"为主题词,基于Web of Science数据库的检索结果,利用VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件对国际肥胖与肠道菌群类研究领域文献进行计量学和可视化分析。结果共检索到3 248篇文献,研究者发文最多的是比利时的Cani(72篇),中国上海的赵立平(30篇)位居第五位;机构以丹麦的哥本哈根大学发文最多(100篇),中国上海交通大学(78篇)和中国科学院(76篇)分别居第三和第四位;中国国家自然科学基金资助最多(495篇),发文量前3位的国家/地区依次为美国、中国、法国。研究热点有短期饮食限制与肠道菌群的关系等,研究前沿与演变路径包括脂肪组织、胰高血糖素、共生细菌、微生物菌群、DNA提取物、细菌科、共生菌群等的研究。结论自2010年开始,该领域发文量和被引频次均呈明显上升趋势,学科发展较好的国家有美国、中国、法国等,本研究结果客观而真实地展示了该领域研究热点及前沿内容,对其演变历史和发展趋势进行分析,可为后续研究发挥指导和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
目的:颅骨过度气化(Craniocervical bone pneumatisation)比较少见,近年来对其报道和认识逐渐增多。本文介绍一例偶然发现的颅骨过度气化的影像表现并对相关文献进行复习。方法:分析我院1例颅骨过度气化的影像学图像。并从国外pubmed数据库(www.pubmed.gov)及国内中国知网数据库(www.cnki.net)查找发表的文献进行文献复习。结果:颅骨过度气化表现为颅骨的气腔形成并局部膨出,多为偶然发现或因并发症就诊,可涉及颅盖骨、颅底骨及颈椎等,近年来对其认识逐渐增多。结论:颅骨过度气化尽管少见,对征象的认知有助于相关科室医师正确识别此征象,从而有利于临床一些相关疑难病例的诊断和操作并对防止漏、误诊具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
This paper starts from a premise relating to the act of fictional writing about eugenics and the way it may be understood as the embodiment and enactment of social imaginaries. It proposes that literature (in the sense of fiction) frequently, if not habitually, expresses the underside of what is expressed in public discourse. That is, far from being the implement of state policy or intervention, it acts in counterpoint to the state, constituting a type of social fantasy in that it explores through the realm of the imagination what might happen. It becomes the arena for contestation, exploration, and nuancing as it essays how ideas from public, 'real' life, might transform when acted out. The paper considers two sorts of literary case. First it looks at that of 'na?ve' literature, harnessed unashamedly to a specific sociological discourse of eugenics. Then, using primarily Ibsen, it considers a subset, the case of literature that does not set out to be explicitly in the service of the cause of eugenics, but is appropriated and disseminated from a platform of eugenics. Lastly, taking the example of Unamuno's Amor y pedagogía (1902) the paper considers literature that exists in a quite different sphere of public awareness. It shows awareness of the arguments and precepts of eugenics and related beliefs and practices, but acts as a transitional space (in the terms of Winnicott) to enable such ideas to be entertained and thought about, without a requirement of acceptance or belief.  相似文献   
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