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The selective inhibition of PTP1B has been widely recognized as a potential drug target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. In the course of screening for PTP1B inhibitory natural products, the MeOH extract of the dried sample of the Antarctic lichen Umbilicaria antarctica was found to exhibit significant inhibitory effect, and the bioassay-guided fractionation and purification afforded three related lichen metabolites 1-3. Compounds 1-3 were identified as gyrophoric acid (1), lecanoric acid (2), and methyl orsellinate (3) mainly by analysis of NMR and MS data. These compounds inhibited PTP1B activity with 50% inhibitory concentration values of 3.6 ± 0.04 μM, 31 ± 2.7 μM, and 277 ± 8.6 μM, respectively. Furthermore, the kinetic analysis of PTP1B inhibition by compound 1 suggested that the compound inhibited PTP1B activity in a non-competitive manner.  相似文献   

An overview of a three year study of abundance, community structure and succession of zooplankton and phytoplankton in relation to physical limnological conditions in Lakes Midmar and Albert Falls is presented, along with findings on zooplankton from a nine month study of Lake Nagle. Physical stability increased between Midmar (mean summer N2 = 6.55 × 104 s2) and Albert Falls (N2 = 8.70 × 104 s2), in line with elevations in water temperature. Phytoplankton richness and diversity was similar in these reservoirs, although zooplankton species richness increased downstream. Abundance levels of both phyto- and zoo-plankton were broadly comparable in these two reservoirs. In Midmar and Albert Falls, overall mean (± SD) chlorophyll levels were 3.60 ± 1.54 and 3.41 ± 1.41 μg 11, with corresponding overall average zooplankton standing stocks of 0.85 and 0.76 g m2 dry mass, dropping to 0.54 g m2 in Nagle (for which spring to midsummer data are missing).

Ruderal and colonist phytoplankters were persistently dominant both in Midmar and Albert Falls, in keeping with the continuous (if incomplete) mixing patterns evident in these reservoirs. Few stress tolerant algae occurred. The summer ruderal assemblage was unexpectedly dominated by diatoms in the physically more stable conditions of Albert Falls, but not Midmar. Mean zooplankton grazer-induced instantaneous mortality rates for planktonic algae for the whole study were estimated (by regression predictions) as 0.17 d1 in both lakes. Phytoplankton was not studied in Nagle.

Changes in zooplankton community structure between Midmar and Nagle largely involved progressive increases in the contribution of smaller-bodied cladocerans (comprising both sequentially smaller species of Daphnia (D. pulex, D. longispina, D. laevis), and additional genera such as Diaphanosoma, Ceriodapnia, Moina and Bosmina). As with a parallel progressive switch between Metadiaptomus meridianus and Tropodiaptomus spectabilis over this series of reservoirs, (and the temporal separation of “co-existing” populations in Albert Falls), which has been shown experimentally to be strongly temperature-linked, changes in absolute temperature are implicated as a primary causal factor in the shifts in cladoceran species composition. Temporal occurrences of these species also indicate the primacy of temperature.  相似文献   

In shallow lakes a siltation system develops when wind driven water turbulence erodes the lake floor, silt is resuspended and transported by means of waterdrift into the littoral vegetation. Here, due to the resistance of the vegetation, the turbulence is reduced and the silt deposited. Through this mechanism, the prevailing winds have a major rôle in the erosion and siltation pattern, lake morphology, vegetation pattern and in the mixing of water and nutrients from the open water and the reedswamp and vice versa. The model explains the uneven distribution of vegetation at the lakes Neusiedlersee (Austria) and Chilwa (Malawi) satisfactorily, if one assumes a positive correlation between siltation and reedswamp growth and spread.  相似文献   
Liana dynamics in secondary and mature forests are well known in tropical areas dominated by native tree species. Outside the tropics and in secondary forests invaded by exotic species, knowledge is scarce. In this study, we compare liana communities between secondary and mature forests dominated by native species in a subtropical montane area of Sierra de San Javier, Tucuman, Argentina. Additionally, we evaluate changes of liana communities in secondary forests with increasing densities of Ligustrum lucidum and Morus alba, two of the most invasive exotic trees of the area. We surveyed liana species richness and density in three 30-year secondary patches, four 60-year secondary patches, and four mature patches dominated by native tree species, to analyze changes in liana communities with forest age. Within each patch, we sampled 10–25 20 × 20 m quadrats. Additionally, we surveyed liana density and species richness in secondary forest patches with different densities of L. lucidum and M. alba. In native-dominated forests, liana species richness increased and showed a tendency of increasing basal area from 30-year secondary forests to mature forests. Liana density was highly variable, and most of the species were shared between native-dominated secondary and mature forests. Liana density and species richness decreased with L. lucidum density, whereas in secondary forests highly dominated by M. alba, lianas increased in density. Overall, lianas followed different pathways influenced by native forest succession and exotic tree invasions.  相似文献   
Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. is a ubiquitous epilithic crustose lichen of the temperate climate. It is well studied in terms of diel and annual carbon budget and productivity with continuous long-term observations in the field in 1995/96 by Otto L. Lange, Würzburg, and collaborators. However, these earlier studies left open the question to which extent the lichen is desiccation tolerant and if desiccation tolerance might possibly limit photosynthetic activity. In present study measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were performed to assess photosynthetic activity under various daily weather conditions throughout the year and recovery from desiccation after various periods of dryness in ambient air. Under any weather conditions, including strong frost for several days with night-temperatures around −15 °C and strong heat of several days with day-temperatures around 35 °C, the lichen was fully photosynthetically competent after wetting the samples for 15 min by submersion in water when they were dry in the field in the absence of actual incident precipitation. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were identical under all weather conditions sampled. A sample kept dry in ambient air for 37 days showed full recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters after wetting for 30 min. Samples desiccated for longer periods up to 155 days took longer wetting times of about 300 min and recovered only partially but nevertheless showed active photosynthetic electron transport. Of 17 samples desiccated for 177–178 days only three recovered after rewetting for several days. It is concluded that the desiccation tolerance of L. muralis is sufficient to overcome dry spells of duration as it normally occurs in its natural environment. Desiccation tolerance is not likely to limit carbon budget and productivity.  相似文献   
Palynological studies of the Leffe Basin lacustrine deposits (Lombard Pre‐Alps, Italy) reveal a succession of deciduous mesophytic arboreal communities, coniferous forests and brief phases of withdrawal of arboreal taxa. The pollen record can be easily correlated with a previous pollen diagram by Lona (1950). However, contrary to his interpretation, we believe that the cyclicity shown by vegetation dynamics cannot be correlated with the major glacial events that occurred in the Southern Alps, but perhaps with interglacial‐glacial cycles of moderate amplitude.  相似文献   
Biofouling is one of the challenges that can strongly affect the finfish farm economy. Although several studies on biofouling in aquaculture have been conducted in the Mediterranean Sea, they focused on specific taxa or were limited to a particular period of sampling. The present study investigated for the first time the development, composition and variation in a biofouling community in a finfish farm with immersion time, season and depth. The results indicate that all these factors influence biofouling succession and recruitment. Moreover, the species that had a crucial role in structuring the community and in the farm cleaning activities were the ascidian Styela plicata and the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis. Compared with the literature data, the results highlight the heterogeneity in the composition of the biofouling present in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, such knowledge of the biofouling community could provide important information about management efforts and the costs that farmers will face when siting new fish farms.  相似文献   

The synchrony effect (i.e. superior performance at optimal, inferior performance at suboptimal times of day) has been broadly studied within the context of circadian rhythms. Whether one chronotype copes better with the synchrony effect than the other received only insufficient empirical attention. We report on an applied experimental study investigating the impact of chronotype on the synchrony effect in a semantic analogy task. To detect an analogy, 36 participants (12 males) aged between 18 and 40 had to decide whether the relation between events of a source pair was mirrored by the relation between events of a target pair (e.g. to cook: to eat = to saddle: to ride). Temporal orientation of the relation within each event pair was varied corresponding either to the chronological or reverse order. Response times (RTs), error rates, as well as the psychophysiological parameters pre-experimental pupil baseline and peak pupil dilation replicate findings of a synchrony effect (shorter RTs and allocation of less cognitive resources at optimal times of day) and show an impact of chronotype (morning types generally outperforming evening types). Most importantly, morning types appeared to cope better with the synchrony effect than evening types: At suboptimal times, morning types solved the analogy detection task more efficient; that is faster with the same accuracy and without the investment of more cognitive resources. They also showed greater alertness and wakefulness indexed by greater pre-experimental pupil baselines. At optimal times of day, morning types have more cognitive resources available to allocate these to the more demanding conditions to outperform evening types. We interpret these findings to suggest that morning types are more able to adapt to unfavourable circumstances (for instance, by avoiding wasteful resource allocation when there are less cognitive resources available). Evening types appear less able to adapt to suboptimal times than morning types, because they have to deal with social jetlag and decreased self-control.  相似文献   
We employed a chronosequence approach to evaluate patterns of bird abundance in relation to post-fire vegetation recovery in mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata vaseyana). We estimated population density for 12 species of birds within the perimeters of 4 fires that had undergone 8–20 years of vegetation recovery and on adjacent unburned areas in the northwestern Great Basin, USA. Six species showed negative responses to fire persisting up to 20 years. Two species showed positive responses with effects persisting for <20 years. Understory vegetation was similar between burned and unburned areas irrespective of recovery time, and shrub canopy cover was similar between burned and unburned sites after 20 years of recovery. Persistent reductions in bird densities lead us to conclude that shrub canopy cover alone is not a sufficient metric for predicting recovery of songbird abundances following disturbance in mountain big sagebrush. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
States often ethnicize ethnic groups for their own purposes. In doing so, however, they unleash contradictory processes. While the state facilitates the integration of individuals into modern state structures on the basis of personal achievement, it will also traditionalize collective identity by promoting a recognized leader or headman. Over time ethnic reformers will challenge such state ethnicization and attempt to organize the community to achieve more autonomy, using state legislation to achieve these reforms. Paradoxically, this attempt, if successful, will not only encroach upon state power but also curtail the choice of the individual in the ethnic group to define his or her own ethnicity. The following article analyses the Israeli Druze's relationship to the State of Israel and the controversy among the Druze over the group's international organization. It analyses at what point state ethnicization gives way to ethnic autonomy at the expense of state power, and explores its implications on the development of civil society within the ethnic community. The diminution of state ethnicization in a democracy need not necessarily entail the empowerment of the ethnic group but rather the individual who belongs to it.  相似文献   
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