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Nobuyuki Harada 《Chirality》2020,32(5):535-546
The electronic circular dichroism (ECD) exciton chirality method is very useful for determining the absolute configuration (AC) of chiral compounds. In the ECD spectroscopy, the chromophore-chromophore interaction, ie, exciton coupling, is very important. For example, Harada and Nakanishi first discovered in 1969 that chiral dibenzoates exhibit exciton split bisignate Cotton effects, from the sign of which the screw sense between two long axes of benzoate chromophores, ie, the AC of dibenzoate, can be determined. This method was named the dibenzoate chirality rule and has been successfully applied to various natural products to determine their ACs. During these studies, it was also found that this CD method was expanded to encompass other aromatic and olefin chromophores like naphthalene, diene, enone, etc. Therefore, the name of the dibenzaote chirality rule was changed to the CD exciton chirality method. In 1970s, there were heated controversies about the inconsistency between X-ray Bijvoet and CD exciton chirality methods, which was a shocking and serious problem in the community of molecular chirality research. Harada and coworkers synthesized the most ideal cage compound with two anthracene chromophores to connect X-ray Bijvoet and CD exciton chitality methods and proved that these two methods are consistent with each other.  相似文献   
Chewing lice of the species Docophorulus coarctatus were extracted from museum specimens of their host, the great grey shrike Lanius excubitor, by combing feathers from 36 freshly shot birds (shot between 1962 and 1974), and samples of ten individual lice (five female, five male) were randomly collected for measurements from each bird. Female lice were bigger than males for all studied measurements (P < 0.001 in all cases), although the size of both sexes obtained from individual hosts was positively correlated. The overall size of lice (derived from a principal components analysis) was positively correlated with the overall size of the avian host, and also with the population density of lice on the individual host. We suggest that variation in louse morphology is due to differences in selection pressure exerted by each host and by intraspecific competition due to conspecifics. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first evidence that Harrison’s rule (parasites on larger host species are often bigger than those on smaller hosts) not only works in a multispecies comparison but also within a single host–single parasite system as well.  相似文献   
Bergmann's rule predicts larger body sizes in species living in higher latitudes and altitudes. This rule appears to be valid for endotherms, but its relevance to ectotherm vertebrates has largely been debated. In squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), only one study, based on Liolaemus species of the boulengeri clade, has provided phylogenetic evidence in favour of Bergmann's clines. We reassessed this model in the same lizard clade, using a more representative measure of species body size and including a larger number of taxa in the sample. We found no evidence to support Bergmann's rule in this lineage. However, these non-significant results appear to be explained only by the inclusion of further species rather than by a different estimation of body size. Analyses conducted on the 16 species included in the previous study always revealed significant relationships between body size and latitude-altitude, whereas, the enlarged sample always rejected the pattern predicted by Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   
The human olfactory subgenome has recently been fully characterized with over 1000 genes. Although as many as two thirds of them are expected to be pseudogenes, it still leaves us with about half of all human G protein-coupled receptors being olfactory. It is therefore of great interest to characterize olfactory receptors with high precision. Usually it is done through sequence motifs that are not fully conserved, making an exact characterization difficult. In this paper, we propose a rule-based characterization of olfactory receptors derived from a multiple sequence alignment of human GPCRs. We show that just seven alignment sites are sufficient to characterize 99% of human olfactory GPCRs with one feature, a tyrosine at site 7.41, being of particular importance. We also show dependencies between sites near the extracellular and intracellular region of a membrane-embedded receptor, indicating that olfactory receptors are characterized by a combination of important residues in these two areas, whereas nonolfactory receptors tend to have residues of lower importance at the same sites.  相似文献   
An increasing number of medically important proteins are challenging drug targets because their binding sites are too shallow or too polar, are cryptic and thus not detectable without a bound ligand or located in a protein–protein interface. While such proteins may not bind druglike small molecules with sufficiently high affinity, they are frequently druggable using novel therapeutic modalities. The need for such modalities can be determined by experimental or computational fragment based methods. Computational mapping by mixed solvent molecular dynamics simulations or the FTMap server can be used to determine binding hot spots. The strength and location of the hot spots provide very useful information for selecting potentially successful approaches to drug discovery.  相似文献   
Predominantly occurring on cytosine, DNA methylation is a process by which cells can modify their DNAs to change the expression of gene products. It plays very important roles in life development but also in forming nearly all types of cancer. Therefore, knowledge of DNA methylation sites is significant for both basic research and drug development. Given an uncharacterized DNA sequence containing many cytosine residues, which one can be methylated and which one cannot? With the avalanche of DNA sequences generated during the postgenomic age, it is highly desired to develop computational methods for accurately identifying the methylation sites in DNA. Using the trinucleotide composition, pseudo amino acid components, and a dataset-optimizing technique, we have developed a new predictor called “iDNA-Methyl” that has achieved remarkably higher success rates in identifying the DNA methylation sites than the existing predictors. A user-friendly web-server for the new predictor has been established at http://www.jci-bioinfo.cn/iDNA-Methyl, where users can easily get their desired results. We anticipate that the web-server predictor will become a very useful high-throughput tool for basic research and drug development and that the novel approach and technique can also be used to investigate many other DNA-related problems and genome analysis.  相似文献   
Most ectotherms follow a pattern of size plasticity known as the temperature‐size rule where individuals reared in cold environments are larger at maturation than those reared in warm environments. This pattern seems maladaptive because growth is slower in the cold so it takes longer to reach a large size. However, it may be adaptive if reaching a large size has a greater benefit in a cold than in a warm environment such as when size‐dependent mortality or size‐dependent fecundity depends on temperature. I present a theoretical model showing how a correlation between temperature and the size–fecundity relationship affects optimal size at maturation. I parameterize the model using data from a freshwater pulmonate snail from the genus Physa. Nine families were reared from hatching in one of three temperature regimes (daytime temperature of 22, 25 or 28 °C, night‐time temperature of 22 °C, under a 12L : 12D light cycle). Eight of the nine families followed the temperature‐size rule indicating genetic variation for this plasticity. As predicted, the size–fecundity relationship depended upon temperature; fecundity increases steeply with size in the coldest treatment, less steeply in the intermediate treatment, and shows no relationship with size in the warmest treatment. Thus, following the temperature‐size rule is adaptive for this species. Although rarely measured under multiple conditions, size–fecundity relationships seem to be sensitive to a number of environmental conditions in addition to temperature including local productivity, competition and predation. If this form of plasticity is as widespread as it appears to be, this model shows that such plasticity has the potential to greatly modify current life‐history theory.  相似文献   
According to the temperature-size rule (TSR), ectotherms developing under cold conditions experience slower growth as juveniles but reach a larger size at maturity. Whether temperature alone causes this phenomenon is unknown, but oxygen limitation can play a role in the temperature-size relationship. Oxygen may become limited under warm conditions when the resulting higher metabolism creates a greater demand for oxygen, especially in larger individuals. We examined the independent effects of oxygen concentration (10% and 22% O2) and temperature (15 °C and 22 °C) on duration of ontogenic development, which takes place within the maternal brood pouch (marsupium), and juvenile growth in the terrestrial isopod common rough woodlouse (Porcellio scaber). Individuals inside the marsupium undergo the change from the aqueous to the gaseous environment. Under hypoxia, woodlice hatched from the marsupium sooner, but their subsequent growth was not affected by the level of oxygen. Marsupial development and juvenile growth were almost three times slower at low temperature, and marsupial development was longer in larger females but only in the cold treatment. These results show that temperature and oxygen are important ecological factors affecting developmental time and that the strength of the effect likely depends on the availability of oxygen in the environment.  相似文献   
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