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We have purified and characterized poly(A) polymerases (PAPs) from Pisum sativum, Brassica juncea, and Zea mays. Through chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and heparin-Sepharose, these PAPs copurified as a single enzyme along with RNPs that could provide RNA substrates for the enzyme. More extensive purification by chromatography on MonoQ resulted in the resolution of the PAPs into as many as three fractions. One of these (PAP-I) contained a 43-kDa polypeptide immunologically related to the yeast PAP, and two others (PAP-II and PAP-III) contained RNAs that could serve as substrates for polyadenylation. These fractions by themselves possessed little PAP activity, but mixtures containing combinations of these displayed substantial activity. Similar PAP factors (PAP-I and PAP-III) were identified after fractionation of extracts prepared from Brassica juncea and Zea mays. The factors from one plant were completely interchangeable with those from different plants. We conclude that the poly(A) polymerases present in vegetative plant tissues consist of more than one component. In this respect, they are substantially different from other reported plant, mammalian, and yeast PAPs.  相似文献   
Abstract: The molecular forms and membrane association of SPC2, SPC3, and furin were investigated in neuroendocrine secretory vesicles from the anterior, intermediate, and neural lobes of bovine pituitary and bovine adrenal medulla. The major immunoreactive form of SPC2 was the full-length enzyme with a molecular mass of 64 kDa. The major immunoreactive form of SPC3 was truncated at the carboxyl terminus and had a molecular mass of 64 kDa. Full-length 86-kDa SPC3 with an intact carboxyl terminus was found only in bovine chromaffin granules. Immunoreactive furin was also detected in secretory vesicles. The molecular masses of 80 and 76 kDa were consistent with carboxyl-terminal truncation of furin to remove the transmembrane domain. All three enzymes were distributed between the soluble and membrane fractions of secretory vesicles although the degree of membrane association was tissue specific and, in the case of SPC3, dependent on the molecular form of the enzyme. Significant amounts of membrane-associated and soluble forms of SPC2, SPC3, and furin were found in pituitary secretory vesicles, whereas the majority of the immunoreactivity in chromaffin granules was membrane associated. More detailed analyses of chromaffin granule membranes revealed that 86-kDa SPC3 was more tightly associated with the membrane fraction than the carboxyl terminus-truncated 64-kDa form.  相似文献   
Abstract: Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) functions in the posttranslational processing of bioactive peptides. Like other peptide processing enzymes, CPE is initially produced as a precursor ("proCPE") that undergoes posttranslational processing at a site containing five adjacent Arg residues near the N-terminus and at other sites near the C-terminus of proCPE. The time course of the N-terminal processing step suggests that this conversion occurs in either the Golgi apparatus or the secretory vesicles. To delineate further the site of proCPE processing, pulse/chase analysis was performed under conditions that block transit out of the Golgi apparatus (brefeldin A, carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone, or 20°C) or that block acidification of vesicles (chloroquine, monensin, or ammonium chloride). The results of these analysis suggest that efficient proCPE processing requires an acidic post-Golgi compartment. To test whether known processing enzymes can perform this cleavage, purified proCPE was incubated with furin, prohormone convertase 1, or a dynorphin converting enzyme, and the products were analyzed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Furin cleaves proCPE within the N-terminal region, although the reaction is not very efficient, requiring relatively large amounts of furin or long incubation times. The other two peptide processing enzymes did not cleave proCPE, whereas a relatively small amount of secretory granule extract was able to convert proCPE into CPE. Taken together, these findings suggest that the conversion of proCPE into CPE occurs primarily in secretory vesicles.  相似文献   
Abstract: This laboratory has previously reported that the maternal opioid analgesia associated with pregnancy and parturition is mediated, at least in part, by a maternal spinal cord dynorphin/κ opioid system. This analgesia is accompanied by an increase in dynorphin peptides (1–17 and 1–8) in the lumbar spinal cord. Levels of trypsin-generated arginine6-leucine-enkephalin (Leu-Enk-Arg)-immunoreactive determinants were also determined and used to reflect the content of dynorphin precursor intermediates. In spinal tissue, the amount of dynorphin A (1–17) contained in the form of precursor is, at a minimum, 10-fold higher than the content of mature dynorphin A (1–17) or dynorphin (1–8). During gestational day 22, the content of dynorphin precursor is reduced significantly (∼50%). The decline in the magnitude of dynorphin precursor intermediates in the spinal cord of pregnant rats vastly exceeds the magnitude of increase in the content of dynorphin peptides (1–17 and 1–8). This difference can best be explained by postulating a corresponding increase in the rate of release of spinal cord dynorphin (1–17). It is suggested that enhanced processing of dynorphin precursor intermediates represents the initial biochemical level of adaptation of spinal dynorphin neurons to increased demands of pregnancy.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Two LHRH neuronal cell lines were developed by targeted tumorigenesis of LHRH neuronsin vivo. These cell lines (GN and GT-1 cells) represent a homogeneous population of neurons. GT-1 cells have been further subcloned to produce the GT1-1, GT1-3, and GT1-7 cell lines. While considerable information is accumulating about GT-1 cells, very little is currently known about the characteristics and responses of GN cells.2. By both morphological and biochemical criteria, GT-1 cells are clearly neurons. All GT-1 cells immunostain for LHRH and the levels of prohormone, peptide intermediates, and LHRH in the cells and medium are relatively high.3. GT-1 cells biosynthesize, process, and secrete LHRH. Processing of pro-LHRH appears to be very similar to that reported for LHRH neuronsin vivo. At least four enzymes may be involved in processing the prohormone to LHRH.4. LHRH neurons are unique among the neurons of the central nervous system because they arise from the olfactory placode and grow back into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region of the brain. Once these neurons reach this location, they send their axons to the median eminence. With respect to the immortalized neurons, GN cells were arrested during their transit to the brain. In contrast, GT-1 cells were able to migrate to the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region but were unable correctly to target their axons to the median eminence. These problems in migration and targeting appear to be due to expression of the simian virus T-antigen.5. While GT-1 cells are a homogeneous population of neurons, they are amenable to coculture with other types of cells. Coculture experiments currently under way should help not only to reveal some of the molecular and cellular cues that are important for neuronal migration and axonal targeting, but they should also highlight the nature of the cellular interactions which normally occurin situ.6. GT-1 cells spontaneously secrete LHRH in a pusatile manner. The interpulse interval for LHRH from these cells is almost identical to that reported for release of LH and LHRHin vivo. GT-1 cells are interconnected by both gap junctions and synapses. The coordination and synchronization of secretion from these cells could occur through these interconnections, by feedback from LHRH itself, and/or by several different compounds that are secreted by these cells. One such compound is nitric oxide.7. GT-1 cells have Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl channels. Polymerase chain reaction experiments coupled with Southern blotting and electrophysiological recordings reveal that GT-1 cells contain at least five types of Ca2+ channels. R-type Ca2+ channels appear to be the most common type of channel and this channel is activated by phorbol esters in the GT-1 cells.8. LHRH is secreted from GT-1 cells in response to norepinephrine, dopamine, histamine, GABA (GABA-A agonists), glutamate, nitric oxide, neuropeptide Y, endothelin, prostaglandin E2, and activin A. Phorbol esters are very potent stimulators of LHRH secretion. Inhibition of LHRH release occurs in response to LHRH, GABA (GABA-B agonists), prolactin, and glucocorticoids.9. Compared to secretion studies, far fewer agents have been tested for their effects on gene expression. All of the agents which have been tested so far have been found either to repress LHRH gene expression or to have no effect. The agents which have been reported to repress LHRH steady-state mRNA levels include LHRH, prolactin, glucocorticoids, nitric oxide, and phorbol esters. While forskolin stimulates LHRH secretion, it does not appear to have any effect on LHRH mRNA levels.  相似文献   
The occurrence of -d-mannosidase II activity in insect cells was studied using pyridylaminated oligosaccharides as substrates and two-dimensional HPLC and glycosidase digestion for the analysis of products. GlcNAcMan5GlcNAc2 was converted to GlcNAcMan3GlcNAc2 by each of the three cell lines investigated (Bm-N, Sf-21, and Mb-0503). The respective activity was highest in Bm-N cells which were used for further experiments. Man5GlcNAc2 was not degraded by the Bm-N cell homogenate. Thus, this -mannosidase essentially exhibits the same substrate specificity as mammalian and plant Golgi -mannosidase II. The -mannosidase II-like activity from Bm-N cells exhibits a pH optimum of 6.0–6.5, has no requirement for divalent metal ions, and is highly sensitive to swainsonine. The 1,6-linked mannosyl residue is removed first as deduced from the elution time on reversed phase HPLC of the intermediate product. The same branch preference was found with -mannosidase II from mung bean seedlings andXenopus liver. Upon ultracentrifugation of Bm-N cell homogenate, 72% of the mannosidase acting on the GlcNAcMan5GlcNAc2 substrate was found in the microsomal pellet indicating the enzyme to be membrane-boundAbbreviations Endo H (Endo D) endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase H (D) - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - M3, M5, M5Gn etc. oligosaccharides — for an explanation see Table 1 - -PA -pyridylamine.  相似文献   
Poly(A) polymerase is responsible for the addition of the adenylate tail to the 3′ ends of mRNA. Using the two-hybrid system, we have identified two proteins which interact specifically with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A) polymerase, Pap1. Uba2 is a homolog of ubiquitin-activating (E1) enzymes and Ufd1 is a protein whose function is probably also linked to the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway. These two proteins interact with Pap1 and with each other, but not with eight other target proteins which were tested in the two-hybrid system. The last 115 amino acids of Uba2, which contains an 82-amino acid region not present in previously characterized E1 enzymes, is sufficient for the interaction with Pap1. Both Uba2 and Ufd1 can be co-immunoprecipitated from extracts with Pap1, confirming in vitro the interaction identified by two-hybrid analysis. Depletion of Uba2 from cells produces extracts which polyadenylate precursor RNA with increased efficiency compared to extracts from nondepleted cells, while depletion of Ufd1 yields extracts which are defective in processing. These two proteins are not components of polyadenylation factors, and instead may have a role in regulating poly(A) polymerase activity. Received: 6 January 1997 / Accepted: 27 February 1997  相似文献   
RNase P consists of both protein and RNA subunits in all organisms and organelles investigated so far, with the exception of chloroplasts and plant nuclei where no enzyme-associated RNA has been detected to date. Studies on substrate specificity revealed that cleavage by plant nuclear RNase P is critically dependent on a complete and intact structure of the substrate. No clearcut answer is yet possible regarding the order of processing events at the 5 or 3 end of tRNAs in the case of nuclear or chloroplast processing enzymes. RNase P from a phylogenetically ancient photosynthetic organelle will be discussed in greater detail: The enzyme from theCyanophora paradoxa cyanelle is the first RNase P from a photosynthetic organelle which has been shown to contain an essential RNA subunit. This RNA is strikingly similar to its counterpart from cyanobacteria, yet it lacks catalytic activity. Properties of the holoenzyme suggest an intermediate position in RNA enzyme evolution, with an eukaryotic-type, inactive RNA and a prokaryotic-type small protein subunit. The possible presence of an RNA component in RNase P from plant nuclei and modern chloroplasts will be discussed, including a critical evaluation of some criteria that have been frequently applied to elucidate the subunit composition of RNase P from different organisms.Abbreviations RNase P Ribonuclease P - (pre-)tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid (precursor) - tRNA Ser (- Tyr , - Phe ) transfer ribonucleic acid specific for serine (tyrosine, phenylalanine) - CyRP RNA RNA component of cyanelle RNase P  相似文献   
A stereotyped approach phase vocalization response of Noctilio albiventris to artificial echoes simulating a virtual approaching object was used to assess the ability of the bat to analyze and extract distance information from the artificial echoes. The performance of the bats depended on the temporal pattern of frequency change of the continuously sweeping frequency modulated (FM) component of the signals. When the bats were presented with a CF/FM signal containing a time-reversed upward FM sweep, they responded with approach phase behavior at a performance level that was significantly below that seen with a CF/FM signal containing a naturally structured downward FM sweep. When the FM sweep was divided into a series of brief pure tone steps, the extent to which the bats showed a difference in their capability to process upward versus downward FM sweeps depended on the difference in frequency between the pure tone steps. The bats effectively processed downward but not upward FM sweeps when the difference in frequency between pure tone frequency elements of the FM sweeps was from about 100–200 Hz, but they effectually processed both downward and upward FM sweeps when the tonal elements composing the FM sweeps were separated by more than about 200 Hz. This suggests that the ability of the bats to effectively process downward but not upward FM sweeps is based on local interactions between adjacent frequency elements of the complex sounds.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   
Two series of amino-modified silicate gels prepared by sol-gel processing were used to absorb Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II) and Cr(III) from aqueous solutions. These easily prepared sorbents with various content of primary amino groups in series (A) or primary and secondary amino groups in series (AA) have reasonable stability. The gel composition, time and concentration dependence of the uptake of the metal ions by these materials were studied systematically. These materials would be further used as supports to disperse catalytically active phases by conventional wet chemical procedures. Apart from this they demonstrate potential for the preconcentration aid for transition metal analysis.  相似文献   
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