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A variety of field studies suggest that sex change in animalsmay be more complicated than originally depicted by the size-advantagehypothesis. A modification of the size-advantage hypothesis,the expected reproductive success threshold model, proposesthat sperm competition and size-fecundity skew can stronglyaffect reproductive pay-offs. Size-fecundity skew occurs ifa large female's fecundity is markedly higher than the aggregateof the other members of her social group and, together withpaternity dilution from sperm competition, can produce situationsin which large females benefit by deferring sex change to smallerfemales. Deferral by large females can create sex-size distributionscharacterized by the presence of large females and small sex-changedmales, and it is precisely these distributions that the traditionalsize-advantage model cannot explain. We tested the predictionsof the new model with the bucktooth parrotfish, Sparisoma radians,on coral reefs in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Collectionsand spawning observations determined that the local environmentalregime of S. radians is characterized by pervasive sperm competition(accompanying 30% of spawns) and factors that can produce substantialsize-fecundity skew in social groups. Dominant male removalexperiments demonstrate that the largest females in social groupsoften do not change sex when provided an opportunity. Instead,smaller, lower-ranking females change sex when a harem vacancyarises. This pattern of sex change is in contrast to virtuallyall previous studies of social control of sex change in fishes,but provides strong support for the general predictions of theexpected reproductive success threshold model.  相似文献   
Samples of the foxfish Bodianus frenchii, collected over reefs on the lower west and south coasts of Western Australia, contained individuals ranging up to 78 years old. Although B. frenchii is far smaller than many other species within the Labridae, its maximum age is the greatest yet recorded for this highly speciose family and, together with Achoerodus gouldii, provides an example of a temperate hypsigenyine with exceptional longevity. Length and age compositions of females and males and the histological characteristics of gonads of a wide length range of individuals demonstrated that B. frenchii is a protogynous hermaphrodite. Furthermore, as, on both coasts, the length of the smallest male was greater than that at which all females had become mature, B. frenchii is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite, i.e. all of its males are derived from functional females. Attainment of maturity by females is related more to length than age, whereas the reverse is true for sex change. On the basis of Schnute growth equations and length‐to‐body mass regression equations, the predicted length at age and body mass at length of fish on the south coast were greater than those on the west coast throughout life. Although B. frenchii spawns daily during the main spawning season, which extends from October to February on both coasts, its fecundity at any given length is substantially greater on the south than on the west coast. The more rapid growth of juveniles and earlier attainment of maturity by B. frenchii on the south coast than on the warmer west coast, together with maturation at a similar size on both coasts, run counter to the trends observed in many species and certain ecological theories regarding the relationships between life‐cycle traits and latitude and temperature. The attainment by B. frenchii of a larger body length at age, of greater body mass at length and of greater fecundity at both length and body mass in fish on the south than on the west coast strongly suggests that conditions on the former, cooler coast are more favourable for this labrid, which belongs to a sub‐genus whose other species typically live in cool, deep, temperate waters.  相似文献   
Ecomorphology of Locomotion in Labrid Fishes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The Labridae is an ecologically diverse group of mostly reef associated marine fishes that swim primarily by oscillating their pectoral fins. To generate locomotor thrust, labrids employ the paired pectoral fins in motions that range from a fore-aft rowing stroke to a dorso-ventral flapping stroke. Species that emphasize one or the other behavior are expected to benefit from alternative fin shapes that maximize performance of their primary swimming behavior. We document the diversity of pectoral fin shape in 143 species of labrids from the Great Barrier Reef and the Caribbean. Pectoral fin aspect ratio ranged among species from 1.12 to 4.48 and showed a distribution with two peaks at about 2.0 and 3.0. Higher aspect ratio fins typically had a relatively long leading edge and were narrower distally. Body mass only explained 3% of the variation in fin aspect ratio in spite of four orders of magnitude range and an expectation that the advantages of high aspect ratio fins and flapping motion are greatest at large body sizes. Aspect ratio was correlated with the angle of attachment of the fin on the body (r = 0.65), indicating that the orientation of the pectoral girdle is rotated in high aspect ratio species to enable them to move their fin in a flapping motion. Field measures of routine swimming speed were made in 43 species from the Great Barrier Reef. Multiple regression revealed that fin aspect ratio explained 52% of the variation in size-corrected swimming speed, but the angle of attachment of the pectoral fin only explained an additional 2%. Labrid locomotor diversity appears to be related to a trade-off between efficiency of fast swimming and maneuverability in slow swimming species. Slow swimmers typically swim closer to the reef while fast swimmers dominate the water column and shallow, high-flow habitats. Planktivory was the most common trophic associate with high aspect ratio fins and fast swimming, apparently evolving six times.  相似文献   
Although coral reefs are renowned biodiversity hotspots it is not known whether they also promote the evolution of exceptional ecomorphological diversity. We investigated this question by analysing a large functional morphological dataset of trophic characters within Labridae, a highly diverse group of fishes. Using an analysis that accounts for species relationships, the time available for diversification and model uncertainty we show that coral reef species have evolved functional morphological diversity twice as fast as non-reef species. In addition, coral reef species occupy 68.6% more trophic morphospace than non-reef species. Our results suggest that coral reef habitats promote the evolution of both trophic novelty and morphological diversity within fishes. Thus, the preservation of coral reefs is necessary, not only to safeguard current biological diversity but also to conserve the underlying mechanisms that can produce functional diversity in future.  相似文献   
Theories of species coexistence have played a central role in ecology and evolutionary studies of the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in highly diverse communities. The concept of niche and associated theories predict that competition for available ecological space leads to a ceiling in species richness that influences further diversification patterns. By contrast, the neutral theory supports that speciation is stochastic and diversity independent. We examined the phylogenetic community structure and diversification rates in three families and 14 sites within coral reef fish communities from the Indian and Pacific oceans. Using the phylogenetic relationships among 157 species estimated with 2300 bp of mitochondrial DNA, we tested predictions in terms of species coexistence from the neutral and niche theories. At the regional scale, our findings suggest that phylogenetic community structure shifts during community assembly to a pattern of dispersion as a consequence of allopatric speciation in recent times but overall, variations in diversification rates did not relate with sea level changes. At the local scale, the phylogenetic community structure is consistent with a neutral model of community assembly since no departure from a random sorting of species was observed. The present results support a neutral model of community assembly as a consequence of the stochastic and unpredictable nature of coral reefs favoring generalist and sedentary species competing for living space rather than trophic resources. As a consequence, the observed decrease in diversification rates may be seen as the result of a limited supply of living space as expected in a finite island model.  相似文献   
Pleistocene climate changes have imposed extreme conditions to intertidal rocky marine communities, forcing many species to significant range shifts in their geographical distributions. Phylogeographic analyses based on both mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers provide a useful approach to unravel phylogeographic patterns and processes of species after this time period, to gain general knowledge of how climatic changes affect shifts in species distributions. We analyzed these patterns on the corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops, Labridae), a rocky shore species inhabiting North Sea waters and temperate northeastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Morocco including the Azores, using a fragment of the mitochondrial control region and the first intron of the nuclear S7 ribosomal protein gene. We found that S. melops shows a clear differentiation between the Atlantic and the Scandinavian populations and a sharp contrast in the genetic diversity, high in the south and low in the north. Within each of these main geographic areas there is little or no genetic differentiation. The species may have persisted throughout the last glacial maximum in the southern areas as paleotemperatures were not lower than they are today in North Scandinavia. The North Sea recolonization most likely took place during the current interglacial and is dominated by a haplotype absent from the south of the study area, but present in Plymouth and Belfast. The possibility of a glacial refugium in or near the English Channel is discussed.  相似文献   
Otolith size and its relationship with colour patterns and sound production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative, morphometric study was made of the 185 sagitta otoliths from 18 species belonging to four coastal perciform families of the north‐west Mediterranean: the Labridae, Sparidae, Haemulidae and Sciaenidae. Species with relatively large otoliths belonged to groups considered specialists in sound production (sciaenids and haemulids), while those with small otoliths belonged to groups that rely on bright or contrasted colour patterns for visual communication (labrids). In sparids, species with clear body marks had smaller otoliths than species without dark stripes or dots. These findings support the hypothesis that otolith size is related to hearing ability in the inner ear.  相似文献   
Halichoeres bleekeri (Steindachner &; Döderlein, 1887), previously regarded as a junior synonym ofH. tenuispinis (Günther), is a valid species. It is distinct fromH. tenuispinis in nearly always having 13 instead of 14 pectoral rays. 11–15 instead of 7–11 suborbital pores, longer dorsal soft rays (1.95–2.3 in head length vs 2.25–2.4 fortenuispinis). and some features of color such as the absence of a dark spot at the upper base of the caudal fin of the female.H. tremebundus Jordan and Snyder, 1902 is a synonym ofH. bleekeri based on the female form, andArtisia festiva de Beaufort is a synonym ofH. tenuispinis, also described from the female phase,H. bleekeri is known from Korea and in Japan from Tokyo to the Izu Islands.H. tenuispinis is recorded from Hong Kong and Xiamen. China, and Taiwan. Records ofH. tenuispinis from the Philippines by Fowler and Bean (1928) represent misidentifications ofH. papilionaceus (Valenciennes).  相似文献   
Intersexual conflict and intrasexual competition are widelyrecognized as playing critical roles in determining mating systems.Although they occur simultaneously in populations, these processesare usually treated independently. In reality, the fitness ofreproductive strategies will depend on the outcome of both within-and between-sex conflicts. Using a modeling approach based onmultiple, linked, dynamic state variable models, we examined thereproductive behavior of a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus.We compared the predictions of models that examine only a singleconflict interaction with those that consider multiple within-and between-sex conflicts simultaneously. The observed distributionof sneaker males and females among nests was compared with thosepredicted by the models. We found that the closest fit withempirical observations and experiments is given by the modelthat examines conflict between females, sneakers, and nestingmales simultaneously. Removal of successful nests indicatedthat females join nests with few or no sneakers present, whereassneakers join these nests only later, even though this leadsto lower sneaker mating success. This behavior can be explainedby observing that although sneakers would have higher fitnessat nests where the spawning rate is greater, females would notbe willing to spawn at these nests in the presence of sneakers. Presumably,once the nests have achieved high past success, females are willingto spawn in the presence of sneakers because of the associated decreasedchance of nesting male desertion.  相似文献   
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